Thank you for wanting to read this! This is my first fan fic ever! So please bear with me.

I should first explain, after the war finished on earth the Noah clan moved to a new planet and they all were reborn after civilization was established. All the Noah have gathered again except for Allen Walker. The Earl has been waiting for Allen to come home on his own.

Okay shall we get started?

Noah ark

Everyone's pov

Adam and Neah were sitting in silence as Adam filed papers when Road burst through the doors with Tyki following close behind. Road looked about ready to burst with excitement.

"Hey, Earl one of my dolls said they found Allen!" She was jumping with joy until she mumbled the next lines, "but it said that I should send you two to go and get him and that I should not come." She was practically pouting by the time she finished talking. Neah chuckled at her behavior as Adam started talking.

"Well isn't that delightful it's been so long since I last saw him." He turned to Tyki, "Tyki-pon," Tyki grimaced at his everlasting nickname. "How many years has it been since we came to this planet?"

"To long, but it has been 15 years since Allen was born. He should have gotten his Noah memories back by now, he should have come home by now." He was now pouting alongside Road. Neah again had to chuckle as he knew that Allen was Tyki's favorite cousin out of all the Noah.

"Yes, to long indeed," Neah commented, turning to Adam, "Adam, I do believe we should go and see how my little nephew is faring." Neah was a little worried about Allen as his memories should have returned five years ago, but he did not voice his worries because he did not want to trouble Road or Tyki.

"Sounds good to me. Road did your 'doll' tell you where they saw little Allen?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, they wrote it down and put it into an envelope so I could not see it." She slowly handed him a sealed red envelope as she looked at the floor. Adam tore it open and read the letter, after he did he handed it to Neah to read. Neah scoffed as he read the letter.

"What? What did it say, Neah?" Road and Tyki asked in unison. Adam answered for him.

"It said that Allen was in fairly bad condition, but we all know how he was treated on earth so I find it hard to believe." Neah added.

"Right, it would be hard to worsen his condition anymore than his old life."

"Earl, should I open a door to Allen's location?" Road asked.

"Thank you, Road." Road looked thoughtful for a moment and when the familiar heart shaped door opened up she said.

"Here you are. Neah, can Tyki and I go with you, please." She put on her best pleading face that reminded Adam of a dog. When she was speaking Tyki perked up and violently nodded along with her words. Neah sighed, he didn't like having to turn down his cute relatives.

"No, I think not. I'm sorry but you guys will have to wait until we get back. I don't want to overload Allen's memory," Neah turned to Adam and gestured to the portal. "Let's go Adam." Adam nodded and they walked through the door leaving the pouting Road and Tyki behind.

Orphanage where Allen is

Adam and Neah stepped into a dark room lit by pale moonlight streaming through the cracks in the shredded curtains on the only window in the room. The room, at first glance, looked empty. Both men coughed at the familiar sent of blood that permeated the room.

"Ugg, Road must have opened the wrong door," Neah said.

"Right, I don't see anyone-"

Neah looked over at Adam wondering why he had stopped talking. Adam was staring into the darkest corner of the room with a look of horror covering his face, Neah followed his gaze. The sight that greeted him almost made him sink to the floor. There in the thick layers of dust sat a young teen with his back to the wall, stretched out with his arms to the side of him. He was far too small, half naked and covered in scars, but what really made the men's blood run cold were the small pools of blood beneath the boy's wrists. The blood was coming from the many cuts that were placed there by the, Neah assumed, switch blade lying on the ground between the boys legs. Neah cried out and ran over to the white head as he realized just who this young teen was. Adam also ran over to the boy crying. "Oh, Allen! How did this happen?"

And that is all I have for now.

Please comment I need ideas and help.

I'm not really sorry if it is confusing because keep in mind that this is my first fan fic EVER.

Thank you for bearing with me for the time it took you to read this.

More coming soon, hopefully. (Cross my fingers and hope for the best.)