The Devil has Blue Eyes
Co-Written by SonicFrank and Breech Loader

Disclaimer: Sonic the Hegehog, Amy Rose, Scourge and everyone else in this story belong to SEGA, not me.

Also, as a fair warning, while it's built up, this fanfic contains explicit sex. Read at your own discretion.

Chapter 1: Go Your Own Way

"YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR WITHOUT ME?!" Amy wailed at Sonic. She was clearly upset. And she was also absolutely furious at the blue hedgehog. She adored him; she treasured him; she practically worshipped the notes he played... and suddenly, he was just wandering off for a tour with his band without her. It was the worst possible time for him to bring it up and for her to find out. Right at the end of a signing, he had announced a huge three-month tour, "Why didn't you say anything about this before?!" she shouted.

About two-hundred mobile phone recorders switched on, but neither of them paid it any never-mind. Both were used to media attention.

He was really good at keeping his composure. Being the lead singer of a world-renowned rock band came with certain responsibilities; the first being his public image. Sonic had a reputation to upkeep as a likable individual whom women all around Mobius were free to crush on and swoon over. Sex appeal generally sold more albums than music did, no matter how superb or outright untalented the actual musicians may have been. "Well Babe, I had a hunch you wouldn't be giddy about it," he started explaining, as Manic and Sonia stared awkwardly in the background. "I didn't wanna spoil our last few moments together with a fight, that's all! I gotta keep my girl happy, y'know?" he started, knowing for sure that fan-girls would be all over his precious words.

"Oh yeah?" Amy was liable to blow-ups - it was one of the things Sonic loved about her, it appealed to the young women she made her popular exercise videos for, and it fired up the young guys who bought the music videos she had helped some other bands make, "How am I supposed to be happy without you?" a couple of cameras flashed and she ignored them, "Three months, Sonic! That's your longest tour so far! And you didn't tell me!"

"Who says you'll be without me?" Sonic retorted smoothly, just as he finished signing what would be his last autograph for the day and turned to make eye-contact with her. "I'm gonna be away, but you know a part of me's always with you, Baby! Just bonding time with the bro and sis, that's all! Family's important, and I need time with them without any distractions. When you're around, you're more than a distraction. You're my world. That won't change when I'm gone, but at least I'll be able to keep my hands on my guitar and not on you." He cracked his knuckles, relieved that this was going well, so far.

"I'm not trying to stop you from being with Manic and Sonia," Amy replied, "Why can't I come? What if..." her face became visibly horrified, "What if you meet somebody else?" She glared again, "Have you completely forgotten that we've only been engaged for two weeks? Or does that mean nothing to you?" She held out her ring finger, where a small but ultimately beautiful engagement ring nestled. Perhaps the most infuriating thing was that he hadn't told her. Tours took months to organised; he'd actually, deliberately kept it secret from her, "I don't want to lose you!"

"Au contraire, my darling," Sonic started, suave and sophisticated as always. He wasn't a model, like her, but millions of fans around the world, male and female alike, agreed that he fit the profile for one. "Our engagement means the world and two chili dogs to me. And it also means I can't find someone else, because you're the only girl I could want." Manic and Sonia could were visibly giving their brother some amused nods of credit in the background, admiring just how quick he was on his feet. "There's no way in heck you can lose me; I bought you a ring! Just keep it on, and I'll come back to you. Maybe in a new car!"

"That's not the point!" Amy continued to argue. She didn't mind Sonic being slathered over by his female fans, all distant, nameless faces. She'd even dealt with a month-long tour before - she hadn't blown up that much, she insisted to herself, "Three months? I don't care about cars, I care about you! Why didn't you tell me? And more importantly, why can't I come? Do you think I'll... steal your limelight even when I'm not on stage or something?"

The pink hedgehog appealed to all ages and she wasn't as famous as Sonic but she was certainly well known enough to get headlines without the assistance of her boyfriend, even if she did do more in women's magazines.

Sonic visibly frowned. "No, it's not like that, Amy!" he insisted, losing a bit of his bravado while he reasoned. "It's just, music is my life. My band is my life- They're," he referred to his fans, "My life. You're my fiancé and I love you to nooks and crannies, but I need to know that you'll be okay with me doing what I do. And I need to do what I do alone, sometimes. Or with the other people I care about, like the two bozos in the background," he referred to his siblings. "And I already explained why I kept the tour hush-hush 'til now. You're actually displaying my reasons as we speak. On national T.V., no less! Way to air your grievances, am I right?"

"It's not national! It's network! And you are COMPLETELY missing the point! Why is everything always about you?" Amy asked, "How do I know... how do I know... It's a big tour, and I'm going to miss you, and how do I know some chick isn't going to walk into your line of sight and appeal to your favored organ?! Somebody prettier than me!"

"I thought you knew that when you said yes..." He retorted, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow. The audience was quiet now aside from the many clicking cameras. And his siblings no longer seemed so amused. They actually looked more intimidated than anything else.

The argument was hitting that point. The point where neither of them was going to back down despite both of them regretting it. Sonic was realizing he should have told Amy sooner and gotten the argument out of the way then. Amy was thoroughly regretting bringing it up here. But giving up was going to be just too embarrassing for both of them and there was no compromise in sight.

"You are IMPOSSIBLE!" Amy shouted, "Just how do you think I'm going to manage without you?!"

"You won't. And that's the point," he told her, arms still crossed. Stern as he held his ground. "You've got your definitions scrambled, Toots. I asked you to be my wife, not my manager. This hedgehog hasn't given you any reason to doubt 'im, and I have a right to go on tour without you if I feel it's best for the band, and for my sibs. Now back off, cause' you're gettin' real close to makin' me think twice about a question I popped once." His neck cracked to the side, but he was otherwise solid.

"WHY YOU ARROGANT... SELF-CENTERED... COCKWAD!" Amy shrieked, "You really do think I can't manage one moment, one single day of my life without you!" The beautiful irony of the situation was that them arguing in public like this was making Sonic's nearby fangirls swoon.

"Actually, it's becoming transparently clear that it's you who feels that way. Otherwise you wouldn't be bitching about a measly quarter of a trip around the sun without me here to coddle ya. You sure your name ain't Mary-Sue?" Sonic retorted coldly, though his smirk was wide. He didn't wait for her to answer this time. "I'm outta here; gotta juice and jam with my Bro and Sis, whom by the way, never once complained about all the time I've spent alone with you, instead o' rockin' out with them like I should be. Since it's my job and all. Tour starts tomorrow, dudes and dudettes!" He waved at the cameras and, subsequently, at his fans. "I won't quit riffin' 'til the day I die, no matter who tries gettin' in my way! It's a promise." He walked away from them. And from Amy. Manic and Sonia followed.

"Yeah? Well guess what, Sonic!" Amy shouted before he could get three steps, "You're not leaving me! I'm leaving YOU!" That stopped him for a moment. She wrenched the engagement ring off her finger, "See this? Perhaps you can put it on somebody else's finger! Like one of them!" she gestured to the fans, and the groupies, and the tag-alongs who had come to follow the famous blue hedgehog, "Because it's going to take a lot for you to put it back on mine!" She slammed it down on the table. That was another thing that was so delightful about this girl - she knew how to make a scene. Although Sonic hadnn't exactly counted on it being a scene like this.

Sonic looked back at her, with an expression that dictated how stupid and outright irrational she had become. Sadly, there was also a look of contempt, consternation, and even a small twinge of despair. Amy was being an idiot, and she was overly clingy, but he loved her for a reason; enough to propose. But he didn't fight back. He just walked away. And Amy was left alone. Alone with the whole world watching.

Amy clenched her fists tightly. She'd thought that would get more of a reaction out of him. Honestly, she didn't care if it succeeded in keeping him to stay, but he shouldn't look at her like that... like it didn't matter. It just made her feel even more certain that she'd made the right choice.

Still, she glanced back down at the ring, picking it up. But right here, right now, she couldn't put it back on her finger. That would be the most humiliating thing of all.

"You go girl!" a random fan called from the crowd.

"He's all yours, ladies," she calmly told the girls who had been watching, and turned on Sonic, forcing herself to not look back. She was also trying very hard not to cry as she walked away.

Little did she know, Sonic was, too.

"Hey, don't be so down, S-Man," Manic told him, "Look on the bright side; you're single again! That's gonna sell some major singles - pun totally intended! Two 'single' guys in the band?" The green hedgehog was something of a 'player', something which a lot of the fan-girls appreciated to the fullest extent. Might as well nab us a panty-rack!"

Sonia looked at her morose brother as he climbed into the van, "And you know it'll work out," she told him quietly, "She never stays mad at you for long."

"Hey, no sweat," Sonic exclaimed, trying his best to appear optimistic and care-free. His siblings knew better, though. "She understands. Just doesn't know it yet. No doubt in my mind she'll wait for me. And then I'll know she's a keeper for sure." He climbed into the van, tossing Manic the keys. "You drive, Slow-Moe! This hedgehog needs a nap."