A/N: Warning- I don't have a beta for this yet. Interested? Let me know.

Castiel Novak scanned the nearly deserted bar, blue eyes troubled. He had just left the funeral of his sister-in-law, Kali. He had planned to return to his brother's house for the post-funeral reception, but decided to follow said brother when he had slipped away from the gathering.

Gabriel was easy to spot with so few other patrons. Even in San Francisco, 10:30AM on a Monday was not a popular time to get a drink.

Castiel was actually relieved that Gabriel had slipped away to the bar. He needed to speak with him privately. It was a conversation that he had been dreading since he arrived three days ago, but was unavoidable.

He braced himself for the unpleasantness to come and slid onto the stool next to his brother raising a hand to get the bored, bartender's attention.

Gabriel didn't even acknowledge him, just continued to stare morosely at the tumbler full of whiskey in front of him. The blond bartender, whose name tag proclaimed her to be "Shelly", sauntered over with a big fake smile.

"What can I get you?"

"How many has he had?" Castiel asked, ignoring her question.

She flicked her eyes to Gabriel then back to him.

"Just the one," she answered, somewhat irritated.

Castiel nodded as if he expected that answer.

"I'll have the same."

Gabriel snorted as the girl turned to get Castiel's drink.

"Really Cassie? What would Michael think?" Gabriel asked, with a hollow laugh.

Castiel responded by straightening his spine and slapping a hundred dollar bill on the bar.

"Leave the bottle," he told Shelly, who promptly pocketed the bill and walked away leaving the bottle.

Gabriel turned to look at him in surprise.

"When did you start drinking again?" He asked more seriously.

"Today," Castiel answered with a determined frown.

He raised his tumbler for a toast, gesturing for Gabriel to do the same.

"To Kali Novak; I didn't like you, and the feeling was mutual. However, it is with utmost sincerity that I wish for you to find peace… among your demonic brethren as you burn in the fires of hell," he proclaimed.

Gabriel giggled and slapped a hand over his mouth. It was no secret that Castiel, and all the other Novaks, did not like Kali. Gabriel himself hadn't really liked her. He'd only started dating her in high school because his oldest brother Michael had pointed her out to him. He insisted that she was bad news and would only end up getting him into trouble. And that she did.

He smiled fondly as he remembered some of their more daring schemes. Michael had been very upset over their relationship, and that had only made it more fun. After a while, they'd been together so long that it just seemed like more of a hassle to end it than to keep going.

Gabriel ended up using a big chunk of his trust fund to put her through pharmacy school. Michael had been livid when he found out about that. He insisted that Kali was using him for his money and that once she had graduated she would leave him.

After her graduation, Gabriel took Kali to Vegas to celebrate. He got drunk and told Kali of Michael's warning. Kali had insisted on getting married that night. Today would have been their twelve year anniversary.

"Anything you'd like to add?" Castiel prompted, pulling his thoughts back to the present.

"Happy Anniversary, Baby," he toasted looking up at the ceiling then turned and clinked glasses with Castiel.

Gabriel sipped at the strong whiskey, but Castiel attempted to down the whole thing at once.

Shelly brought him a glass of water, and Gabriel tried really hard not to laugh as he pounded on his brother's back.

"So you were going to visit before you found out about Kali. What did you want to talk about?" Gabriel asked after the coughing fit had subsided.

"I'm leaving Amelia," Castiel announced, as he poured more whiskey into both of their tumblers.

Gabriel's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Really? Seventeen years of marriage and you're done?"

Castiel nodded, slowly sipping his new drink.

"Hmm. What does 'Saint Michael' think?"

Castiel had idolized their oldest brother his whole life. As soon as he could walk, he followed Michael everywhere. He wore the clothes Michael wanted him to wear, listened to the music Michael wanted him to listen to, drove the car Michael wanted him to drive, got the job Michael wanted him to have, and married the woman Michael wanted him to marry.

His absolute devotion to Michael was the main reason why he and Gabriel never got along.

"I don't care what Michael thinks," Castiel responded, stubbornly downing half of his drink with only a slight cough.

"Words I never thought I'd hear you say," Gabriel said with a smirk and started to finish off his drink.

"Claire caught Michael and Amelia sleeping together."

This time it was Castiel pounding on Gabriel's back.

"Shit, Cassie… I… I am so sorry. Is Claire okay? Are you okay?" He asked once he could breathe normally.

Castiel sighed and shook his head.

Gabriel poured them another round as he tried to think of something to say. Castiel continued speaking before he had a chance.

"It was around last Christmas. Amelia told Claire not to go into our bedroom because she was wrapping presents. I was at work at the time, Claire went to get the mail and slipped on the icy walk. She sprained her wrist and went to tell her mother. She opened the door without knocking and saw… them." He waved a hand vaguely.

Gabriel remained quiet.

"They've been trying to keep her quiet about it by promising that they would tell me soon…" he trailed off and took a big gulp of his drink.

"I've never really liked Michael, but I've never hated him until now," Gabriel commented as casually as if they were discussing the weather.

"Oh, it gets worse," Castiel said with another sad sigh.

Gabriel motioned for him to continue, though he was pretty sure he didn't want to hear it. Castiel needed to get it out though.

"Claire is only sixteen. Making her keep this kind of secret really messed her up. She… she made some bad decisions, hung out with the wrong crowd, and ended up in jail. Amelia was out of town that night, probably with Michael, and the whole story came out when I got Claire home."

"Great. So your wife cheated on you with your brother, made your daughter keep quiet about, and now your daughter has a police record. I'm not gonna lie, that all sucks the big one, Cassie. But you and Claire will be okay, and I'll help however I can," Gabriel promised.

Castiel nodded and his lip trembled slightly. Then he took a deep breath and finished off another drink.

"I have a business proposition for you," he said, turning to face Gabriel.


"Claire and I need to get away from Illinois. You need to stop managing a bakery and open your own. It's what you've always wanted and now that Kali isn't here to hold you back…" he cut off when Gabriel flinched.

"First off, don't be a dick. Kali hasn't been dead a whole week yet, and I'm not in the mood to listen to you trash her… no matter if she deserved it or not," Gabriel chastised.

"You are right, I am sorry," Castiel said sincerely.

Gabriel nodded his acceptance before continuing.

"I would love to have my own business, but even with money left in my trust fund, your trust fund, and the life insurance from Kali, it still wouldn't be enough to open a business and compete. Do you know how many amazing bakeries there are in San Francisco?" He demanded.

Castiel shook his head and held up a hand to stop Gabriel's rant.

"That's why we would open that bakery in the small town of Kentan."

Gabriel stared at Castiel in disbelief.


"It's in North Texas. My divorce attorney told me about it. It's his hometown. He actually just got a new job there to help manage some properties. Some rich Irish guy recently bought most of the town hoping to clean it up and bring in tourists."

"Your divorce attorney is quitting his job in Chicago to move to nowhere, Texas to try and save a dying town, and you think we should pack up and follow him?" Gabriel demanded.

Castiel just stared at him expectantly.

"Kali would have hated that idea," Gabriel said finally.

"So would Michael," Castiel said, primly.

Gabriel grinned.

"Cassie, I will go with you to look at the property. No promises though, okay?"

Castiel flung himself at Gabriel ecstatic.

"I knew coming to you was the right thing to do," Castiel said, then hiccuped.

Gabriel smiled, feeling genuine affection for his little brother. And even though he thought the whole idea absurd, he knew how much Castiel needed a win right now. And really, what reason did Gabriel have to stay in California now?

"Alright, brother, we have half a bottle left to finish," Gabriel said, gently pushing Castiel back onto his own stool.

Castiel happily poured another round.

"Anything else I need to know about before I'm too drunk to care?" Gabriel asked, not expecting an answer. So of course, he got one.

"Yes. Claire is pregnant."

End Prologue