AN: Here it is. The very last chapter. I'm a little sad tbh. I remember when I started writing this, it would be straight after watching TBL (around 4 am my time). I was exhausted and knew I would need to get up at 6 am for work, but my brain wouldn't shut off. So I wrote. And then this fic just kinda happened. Thank you for sticking with it. This might not be the "end end" forever, cause S3 is on its way and you never know with my brain.
Disclaimer: fully disclaimed.
Chapter 10
He turned out to be more understanding than she would have imagined. He must trust her to some point after all. Maybe he really was a friend. She had squeezed his shoulder on her way out. A sign of gratitude for giving her the chance to show them that she had not done this. She was the victim here.
She didn't dare to relax until she was at his safe house. He looked more worried than angry, but they really had greater problems now, than their fight. She wanted to hug him so badly, but with Cooper there she couldn't. It almost tore her apart, not being able to touch him now. She was close to finding some excuse that would give her a minute alone with Red, when he told her that it was Tom calling to take her away. His expression had darkened immediately, thrown back to that one night where he had found Tom at her motel.
They parted soon after, still no physical contact between them. Only a 'be safe' thrown into the room. They had to talk as soon as possible, even if it was her yelling at him for kissing that doctor. Actually that sounded like a very good idea to her.
He had told her he was a sin eater, not explaining himself further. The lack of answer when she had asked about the sins he could have absorbed from her, made her angry, lash out. She was so tired of his constant cat and mouse game. She would take care of Andropov on her own and she had told him just that.
She had never actually planned on getting Tom involved, but if Red refused to be more open, then so be it. She should have known that the man would try to make her run away with him, but she didn't really care at the moment. All she needed was Andropov or any information she should gather on him.
Liz had pocketed the small usb drive, before the two of them had started chasing down the fleeing man, but to no avail. He was killed right there, in front of her eyes. She would never know what he knew now. She didn't even realize she had been hit. Just as she hadn't realized just what Red was doing to safe her at the same time.
"Where is she?" Red asked. He hadn't heard from her since the day prior.
Dembe called one of their men, telling him to find Liz and report back to them immediately. He knew that they had to give Red the information soon; he was unbearable when he didn't know where Lizzie was and if she was safe. More now than ever.
About thirty long minutes later, Dembe's cell chirped to life. He answered the call and his frown deepened. He hung up without another word.
"She is unhurt, Raymond."
"What aren't you telling me?"
The tall man swallowed and then looked at his friend. "She is on Tom Keen's boat."
His breath was knocked out of his lung. She was with him. Again. Had this all just been a game? Pretending to be interested in him instead of letting an old man down, when he was hurt. He didn't know she had it in her.
"Raymond…" Dembe waited until their eyes met again. "She arrived last night."
Nodding slowly, Red stood and poured himself a drink, quickly tossing it back, before pouring another one. He should've known better. Of course she wouldn't love him, the monster he was. What a ridiculous thought. But going to the man that had lied and hurt her like that… it made no sense.
"I will be in my room," he said and left, closing the door behind him.
"Raymond!" He heard Dembe call out hours later; it sounded like he was anxious.
"Yes, Dembe?"
"It's Agent Keen." Only slowly he looked up at his friend. "She shot Attorney General Connolly.
"What?" Just as he spoke the word, his cell started ringing. It could only be her. "Lizzie."
"I need your help," she sounded scared.
"Where are you?"
"I killed Tom Connolly."
He closed his eyes, wanting nothing more than to hold her right now. "I know. Where are you?"
"I'm on, uh, 7th and L, northeast."
"I'm gonna call you back in two minutes with an address. I need you to get there. I'm gonna get you out." He didn't want to hang up, but he needed to. There were things he had to take care of. And quickly so.
He found her sitting on a bench not long after their phone call. Hugging Dembe goodbye for the time being, he slowly made his way towards her.
"I remember," she said. "I remember everything."
"Remember what?"
"The night of the fire. I know what happened, and I understand why you didn't want me to find out. When I pulled the trigger... When I shot Connolly, I... It came back to me. It was like I was there. I could hear them arguing. He was hurting her. And I know why my father died that night. I shot him. That's why you blocked my memory… not to protect yourself. To protect me."
It hurt to listen to her words, watching tears in her beautiful blue orbs. He had never wanted for her to remember this horrible night all those years ago. He heavily sat down next to her, unable to look at her.
"You're my sin eater."
He swallowed his own tears, working his jaw to reign in his emotions. "Tried to be. But I failed. I never wanted you to be..."
"Like me." He reached out, feeling the need to touch her. His fingers touched her thigh, before running upwards to find her hand. He squeezed gently, trying to pull himself together. He had failed her, yet another time, but he hadn't been prepared for the pain it would cause. "This is us," he told her when a car pulled up to them.
Putting a hand on her back, he steered her towards it, helping her in, before getting in next to her. His thoughts were plagued with guilt. He hadn't been able to spare her yet another hideous thing. Maybe being a Mexican Tetra made him make the others around him hideous as well.
When her head landed on his shoulder, he worked hard not to tense up. Only hours ago had she been with another man. She had kissed him goodbye before going to Tom. The man that had betrayed her for years, that had chased her through their house, hurting her, the man that had held a gun to her head, used her as a human shield. But Red had been the one bringing him into her life, so he only had himself to blame. He didn't know what hurt more. The fact that even though he had tried so hard to keep the knowledge of that one fateful night to himself, she had finally remembered, or that she went to be with the enemy, after being with him.
They arrived at the private air strip in a matter of minutes. A man was just putting the finishing touches on the tail number. Red didn't speak as he led her up the stairs and she didn't dare to ask what would be next either.
He motioned for her to sit in one of the seats, not sitting with her though. Instead he went to talk to the pilot, then he went to the small bar and poured himself a drink. They had been in the air for about two hours, when Red walked through the aisle yet another time. She grabbed his arm to stop him. She needed him now. Her whole body was shaking already as the adrenaline had worn off and shock was setting in.
Though to someone that didn't know the man, it wouldn't have looked suspicious, but when he pulled his arm away from her, she knew that there was something wrong.
"Is there something you needed? You can find beverages and food in the kitchenette." His voice sounded cold.
"What's wrong?"
He snorted, the emotional turmoil together with the alcohol he had consumed in a short time span, loosening his tongue. "Apart from the obvious?!"
She was exhausted, physically and mentally and she couldn't stand this cold demeanor for much longer. "Yes."
When his eyes met hers, she was taking aback by the ice she found in them. "Why did you call me?" What was he talking about? "Why didn't you just sail away with him? Is he suddenly too good to get his hands dirty?"
"I don't –"
"Don't play stupid, Elizabeth!" He interrupted loudly.
"Are you still mad that he was at the motel? I didn't ask him there! He was there when I got there. I told him to leave!"
Red scoffed. "Right. Just like it was all a big coincidence that it was his boat you stayed the night on!"
Her face morphed from confused to angry. "Are you spying on me again?"
"Oh, so that is your main problem? That I was worried about you, since you're on the run from the FBI and the cabal and find you with him?! And you're mad at me for spying?!"
"I couldn't stay with you, since you didn't want me there! You rather make out with your Dr. Lipstick!"
"At least I didn't fuck her!" He bellowed. He had never lost his temper with her as he had now, but he couldn't care less. He took another sip of his scotch. "When we get to our destination, Mr. Kaplan will walk you through what your next steps will be."
With that he turned and walked into the small bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
There was a hesitant knock on his door. He didn't want to see her, but at the same time he wanted to. He was too weak to send her away. The door slowly opened, but she stayed rooted at the entrance.
"I didn't sleep with him. I used him to help me with Andropov, because I thought you didn't want to see me. We went to his boat, because he had a laptop there. He did try to tell me that going away with him was the right thing to do, but I would've never done that. I found out that he had stolen the usb drive I had taken earlier. He came back when I was looking through the files and apparently didn't like that I had found it. He… hurt me, I think I was unconscious for a while, but I got out." At that he looked at her, his eyes wide. "I would never sleep with him again. Not after what happened between him and me, but certainly not after what happened between us… I'd understand if you've already moved on… I… I haven't though. I guess I'll need some time. I'm not one to fall in and out of love that quickly… I'm sorry," she choked out. She quickly turned and left the room, thick, hot tears rolling down her face.
Seeing her cry was the absolute worst thing ever. It hurt so much, but at least she had told him that she hadn't slept with Tom, because she – she loved him. She had told him she was in love with him, why was he still sitting here instead of going to her? He stood, quickly making his way out of the small room. She hadn't quite made it to her seat and was instead sitting on the couch like seat, her face in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking, but she was not making any noise.
He kneeled at her feet, ignoring the popping noise they made and took hold of her hands. Her face was wet with tears and he squeezed her fingers. "Say it again?" He asked softly, not able to stop his own eyes from welling up with tears.
"I'm in love with you," she whispered, her voice breaking slightly.
He had her enveloped in his arms and hugged tightly to his chest in a matter of seconds, holding her tight enough to make it slightly difficult to breathe. "Oh, Lizzie," he whispered into her hair.
Her own arms came to hold onto him and he could feel her shaking, before a sob tore from her throat and hot tears soaked through his button down. Pressing a kiss to her head, he let his hands slide to the back of her thighs, picking her up. If he had taken her by surprise, she didn't show it. Carrying her towards the bedroom, he kicked the door shut, before lowering her onto the bed. She was reluctant to let go and he shushed her sobs. He went back to kneeling at her feet, carefully taking off her shoes and setting them aside, before smiling up at her. He hadn't realized he was crying, until she was gently wiping at his face.
Motioning for her to scoot back, he kicked off his own shoes and climbed in beside her. He made sure he had her whole attention until he spoke up, her face cupped in his hands. "I love you, Lizzie. I'm so very much in love with you. You're everything to me and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never wanted to hurt you. I'm an idiot, Lizzie. Please forgive me, sweetheart. I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you. I love you so much."
"Red?" She softly interrupted, a smile spreading over her face.
"You really need to learn to shut up." Before he could reply, she had covered his mouth with hers.
He instantly melted at her touch, kissing her back with a passion she hadn't quite expected. She clung to him as he showed her just how much he cherished her and it made her momentarily forget about all the bad things. When he pulled back, his grin couldn't be bigger.
"I love you."
"I love you, too," she said softly.
He stroked the back of his fingers over her cheek, tucking some hair behind her ear, when he suddenly froze. "Lizzie?"
She turned her head and kissed his palm. "It's not as bad as it looks."
He remembered then. "You were unconscious. God, I'm so sorry, are you okay, sweetheart? Where does it hurt?"
"I'm fine."
Leaning forward he gently kissed the bruise at her temple.
"They're ugly though."
"There are more?" He asked, trying to keep his voice low. She nodded. "Show me." She shoved up the sleeve of her blouse, revealing a dark bruise from where he had grabbed her upper arm. He pressed another kiss on that bruise.
Liz bit her lip and lifted her blouse a little. He should've loved the smooth skin of her flat stomach, but instead his eyes had found yet another bruise on her side.
"I'll kill that bastard," he growled.
"Red… it's okay, it's done."
"He hurt you, Lizzie."
She nodded. "Kiss it better?" She asked, somewhat shy.
Without giving her a verbal respond, he leaned down and trailed his mouth over her exposed skin, using his nose to nuzzle certain spots. "He will never hurt you again. I'll make sure of that, Lizzie. I promise you, I will keep you safe."
"I know you will," she replied a little breathlessly. "Red? I need you."
He kissed her hard on the lips. "I promise I'll do everything to make you happy. To keep you happy."
Linking her fingers behind his head, she pulled him even closer. "I am happy where I am," she said, smiling into his hungry mouth.