A/N This is just a product of insomnia and a love for Spencer Reid/MGG. Please review if you could!

Background on the case, just for some context:

Three days ago, Jennifer Alsted and Ruby Holt were abducted on their way home from school. The case ended up on the desks of the BAU because it was the third abduction of it's kind. The unsub appeared to be making a trip up the coastline, his first pair of victims in Florida, the next in South Carolina, and now Jennifer and Ruby in Virginia. The unsub's MO was kidnapping two teenage girls. Within 24 hours, one would be killed, then after 48, the other would be killed as well. Just as expected, Jennifer's body was found 24 hours after the girls had been abducted. The BAU managed to crack the case and in the 46th hour they found the abandoned house where the unsub was hiding Ruby. The team stormed the house, shooting the unsub dead when he tried to charge at Hotch. Dr. Spencer Reid made his way to the basement and found Ruby in a small room.

Reid entered the room and was surprised by what he saw, which is not something he can say very often.