Welcome back! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I don't own OHSHC, even though I wish I did.

The whole class groaned. The teacher had just announced when our exams were. With summer just around the corner, no one thought about tests and exams. I rolled my eyes, since I was bored, and then grabbed a book out of my bag. I put it in my lap and started reading, hiding it from the teacher. I already knew all of the information anyways, so what was the point in paying attention?

"Kitsune!" said the teacher. I snapped to attention.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Would you mind solving this problem? Since you seem to know everything."

I sighed, getting up. I looked at the problem, and it didn't look anything like what we were going over in class. "Are you sure this is a math problem for first years?" I asked, "Because to me, it looks like something second years would do."

The teacher stiffened. "But either way," I said with a sigh, "I'll solve it."

I told the teacher how to solve the problem, and with every word I said, his eyes grew wider and wider. When I was finished, I said, "So, I think I can read now."

I sat back down, leaving the teacher speechless, and got back to my book. Hikaru leaned closer to me.

"How'd you know how to do that?" he asked me. I shrugged. "I just know," I said, "Guess my mom taught me a grade higher than I am."

"That's really cool Kit," said Haruhi, "Guess I'll have to work even harder."

I looked at her questioningly. "What do you mean?"

Haruhi rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. "Well," she said in a soft voice, "If I'm not at the top of my class, I'll get in danger of losing my scholarship."

"Wow," I said, "I never knew that."

But I won't try any less, I thought.

I smirked, getting ready to tease her. "Well," I said, "You're gonna have to keep working if you want to get higher scores than me."

"Yeah," said Haruhi, "I do have to work hard if you know second year material."

"Yeah you are," I said, "If you need help understanding something, just ask me."

"Ok," she said smiling, "I will."

"Us too," said Kaoru, putting his arm around Hikaru.

I grinned. "Sure," I said, "Anything to help."

Later that day at the Host Club…

"I can't believe you solved that problem so easily Kit!"

I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. "Thanks," I said, "Sorry if I just seem clueless right now, but why is that so important?"

"No one in the first year classes has ever been able to do it before," said one of the guys, "And so easily too!"

"I think that might be a new record," said Hikaru. I turned around and looked at him questioningly.

Hikaru shook his head and rubbed my head. "Don't do that like I'm so much younger than you," I scoffed, "I'm practically the same height and I'm the same age as you."

Hikaru held his hands up in defeat. "Fine, fine," he said, "You win."

"Hey," said my customer looking at his phone, "I have to go now; see you later."

I smiled and waved goodbye to him. Hikaru and Kaoru then grabbed me and dragged me into another room.

I glared daggers at the twins. "What the heck was that for?!" I asked.

"We have a question," they said. I sighed.


"Can you help us study for the exams?"


"You officially the smartest person in class," said Kaoru.

"Plus," said Hikaru, "We're desperate."

My eyebrow twitched. "So," I said, "It's not cause you want genuine help from a friend, but because you are desperate for her help because there isn't anyone else to choose now."

I paused, waiting for one of the two to say something. When they didn't, I said, "Come up with a better reason, and then I'll help you."

I glared more daggers at them, and the twins cringed. I walked out of the room and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I walked back into the clubroom fuming, and a dark aura coming from me. When I walked in, everyone looked at me, and then fear filled their eyes. I walked into a separate room in the club and put all my stuff down.

I sat down at the desk there and worked on my homework. When I was done, I sat on the couch and read a book. After a while, there was a knock on the door. Hikaru walked in.

"What?" I asked, still angry at him.

"Another reason I want you to help us is because you are fun to be around," he said, "So it wouldn't be as boring as class is."

I looked at him, and he scooted back a few feet. I sighed. "Fine," I said, "I'll help you and Kaoru out."

Hikaru grinned. "Thanks Kitty!" he said happily. I was about to tell him not to call me 'Kitty' but I decided against it. After all, it was kind of cute, that nickname he gave me.

I walked out of the room with Hikaru. Tamaki was hiding behind a couch, as well as Haruhi and Kaoru. Kyoya was sitting on the couch, writing in his black book, and Mori and Honey were siting on the same couch. Mori wasn't showing any emotion as usual, but Honey looked at me with his big brown eyes filled with worry.

"If you guys are worried about me," I said, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure Kitsune?"

"100%," I said, "And I told you to call me Kit."

"My apologies," said Kyoya, "Kit."

I growled at him. "I'm going home Tamaki," I announced, "Don't bother calling the limo; I'm gonna jog back."


I walked out of the clubroom and jogged back to the mansion.

I got home, cleaned up, and put all of my anger from earlier into something productive. I played my guitar. I just played any tune that came into my head.

"I never knew you played guitar," said Hikaru. I practically jumped out of my skin.

"What the heck?! Don't sneak up on me like that!"


"Don't worry about it," I said sighing, "Why are you here?"

"I thought we could start studying together."


The rest of the afternoon, I helped Hikaru study for the exams.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry it was shorter than normal, but I think that's gonna be happening for a while…See you next time!