A Night Out
By: Miss Phyllis Baxter (knockedoveralamp)
Ship: Robert x Cora; one-sided Bricker x Cora
Word Count: 2821
Summary: Based off a prompt from whatsabriard where Robert and Cora go to London and Simon Bricker looks like a kicked dog because Cora is too in love with Robert. Dedicated to whatsabriard (naturally). Takes place in the early months of 1925. Thank you, as always to the most gifted beta any writer could ask for, settees-under-siege.
"Let's go up to London for a couple of days," Robert suggested to his wife as he climbed into bed one evening. "We could go out for dinner, dancing, and have a little bit of alone time. Maybe even go shopping at Selfridge's and get something for Sybbie to take with her to America to remember us by."
Cora looked at her husband with a smile. "That sounds like a very good idea. Shall we open the house?" she asked, inching closer to him on the bed.
"Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of alone time?" he asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. "I was even thinking that we could leave Bates and Baxter here while we're gone?"
"Robert, are you really sure that we're healed enough to do that? To be completely alone like that for even a few days?" Cora asked, Simon Bricker's advances towards her briefly coming to mind.
"Yes, I think we are, but if you're having doubts, then we'll stay at the house and can have Bates and Baxter," he said, lowering his head. Of course his wife didn't want to be alone with him after what had happened last time they were in London with only the two of them. He hadn't hurt her in the physical way, but he had certainly hurt her emotionally and pushed her closer and closer to Simon Bricker with every word that he had said to her. "I just want to be able to hold you and help you dress and undress and not have to worry about Bates and Baxter wondering why we haven't rung for them. I just want to be with you."
"Robert, I'm not doubting anything you say, trust me. I love you, and if you want it to just be us in London, then we'll go to London, just us two," she said, closing the gap between the two of them and pressing her lips to his.
After a couple of days of planning and packing, the couple were on their way to London, Robert having made reservations at the Savoy for the two of them. They had been on the train for just over half an hour, and Cora was cuddled into her husband's gentle embrace, their hands laced together. The two of them sat in a mostly contented silence, every so often speaking a few words to one another. By the time the train arrived in London, the two of them were ready for a rest in their hotel suite, curled in each others arms. Thankfully it wasn't too far to the hotel, where they would be able to do as they pleased.
They neglected to unpack once they arrived, just stripping down to their undergarments and climbing into bed together. Robert wrapped his arms around his wife and the two settled down and fell asleep. When they awoke a few hours later, they smiled at each other and kissed before finally unpacking, not utilizing the adjoining room in any way, keeping their possessions in much closer quarters than they were kept back home at Downton. After they finished unpacking, the two of them prepared what they would wear for their night out. Cora picked out a dress that she told Robert he would not be allowed to see until she had it on and they were about to leave. Robert pouted for a moment before taking in his wife's stern expression. The two sat and talked hand in hand waiting until it was time to start getting ready to go out. Cora kissed Robert lightly and banished him into the sitting room to get dressed so he couldn't see her get ready. The dress she had brought for this night was a dark red and brand new. Robert didn't know about it yet, but she had bought it to seduce him and torture him for a whole night. She knew it was cruel, but it also meant that he wouldn't take his eyes off of her, and that was what she truly wanted. She always felt so loved when he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She changed into her new undergarments and looked at herself for a moment before pulling the new dress over her head. She stood and admired herself for a moment, just smiling lightly. Oh yes, she thought. Robert will love this. She sat down at the dressing table and fixed her hair which had come down from its elaborate up-do while she and Robert had rested upon their arrival.
Soon enough she was ready and she retrieved her shoes from where she had put them by the dressing table and she picked up her gloves. Standing up again, she admired herself for another minute before leaving the room and almost walking into her husband as she opened the door. "I can't tie my own tie Cora," he pouted, looking her in the eyes. Cora sighed lightly and put her hands on her husband's chest, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips before she silently tied his bowtie, wondering how on earth he could get to be his age without being able to tie a tie for himself. She kissed his neck softly after she finished, sucking gently on the skin there. Robert's arms wrapped themselves around Cora gently. Cora broke away and stepped back, waiting for Robert to look at her before she moved again. His eyes fell on her, taking in every bit of her body. Cora waited for their eyes to meet, waiting for him to speak.
"Cora, you're beautiful. You're so beautiful my love. I can't believe that you're mine," he whispered, closing the gap between the two of them and pressing a kiss to her lips. Cora's eyes shut and she smiled into the kiss, wanting so badly to deepen it and go further even though she knew it wouldn't be right when they were to be going out to dinner and then out dancing afterwards. She pulled back and smiled at him.
"Robert, we must get on. You've made the reservations for dinner, my darling. When we come back, you can pull my dress off as quickly as you want and I won't stop you. I want you just as badly as you want me, but we will not neglect our plans in order to do something that can be done later." Cora watched in silence as Robert's face fell briefly. "We can stay up all night having terrific fun if that's what you want?"
"Of course it is what I want," he replied. "I never could want anything much more than to spend all the time in the world with my beautiful wife engaging in the most terrific fun."
Cora flushed bright red at his words and she pushed against his chest gently. "You are such a flatterer," she whispered, stepping closer to him and closing the gap between them to press a short kiss to his lips.
"It's not flattery if it's the truth, my love. And you will always be beautiful, perhaps not in the eyes of every person we know, but forever in my eyes," he said, smiling at his wife and taking her hand to kiss it. He retrieved their coats and helped Cora on with her's before she returned the favour with him. He took her hand in his and led her from their hotel room to the lift.
It wasn't long before they were outside the hotel and walking towards the restaurant. Robert had made their reservations for the Criterion and the two of them had chosen to walk since the weather was beautiful and it would give them more time together. They chatted idly as they walked, since one can never be to sure who is around when you're walking in London. Cora turned her head away from Robert after he had leaned closer to her and whispered something that could be taken very sexually. She stopped when she saw someone that she thought she would never see again. Cora suddenly felt scared when he turned and began to walk towards them. She never wanted to see that man ever again, not after what had happened the last time. Robert turned his head away from his wife and held her hand tighter than he had before when he took in the repulsive man who was walking towards them.
"What do you want Bricker?" Robert snapped when the man stopped in front of them.
"Nice way to greet someone Lord Grantham. I thought that peers were supposed to be courteous, but perhaps I am wrong," Simon spat. He turned to Cora and changed his tone as he began to speak. "Good evening Cora. I see that you're still with this sorry excuse for a husband. I thought by now you'd have left him for me."
"And why would I leave the man I love for a man who came into my bedroom uninvited and refused to leave when I ask him?" Cora asked.
"Because that very same man loves you, whilst the man you're currently holding on to does not love you at all," he replied, holding out his hand to her. Cora stepped back, using Robert's body as a sort of shield from Bricker. "He may tell you he does, but he certainly does not behave like it. He doesn't desire you as I do. He's not worthy of you."
"This is preposterous. Cora, my love, let us get on or we'll be late for our dinner reservation," Robert said, wanting to get away from Bricker before he did punch the cad in the face once again. He had thought their previous fight had taught Bricker to back off. Obviously it hadn't, and he was itching to make his lesson sink in better. But as much as he wanted to throttle Bricker once and for all, a busy street in the heart of London was no place for a fight.
Cora nodded and the two of them tried to pass Bricker but he refused to allow them to move past him. "Let us go, or Lord Grantham will teach you a lesson that you've obviously not learned," she snapped.
"Why should I let you go when he doesn't deserve you, love you or treat you properly. He may not physically abuse you, but he certainly neglects you. I refuse to let you go with him," Simon said, taking Cora by the elbow and trying to pull her to him. Cora breathed deeply and picked up her foot before slamming it down onto Simon's. He released his grip and Cora went straight into Robert's arms, the two of them using Bricker's distracted state to get away.
Once they felt they were a safe distance away from Bricker, Cora looked up at him. "He's wrong you know. I know you love me, and you treat me like a Queen. You always have my love," she whispered. "Let's try to forget that this whole thing ever happened."
"I agree my love," he replied, smiling at his wife. The two continued on their way to the Criterion, holding onto each others hands. Upon their arrival at the restaurant, they were seated, the two of them sitting next to each other (despite it being considered improper). Robert took Cora's hand and kissed it gently, looking into her eyes as he did so. Cora sighed and leaned forward to kiss her husband. They often did not care if they were in public, why should they be shamed for having a happy marriage? They ordered their food, looking into each others eyes and only occasionally sighing while the waiter was not present. When the food arrived, Robert fed Cora a few bites and she returned the favour with him, but they mostly didn't speak, their relationship didn't need words. During dessert, the two of them started to talk a little bit more while feeding each other and Robert pouring them glass after glass of champagne.
When they left the restaurant, Robert hailed the cab that would take them to the Lotus Club (Rose's suggestion for where Robert should take Cora dancing), and the two of them climbed into the backseat where Robert found it almost impossible to keep his hands off of Cora. Cora giggled as Robert tried to grope her through her dress after undoing her coat. "Robert," she whispered, unable to stop giggling. "You must stop that. What will the driver think of us?"
"That we're drunk on champagne and extremely in love," Robert replied. "And it's true my dearest love." Cora laughed and touched her husband's face gently, kissing him deeply until the cab stopped. Robert pulled back and got out of the cab with a smile before helping his wife out. He paid the cabbie and led his wife inside, his pride growing as he took in the woman on his arm. She looked perfect; she was perfect. There was no one else that Robert would ever see in the same way as he saw his wife.Leading her inside and upstairs, he held onto her hand until he found a table for the two of them to sit down at. Robert released Cora's hand with great reluctance to pull her chair out for her.
"Are we just going to sit the rest of this song out Robert?" Cora asked, pouting and refusing to sit down.
Robert sighed and shook his head, taking her hand once again and leading her onto the dance floor. His hand easily found it's way to her waist, as her's found its way to his shoulder. She smiled up at him as he began to lead her and both of them were soon reminded of why they loved to dance with one another so very much. "I love you Cora," Robert whispered in her ear, pulling Cora closer to him. It was a jazz club, he doubted that anyone would be scandalized if he wanted to leave no space between himself and his wife. Cora rested her head against his chest and sighed lightly.
"I love you too Robert," she replied.
The two of them remained in their own little world as they continued dancing without taking a break, just revelling in the way they held one another. They were so caught up in themselves that they didn't notice Simon Bricker almost stumbling in after spending the last little while at the pub. They didn't notice him, but he noticed them and more specifically, he noticed the way Lord Grantham was holding onto his Cora. He frowned and started muttering something about them faking it, his face turning to one of disgust when Cora removed her head from her stupid husband's chest and leaned up to kiss him lovingly. She may love him, but he doesn't love her back, Simon thought. He can't love her like I can. He prayed for the two of them to break apart so he could confront them. He was always more confident after drinking than when he was sober, and he had had his fill of drink at the pub. Simon internally cursed himself for not being able to drink as much as most men could, otherwise he'd take on that horrid Lord Grantham and win Cora's affection. He noticed after a moment that they had not broken their kiss yet and it occurred to him that perhaps his Cora didn't care that her husband was pathetic and didn't love her as she should be loved, because she was so very much in love with him.
He scoffed and turned around to leave the club. If she loves a man who only pretends to love her, then she's just as pathetic as he is. She'll never be mine, I was wrong about her. She led me on and she's not what I thought she was. I don't need a woman who doesn't want the love she deserves, he thought as he walked out into the cool night. He began walking home, regretting ever loving Cora Crawley in the first place. From that moment on, Simon Bricker vowed to never let Cora Crawley pass his thoughts again, knowing that she loved her husband more than her husband could ever love her.
He shoved his hands in his pockets and kept his head down. One day Cora will pay for her choice. She will be unhappy and then she will know that her husband does not love her, and when she comes and finds me, I have no idea what I'll do. I could never turn away such a beautiful woman, one that I once loved. Nor could I take her in, she's broken my heart. I'll find someone better than her, someone more beautiful. I don't care if it takes me another ten years to find that woman, I will. I will get over Cora Crawley. I swear that I will get over Cora Crawley.