
2nd September 2012, Kurt Hummel's first day of his junior year at William Mckinley High School and to say that he was dreading it would be an understatement.

During his sophomore year Kurt came out that he was gay, but it turned out that everyone already knew especially the Jocks. They would shove him into lockers on a daily basis leaving his small fragile body battered and bruised, throw slushies in his face ruining his designer clothes and leaving Kurt a freezing wreck on the floor.

But there was one Jock that was worse that all the others, the ring leader and his name is David Karofsky. Karofsky made it his job to make Kurt's sophomore year a living hell, calling him names like "Fairy" and the one that hurt the most "Fag". Kurt tried his hardest not to let them know that it upset him but of course they knew and that just made them do it more.

Kurt looks at the school entrance doors hoping that junior year was going to be his year, the bullying would stop and he could finally start living his life the way he wanted but Kurt knew in his gut that there was a low chance of that happening.

Kurt got out of his car, took a deep breath and walked in the school building. Students walked quickly past him looking at their school schedule, no one even looked up to smile at him or even acknowledges that he was there, it was like he was invisible. Everyone just saw him as the gay kid that people laughed at. The only friends that he has are members of the New Directions but even they get told that they shouldn't be friends with him, Finn was once told by a member of the football team that if he spent too much time with Kurt that he would "catch the gay" off him. That is the problem with the world today, people see being gay as an illness that needs to be cured when really they are just like any other person; they deserve to be treated with respect.

Kurt looks down at his schedule and sighs, first period was Track.

"Welcome back Kurt..." he mutters under his breath.

As Kurt looks back up he sees his bullies walk into the locker room and he knows exactly what they will say when he walks in. Well here goes nothing he thinks and slowly makes his way to the locker room door.

Butterflies attack Kurt's stomach as he pushes the door open, the smell of sweat hits him.

"The Girls locker rooms next door" someone shouts, Kurt doesn't know who but he is definite that it is one of the football team. He ignores them and begins to change into his running kit.

Suddenly the locker room door swings open, everyone falls quiet.

"Hey Hummel... didn't anyone ever tell you that fairies aren't allowed in the boys locker room?" the boy laughs

Kurt would know that voice anywhere; it was the voice that haunted his dreams every night...

"Karofsky..." Kurt whispers

Heavy footsteps made their way towards Kurt, each footstep making Kurt's heart beat that bit faster. Strong hands gripped his shoulders as he was aggressively made to turn to face his tormentor.

"Has your daddy never told you that its rude to ignore people Hummel...LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" the bully screams in the frightened boys face

"I'm sorry... why can't you just leave me alone? What have I ever done to you to make you hate me so much?" Kurt replies, the fear never leaving his voice.

"Well it's more of the fact that you exist if you know what I mean. Like what gives you the right to go around spreading your fairy dust all over the halls fag? YOU DISCUST M...


With all the tension in the locker room no one heard Coach Beiste coming in.

"Hummel started it Coach he..." Karofsky answered

"I don't want to hear it, all of you just get your asses on the field and start running laps" Coach Beiste said as she followed the boys out.

Kurt thought back the tears that threatened to fall, just like the students in Mckinley the teachers don't care, they like to think that they do but they only care about one thing, getting paid at the end of the month.

With all the effort in Kurt's body he joined the others on the field. Kurt hated running because people even made fun of him for that but mostly because he had spend most of his life running away from jocks out to hurt him.

"Oh my god he even runs like a girl" one of his tormentors stated, a roar of laughter soon followed and that just egged them on even more.

Just ignore them Kurt was all he kept saying to himself, ignore them and they might stop. He knew they wouldn't but it was worth a try.

As Kurt crossed the finishing line Karofsky stuck his foot out in front of him, Kurt tripped over it and went tumbling to the ground. Pain shot through his nose.

Don't let them see that they have hurt you Kurt looked up and the sniggering started and then Kurt felt it...Blood poured from his nose onto his crisp white running kit, something else that was now ruined.

And in that moment Kurt Knew that junior year was going to be worse than Sophomore year.