Hello, old and new readers alike!

I apologise for the delay in updating. After some thought, I decided that starting fresh was the best bet for this fanfiction.

If you're interested, please read 'Touch'. You will find it on my profile.

If this is not of interest to you, or you have long given up with this story (after two years, I don't blame you) then thank you for sticking with me for this long. I'm not giving up on this fanfiction, not since I've put so much elaborate thought and planning into it.

I'm not giving up on this fanfiction, not since I've put so much elaborate thought and planning into it. I will see this finished - one day.

As always, reviews are SUCH a great help and I'm always open to constructive criticism! I doubt my work so much, it's nice to see that someone doesn't actually hate it honestly.

You can also find this and all of my current and future work on Ao3. Happy reading!