Well here we are everybody. I hope I didn't make you all wait too long. It's late at night for me though, 1 AM, and I am TIRED! So I'll skip all this and just let you jump right into the story! And please forgive any OOC-ness you might perceive! I swear it's how I think these characters would actually react!
Disclaimer: I own Nothing! Except for any OC's I create! And I try to Limit those!
Chapter 3: Family ties
Ren for his part was silent from guilt. He hadn't though about what information Jaune might actually want to divulge to the others on this sensitive topic, and that had gotten the both of them in some serious trouble with the girls. They were barely able to talk Blake down from biting their heads off, a difficult task that wasn't helped by Pyrrha's constant inputs. No doubt the two of them would have even more explaining to do once they got back, but hopefully the worst was already behind them.
That being said, Ren was still curious as to why they were waiting at the restaurant. He understood that Jaune needed his help with something, but what a restaurant might have to do with it escaped him. Finally, his curiosity overrode his common sense and he spoke up.
"Jaune, what exactly are we doing here?" As soon as he heard the voice Jaune jumped in his seat a bit, startled at the first real thing said to him in over two hours. "A restaurant seems like the location for something more intimate than a simple task. Are we here to meet someone?"
Jaune chuckled at the way Ren broke everything down. "Yeah, heh, we're definitely meeting someone. It's…not something that's intimate, not really, this is just their favorite restaurant and I figured that since they're doing me this huge favor I can at least treat them to a good meal."
"Okay…but who are they?" Ren asked before noticing Jaune's eyes widen a bit and a nervous smile appear on his face. He looked at where Jaune was staring and noticed two of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen walking into the restaurant.
Both were a few years older than them, and one had incredible blond hair flowing freely down to her mid-back that seemed to actually shimmer in the sunlight, while the other one had her soft white hair-which was in stark contrast to Weiss' shocking white hair-done in a simple and relaxed ponytail that reach toward her lower back, showing off the blackness that encompassed the last two inches of her hair. The blond was wearing a comfortable yet extravagant looking black dress that went down to her ankles hugging her curves just enough to leave a good amount to imagination and small pointed hat, with a dagger holster hanging off of her leather belt and spiked high-heeled shoes.
The woman with white hair and black tips on the other hand was dressed rather plainly, but one could still see the absolute beauty in her features. She wore a very simple pair of denim pants with boots pulled on over the cuffs of the pant legs. She wore a simple yellow graphic T-Shirt with the phrase "You USED to be an Adventurer" written in white bold and the image of a kneecap with an arrow shot through it underneath the letters. Over that she had on a men's red flannel button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her forearm. The most distinctive thing about her though was her archery gloves on both hands along with the quiver of arrows and folded bow on her back that looked eerily like two short swords.
Both women looked around the room for a moment before noticing the two of them. The white haired girl smiled brightly at Jaune while the blond sent a goofy grin at his leader before both moved toward them, the blonde's weapon, a well sized dagger no bigger than 50 centimeters (19 inches), waving about in her hands and seemingly controlling a pair of large boxes that were floating behind the women in the air.
"Jaune?!" Ren frantically whispered, his shock getting the better of him. "You KNOW these two women?!" To which the young Arc chuckles and shrugs.
"Well of course I know them Ren. They're my sisters." At that startling discovery Ren just turned around to face the two women again as they reached their table. There were honestly no words that could be said.
"Jaune!" The blond screeched as she reached their table, scooping up her little brother and hugging him tightly to herself. Jaune for all his struggling wasn't able to get out of the older woman's death grip and eventually just gave up trying to escape and hugged his sister back. They separated and the woman held him at arms length looking him over. "Oh! I haven't seen you in almost a month! Not since you went and-"
"Ah, lets not talk about THAT right now Alustriel." Jaune quickly interrupted before shooting a quick glance at Ren from the corner of his eye. "Besides I bet you two want to sit after your long flight." The blond, Alustriel, smiled a bit and sat down directly across from Jaune's seat while she waved her dagger and moved the boxes to rest directly behind the two boys.
The white haired girl then came up to Jaune and looked at him in a concerned manner. Jaune just smiled softly and put his hand on her head before kissing her forehead. "Hiya Dove, glad to see you here too." The white haired girl, Dove, nodded and brought Jaune in for a strong hug before getting on the tips of her toes and kissing Jaune's forehead as well.
"Hello Jaune. We all miss you." Dove said quietly before moving around the table and taking her seat across from Ren. Jaune's smile dropped slightly before he let out a puff of air and smiled confidently again, taking his own seat.
"I missed all of you guys too. Heading off to Beacon was seriously one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm really glad I did it though." Jaune said and the two girls smiled kindly at Jaune before turning their attention to Ren. "Oh! This is Ren, he's on my team over at Beacon. Ren, these are my two eldest sisters, Alustriel and Dove."
"A pleasure to meet you." Ren said, extending his hand to both women. They shook his hand and nodded back but Ren could tell that there was something on both of their minds as they looked him over. A waiter came by shortly and after everyone ordered something the table was silent.
When it seemed that Jaune wasn't going to say anything else, either from nerves or not being able to think of a way to steer the conversation, Alustriel took the reigns. "Now then Jaune, you informed me of the basics of your situation and I did as asked and delivered these to you, now I would like a little more information. I was originally under the impression that we would be meeting your…new partner here. Where is she if I may ask?"
"Oh, who, Blake? She's back at Beacon, taking care of the little one. And I want this to be a bit of a surprise, which is why she isn't here right now. I brought Ren along to help me carry everything though." Jaune said, painfully oblivious (at least to Ren's standards) of what exactly his sister truly meant with that question.
"Do you have a picture or something that you could show me though? I at least want to know what my future sister in law is going to look like." Alustriel said with the straightest face Ren had ever seen.
Jaune choked back on nothing, which is slightly impressive by itself, and waved his arm frantically at his sister. "What? Sister in law?" Jaune exclaimed a bit too loudly before being shushed by Dove and lowering his voice. "You've got it all wrong! I'm only helping her out, making sure that little Moon can be as well taken care of as possible! Blake and I do NOT have that kind of relationship. Back me up Ren!" Jaune desperately pleaded shifting the women's attention to the boy.
Ren sighed slightly and looked at both women. "It's true, in fact I'd be surprised if before this day the two of them had spoken any words to the other. In fact, Jaune has feeling for someone else on Blake's team, so I doubt he's doing this as a way to get at her heart." Both women seemed to accept what he said, Alustriel pouting slightly but nodding, and Dove closing her eyes and leaning further into her seat.
"See, it's totally not like that." Jaune reiterated, feeling extra confidence with Ren's words. He then fished out his scroll and flipped through it a bit before finding what he wanted. "As for Blake, I don't really have a picture of her but I DO have a picture with her in it. Her team and my own are really close, so at the end of our first week we took a big group photo. Blake is the black haired girl on the far left."
Alustriel and Dove leaned in to see the picture Jaune was displaying on his scroll and found Blake. They studied her for a moment, along with Jaune's other friends, and smiled. "I'm glad you've finally found people that actually want to hang out with you now Jaune!" Alustriel teased, causing the younger blond to redden around his ears.
"It really is nice." Dove said quietly in agreement. Jaune sent a grateful look to Dove then leaned back in his own seat. "I also find it curious how you found yourself like this though." She continued.
Ren raised a brow as Jaune just looked confused. "What do you mean Dove?"
"If what Ren has said is true," Dove started glancing at Ren who involuntarily swallowed in nervousness, "You've withheld yourself from this girl for weeks now, yet at the drop of a hat you decide to push aside everything you've ever dreamed of for the sake of her and the child she wishes to raise. That seems very unusual."
"To be fair to him however," Ren said, surprising both Jaune and himself at how readily he came to his friends aid, "Jaune always act's before he thinks. As for giving up his own dreams, I think you're speaking too harshly. Jaune can still achieve what he wants so long as he works hard enough for it. A child will not slow him down because he will not be alone. Both he and Blake will receive the full support and aide of teams RWBY and JNPR. Jaune will just be playing a more central role than anyone else, save Blake of course."
As Ren finished speaking, he became much more aware and self-conscious of what exactly he had said, and of the looks being given to him by the whole table. Jaune seemed incredibly joyful and almost fit to cry, Alustriel too seemed ready to cry though her face seemed to show more appreciation and thanks than anything else. Dove however was simply staring at Ren intensely, her eyes fully opened though not wide, and what appeared to be the ghost of something on her face.
"I was originally directing that question to my only precious little brother too innocent and pure for this world" Dove said calmly as she continued to stare at Ren.
"I was originally under the impression this was a small family reunion, not an interrogation." Ren fired back, on the edge of his seat with worry that he might have to fight his way out of the restaurant, something he REALLY didn't want to do. He could NOT afford to pay for anything he breaks.
Dove simply raised her eyebrows and gave a quick look to Alustriel who seemed to have a silent conversation with her sister in the span of a few seconds. Both sisters then nodded and turned back to face the boys, a large grin on Alustriel's face and a small smirk on Dove's. Alustriel leaned back into her seat and sighed before addressing Jaune.
"You my dear little brother, are possibly the biggest idiot in the world. When you messaged me that you needed this for the baby you would be parenting I originally wanted to strangle your neck, thinking that you had gotten into some crazy mess. Finding out that you're basically adopting this child though, and a baby Faunus to boot, I can't help but be a little proud of how much you've grown in such a short time being away from us. The you that I know never would have been confident enough to go through with something like this. It's been little more than three weeks, but I've already missed the moment you truly turned into a man. As a big sister I can't ever stop worrying for you, and as a future aunt I can't help but worry about what you'll put that poor child through, but I think I won't have to worry as much as I originally thought."
Dove reached out and put her hand on Alustriel's shoulder, the older woman struggling to keep her watering eyes from overflowing. Dove then reached over and grabbed a hold of Jaune's hand that was resting on top of the table.
"I wanted to come and tell you not to go through with this" Dove said, so low Ren and Jaune had to struggle to hear her. "Alustriel is right however. In no time, you have grown Jaune. I never supported you leaving us, or the way you left us, however I see now that you made the right choice. I shall have more faith in your judgment from now on."
"Dove…Allie…" Jaune couldn't say anything else. It was a beautiful moment that threatened to overwhelm the blond teen. He took a breath and swallowed down the rush of emotion, settling for a confident grin and nod. At his side Ren couldn't help the natural smirk that graced his face. He may have been an outsider in this, but he felt great relief and happiness for his leader. Jaune truly didn't get enough positive reinforcement in his opinion.
"Now then!" Alustriel suddenly exclaimed with a bit of bite in her voice, confusing Ren as this seemed to be coming out of nowhere. "Do you know what kind of HASSLE I had to go through to get this for you? Mom had me dancing all around her questions trying her best to corner me into admitting something! I don't even have a boyfriend and now she's fretting over all these little details!" Alustriel said in a huff, her cheeks reddening and a glare directed at Jaune so powerful that he could have sworn he was being set on fire. "Honestly, I'm just lucky that dad was out when I came knocking to get it! If Dove wasn't still on break from school to save me I feel like I'd be stuck there still, listening to mom ramble on. You OWE me BIG TIME baby brother, and I mean to collect."
Jaune began to break out into a cold sweat, as Alustriel seemed to gain a razor edge to her grin. "W-w-what would you like oh great benevolent master dictator of all Arcs?" Jaune asked, falling back to calling Alustriel by her childhood title out of pure mind numbing terror. Dove even seemed to be leaning a bit away from her elder sister, a small bead of sweat making its own way down her face.
"It's very simple dear brother. I only want a picture of you and your new 'family' to have in my records. Should I ever have need of a scapegoat or distraction from our parents, I believe such a picture would be the perfect way to shift everything to you. Oh don't worry though," Alustriel quickly said as she saw Jaune begin to freak out, "I'll only use it if I absolutely have to. It's not like I'm out to ruin your life baby bro, I just need a little…insurance of my own."
"You're every bit the tyrant I remember." Dove said beside her with a blank face. Ren couldn't help but silently agree.
"Umm, sure I guess…" Jaune finally said after a few moment of thinking it over. "Though…it would kinda be our first picture, so if you don't mind could you also send it to me? Just for a keepsake?" Jaune blushed a little as he asked but then heard a soft coo from his sister.
"Awww, of course you CAN you wittle cutesey baby!" Alustriel said in a babying voice.
"C'mon Allie, not in front of my teammate." Jaune whined with a blush.
"It's quite alright Jaune, I've run into similar things with Nora." Ren said cooly with a wave of his hand.
"You have a sister as well?" Dove asked
"No, not a sister just a special friend. We've been together for pretty much forever."
"But not together-together as Nora likes to say." Jaune agreed with a small chuckle that he shared with Ren at the inside joke.
"You certainly have an interesting team Jaune." Dove said, getting the boys' attention back to her. "It's been a while, so why don't you tell us about them a bit?"
"Oh! Yeah, you guys still don't know everything yet. Heh, sorry, I guess I haven't been writing as much as I originally meant to." Jaune rubbed the back of his neck nervously as his sisters leaned closer in, ready to hear their little brother's grand tale.
"Well, my team is named Team Juniper, and I'm the leader! My teammates are Lie Ren," At this he signals to Ren who waves, "his best friend Nora Valkyrie, and my partner Pyrrha Nikos." As Jaune began to go more in depth, his mind couldn't help but wander. As he was talking to his sisters here, what were Nora and Pyrrha doing with the rest of the girls?
"Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing." Nora chanted as she continued to bounce Moon on top of her stomach gently, the little girl giggling excitedly the whole time.
Blake watched carefully but had a gentle smile the whole time as she watched. While she was originally hesitant to allow Nora anywhere near moon for fear that she would be too enthusiastic with the girl, Yang and Ruby had worn her down and it was certainly the right decision. Hearing Moon laugh for the first time was absolutely amazing, and seeing her continue to giggle and squirm in joy lifted Blake's heart. She had no idea that she could feel this way about anything, not an unconditional love for her new child, but happiness at seeing her newly adoptive child being happy.
Truly this would continue to be a pleasant moment, possibly even a beautiful one, if it wasn't for the girl siting behind her on the same bed with her arms crossed in front of her well endowed chest, and the top of her red hair pushing against the top bunk. She didn't exactly know what Pyrrha's problem was, but the way she was acting was starting to annoy her. It wasn't so bad when Ruby and Yang were also in the room, but the two sisters had decided to go down and grab some food for everyone at dinner since Nora wanted to keep playing with Moon, Blake wanted to stay close to Moon in case anything happened, and Pyrrha said she wasn't hungry.
That was a lie if Blake ever heard one considering she had heard nothing but stomach growls coming from the warrior since the other two left.
Regardless, Pyrrha's attitude had been a sour one for almost the whole time she had been there, and it was only ever at her. She talked completely normally with Yang and Ruby, and she even spent a nice moment with Moon when Nora had to use the restroom, perfectly holding and rocking the girl to comfort in her arms. When she wasn't doing anything else though Blake could feel her eyes trained on her.
She was going to get to the bottom of it one way or the other.
"Do you disapprove?" Blake finally asked, not turning to face Pyrrha though the red head knew the question was directed solely at her. "Do you truly find my actions so despicable that you have to glare at me the whole time you've been in my room?"
Nora glanced to the side at the two girls, a small look of worry flashing on her face as she knew exactly how badly this conversation could go.
"On the contrary," Pyrrha began, leaning forward a little, "I think you've acted admirably in this situation."
"What do you mean?" Blake asked confused. Pyrrha wasn't disapproving of her taking on Moon?
"Many people could have found themselves in that alley you found Moon in and completely ignore her. In fact some probably did based on exactly what you've told us about how you found her. If you hadn't come around when you did it's likely that this little girl would have died on the streets."
"So you approve of me saving her life but not of deciding to become her mother?"
"Again, you have my respect for such actions, not condemnation. You've chosen a very difficult path Blake, one…I'm not sure I could have chosen myself. But you chose it with nothing but the greatest of intentions and you are not letting anything stop you from doing this. I know many real mothers that shy away from such responsibilities at the first sign of trouble, you however seem to be getting ready for the long road ahead. It is rather admirable how you have put her needs before your own."
Blake was even more confused now. "So then, what? What is it that has had you looking at me that way since you first came into my room? What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment from you Pyrrha?" Blake finally shouted, turning to get a look at the girl with all her confusion and pent up frustration leaking into her voice and eyes.
Pyrrha for her part wanted nothing more than to try and soothe the new mother in front of her. As skilled in battle as she might be, she still hasn't had too much luck with actual social interaction. Her instincts screamed at her to apologize, to hug this girl in front of her and offer her nothing but her support in this endeavor. She wants to help, she wants to play with this little one, and she wants to be there for one of her friends the same way she hopes they would be there for her when her time at motherhood came. But she couldn't, no matter how badly she wanted to because Blake had done something Pyrrha couldn't just ignore.
"You pressured Jaune into being a part of this." Pyrhha said as evenly as she could.
"Jaune? You've been acting like this because you think I've stolen your leader or something?" Blake asked, completely caught off guard at this sudden revelation.
"You haven't stolen him, not at all, but you didn't give him any choice but to help you out and become this girls father. You pressured him into being her father for purely selfish reasons, though I admit you probably didn't see them as such at the time, and Jaune was too kind not to be swayed. You took advantage of him, even if neither of you realized it. That is what I am disapproving of Blake, the way you left him no chance to say no."
"What are you even talking about? You're not making any sense Pyrrha. Jaune doesn't have to stay with Moon and I, he wants to. I never forced him to be Moon's father, I don't even know if that what he considers himself as! And I certainly didn't take away any choice he could have made. Unless you haven't realized Pyrrha, Jaune isn't even here right now! He has his own life, he's not tied down to Moon and I!"
"But he IS!" Pyrrha all but shouted, Nora now more concerned than ever that this could end badly. "Jaune is too kind hearted for his own good, and he's too loyal! He's made the commitment to be your partner in this, and that means he will NEVER stop doing his best for you and her. Everything else in his life, starting from the moment you begged him to help you, took a back seat to this new commitment. That's what parenthood IS Blake, but unlike you making the hard choice to become one, he no doubt decided to do it because you asked. You should not have asked for him to play such an active role Blake. He doesn't deserve being tied down to a person he's barely known for the rest of his life."
Blake could do nothing but gape at Pyrrha. The seer audacity that the redhead had shown was beyond comprehension to Blake. How dare she talk about commitments and life goals, she knew nothing of what it took to truly commit oneself to something. "Get out."
"What?" Pyrrha said, genuinely shocked at the malicious and dark tone that Blake had spoken in.
"I said. Get. Out." Blake repeated, her eyes hidden in shadows by the angle at which she looked at the bed. Pyrrha however didn't feel like leaving and instead stood her ground.
"No. I'm going to wait here with everyone else until the boys return, and then I'm going to have a talk with Jaune. Just because you don't agree with what I say doesn't mean you have the right to kick me out. If you can't handle small criticism like this then what hope do you have with any future relationship between you and Jaune, let alone your child."
"I HAVE no relationship with Jaune, how don't you GET that?!" Blake practically screamed at Pyrrha. "I have no relationship with him, I'm not trying to force him into anything, I'm not pursuing him and I'm pretty sure he's not pursuing me, so can you get off my case, stop acting like a jealous idiot, and GET OUT of my face before I rearrange yours!"
Before Pyrrha could respond or Blake could continue, Nora came out of nowhere and grabbed Pyrrha by the shoulder, pulling her out of the bed and pushing her out the door. In that same instant she placed Moon gently on the bed right in front of Blake and clapped her hands hard in front of the beauty's face, startling her and throwing her off balance enough that she lost any grip she had on her anger. With that done Nora retreated into the hallway where Pyrrha was with a small quick wave. "We'll be right back."
Blake could only blink in confusion before she show her head and sighed, picking up Moon and hugging her tightly to her chest. She felt so…not good. All she wanted to do was stand up for herself, but that conversation had turned into a disaster.
"…I didn't really force all of this on Jaune did I?" She couldn't help asking aloud, her only response being Moons confused and slightly scared whimpers. Blake began stroking her head softly, cooing trying to calm her down. "Everything's going to be okay Moon. Mommy is here. Mommy is scared too, but it'll be okay." As she continued to stroke Moon's head she never realized that a single tear was making its way down.
"Pyrrha, you are acting BONKERS! And Cruel! And very non-Pyrrha like!" Nora chastised as the redhead held onto her arm and had the decency to at least look ashamed of her actions.
"I did not intend for things to progress that way. I was angry…irrational."
"You owe Blake an apology. You can't just blow up at her like this, especially not when she's still new enough at this that I can play with little Moon! I give her three, four months tops before she decides that I won't be able to baby sit when she goes out and then I'll have NO play time!"
"Nora!" Pyrrha gasped in confusion and surprise. "I do not believe your play time with the baby is the most important thing here!"
"Of course it is Pyrrha!" Nora proclaimed confidently. "I love babies Pyrrha! I luuuuuuuv them! Me not being able to play with one is like dangling a perfect bone in front of a puppy and NOT giving it to him. Cruel Pyrrha, just cruel."
"Nora…" Pyrrha groaned as she palmed her forehead.
"You still need to apologize to Blake." Nora said much more calmly. Pyrrha looked up at her and could see the determined look in her eyes. "What you did was wrong. You've hurt her and that's not how friends should act."
"I hurt her?!" Pyrrha asked incredulously. "What about me Nora?! I've known you all for less than a month, but already you're all the best friends I have ever known, and Jaune? Jaune is my partner. He's my partner. He's not just supposed to be my friend or teammate, he's supposed to be there for me, help me, talk and spend time with me, keep me from being so lonely!" Pyrrha hadn't noticed it before, but as she finally said what was truly bothering her she realized that there were tears streaming down her face. She sniffed a few times before just slamming her back against the wall behind her and sliding to the floor roughly, balling herself up against the floor and wall.
Nora panicked for a moment not knowing what to do, but as she leaned down Pyrrha spoke up. "Oum above I'm so lonely Nora. I've never told anyone before…but I've never had friend before. Not one. I've always stood out too much, always been just a little too good at something, a little too perfect. I'm so tired of pushing this lonely feeling down. I thought…I thought that when I came here, when I met you, and Ren, and team RWBY, and Jaune, that I wouldn't feel that way again, but…I'm scared Nora."
Nora kneeled down, understanding everything now. She leaned against the wall and wrapped an arm around the sobbing Pyrrha's shoulders. "You won't Pyrrha, we're all still going to be here with you."
"B-but, I don't want to lose anyone, especially Jaune." Pyrrha managed out through her tears. "I don't want to lose Blake either, but I don't want to lose Jaune most of all. And that's what's going to happen Nora. Jaune is going to be focused so much on Blake, and so much on Moon, and who can blame him?! The two of them…they're so beautiful and Jaune deserves a happiness that I know will come with being with those two. But then, he'll pull further and further away from me. I don't know if I could handle that Nora. How can I just sit there…and accept the most important person to me leaving me. How can I cope with losing him?"
"You are NOT going to lose him." Blake suddenly said from the doorway, surprising Nora and Pyrrha, the latter of which tried her best to wipe away her tears and put on a scowl but failing to an almost comical degree.
"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked shakily, trying to even out her breathing after her cry.
"I mean, I won't let that idiot devote all his time to me and Moon." Blake said sternly before she too leaned against the wall, opposite of the two girls. She looked back into the room to check that Moon was still laying on the bed wrapped up in a blanket so that she could move, then nodded back at Pyrrha. "I asked him for his help and he accepted my request, but I will not allow him to put us above everything else in his life. I…know what it's like…to have someone special in your heart and then slowly see them get further and further away from you until you can't stand it. It is a terrible feeling, and I would never allow the same thing to happen to you."
"I won't lie, the things you said Pyrrha…they did cut deeply. But there was some grain of truth to them, and I understand now why you felt the way you did. I never intended to steal your partner, to take away someone so important to you. I promise though, so long as I'm here, I'll make sure that you never feel alone. Whether that means me personally, Jaune, or any of our others friends, it doesn't matter. You all are my first real friends, not comrades but friends. I don't want to lose any of you either."
As Blake finished and looked of to the side nervously, Pyrrha couldn't help it as her face scrunched up and she began sobbing again. She rushed forward and latched onto Blake, letting out a constant stream of, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." into the girls stomach. Blake awkwardly just patted the girls back, looking towards Nora for some help but only receiving a confused shrug from the orange haired girl.
"Ummm…did we miss something?" Yang asked as she and Ruby stood in the hallway looking at the strange scene, trays of food and drinks in their hands.
"Don't ask, it's a long story involving soap opera plot lines and out of control teenagers." Nora said, brushing off Yang's raised eyebrow and Ruby's confused looks. "More importantly, did you bring me the extreme ultra lemonade, the ultra lemonade that goes to the extreme?"
"Ah, it feels good to be back in the old halls again." Alustriel sighed as Jaune led his sisters through Beacon and toward the dorm rooms. It was much easier said than done considering that now he and Ren had to carry the heavy boxes the whole way, Alustriel claiming that keeping them levitated had become too much of a headache.
"What do you mean?" Dove asked besides her, looking around everywhere she could in mostly silent contemplation. It was her first time at a different combat academy after all, and really with how the year would be shaping up it would be best if she familiarized herself with the place as much and as quickly as possible. "You graduated no more than five months ago. It can't have changed all that much to you."
"Nostalgia is still nostalgia no matter how long it's actually been baby sister." Alustriel commented as she looked around. "It's a shame that I can't stick around for longer. There was this one freshman last year that I would love to check up on and get an opinion from. No one new fashion like Coco, she'd definitely be able to give me a good idea on whether this Witch look was really working."
Jaune mentally groaned as her sister began to talk about her time in Beacon again. Yes, he had partially chosen Beacon because he knew from Alustriel that the school was amazing and fantastic and blah blah blah, but now Beacon was his school, not hers. It kind of annoyed him being reminded of the fact that she had probably done better at this place than he ever could.
Enough of that though. "We're here." Jaune announced before knocking on the door with his head three times. A few seconds later, Ruby opened up the door and let out a surprised yelp.
"Jaune?! What is that?!"
"Something really heavy Ruby, so if you could, please move? I don't know how much longer Ren and I can hold this." Ruby yelped and dashed to the side letting Jaune and Ren rush in before placing the boxes down on the floor with a thud.
Letting out a breath in relief, Jaune looked around at all the girls and smiled. "Well, glad to see that things aren't absolutely insane in here. After that call I half expected everyone to be at each others throats." Jaune chuckled in amusement, oblivious to the looks Blake and Pyrrha sent to each other along with the way Yang, Ruby, and Nora all began to sweat.
"Whelp, now that everything is ready, I need to ask everyone to head over to Chateau Juniper so that Ren and I can set this thing up." Jaune said, getting strange looks from all the girls in the room.
"Set up? What are you trying to do to our room?" Yang asked.
"Nothing big, don't worry. I just thought that with Moon here now it might be a good idea to have this around. Now get! I want it to be a surprise!" Jaune said excitedly.
"A surprise?!" Nora exclaimed before rushing towards everyone, pushing them out of the room. "Come on guys, move it! The faster we leave the faster we can sneak in to peek!"
"Nora please, Calm Yourself!"
"Never!" The bubbly girl shouted and like that Jaune and Ren were left in the room with everyone else forced into Chateau Juniper.
Pyrrha blinked and looked around before noticing something off about her room. Then as if lightning struck, she noticed it. "Umm, who are you two?" Pyrhha asked the two gorgeous women. Ruby, Yang and Blake also turned to give the two women questioning stares, to which the tall blond woman grinned.
"What do you mean I'm locked out until the surprise?!" They all suddenly heard, the loud voice shrieking harshly right outside the door. "Arc you better let me in or so help me I will end you!"
"Weiss!" Ruby called. "Just come in here and wait with us! We're about to get introduced to two mysterious women who look like super models. Probably super villains bent on stealing our secrets but there's still the possibility they could be good guys!"
Alustriel coughed harshly, caught off guard, while Dove simply shrugged. "We're good guys."
"They said they're goo- oh!" Ruby stopped as Weiss stormed into the room with a small package in her hands. "Um, they said they were good guys Weiss."
"Whatever." The Ice Queen said as she took her own seat and stared at the two women as well. "Well? Who are you two anyway?"
Alustriel cleared her throat and smirked. "We are the great guardians of truth and-"
"We're Jaune's sisters Alustriel and Dove."
"Dove!" Alustriel whined, cheeks puffed and eyes locked in a glare. "You didn't even let me get through the opening line!"
"It would have taken to long."
"Wait, you're Jaune's sisters? Wow. I never would have thought you were related." Yang said without thinking before blushing harshly. "Not to say anything bad about Jaune of course, it's just-"
"Don't worry I know. We're beautiful." Alustriel said cockily, waving her hair for effect as she said it.
"Well, it's nice to meet you." Pyrrha said extending a hand out to shake.
"And you." Alustriel laughed, gripping Pyrrha's hand.
"Especially you." Dove nodded towards Blake. "It's good to meet the mother of the child our brother will help raise."
"Oh! Umm…It's nice to meet you as well." Blake managed to say, a bit caught off guard. Today was just full of surprises and shocks to her system, her emotional rollercoaster ride was starting to wear on her.
"Hey what is that Weiss?" Nora asked, both trying to change the subject for Blake and being genuinely curious.
"What, this?" Weiss asked in faux confusion, a confident grin plastered on her face. "Well this is simply my gift towards Blake. We weren't able to have a baby shower proper, but I figured I should still give her something to make things easier."
As Weiss handed the package to her, Blake opened up the box and stared at the white cube within. "Thank you Weiss you didn't have to get me a…whatever this is."
"What that is, my dear Blake, is a limited spatial noise cancelling device. It's capable of creating a box of sound proof energy that can be customized to any size, though the larger the box the less effective it is. I thought that it might come in useful with keeping our newest member a secret during the night. Oum only knows how many times she might cry, it would be too easy to get found out by other teams rooming in this hall that there was a baby living among them."
Blake stared at the device in a new awe. "Weiss, I thought you said you wouldn't buy anything to help us out though."
Weiss fidgeted for a moment then shrugged at the comment. "Well, I won't ever buy things for you, but that doesn't mean I wont help out where I can. You still have to handle the necessities and finances, but I'm not opposed to a small gift here and there."
"Aww Weisscream! You big softyserve!" Yang said, wrapping the heiress in a big hug. "You do care, you really do care!"
"Yang put me down this instant!" Weiss screeched indignantly.
"Weiss, thank you." Blake said and, as Weiss was put back down, she wrapped the Heiress up in a hug of her own, something she honestly thought she would never do. Children really did change people apparently.
"Alright, it ready!" Jaune shouted out, catching all of the women's attention.
"Oh boy! I can't wait to see everyone's face!" Alustriel grinned, her scroll already out and ready to take pictures at a moments notice.
As everyone migrated back to Fort Ruby, Jaune peeked his head out and grinned at everyone. "Now everyone, watch and be amazed at the fruits of our labor. Presenting, Moon's new home."
As he swung the door inwards, the girls filed into the room and collectively gasped at what they all saw there, Blake being the one most in awe with Moon on her hip. There, towards the foot of Blake's Bunk, was a wooden crib, painted a deep shade of blue, with what Blake recognized as the Arc family crest gilded onto the headboard of the crib in gold. The Crib was even laid out with soft cushions and pillows already, along with the blanket that Blake had been using for Moon so far.
"Oh Jaune…it's beautiful. Perfect." Blake said in awe, as she slowly approached the crib.
"Arc-erm- Jaune, I must say, I'm impressed. You certainly do have a way with gifts." Weiss side form the sides, amazed at the simple thought behind the crib.
"Ohhhh, its so adorable." Yang cooed, wrapping Ruby in a sisterly hug.
"Why does it have your family symbol on it Jaune?" Ruby asked as she hugged Yang back.
"It's because it's the crib we've all used" Alustriel said from behind them all. "It's actually a family heirloom, or close to one at least. Every Arc child for the last two generations has used that crib. Jaune and all our sisters have used it, though both sets of twins had to share it. That wasn't pleasant."
"Wait." Blake said, catching on to what was being said. "You mean…you want Moon to have the cradle. Your family cradle?"
"Yeah, why not?" Jaune said proudly. "I'm going to help raise her right? Well, I always knew I'd have to use the crib one day, so why not today? As far as I'm concerned, Moon is an honorary Arc! She's part of my family now, same as she's a part of yours! You too of course!" Jaune quickly added with a wave of his arms. "It wouldn't be right if mother and child weren't both honorary Arcs after all."
Blake could only stand there as she tried to process that for a moment, finally settling on a smile. She placed Moon in the crib, tucked her in, and turned to Jaune. "I know I've said this a lot today Jaune, but I'd like to say it once again. Thank you."
"It's no problem." Jaune said, rubbing his nose with his finger, a grin on his and everyone's face. It was truly a good moment.
"Alight everyone, it's ten! You know the rules! All males go back to your own dorm room please!" Weiss said suddenly, changing the mood to a hurried one as Jaune and Ren began hastily trying to make a retreat.
"Oh! Oh! Before they leave can I get a picture?!" Alustriel shouted, reaching around to grab the two boys quickly.
"I don't see why not." Weiss allowed.
"Great! Jaune, get close to Blake and the Crib! I want to catch you in this moment! Perfect! Now! One! Two! Three!"
"Cheese!" Blake and Jaune said, before being blinded by the flash of the Scroll.
"Gah! My eyes!" The two teens cried out.
"Oh buck up you two, it's not that bad!"
"Yeah right." Jaune said under his breath. "Well, I'm complaining, but I really will miss you two. Hopefully I can see you again and everyone else soon."
"Oh don't worry about that baby brother, you're definitely going to see all of us again. Real soon!" Alustriel said, grinning evilly and putting everyone in the room on edge.
"H-heh, what exactly do you mean Allie?"
"Why I'm talking about the Vytal Festival of course! It only comes once every five years! There's going to be a lot of hustle and bustle around here in a couple months, and I'll be sure to bring all our cute little sisters down when the partying really starts! Though you'll be seeing us a lot quicker than the actual festival date."
"What?" Jaune shouted now panicking.
"Don't you know Jaune? Representatives from all the battle academies will be coming to Beacon to spend a year prepping for the tournament, three teams for each year, along with a lot of extra security coming along for the prep like yours truly." Alustriel said proudly, placing a hand to her chest in smug glory.
"Wait…" Jaune said, beginning to put the pieces together. "If there's going to be representatives from each year, then does that mean…"
"Yes." Dove answered, a smirk coming to her face. "Once I return to Vacuo next week to start my second year I will petition for my team to be one of the representatives. Also, I know for a fact that Joan has already won a spot for her team. We'll be seeing a lot more of you soon."
"Oum, why have you forsaken me." Jaune wallowed, much to the amusement of everyone else in the room.
And that's the show everyone! How did you like it? I tried my best with creating Jaunes sisters in a way that made sense. Obviously Alustriel and Dove are complete opposites, the Hot Headed Extrovert and the Cool Collected Introvert, but I feel they work well that way! And don't forget about Joan who was teased at the end of this! She's a fun one!
Now, the sisters wont be playing any major roll in the near future, at least not until I get started on the second semester, but I thought it would be good to introduce them here and now. Also in case anyone was wondering where the names and inspirations came from, I based Jaune's sisters after the Seven Sisters story in Dungeons and Dragons. I used their exact names save for Joan. I figured that since everyone in ruby is based off of someone, I might as well make Jaunes sisters be based off of someone too! (The seven dwarves do not count. They're better than that lol)
ANyways thank you all for the incredible Reviews, I love them so much! Tell me what you all thought about this chapter! I tried to make it longer than the others and keep its organic feel, hopefully it worked. I'll try to update again soon! Until Next Time!
Suna OUT!