Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket or the character.
Authors Note: This does not happen in the anime or manga.
Warning: Major ooc especially Kuroko. Cold/strong Kuroko. Unbetaed/English error.
Note: Just a little note, Well. The Kisekis does not know about the revenge or any thing about the new style. The style Kuroko used in middle school is the same one in canon, where he passed around or what. Yep. So. On go with the story.
Thanks for all the favourites, follows and reviews!
(I forgot to add the replies to the reviews! Opps!)
Akashi Seiko chan: Haha yep! I can already imagined it!
Headphones: Thanks!
LittleWesties9: Haha. Thank you.
Namelessjoker: Opps. Okay sorry for the grammar mistakes but thanks.
Guest: Here you go!
Tumblerhan: Thank you!
Tenkoku: Thank you.
Dragonblaze66: Haha okay. Thanks.
SuperKai563: Okay! Here.
Kagami's POV
Well, Kagami was definitely not in a good mood. He was still in the basketball court as he played by himself. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he jumped and dunked.
I mean, anyone would feel bad mood right? If somebody won you and just indirectly said that he hates you. Wow. Just what. A. Wonderful. Day.
And he hated it more because some kid who looked so weak won him. He frowned again as he dribbled and dunked. Again. This repeated for a few times.
But now that he had calmed down, who is this 'Aomine kun' anyway.
Kuroko's POV
"Since we can't go for roadwork, we still have time left in our training. What should we do coach?"
The Seirin basketball members were currently in gym for their second practice. It was raining outside.
The rain gave off an unpleasant sense and an eerie feeling. Making the day gloomier than it was. Kuroko looked out from the small windows. Rain… Tick tick tick. As unpleasant as it is, to Kuroko, the sound was calming. He closed his eyes until Riko shouted.
"Let's have a 5 vs 5 mini game! With the freshmen against the second years."
Kuroko opened his eyes. Mini game?
"A match against the senpais, that means?" A freshman complained.
"Do you remember what they told us when we joined the club? Their result from last year…" his friends said.
"Last year with only freshmen, they made it until the final league!"
"Seriously!?" More freshmen freaked out.
"That's completely out of the ordinary!"
… They are cowards. Compared to Teiko's first (few) days. This is much less stressful. The first match they have was not a mini game. It was something that deemed them to different strings. Kuroko tried his best to join the first string but unfortunately luck was not at his side. He ended up joining the third string. Oh well, in the end he still went to the first string even though his plan further ahead failed.
'I don't need those cowards. They are incapable of helping me to get my revenge… If they are afraid of a simple mini game. How are they even going to beat the Kiseki no Sedai? '
Kuroko looked at Kagami.
"It's not the time to be scared. Of course it's better if the opponent is strong rather than weak, right!" the person he was looking at said.
'Well then, let's see what he can do.'
He thought as he enabled his misdirection so no one can spot him.
There goes the whistle signalling the start of the game.
Kuroko swiftly move to a side but still within the court so he won't get in anyone's way.
He narrowed his eyes as an unwilling smirk came past his face.
'He's better than yesterday.'
Kagami ran and dunked, ran and dunked, dodging most of the defender.
"Waah! What was with that dunk! Awesome!" One of the beginners shouted.
Well. Of course to them, it was awesome. But to Kuroko, he still did not reach the level of the Kisekis. He frowned. He needed Kagami to bloom faster.
"Hey. That's insane…" Hyuuga said as he wiped the large amount of sweats.
"The freshmen are in the lead? But well, Kagami is the only one scoring!"
And the same thing continued, he dunked and dunked.
Kagami jumped and successfully dunked but the next thing happened was definitely not a pleasant one.
"We can't let it go that way. I think it's about time we calmed you down!" the captain said as three guys proceed to block Kagami.
Even if Kagami did not have a ball, there are still two guys blocking him.
'Ahh. It looks like senpai weren't stupid either. This is indeed a great team. A team that will defeat them.'
As that continue, the second year become the lead and the gap get bigger and bigger.
During the break time, all of them especially the freshmen were worn down. (except Kuroko who did not move much…)
"They're really strong after all…" One said in between breath.
"Actually, there was no way for us to win from the start." Another one agreed.
"It's enough actually."
Enough already? What the hell is with that!" Kagami snapped as he grabbed the collar of the last guy.
'I guess now is the time. I observed enough already.'
"Please calm down." Kuroko said as he disabled his misdirection but due to his sudden disable, most people, okay, all people got a shock.
"You bastard…" Kagami said as he glared at Kuroko who just returned it with a blank look.
"Seems like there's a dispute." One of the second years said.
"Kuroko… Now that I think about it. He was there too…" Riko said as she think about something and gone from a '…' look to a shock one.
"Excuse me but could you pass me the ball?" Kuroko asked politely to a freshman sho was holding the ball.
"Ha? But it's not like you'll be able to do anything even if you get it? At least just don't lose it." He murmured as he passed the ball to Kuroko.
"Lose it?" Kuroko asked as he started to dribble the ball, dodging almost all the defenders as he reached the goal post.
"I'm going to score it." He said softly.
He made a simple lay up as the ball goes through the ring nicely without touching the ring.
"Eh… It… It's in?! How did he get past all the defenders?"
And skipping the boring parts, the freshmen had won the game by a point.
Riko was shocked. Utterly shocked.
"I didn't think he actually exists. The phantom sixth player of the Kiseki no Sedai!" Riko murmured.
Kuroko, who was beside her, had a visible anger present in his face, "Coach. I am not the phantom sixth player OF the Kiseki no Sedai. I am Kuroko Tetsuya, the phantom sixth player." He said trying to retain at least the monotone.
"Eh? A-Ah…" Riko heard the voice as she turned to look at the furious Kuroko beside saying this in monotone. She quickly nodded.
But even though Seirin received two strong freshman, Riko was unsatisfied.
After the practice, she was alone sitting on the bench in the gym.
"What's wrong, Riko?" Hyuuga asked as he walked from the locker room.
"Ne* Hyuuga kun. Kuroko kun…"
Hyuuga sighed as he sat next to Riko, "Yeah. I saw that too. Kuroko… He is playing basketball alone."
Riko nodded, "Just now during the second half of the match, Kuroko kun did not pass to anyone, he just simply bounced the ball and shoot it himself. Even after they won, Kuroko does not look happy at all. He doesn't seem to like basketball. B-But it may also because Kuroko is good at hiding his happiness!" She added quickly, trying to lessen the tension.
"…" Hyuuga does not know what to say. But he knows the feeling of hating basketball. Because he once hated it too. But Kiyoshi had helped him. To love basketball again.
Kuroko was at the same table, of course with his misdirection disabled. He was sitting there while enjoying his milkshake as he stare at the person in front of him.
"… Why are you there again…" Kagami asked.
"You are the one who came to sit at my table. And it's because I like the vanilla milkshake here." The phantom said.
"Go sit elsewhere." Kagami demanded.
"No. Like I said, I was the first one to sit there."
"Don't go think we're friends now."
"I won't think of that. So don't worry." Kuroko said bluntly.
"…" Kagami sighed as he threw one of the burger to Kuroko, "Here."
"Thought we aren't friends?"
"I'm not interested in weak guys but I'll acknowledge you're worth one piece of all that."
"Thank you," Kuroko said as he started unwrapping the burger, "but I recalled that I won you yesterday."
"S-Shut up! I'll get my revenge."
Shoot. Did I make Kuroko sounded like Akashi? O.O Ah well.
I guess usually Kuroko disabled his misdirection like outside basketball, so well, classmates actually able to see him. And he only enabled them when he was observing someone. He also doesn't often use it during matches unless he needs it? Yep. Yep. But the middle school style was actually same as canon. But he can still adjust his misdirection last time. But only use them in matches all the time.
*Ne: Hey