A/N: I would like to thank the ones who has reviewed and faved and followed: You guys are amazing! It means a lot and I am sorry it took awhile to upload! But here it is! Please Review/Favorite/Follow! It means the world to me! ~DL14

Tony woke to the sound of his alarm going off. He rolled over in his bed with a groan and turned it off. He sighed. He didn't want to get up out of his warm bed, but knew if he didn't Gibbs would get mad and he could get fired or Gibbs would still get mad and come and drag him out of the house. He threw back the covers and put his feet on the cold floor. He did his morning routine that consisted of: shower, dress, eat, brush teeth, fix hair, and gather up his to-go bag.

All of this only took thirty minutes. He was getting faster and he was still almost always late for work. He grabbed his keys and Sig off the counter and turned towards the door. He stopped and stared. His door was wide open and Tony hadn't even unlocked his door yet. He glanced quickly around and saw nothing was moved as of yet. He looked at the door and noticed scratch marks that came from a card being shoved between the handle and doorframe. He quietly put his stuff down and turned the safety off his gun. He raised it and went towards the door.

Next thing Tony knew he was being grabbed from behind and pulled back into his own apartment. The door quickly slammed shut. Tony didn't know if that was good or bad yet. Someone tried to put something over his mouth but he quickly head-butted them and pushed them away. Tony quickly took in his attacker. The person was male, about six ft even. Tony couldn't see his face, it was covered up by a ski mask. He could see the man's hands and could see he was white. Huh, trying to attack a federal officer and not wearing gloves. Dummy. One part of Tony thought. Unless he wants people to know who he is. The more inquisitive part of Tony's mind suggested.

This reminded Tony of a time when it was just him and Gibbs, someone had broken into where he was staying and tried to take him. But, his car was messed up so he was catching a ride with Gibbs. Gibbs thought he was taking too long so he came up there to see what was taking too long and stopped the guy. The guy got away and they could never find him. Tony really hoped it wasn't the same person, because if it was he knew exactly why they were trying to take him. And it had all to do with Philly.

He quickly brought his thoughts back to the task at hand. His attacker came barreling back towards him and Tony couldn't catch his fall in time and hit his head on the floor. His vision started blurring but he couldn't give up yet. He raised his leg and kicked the man in the gut away from him. He searched for his phone but he left it on the counter with his keys when he went to check the door. And his main phone was in his room. His attacker was apparently a very in shape man because he got up rather quickly and used one of Tony's lamp from one of his end tables and crashed it over his already injured head. He could hear his cell before he was consumed with darkness.

Gibbs kind of froze up for a minute. His agent, the man he had claimed as his son was missing again. It could be anyone. And Gibbs would never admit to anyone, except maybe Abby ad Ducky, that he was scared for Tony. He thought of all the things that could happen and quickly unfroze.

"Ziva, McGee, gear up! Now!" He said and turned to the director to see if he would say anything. Vance just looked him the eye and nodded.

"Bring back our Agent, Agent Gibbs. I'll call Fornell since no one else will work with you." He said and quickly went up the stairs. Gibbs was a little shocked but didn't let it show. He quickly walked to the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator and walked down to the garage. He started up the sedan and waited for about a minute before McGee and Ziva was in the car and pulled out.

He didn't drive his normal speed, he drove faster. He wanted to get to Tony's and figure out what happened before anything to drastic did happen. Thankfully Tony didn't live too far and got there in about twenty minutes. Sure Gibbs probably made a lot of people mad on the way but he didn't care. They saw Tony's car stilled parked out front and they quickly got out of the car. The all but ran up the stairs to get to the third floor and to Tony's apartment and saw the door wide open. There was no one on the floor considering there were only two other apartments on this floor occupied and Gibbs knew where they were considering Tony had told him. So, no witnesses, perfect time to get him. Gibbs thought as he walked closer to the door with his gun raised and ready. McGee and Ziva right behind him.

Tony woke up with a major headache. He didn't move. He listened around him and heard what sounded like a train coming from above him, so he knew he was somewhat underground, probably in a basement or cellar due to smell and temperature of the room. He was sitting upright and could feel the ropes on both hands and feet. He couldn't hear if there was anyone else in the room but that didn't mean there wasn't. He decided to take his chances and looked up. He saw one door and it was made of steel. It had a rectangular hole with bars across it. The lighting was horrible and made the room look dark and dank. He could hear water trickle in the corner from the ceiling. If he could reach his belt he could get his knife and cut the ropes and possibly use it as a weapon.

He heard footsteps coming toward him and before he could pretend to still be passed out the door opened and he was faced with a man he had hoped never to see again.

"Hello, Detective DiNozzo. It is really nice to see you again. Isn't it?" He said and Tony knew if Gibbs didn't find him in seventy-two hours, he was screwed.