The Blue Dragon

Chapter 1: Empty Threats

Hai there my loves, it's Emiko

This is my second ever fanfiction and I'm pretty proud of it, I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I am a major Gale/Gajevy shipper; they are practically the ONLY straight anime couple that I like

There will be future lemons [smut] in this fanfic, although I don't know what chapter. If you don't like lemons then you probably should stop reading *tear*




My eyelids felt heavy, my head felt groggy. I opened my eyes to take in my surroundings everything was a huge blur. "That's the last time I have reading marathon until 7 in the morning" I remarked to myself.

Jumping out bed, I grabbed my brush, getting all the knots out of my blue hair. I then slipped out of my night gown trading it with a yellow sundress and wriggled my arms through its sleeves and tied its strap around my neck. I did a once over of all my headbands and grabbed the yellow one that complemented my outfit. I looked in the mirror, smiling at my outfit, I may not be as pretty or have as big of breasts as the other girls in fairy tail but at least I have the adorable factor on my side. Running out of my apartment I took my red sandals with me as I went out the door. This was going to be an amazing day.

The sun quickly blinded me as I stepped out of the door. I started to blink a lot to adjusting my eyes. Looking up I was able to see the sky of Magnolia as blue as ever. I made my way down to the fairy tale guild putting an extra skip in my step, almost getting it into my head that the happier I act, the better the day would be. Only to soon find out that that would not be the case. I arrived at the doors of the guild already able to hear the laughter and fighting through the thick walls of the building. Opening the large doors that dwarfed me in comparison, I scanned the room and a smile couldn't help but appear on my face as I saw all my friends and their ridiculous behavior.

"You only wish you were as strong as me you untalented stripper!" I heard Natsu growl at Gray who started to bubble up with fury.

"Oh ya well at least I'm not a moron! MORON!" Gray replied at the top of his lungs. Everyone else ignored the boys bickering, being used to their fighting and all. "Guys please don't fight!" Lucy shouted trying to settle the boys.

"Ayyyy sir" Happy said in agreement with Lucy while he nibbled on a fish.

"Come on! Kick his ass Gray!" Juvia said as she stared lustfully at Gray.

"Ya, I don't think that's helping Juvia" Lucy said while rolling her eyes.

"You're just jealous of what Gray and I have! You being my rival and all" Juvia retorted her eyes quickly changing from lust into passion.

Natsu and Gray started to swing at each other, turning their argument into a full out brawl. Gray had just then shoved Natsu onto none other than Erza, the queen of the fairies herself. The impact Natsu had caused Erza made her drop the cake she was so happily eating. The room went silent, and not one living thing moved. Erza stood up and glared at the two boys who were now quaking before her and holding each other for comfort. She then raised her arm and struck both of the fairies and knocked them out in one blow. After a few seconds of silence the whole guild erupted with laughter. I couldn't help but giggle at my friends who were so funny and reckless. I looked around the room and saw Cana drinking away with no cares, and Mirajane bar tending and humming a sweet melody. I turned even more to see Jet and Droy making their way towards me.

"Good morning boys" I said greeting them warmly.

"Hey there Levy" the boys said in unison. They both looked at one another angrily, and started to fight about who was supposed to greet me first or something.

I quickly got distracted when I scanned the room to see a dark figure sitting at one of the tables in the corner of the guild hall. His build was tall and muscular and wore a black tunic with white pants tucked into military boots. He had light reflecting off the metal studs that were on his face even though his long black raven hair covered most of them. I still remember the night that the same scarred and powerful arms that I was starting at now, were the same ones that tortured me and my team shadow gear and crucified us to a tree. His red eyes that were focused on the piece of iron he was snacking on looked up to meet my stare, as if he felt my eyes watching him. I quickly darted my eyes down before he could see that I was looking at him.

"Hey Levy are you even listening to us" Jet exclaimed as he waved a hand in front of my face snapping me out of my day dream.

"Sorry guys, I had long night so I'm kind of out of it, anyways I'm sorry but I can't talk right now...I have to take care of" I weakly remarked. The two guys nodded their head and cleared a path for me so I could continue to walk. I gave them an apologetic smile and started towards the dark figure to the corner.

As I got closer to him images from yesterday started to replay in my head. I remembered Laxus's blonde hair and scarred face smirk as he sent a bolt of lightning in my direction. I thought I was going to die in that moment before Gajeel (a.k.a the dark figure in the corner of the guild at this precise moment) stepped in and took the blow for me. Gajeel may have hurt me in the past, but by joining fair tail last week and saving my life yesterday he has more than proved to me that he's changed. So that's why I was walking towards him right now, I needed to thank him, that's the business I told my friends I needed to take care of. As I got closer to him my breathing increased to the point that my chest got so big from inhaling all that air that it started to look like I actually had boobs. I curled my hands into a fist and my fingernails started to tear at my skin as my palm started to sweat. I had finally reached him but I couldn't say anything and I just hovered over him. He didn't so much as acknowledge my presence but just continued to eat his iron.

I finally was able to form one word "Hey!" I spat out too eagerly. He stopped eating and just lowered the iron in his hand still not even looking up at me.

"What do you want little girl" Gajeel growled. I started to see almost all the eyes in the guild hall shift towards us, but they did it in a manner so that they wouldn't anger the iron dragon slayer. As soon as those words left his lips my heart rate immediately rose, but not from nervousness...but from anger. I stopped shaking and I could tell my breathing halted as if I was holding my breath. He noticed my sudden change in moods and finally looked up at me out of curiosity. Dragon slayers have heightened senses so probably noticed my change of heart rate and breathing.

"I came over here to thank you for saving me yesterday but if you're gonna be an ass about it then I won't" I bit back at him. I was even surprised by my actions, because I barley raised my voice let alone curse, but there was something about him that just pushed me over the edge.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked "Oh wow looks like the little fairy has a nasty bite to her too, who knew" he snorted. "Well I bet your all talk because I doubt a weakling like you could do anything about it anyways."

I was shocked to hear these words come out of his mouth, never have I met a person as smug as him. I balled up my fists and my next action even took me by surprise. I pulled back my fists and lunged at him as hard as I could, aiming for his arm. He quickly grabbed my punch absorbing it into his hand with no problem. He the stood up and towered over my small body, still holding the tiny fist that was my hand. The room went silent and no one made one move, even Natsu and Gray who had each other in a headlock at the moment stopped fighting to look at Gajeel and I. He started to laugh a low laugh while showing off all of his sharp teeth. I was so infuriated that I took my free hand and punched him in the stomach and followed by kicking his shin with my right leg. He let go of my hand and took a few steps back in shock. I think the shock was the thing that sent him backwards not the actual punches. In truth I bet you that me punching his rock hard stomach hurt my fist more than him. Jet and Droy ran over to me quickly thinking that the iron dragon slayer would hurt me. He just hunched over in laughter even louder and harder than before. He then looked up and smugly said "If that was you trying to thank me for saving your sorry ass yesterday than I think you need to work on your people skills."

"No one asked you to save me you know" I explained matter of factly.

"Oh please if I hadn't stepped in we would be at your funeral right now looking at your burnt corpse" he retorted. And I had to agree, he didn't have to save me but he did even though Jet and Droy had tried attacking him 5 minutes earlier.

I took a deep breath and swallowed my pride, I folded by grinning as far as my mouth would let me. "Your right...I'm sorry! If you hadn't stepped in I would be dead, I'm especially grateful because you didn't have to do it in the first place. I hope you can forgive me for this outburst but I hate it when people call me weak and small." I said in the most charming voice I could muster up with the little courage I had. He quickly looked to the ground and his hair covered his face...but before I swear I he couldn't have...I think I saw him blush. I didn't say anything about the blush, afraid that if I did he would go on a murder spree. After a couple of seconds of awkward silence he looked up again

"Well shrimp you and your incredibly sorry ass are welcome. And I only saved you because if you died I would never hear the end of it from those two" he said gesturing towards Jet and Droy "besides, you're not THAT weak I mean you survived an attack from me the first time we meet, and not a lot of people are fortunate enough to be able to say that." He said showing no emotion making sure that he didn't lose face when he said those surprisingly comforting words to me. WAIT HOLD ON DID HE JUST CALL ME 'SHRIMP'. "Shrimp?!" Was all I could say at that point.

"Really! I make a speech and I was being nice too, which is a rare thing for me and all you got out from it was me calling you shrimp!" Gajeel replied slightly irritated. I sighed

"You are hopeless..." I said to the dragon slayer.

"IM HOPELESS!?" I saw how riled up he got and all I could was how adorable he looked all tense and frustrated. Wait what am I saying right now? I couldn't help but let a giggle escape from my lips.

"What are you laughing at shrimp" Gajeel barked.

"Nothing, anyway I'm glad we cleared things up Gajeel. I said while flashing him another charming smile hoping to calm him down. He looked away annoyed with me and mumbled a few curses before sitting down again to resume his meal. Everyone seemed to calm down in the guild and stopped paying attention to the bluenett and the iron dragon. I saw this as an opportunity to go to the bar and get some food.

I looked at the clock to see that it was almost midnight. I paid Mirajane for the food and drinks and waved at my friends and left the guild. As the large door closed behind me I looked up at the sky to see a beautiful full moon light up all of Magnolia at this late hour. I started towards the direction of my house when all of a sudden I heard footsteps following mine. I turned around seeing no one there. "Jet, Droy, Lucy?" I called out knowing better that it was probably not them, but who could blame me I was alone at night in a dark alley.

"Sorry sweetness but I'm not any of those people" a voice replied from the shadows "although if you wanted I could be whoever you want darling" the low voice said coming closer to me. All I could do was stand there in shock of what vulgar things this man was saying. "What do ya say little one, you wanna get it on right now." He said more like a statement than an actual question. He then grabbed my wrist pulling me closer and started to breathe down my neck, I could smell the alcohol on him.

"GET OFF" I yelled as I struggled to get away. His grip just tightened, this man was obviously stronger than me.

"Not a chance your just too damn pretty to give up" the man replied and then he leaned down and grabbed my chin. His actions only made me struggle more, all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on my stomach...he had punched me in the ribs. I hunched over in pain. He just grabbed my chin AGIAN this time pulling me up to him and he started to lick my neck. As I felt the saliva on my neck the pain in my stomach was replaced with nausea, making me want to throw up in disgust. "Oh wow you taste amazing" he said chuckling into my ear. He then spun me around so that he was behind me holding me from behind. The man then hiked up my dress revealing my panties and he started to go up more. His hard and gross hand started to grope my left boob right over my bra. At this point I was paralyzed from fear and my throat was so dry that I couldn't call out for help. I could feel the other hand starting to move, trying to grab my other boob underneath the bra this time. I started to feel his fingertips lift the cup of my bra, when all of a sudden I heard a thud on the ground. I looked down to see that the man who was just groping me was now lying unconscious on the ground. I quickly pulled down my dress as I realized I was not longer in his hold. When all of a sudden I saw a second figure appear from the shadows. As the figure got closer it looked more familiar. Than when I saw who it was with the light from the moon highlighting his features I was in was Gajeel.

Gajeel looked down at my assailant and mumbled "scum like you deserve to rot in hell" he then followed the statement by kicking the unconscious stranger in the gut so hard I swear I heard a couple of ribs crack. "How about you, are you ok shrimp?" He asked looking a little bit concerned. All I could do was nod at him to reply. "Come on shrimp I will walk you home" Gajeel said. I nodded again and as I put one foot forward in my attempt to walk I stumbled to my knees as I felt a pain in my ribs where the stranger had struck me. I tried calling for help but my throat was still dry, then everything around me became blurry and my head felt light. The last thing I can remember was Gajeel yelling "Levy!..." And then I blacked out.

I hope you guys liked chapter one 3

I've already started writing the second chapter and I'll try to update ASAP

Sorry for the cliffhanger babes