Chapter 4: The Battle

All three elves tensed at the mention of Eldunari. Harry didn't blame them. He knew it was one of the greatest secrets of the dragons. Only elder riders were informed of it within the Order and a handful of people outside it – three of whom were standing before him.

"Not here,"Evandar said. "We'll meet in the throne room."

His tone was urgent and brooked no disagreement. He turned towards Islanzadi.

"Lead Harry-elda there, I'll inform the others and make arrangements," she said knowing what he wanted.

In short order, Harry was sitting at a table in the throne room with Oromis, Brom, Gilderien, Evandar and Islanzadi. The dragons lay close by within reach of the table.

"How did you find out about the Eldunari, Harry-elda?" Oromis asked. His tone was casual and completely at odds with the tense atmosphere. "I made sure to keep any memories of them away from you."

"I found out about them from Brom," Harry said. Evandar and Islanzadi turned frigid glances towards the younger rider, who was suddenly face to face with his dragon and growing paler by the second.

"Don't blame him, he left himself open to me the moment he incanted the spell." Seeing that this did not help Harry continued, "Not to mention he would have a better chance of hiding things from Galbatorix."

"That is true. I doubt I could hold out against Harry-elda indefinitely if he truly intended to get into my mind," Oromis added trying to lessen Saphira's ire at her rider.

At this Saphira faced Harry. He felt a mind touch his own and he could feel her anger.

Was it necessary?

Yes. Harry thought back. Or would you rather that I help anyone who uses the spell, even someone like Galbatorix?

He could feel her trying to gauge his truthfulness and he let her. She must have found something because her mind receded though he could feel that her anger had yet to abate.

Harry looked at the others to find them staring at him. Oromis's admission had shocked them. Nevertheless, he was happy that it was out in the open. They needed to understand what he was capable of if he wanted to have any leverage in this conversation.

"Now that you have the knowledge it is unimportant how you came by it," Gilderien said taking the lead. "You mentioned you had conditions?"

Immediately there were growls from Saphira and Glaedr, Glaedr being the louder by far.

What are these conditions you speak of? Glaedr's voice echoed in Harry's mind, the warning unmistakeable.

"Have you wondered how Galbatorix was able to bend the minds of the ancient dragons to his will?" Harry asked, knowing he would have to tread carefully. After a beat of silence at the non-sequitur, Oromis answered.

"Galbatorix always had a gift for the arts of the mind. Even as a student his skill in that field was undeniable."

"Maybe so, but the mind of a dragon is not easily subdued," Harry said. "They are fierce by nature, yet he was able to break enough Eldunari that he gave a good challenge to Vrael himself. Why do you think that is?"

The process of separation of Eldunari is a traumatic one if not done by an experienced dragon. Galbatorix forced many a dragon to part with their Eldunari with threats to the well-being of their rider, this we know.

Glaedr's voice was sorrowful at first then turned harsh and angry.

Before he faced Vrael in Vroengard, he tortured many of the riders and dragons that he had bound. Under such strain and with many of the forsworn working together it is not surprising that one of Galbatorix's skill was able to break through. Why have you brought this up?

"I apologise for bringing up painful memories but it bears relevance to what I have to say." Harry gave a moment to Glaedr to compose himself before he continued.

"While what you say is true, it was not only the bonded dragons that he managed to subdue. As far as I can tell from Brom's memories, a lot of his strength came from Eldunari that he had captured from the riders who carried them. The reasons you gave don't hold true for those Eldunari. They were ancient dragons who were wild or bonded ones who had already come to terms with the loss of their riders. They could not have been tortured. Many of their ages eclipsed those of the Forsworn and Galbatorix by a wide margin. They should not have been so easily subdued."

Oromis was frowning as he thought on what Harry said.

"I can see what you are saying. But how does this help us. Those dragons have already been captured, what does it matter how it was done? What does this have to do with your conditions?"

"Well, 'conditions' was perhaps a bit misleading. It was more concern that you didn't truly understand the nature of Eldunari."

And you do? Glaedr asked.

"Not completely, no. I can't say that without talking to the dragons in the Eldunari but I have good guesses. And in this matter I am sure that they are accurate."

"And what are these guesses?" Islanzadi asked.

Instead of answering her directly Harry turned to Glaedr and Saphira.

"From what I can guess dragon's first made the Eldunari to better understand and use magic…and to defend their brethren from its use against them."

That is not knowledge that was given to Brom. How do you know that? Glaedr asked.

"Well, Brom knew that the dragons' use of magic was instinctual. Yet during your war with the elves, there were always spells and wards which prevented the elves from easily finding or harming your nests. Not to mention the ease with which you used magic during the formation of the bond of the riders and the banishing of names…both times the effects were powerful and were through the direct manipulation of energy rather than through spells."

Harry stopped to see if the people were catching on. Oromis was the only one who seemed to know what he was hinting at. Everyone else simply looked confused as to where he was going, so he continued.

"Such mastery can only be gained through time and effort that dragons with bodies simply would not put in due to their very nature….especially before the bonding mellowed them out somewhat."

Harry turned towards Glaedr and Saphira addressing them.

"Dragons as a race are ruled more by your instincts and passions than by reason. You value freedom and wildness above structure. While that can be the basis of powerful magic…it needs control to be truly effective…control learned once the ancient dragons were separate from their bodies and therefore somewhat immune from those instincts. Despite that though I think using magic with the ancient language is still beyond you as such structure goes against the very nature of dragons."

That is very well reasoned and true. I know that after bonding with the riders and gaining the gift of language my predecessors did try to imitate the way elves used their magic but they couldn't. While we can speak the ancient language and are bound by all that we say in it much like the elves, we cannot use it to effect magic. Glaedr's voice echoed in the minds of all present.

But that is something that we have always known Harry-elda though we have protected that knowledge. If this is all you have..

Harry cut him off.

"No. I simply wanted to see that everyone understood this before I moved to what truly concerns me about the Eldunari."

"Very well then Harry-elda. Please continue", Oromis said.

"As I said, dragons are beings of the wild…free and fierce. While being in the Eldunari mutes this somewhat and makes them able to use magic with greater control it also makes them weaker in mind, in a sense. The longer a dragon stays in an Eldunari…cut off from the senses and muting their instincts the greater is the weakness. Of course, they grow in age and experience and can overwhelm most people through sheer force. However, someone like Galbatorix can exploit this weakness and I have no doubt that he has discovered this."

Harry finished his explanation and everyone was silent as they thought over his argument.

This is plausible. Glaedr said though the reluctance to admit such was clear in his voice.

"How was it that the riders never thought of this or observed it?" Evandar asked. "While access to Eldunari was restricted to the elder riders, someone should have noticed this."

"As Riders we have always treated the Eldunari with respect, especially for their sacrifice in living on to advise us. From what I know no one has ever thought to study them for weaknesses. It would have been considered disrespectful." Oromis frowned. "What Harry-elda described could be true, but it would also be subtle. Short of attacking their minds I doubt we could have discovered it. Most dragons who chose to make Eldunari were old and their mental force would have masked this weakness to anything but a direct attack aimed at domination."

I agree. Glaedr said. While not commonly known the reason there were so few elder dragons despite dragons being immortal, apart from our war with the elves, was that after a certain age most dragons lost the will to live as living and hunting became too easy. These were the dragons that chose to either pass on to the void or become Eldunari. We gain power from our instincts. It is quite possible that living without them for so long would weaken us in ways we could not anticipate. While the Eldunari which tired of life were always given their wish to pass on, we never thought that those who chose to continue could be so affected.

Everyone could hear the self-recrimination in his voice for missing something that could have led to the enslavement of so many of his brethren and contributed to the rise of Galbatorix.

"It is not your fault alone. After the pact when we gained immortality, the elves faced this problem. Many of our brethren could not handle our newfound longevity and due to lack of interest in life their minds simply faded away. Of that time only Rhunon and I remain in Ellesmera with a few others in the other cities", Gilderien said with a faraway look in his eyes. Focusing on those present he continued.

"That is why most young elves are encouraged to pick up some activity that they can continue for the rest of their lives. That this problem would also affect the Eldunari should have occurred to us but it didn't."

There was silence in the hall for a few minutes as everyone thought over the information that had just been revelaed. Harry knew they were all thinking how they had missed something which when pointed out seemed so obvious. But that would get them nowhere.

"Blaming yourselves is not going to solve anything. That none of you thought of actually controlling the Eldunari by force in all the years that you have had them is more a point in your favour than otherwise. You took all the precautions that you could. However they were insufficient." He paused.

"Without going into details I can say that before the fall of Doru Araeba riders took certain precautions against such happening again. This I learned from Oromis' mind." He gestured towards Oromis who nodded. "While these defences are very good they give undue power to the Eldunari themselves as any who have to use them must give up their true names to them."

"I don't think that is bad. It would prevent anyone from forcibly using the Eldunari, as they would have the upper hand in any confrontation,"Brom said.

"Eldunari are not living beings Brom, not as they were when they were alive. They exist somewhere between the living and the dead much like the spirits that Galbatorix has bound to his will as shades. They should never have that much influence on the living."

As he said that Harry realised what he had missed when he fell asleep. His decision as to whether to enter the war was made for him with that realization.

And who are you to decide that?

Harry felt Saphira in his mind again, though this time the conversation was open to all.

"Saphira..!" Brom tried. However, she ignored him and continued.

While I am grateful for your help in healing both me and my masters and am impressed by your knowledge and understanding, I don't see why you should have any say in the matter of Eldunari simply because you managed to pull that information from the mind of my rider.

While her voice had started out soft, it had taken on undertones of deep anger at the end and even as old as Harry was having an angry dragon in his mind was not pleasant.

"Saphira…" Brom tried again and stopped when he realised she had said her piece. He turned towards Harry red-faced and apologetic.

"I am…"

She is right. Brom was cut off again by Glaedr.

Eldunari and their fate are a matter for the dragons alone to decide. The riders were given a say only because they were bonded to us. Even so they only provided help, decisions regarding the Eldunari were always ours to make.

"You are right. I have not earned the right to dictate actions regarding the Eldunari with my help." Harry said and turned towards Brom. "And Saphira is right to be angry about me rifling through your mind. You never did give me permission. I never realised the words I had given would be passed on without the recipient knowing their meaning and what would be required of them when invoking them. For that I apologise."

He turned back to the others, his expression serious.

"However, it is not in return for my healing that I asked to be included in this discussion. Nor is it any help that I may give you in your war with the king that entitles me to such. No! It is my right by who I am and the position that I hold."

"Your right..", Oromis asked and Harry could tell by his expression that he was caught between anger and curiosity. The other three elves had gone rigid at his words.

The dragons had no such restrictions. He could feel Glaedr and Saphira's angry voices at the outer periphery of his mind but he pushed them out effortlessly much to their surprise.

"Yes, my right. It is time you learned who you summoned to help you."

Te oro, dominus mortis, et mortua Sanctorum, he said, filling the words with power.

Chairs crashed to the floor as the elves got up looking for any signs of magical attack. Harry remained seated so as not to alarm them further. The wards on the hall would ensure that the disturbance would not reach outside.

"In the language of my people it means - I summon you, master of death and the deathly hallows! I am responsible for all that lies between the boundaries of life and death- spirits and shades, immortals and amortals and yes, Eldunari too. My duty is to ensure that the cycle of life flows unbroken and the natural order is upheld. That is why the Eldunari fall under my authority. And that is why when the time comes Galbatorix and his shades will all fall at my hand."

When Harry finished speaking everybody was looking at him- Glaedr and Saphira had fallen silent. The rest were looking at him with some degree of alarm, his titles did sound ominous.

"Leaving aside the matter of how easily you talk about defeating Galbatorix, those titles while impressive mean nothing to us. There is no reason as to why we should recognize your self-given authority in this matter" Islanzadi said.

"You misunderstand Dröttning", Harry said using her title for the first time. "My authority is not self-given nor is it dependent on your recognition. But you don't have to take my word for it. I believe Vrael was the last leader of the riders was he not?"

"Yes", Oromis answered.

"My position offers me some privileges to better perform my duties. I believe his word on the matter will be sufficient" Harry asked somewhat enjoying the baffled look on their faces. He did not wait for their answer but focused instead on the image of Vrael he had seen in Brom's memories.

He gestured towards the ground where the symbol of the Hallows made itself- the triangle followed by the circle inside followed by the line bisecting them. It started glowing as Harry manipulated his magic and focused on the summoning.

Oromis was the first to realise what Harry was planning to do. While he did not agree with the way Harry had demanded a say in the matter of Eldunari, he did not want him to die either.

"No! It is impossible to do summon the dead. Don't…" he stopped when the glowing symbol faded away and was replaced by the shade of his dead friend.

"Atra esterní ono thelduin. Oromis-vodhr, Glaedr, Islanzadi Dröttning, Evandar Könungr, Gilderien-elda, Brom-vodhr, Saphira. It is good to see you all."

Vrael's greetings were followed by silence. Harry simply watched and waited for them to get their bearings.

"What…What is the meaning of this? " Oromis said, his voice going hard as he continued. "Vrael is dead. For you..".

"It is me Oromis",Vrael cut him off. "You can ask me anything you want and I will answer. I am not a cleverly made illusion. Open your mind and you will know."

A moment later and Oromis sagged where he was standing.

"How is this possible?" he whispered looking first at Vrael and then at Harry.

"What we know of the world is so little my friend. There is much that the elves and even the riders can't perceive. Harry elda is who he says he is." Vrael said, speaking to everyone in the clearing.

Glaedr moved forward to look at him.

I can feel your mind and it is no illusion. I don't know of any magic that could mimic that. But you are not present here, there is something missing.

"He is here but not. His time has already passed. He is present here due to my power and when I release him he will go back to where he came from. That is what you feel. He is here in spirit and mind but he is not alive." Harry answered the unspoken question.

This broke the spell that had fallen over the hall as everyone rushed forward to ask their own questions of Vrael. Harry stood to the side letting them talk to their fallen comrade. He had plenty of time. He was in no hurry, especially since he knew that his words would be given due consideration now.


Harry stood at the outskirts of Du Weldenvarden watching as the elven army assembled and divided into groups. He marvelled at their efficiency – being able to communicate orders through mind speak had its advantages. Tearing his glance away from them he looked once more at his work in the clearing – it was a setup that would work much like a portkey, only allowing larger groups to be transported at once and removing the need for them to be touching an object.

Two huge concentric circles, almost as large as the clearing, were drawn and the area between the circles was dotted with rocks - four large ones in the cardinal directions and smaller ones interspaced between them. Each of the rocks was filled with runic carvings- they had taken the most time to make as each rune had to be done individually and while magic could be used the state of mind while carving them was crucial to their success.

The circles would save them the trouble of fighting through all of the cities that had pledged allegiance to Galbatorix willingly or otherwise. Liberating them and finding which was which was a task that Harry convinced the elves should come after the defeat of the tyrant himself as the oaths binding the rulers to him would be null and void.

It hadn't taken much convincing either as the elves were almost in awe of him from the time he had successfully summoned Vrael. Harry sighed. This was the reason he did not to reveal his powers, ones related to the dead in particular, unless absolutely necessary. He hoped the elves would get over it soon. Only Gilderien and Oromis and Rhunön had treated him with some semblance of normality- perhaps because they were used to such treatment themselves.

"Ready to go to war are we?"

Harry recognized the voice, and turned to greet Rhunön.

"I am. I see that you are going too," he said and gestured towards her armour and the sword at her hip.

"I remember every sword I have ever made. I remember those I made for Galbatorix and the forsworn." Her expression twisted to one of anger and distaste. "They were meant to be the weapons of guardians to be used in the pursuit of peace and justice, not tools of war and oppression. But they were used as such. The least I can do is to ensure that those who have so defiled their purpose are brought down."

Harry was reminded of another conversation that he had a long time ago- though while it was similar it was also so very different.

"You are not responsible for their choices- you do not share in their blame."

"Perhaps" Rhunön said. "Are you sure you do not want a sword?"

Harry sighed. Well, he wouldn't force her to stay back; it was much more her war than his. He just hoped she made it through.

"I don't plan on a swordfight but if there should be one I can simply conjure a sword for the duration."

He held up his hand conjuring a sword.

"But I doubt it will come to that."

He dismissed the weapon and looked at Rhunön. He stifled a laugh at the expression on her face. She took the fact that he could make and discard weapons as easy as breathing a bit too personally, though she was very impressed that he could make them none the less.

"Atra esterní ono thelduin"

Harry started as Gilderien appeared beside him. He had yet to figure out how the elf did it-some kind of bond with the forest maybe. He would figure it out sooner or later. He hoped it took him time- interesting things were few and far between.

"Atra du evarínya ono varda" Harry replied while Rhunön simply nodded. Harry wasn't surprised at that. From what he knew, Gilderien and Rhunon knew each other far before many of these mannerisms became common place.

"They are ready. Oromis, Glaedr, Brom and Saphira along with the elves who will accompany them will be arriving shortly," Gilderien said.

Harry nodded. A few minutes later he could hear the thuds of the dragons' wings. He looked overhead as first Glaedr and then Saphira landed near the edge of the circles.. From the forest a company of elves emerged. Following them were the royal couple, along with the dragons and their riders and Dathedar. All of them were decked in full armour except for Islanzadi and Dathedar. After exiting the forest they made their way towards where Harry was standing with Gilderien and Rhunön.

"It is time. Blödhgarm says the way is clear,"Evandar said. "We are as ready as we can be. We know that all the forsworn and Galbatorix are in Ilirea. They suspect that we intend to take it back though they will not expect us to go there directly."

"That is good. They intend for you to weaken yourselves while marching on the capital. They will expect you to be fatigued and weary after the long march. We can surprise them. Having all of them in one place means there won't be any one to start up petty rebellions after our victory" Harry said.

"You might be powerful, Harry-elda but all it takes is one mistake for victory to turn to defeat" Islanzadi said in warning.

Harry nodded. While Galbatorix couldn't do anything to him- the people he was with were another matter. Any carelessness on his part could cost many lives.

"I should start", he said stepping towards the circle. The rest stayed behind. Harry went to the centre of the circles. He knelt and put his hand on the ground. Immediately everyone around him could sense the build-up of magic. After a few moments, the circles and then the runes on the rocks started to glow. Beams of light emerged from the rocks flowing in a helical pattern around the circle, and growing ever closer to each other. They met at the top and formed a dome with its top further from the ground than even Glaedr standing at his full height.

Far away on the outskirts of Ilirea, Blödhgarm watched as a pinprick of light emerged out of nowhere at a height above the ground. Beams of light issued from that point and moved towards the ground and away from each other. Once they reached the ground a dome was formed.

Harry could see all the people arrayed outside as if watching them through a glass pane. On the hemisphere itself he could vaguely see the area in Ilirea and Blödhgarm. On concentrating he could better make out that area as the surroundings faded away. He waited for Blödhgarm to give the all clear. With a thought the magic he was holding turned golden for a short moment.

After the dome turned golden the people in the forest could see the view in Ilirea where the second dome had appeared. The dragons with their riders moved first followed by the elven spellcasters. They stepped into the circle in the forest and stepped out of it in Ilirea. As they reached the other side they spread out their minds. They combined strength to search for anything that may have escaped Blödhgarm – as unlikely as that was it never hurt to be sure. After a few tense moments, Oromis gave the all clear.

"Our presence has gone unnoticed. Your enchantments are holding Harry-elda", he said turning back to the dome and looking at the image of the army on the other side.

Immediately Evandar lead the next contingent of elves through the portal. Oromis had managed to convince him that the riders had the better chance of holding off opposition should things go wrong.

"Secure the area and layer as many wards as you can. We have a few hours till the next time the forsworn patrol the area, we must be assembled by then." Evandar said as soon as his entire group had stepped through. Lead by Rhunön the spell-casters moved to make a larger circle and started weaving enchantments.

"I doubt we can hide our presence for long. The elves among the forsworn are old enough that they will sense Glaedr and Saphira even behind the best of our wards; the only reason this use of magic has gone unnoticed is because we are very far from Ilirea and Harry elda's concealing magics are not something they would have encountered earlier." Oromis said.

Evandar nodded. "I know. Let us hope that our luck holds out for a few hours. There is no reason for them to check this area any earlier. In the meantime, I'll see that the army is situated properly."

Brom and Oromis mounted Saphira and Glaedr and moved some distance away, though still within the wards, to keep a lookout. For some time they watched quietly as the elves came out of the circle in groups and moved out of the primary wards to set up wards of their own to hide, making way for the next group.

"Are you ready Brom?" Oromis asked.

"Yes I am Ebrithil. They will not get past us, not unless they come all at once or Galbatorix decides to come himself" Brom replied.

"That was not what I meant Brom-vodhr. Are you ready to face Morzan?"Oromis asked.

Saphira growled loudly at the name and Brom closed his eyes to talk to his partner. His face went through a gamut of emotions. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"We are ebrithil,"he said patting Saphira on the neck. "Whatever remained of my friend, of the student you taught, has long since been consumed by the evil of his ambitions. He has to be stopped". He looked towards Oromis.

"Are you ready Ebrithil, to face Formora and Kialandi?"

This time it was Glaedr who shifted underneath Oromis though that was the only indication that the names meant anything to him.

"Yes,"Oromis said his voice soft. "Last time we were caught unawares as they sprung their trap. This time they will know what it is to face the full might of elder dragon and rider."

Brom supressed a shiver at the smile on Oromis's face- there was no humour in it. It was at times like this that it was evident how different the elves were from humans. They looked calm and would pass as emotionless to most humans as little could really affect them. But when their emotions were roused- well, he was glad that he would not be facing that anger.

He couldn't find anything to say and the two riders stayed that way looking into the distance for any hint that the enemy had noticed their arrival. Both knew that a little carelessness now, a misstep could very well be disastrous. As the army assembled, they were at their most vulnerable.

Almost two hours later, the final group of elves made their way through the portal and just like all the others before them stepped away to complete their own wards outside the primary area. The riders and dragons turned and looked as the dome started to shimmer and the images in them lost consistency as if the surface was water and had been disturbed. Slowly there were no images to see and the dome broke up into small pinpricks of light that dissipated into the air.

Evandar who had been managing all the coming elves along with Blödhgarm stepped away and moved towards the riders.

"I still cannot believe that such an application of magic can exist and that one man can do so much," he said as soon as he reached them.

"It is not as far-fetched as one would believe," Oromis said. "The Council of Riders had long toyed with the idea of extending scrying and combining it with the spell for transportation. However, we never succeeded. Perhaps after this war is over we can convince Harry- elda to teach us some of this magic. As for him being able to cast it, he has been breaking our expectations of what is impossible. I truly wonder if he has any limits at all."

He said thinking of the summoning of Vrael and confirmation of the existence of the afterlife. Though Harry elda had remained very elusive over what exactly it entailed. Vrael himself had not been able to answer. Any knowledge that was gained after death could apparently not be shared with the living.

The conversation was interrupted as a figure materialised in the middle of the clearing and immediately started walking towards them.

"We are all here and have not been noticed," Harry said, looking not the least bit fatigued.

No limits indeed. Oromis thought though looking at the others he was not the only one thinking that way.

"In that we have been fortunate. There was a risk of the forsworn coming out at any time. After the banishing of the names they have been known to be erratic" Evandar said and there was no missing the satisfaction in his voice at the fate of the forsworn.

"Yes but they are dangerous, none the less. Perhaps more so than ever, if self-preservation is not a goal when they fight,"Oromis said.

"Yes. It is quite possible that their state of mind would allow them to wield magic in ways that would be very difficult to counter," Blödhgarm said.

"I will take care of any such instance of magic if it appears. Though you will handle the forsworn yourselves, I will remove the advantage of their borrowed strengths," Harry said and Oromis did not doubt for a second that he was capable of that feat and more.

"And what of Galbatorix?" he asked.

"I will deal with any shades that he may have created and also rid him of his additional powers. Beyond that, it will depend on what else he has done. This is your battle and a problem of your creation," Harry said, waving his arms to show that he meant all of them. "I will help you to even the scales but I will not win it for you, not unless I feel he has done something that I feel warrants my interference."

"I agree Harry elda," Oromis said over the protests of Blodhgram and Evandar. "The riders did contribute to the rise of Galbatorix, if only through inaction and complacency. We will deal with him and the forsworn."

"With us by your side", Evandar said looking at Harry as if daring him to contradict him.

Oromis watched as Harry's expression changed to a soft smile as if he expected nothing less and this had been his motive all along. Perhaps, their belief that those of higher power if they existed should interfere more in the world was flawed. After all, most problems did not need more power to solve, simply understanding and a willingness to work together. But those were musings that were best left for later.

He turned to Evandar.

"We still have a couple of hours till the next patrol of the forsworn. We should rest and prepare. A couple dozen sentries should be more than enough to keep watch for any unexpected eventualities."

The group dispersed each moving towards where their tents had been setup to await the coming battle.


The preparations were complete. The guards were at their posts. Oromis was lost in his waking dreams atop Glaedr while Brom slept under Saphira's wings some distance away. Evandar had managed to convince them to get rest as they were the strongest spellcasters they had except Harry-elda but no one knew how much he would help. As grateful as Evandar was for him healing Oromis and Glaedr and returning hope and morale to the elves he couldn't help but think the man could do more. With what he had hinted he could end the war easily and yet he had left it to them. He couldn't do much about that when even Vrael had agreed with this decision. That had been a revelation that he was still reeling from. To see his old friend again had been a bittersweet experience. The revelation of life beyond death, and what it said about Harry-elda's powers that he could reach so easily into it was something to be looked into after the war.

Despite his hesitance to fully embroil himself in the struggle, Harry-elda had been a great help. The elves would have taken many losses if they had to march from Ellesmera to Ilirea no matter how stealthy they were and how many towns they bypassed. He was grateful that they had the chance to bring the fight to the Galbatorix while they were rested and not at the end of a long march.

Nevertheless, so many lives had already been lost; so much death and all for the misguided ambitions of one man. Evandar shook his head. It was no use thinking about that. It would all be brought to an end in a few days. Though rebuilding the order would take time. Restoring faith in the human riders among the elves would take more. So many were quick to blame human weakness as the reason for the fall, Evandar had heard the discontent among the elves. Even Brom had come under scrutiny, especially during the time Harry-elda had made his appearance and the elves that he had spelled asleep had yet to wake.

Sometimes despite their long memories and renowned wisdom his race was quick to forget and quite short-sighted. So easily they forgot that Galbatorix had elven riders by his side too and while Galbatorix had the loss of a dragon to blame for his madness and fall they had no such excuse. Evandar knew not why they had joined up with the king- the humans may have some reason what with many believing that the elven traditions dominated the riders, the elves did not have that excuse either. It was beyond his understanding. He shook his head. No matter their reasons, they would be brought to justice all the same.

He took one last look at the resting riders, their best hope of getting that justice before he turned and left. It was fitting there was one elven and one human rider that lead the charge. Perhaps now the riders could be more balanced as they were rebuilt. Evandar made one more circuit of the camp and retired to his tent.

He woke to the sound of explosions. They had been found. Why hadn't the alarm been raised? He had slept in his armour and as uncomfortable as that was, it was paying off now. He took his sword and reached out with his mind to the spellcasters- it was dangerous doing so in the midst of battle, but ignorance could be deadly.

He found the minds of Blödhgarm and the spellcasters. They were embroiled in a struggle with what he presumed were the forsworn- the attack was great and sought to crush the minds of the elves. Evandar added his strength to the defence, working with his people to defend the sentries. Sharing minds in a mental battle also meant sharing of knowledge that was on the top of their minds. They were fighting to protect the sentries, who were taken by surprise by an attack almost as soon as they detected something. More than that he didn't know, but questions could wait for later.

He could feel the minds attacking him and one of them was chaotic and belied comprehension- the dragon of the Forsworn. That was why defending was so difficult, their madness made anticipating them difficult- almost like the Fanghur. Well if defense was difficult he would attack. Alerting his companions he focused his mind into a lance and met the attack head on, several others lending their strength to his. He knew it was one of the elven Forsworn by the feel of his mind and his rage added to his strength.


His voice overshadowed the battle for a moment as the attacker, Formora he realised, was taken aback and her attack faltered. It was but a moment, but it was enough for the elves and they shattered the attack completely allowing the sentries to escape from the grip of the attackers. Evandar reatreated with them, it would not do to be foolhardy at this point. The minds of a Forsworn and dragon were not to be attacked lightly. He instructed them to scour the camp with their minds for similar attacks happening and help where needed as well as pass on his orders to the leaders of other groups.

He stepped out of the tent wondering where Oromis and Glaedr were. Their strength and experience would be invaluable while attacking. Looking around, he realised why they hadn't joined in the defense. The Forsworn were attacking with mind and magic and while he was embroiled in the battle of minds, Oromis was helping to defend with magic, though it was difficult as the attackers were mobile. His heart clenched as he saw different tents upturned and on fire and bodies strewn about. He could see Glaedr some distance away and raced towards them simultaneously reaching out to the elder rider.

The feel of the riders mind was elven and familiar and yet it was foreign all the same. There was an undercurrent of anger that Evandar knew was reflected in his own mind and that of each and every one of their race.

Why have you not engaged the riders Oromis-elda? Being on the ground has you at a disadvantage.

It is difficult to pinpoint their minds. They have some kind of shield guarding it and are invisible to the naked eye. I wouldn't know where to attack. Taking flight now will alert them to my healing giving up the surprise for no gain at all and leaving the encampment defenceless and us open to attack as well. We must break their illusion before we can attack otherwise they can attack at will and in such a battle we are at a disadvantage. Finding them while holding out the illusion protecting us against their attacks is proving to be difficult even with Rhunön - elda and Brom helping.

Oromis paused for a moment and Evandar could see why as a beam of magic was redirected away from the tents to ground where no elves were present. It still caused a lot of damage as elves were thrown around but no lives would be lost. The fire following it was redirected too. He could see Saphira some distance away as she glided across the camp to the opposite side to better defend it.

Evandar couldn't reply when he felt a cry for help .The spell casters moved to help the group of elves who were barely holding out under a mental assault. The forsworn were clever- attacking like this kept the elves occupied and them safe from direct attack. He did not have time to think anymore as he was busy in lending his strength to defend from the mental probe that the Forsworn had unleashed. He felt as a couple of elves fell from the mental strain even as others took their place. This wasn't working- they would be picked off one by one if this continued. The only consolation was that with Oromis holding up the illusion the Forsworn would be having a harder time picking out vulnerable areas to attack.

He felt something pass over him as the mental assault ceased due to the surprise of the attackers. Coming back to himself, he stopped running as he reached Glaedr. He looked around and saw a shield being raised that stopped the attacks both of magic and fire and moved to cover the camps.

Harry elda has intervened after all. Oromis said. This gives us an opportunity to regroup. I will search for the Forsworn. Evandar felt him withdraw and reach out to the other spell casters.

He himself reached out to the leaders of the groups. He hoped the losses were not too numerous. This was but a skirmish. The true battle remained to be fought. The count was not good. They had lost a few guards and other elves who were not responding to their calls. They had either retreated deep into their minds or their consciousness had been lost. Others had fallen under the mental strain of the attacks and more had fallen to the magical attacks before they organised themselves in groups to fend them off. It was not as bad as he feared but not as good as he hoped. But then that was the case with war. He turned as he felt Harry elda appear beside him.


Harry woke up to the ground shaking. He heard an explosion- followed soon after by others. Reaching out, all he could feel was grief and fear and rage to varying degrees. The camp was under attack. His robes switched to the battle tunics he had been gifted with and a moment later he was up and out of his tent.

The smell of fire and smoke assaulted him. A lot of the tents were burning. A group of elves were working to get the blazes under control and limit it. He saw bodies strewn around areas where the ground had broken up- the aftereffects of the explosion. A few elves were checking the bodies for life signs and calling for help if needed.

His side, far as it was from the main dwelling, had been spared till now. Just as he was looking, a beam of light struck out at camp. As more elves awoke they were able to respond. They joined minds and magic smoothly and the magic was stopped in its tracks. A wash of fire joined the beam and passed it. Before it could reach the defenders another group of elves redirected the fire upwards and away- dragon fire was not easy to block.

As suddenly as it started, the magic cut off only for another region of the camp to get the same treatment. The elves were not so lucky. That region had been attacked before and the elves were preoccupied with looking after their comrades. The few elves that were unharmed and alert raised a shield to protect themselves but Harry could tell that it wold not be enough. Without a thought, Harry apparated and joined his mind and magic to theirs. He gently pushed them aside and took control.

Look after your comrades. I will protect you.

Harry had no time to moderate his voice as he was preoccupied with making sure that the magic did not get through. The elves were alarmed for a second before they recognized him and retreated leaving the defense to him. It was a great deal of trust they were giving him and Harry was determined not to fail them.

He looked outwards to see fire raining down and extended his shield to stop it. He sighed. If he was helping he might as well do something that would help everybody. He extended the shield to cover the whole of the camp – he could feel the surprise of the elves when they felt the magic. He stopped when he met the edge of the initial protections he had lain to hide the camp - they were still holding. His fists clenched at his sides. The forsaken were attacking with no care as to who they hurt.

He could feel three distinct points of attack on his shield. He strengthened it so that it would hold without his active concentration. Once he was done he looked for the silhouettes of the Glaedr and Saphira. He spotted them immediately in different parts of the camp. Before he could move to either of them, an elf rushed up to him.

"The protections, will they hold?"

"For the moment they will. Enough to get you organised and take care of the wounded." Harry realized she was young with the hope that blossomed on her face. This was probably her first time out of the forest and that too for war. It couldn't be easy. He paused for a moment and looked at the destruction and death surrounding him and came to a decision.

"Any who are beyond your magic you can send them to the healing area near my tents. I'll see if I can help them."

The elf bowed. "Thank you Harry-elda. I..we are very grateful for your assistance."

"There is no need for that. What is your name?"

"Evniya, Harry-elda."

Harry nodded and another idea came to mind. He summoned a few pieces of loose rocks from the ground. Under his direction, they transformed into pouches. He paused briefly to concentrate and rocks rose up in a thin stream from the ground. They turned to pebbles and a glowed blue briefly before they entered the pouches. Harry looked at Evniya who was watching with interest.

"These will transport the elves to the area without needing to carry them all the way. You only need to put the pebble on the elf and say 'Poppy'. Can I trust you with ensuring that the elves who need such treatment reach there?"

There was a moment of indecision before she acquiesced.

"I would be honoured Harry elda."

It wasn't much but hopefully she would be spared from witnessing war first hand and would live to actually enjoy the immortality of her race.

"I'll inform King Evandar about this and be there in sometime." Harry disappeared without waiting for a reply, appearing near Glaedr. Evandar turned to him as he appeared.

"Thank you for your shield, Harry-elda", Evandar said. "How long will it hold?"

"Long enough for your people to get their bearings", Harry said. "How did they surprise you?"

Evandar looked troubled. "The sentries were not expecting the Forsworn to take a hidden approach. They must have sensed our arrival and taken precautions. We did not sense them until it was too late and they kept the sentries busy through mental attacks once their presence was revealed. Most could withdraw in time but we cannot reach the minds of some of them- I fear they are lost to us. We were too confident and paid the price."

He gestured towards a group of spell casters led by Blödhgarm who were standing someway apart seemingly staring into nothing.

"With the eldunari adding to their strength, we have been unable to pierce their illusion. They are under an invisibility spell and their minds are shielded making them difficult to find. We don't know how many they are. They were attacking indiscriminately," Evandar said.

"With your shield in place Oromis, Brom and Rhunön have been able to join the efforts to find them. Hopefully the will succeed soon or at least break the illusion that is hiding them. Then we can overwhelm them."

"That seems to be a wise plan. I've asked Evniya to send those beyond your methods of healing to my tent. I'll be setting some protections there to protect the wounded. Once this attack is dealt with we can send them back to Ellesmera if they require further healing or cannot fight further. You should send the sentries who have not responded there, I'll see if I can do anything for them."

Evandar nodded. "I thank you. I'll see to it that all elves get the instruction."

Harry knew Evandar wanted to ask him to intervene but had held back. They had created this problem. They should solve it. They were strong enough to deal with this threat and he had given them the time to do so. That was enough for now, though a little information wouldn't hurt.

"From the attacks I felt on my shield there are no more than three enemies. There can be more if they are holding back. Nevertheless, you can deal with them if you can get your people together."

"Thank you Harry-elda. I'll get my people organized for a counter attack."


Oromis was getting frustrated. Even with the protecting then, it was difficult to pinpoint the riders. They scoured the area with their minds but the Forsworn were canny, using dragons to fly far above the camp and attacking randomly. Anytime they met significant resistance they pulled back. No matter their eldunari in a battle of raw strength they would be crushed fighting against the army of elves.

Glaedr and Saphira scanned the skies for any hint of them, a distortion or imperfection in their invisibility spell. They had managed to find them a few times by following the fire and magic to its source but they had attacked the youngest elves viciously and the group had to focus on defense. This could not continue and yet until they had a method of finding the attackers they could do nothing. The magical attacks had abated now that the Forsworn could feel that it wasn't having an effect and they were testing the defences at different locations. The illusion that kept lone and injured elves safe from the riders also narrowed down the area that the riders had to look for vulnerable minds in. They had to do something to turn this around.

There….a group of elves were under attack. Oromis reached out melding his mind with the others to fend of the attack. Thankfully there were no casualties this time. Oromis tried to follow the minds back but they slipped far and away. He alone tried to follow but the others were not as adept at it- they were used to combat where the opponent could be seen. The Forsaken slipped away and Oromis cursed his inability that he could not take them alone- he could not risk being overwhelmed. He could feel Brom's frustration too and tried to calm him down. It would not do to lose control now- in a battle of minds it could be disastrous.

There, another attack! He rushed to defend the elves. Blödhgarm and the other spell casters joined him and together they repelled the attack. This couldn't continue. They needed a way to locate the Forsworn but he was at a loss. Galbatorix had been a prodigy at the mind arts and he had found a way to hide the presence of the Forsworn altogether. Unless they attacked he couldn't locate them- and in responding they were at a disadvantage. Coupled with invisibility spells it made a deadly combination. If only we knew where they were, he sighed, scouring the skies for any hint of their presence.

Ebrithil, if we cannot locate their minds, perhaps we should look for the absence of one. Brom said.

The absence of minds..Oromis thought. Yes, that could work. The spell masks their mind but it would also mask any life sign at all from the area they were in.

But that require deep meditation. It would leave us vulnerable to attack. Blödhgarm said.

It would if we were alone. Not if we work together. Brom said.

Oromis agreed. Alone they were vulnerable but together, it might just work. Elves, maybe due to their strength, were used to working alone. The spell casters joined strengths when required, but this required something more.

It would require us to meld minds on a very deep level. It would require absolute trust on your part. Oromis warned.

We trust you, Shur'tugal. The reply was instant and unanimous and Oromis felt humbled at their belief.

They joined minds. Oromis and Glaedr took the lead along with Brom and Saphira. As riders they were better suited to cooperation on this level. Rhunön was older but despite her strength her skills lay elsewhere and her personality made her unsuited to this. Their strengths joined they extended their reach. They felt the probing attacks of the Forsworn but they blocked it at every corner. Oromis could feel the numerous minds of the elves, some of them joined to help when the area they were in were attacked and Oromis let them. All the while he maintained control. He felt Harry elda's surprise and approval when their mind met his. He joined but stayed at the fringes, maintaining an awareness of them but nothing more.

He acknowledged Evandar when he joined and moved on. And suddenly they were everywhere in the campsite. Their minds provided a shield that the Forsworn couldn't penetrate and he could feel their mounting frustration and fear.

Oromis left the task of defending to Brom and the rest while he went deep into meditation. Joined to them as he was, he had no fear of being overwhelmed. Along with Glaedr, he scoured the skies, following the probes of the Forsworn when they attacked. The spell protected them still, but now it was only a matter of time. He felt the life forms in the sky, too small to be seen or even be sensed in most conditions but they were clear to him now and to the rest of the elves. He could feel their amazement- even among the experienced spell casters few took the time to meditate so deeply.

They felt another attack and in silent agreement did not react, hiding their presence to draw in the attacker. When they were fully invested they joined with Blodhgram, who was bait, and surrounded the attacking minds. Even with as many as they were it was going to be difficult. The spell on their minds allowed no purchase.

Oromis could feel the chaos that was the mind of the unnamed dragon and the rider which directed it but he couldn't reach it. Oromis recognised the strength of the Eldunari who were supporting the spell. The other elves might attribute the feel of that to the fractured mind of the dragon or to the nature of the spell but but he knew better.

They tried hard but it was not enough and he could feel the Forsworn slowly escaping their grasp. Oromis could feel the spell unravelling before their combined might but it might be too late. If the Forsworn escaped, they would be back where they began except the enemy would be more cautious.

He pushed away his frustration and concentrated on working faster when he felt Harry's mind. He had been observing the battle till now but somehow his probe went through the barrier, unaffected by the spell and the minds of the forsworn and suddenly Oromis felt their borrowed strength vanish. The spell holding back their attack crumbled and they had full control of the mind of the Forsworn.

Holding back questions for later Ormos and the rest subdued the minds of the rider and dragon. Against so many minds united in purpose, their resistance was fruitless, not that they put up much of a fight- the rider was shocked at the turn of events and the dragon was incapable of independent thought. Oromis felt pity for the dragon- such a magnificent being was reduced to this.

How? How did you manage to..

Oromis took control of the rider's mind with Glaedr, Brom and Saphira aiding him. The secret of the Eldunari needed to be protected still. They found the invisibility spell in the rider's mind and countered it in short order. The rider was forced to land next to Glaedr who wasted no time in incapacitating the other dragon- with jaws to the neck. Animal like he may have become, but the instinct to survive still remained. That would restrain him until something better was improvised. Evandar and Blodhgram had incapacitated the rider and Oromis finally let go of the iron hold he had on his mind as he felt the two take the burden. Evandar would ensure that the secrecy was maintained.

He looked up again and in the distance he could see the other two Forsworn escaping. The counter-spell had robbed their invisibility too and they realised that they had no hope of confronting them in a battle of strength. The illusions covering their camp still held and the Forsworn were not used to facing the unknown- they were used to being it.

COWARDS. Glaedr growled. The mental shout must have carried because he saw a slight dip in the flight of one of the dragons. They may be no more than animals now but the threat in the voice was clear. The initial skirmish was over. Turning to the captured rider Oromis smiled. The reckoning had begun.


A/N: Hope you liked it. Reviews are always welcome.