
Little eleven year-old Levy McGarden sat under a large oak tree in the local park. A large tome open are the small girl's lap. Levy was a new member of the wizarding guild; Fairy Tail. Levy looked up from her book. She looked around before closing her book and slipping through the bushes. The small girl followed a small trail into a small clearing. The young mage smiled as she caught sight a dark shape with red glowing eyes. A tall boy who looked to be about two years older than Levy stepped out of the shadows.

Levy felt her smile become a full-fledged grin. The younger girl launched herself into her friend's arms. Gajeel knew what was coming and planted his feet for when Levy jumped into his arms. The young dragon slayer had not seen his friend in close to a year.

"What made you come back, Gajeel? I woke up one morning and your pack was just gone. You didn't leave a note or anything!" Levy pulled back and smacked her small hand against Gajeel's chest. Gajeel only blinked at Levy. She had every right to be mad at him. He really had just left her behind one morning after they had been traveling together for close to three months.

The young boy sighed "I felt like I was holding ya back, Shrimp. You are too pure for all the darkness I have seen. I did not want to risk you so I left. I joined a guild and while the master is an ass-"

"Gajeel!" Levy smacked his chest again for the use of a word she did not approve of. The young slayer just shot his shorter companion a look before picking up where he left off at:

"As I was sayin' I found me an honest guild where I can work. I was honestly thinking about bringing you in, but some of the members areā€¦ not safe for you to be around. They leave me alone, plus I heard that you joined a guild a few weeks ago. I had to check on ya, that's why I sent the book."

Levy blinked as she as she looked up into Gajeel's eyes.

"I am still mad that you left me behind, but yes I did join a guild. There are a lot of other kids my age there so it is nice. I'm not alone, but I really wish you would come join us, Gajeel."

The slayer shook his head. "I can't the guild I joined has a contract that says we can't just up and leave."

Levy's brow furrowed with worry. "Just promise me that if you can join me that you won't hesitate to do so, okay?"

The next six years passed by in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Gajeel had turned into a mean and sour man. His years with Phantom Lord had not been kind to him. On this night he had destroyed a rival guild's hall and now he was looking to finish off his message. For some reason as he watched the trio of wizards walk towards his vantage point he began to think of the small blue haired fairy that had been his friend until he had left her behind. When they had first joined their respective guilds Levy had sent him letters until the Jose had found out and started burning them before Gajeel could read them. Gajeel had spent a few years trying to get thrown out of Phantom Lord; even as going as fair as trying to be arrested by the magic council, but nothing worked.

Gajeel watched the trio get closer; the darkness masking their features and the wind was blowing their scents away from Gajeel's nose. He still felt a pulling in his chest. The dragon slayer frowned then he shook himself off and launched his attack.

Levy was walking back with Jet and Droy from a mission when they were attacked by a large shadow with glowing red eyes. Levy immediately tried to protect her unconscious teammates, but she froze when she finally got a good look at their attacker.

She sucked in a breath "Gajeel?" she said in confusion. The man must not have heard as he sliced her arm. Levy felt fear course through her as she turned to run and get help; the guild hall was just around the next block. The shadow caught her and quickly knocked Levy unconscious.

Gajeel felt the haze left from him mind when he had finally finished he last warning to the weaklings in the Fairy Tail guild. When he finally looked at the young girl he had just put the Phantom Lord symbol on he froze. Shame and guilt flooded his system as he realized just who he had hurt. The dragon slayer sank to his knees "Shrimp?"

Gajeel felt sick to his stomach. The one person he had tried to protect he had just tortured and pinned to a tree. Gajeel fled, unable to look at his one-time friend. Jose had told him shortly after his visit with Levy six years ago that friends were forbidden. Gajeel had not argued since it was fresh after a beating from Jose himself.

As Gajeel fled back to Phantom Lord he could not help but think that Jose might have been right when he had said that having friends made one weak. Still a lone tear slipped from Gajeel's eye as he hoped that one day Levy just might forgive him, but from now on she would forever be forbidden to him.