Title: Compromise
Rating: K
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Ron/Hermione
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Word Count: 184
Summary: Ron and Hermione learn the meaning of compromise.
Rummikub Challenge: Prompt Used - "Put down the _ and no one gets hurt" (dialogue)
Game of Life Challenge: Prompt Used – baptism
"Put down the floo powder and no one gets hurt," Hermione commands.
Ron sighs and follows his wife's order. "Of course, dear."
"Until we both agree, no one is notified."
Ron glares at Hermione. "It's Pure-blood tradition to baptize new children with a party."
Hermione rolls her eyes, fully unimpressed. "Well, I'm not a Pure-blood. I'm a Muggleborn who grew up in a catholic family. And we did it with a priest."
"My mum is expecting us to do it the Pure-blood way."
Hermione holds up her hand as she suddenly uproariously laughs.
Ron blinks, thinking his wife might have finally lost her mind.
"Why are we arguing about this? The solution is so simple. We can do the baptism with the priest for my family. Afterwards, we can have the party that your family recognizes. That way, everyone's happy."
"That's what compromise means, right?" Ron asks.
Hermione nods and takes some floo powder, ready to tell her mother-in-law the plans. She pauses to present Ron with a chaste kiss before she kneels and throws the floo power into the fireplace, calling, "The Burrow!"