Hi! This fanfiction is about Divergent. Honestly, I love Divergent and I love to write fanfictions for Divergent, this is my third one. Anyways please write a nice review for the first chapter of this fanfiction if you liked it. I do try to update regularly so please forgive me if I'm a little late on posting a new chapter. Please comment what you think I should do in the next couple of chapters. Enjoy! :P
Tris's P.O.V.
I Just woke up and I hear knocking at the door. I groan getting out of bed and walking towards my apartment door. I throw my legs onto the floor, trying to get away from the sleepiness. When I open the door and there stands Christina and Will already dressed and looking wide awake.
"Yes?" I say in an annoyed voice.
"Hey, were gonna go shopping today, you're gonna come with us okay?" Christina said smiling. I knew that if Christina said we were going shopping then we were going shopping, theres no going back now. I look over at Will and he stares at me.
"Christina is making me go with you guys." Will said.
"I kinda figured." I said smiling back. "Well, I gotta get ready to go with ya'll so I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria in about thirty minutes." I say.
"Okay!" Christina said smiling. Will just nodded and they both walked away. I shut the door and head towards my bedroom, I put my clothes on and brush my hair and teeth. I put some makeup on and I look in the mirror.
"Still look like a twelve year old." I say to myself. I walk out of my bedroom and head out of my apartment. My legs instinctively walk towards the cafeteria still tired from sleeping. When I reach the cafeteria I see Will and Christina and walk over to them.
"Hey." I said tiredly.
"Yay! You're here!" Christina said.
"Yep." I say groaning. She frowns at me and continues to talk.
"Okay, lets go shopping!" She says.
"By the way..." I said. "What are we shopping for?" I asked Christina. Christina looked at me as if I already was supposed to know what we were going shopping for.
"Were going shopping for dresses and Will is going with us for a suit." Christina said.
"Why are we having to get dresses?" I ask her.
"Because! Theres a party tonight! Have you forgot?!" She says laughing. I smile and she pulls me and Will away with her.
When were walking towards the stores and out of the cafeteria, Its almost like I can feel eyes on us. I turn around and I don't see anyone except for Four sitting at a table staring at me. He looks away as soon as I turn around but I knew he was looking at me. I feel mad at him, the last time we talked I asked him if he was just using me for sex, even though we haven't had sex. He was in my fear landscape, and he was trying to rape me in my fear landscape so I just thought maybe he was using me for sex.
Tris's P.O.V. (From her flash back)
"Are you just trying to use me for sex?" I ask him quietly.
His face got red and his hands clenched into fists.
"Why would you think that?" He asks me angrily. I just stand there quiet. I look down at the floor and remember my fear landscape. He was trying to rape me in my fear landscape and I just wanted to know if he was only using me for sex. I mean I'm not pretty or anything... so is he just using me?
"Because... You were in my fear landscape and... I just want to know if thats really all your hanging out with me for." I spoke quietly.
He looked at me, his dark eyes piercing my soul.
"Why would you think that? No offense, but you're not the first person I would come to to have sex." He said. I instantly understood what that meant. He doesn't find me desirable at all. I look down at the floor and I feel like I'm about to cry. Its so stupid of me to think that he could actually be my boyfriend, when really he doesn't find me pretty or desirable at all. I grab my jacket off of his bed and I walk to his door trying to leave him. He gets in front of me and holds my arms in a tight grip so I can't move.
"Thats not what I meant." He spoke, his face had the words regret all over it, but I don't care. I make him let go of me and he grabs my arm again trying to make me stay. I look over at him and he just looks at me. "Thats not what I meant, please don't leave me." He says quietly. I walk out of his apartment door storming with rage and sadness. The last thing I hear him say is "Tris!" as I slam his door and run down the hallway.
Tris's Normal P.O.V.
I'm walking with Christina and Will to go shopping for outfits for tonights party. My mind couldn't stop thinking about Four though. We haven't talked in about a week now and I'm just wondering if it will ever be the same between me and him.
After we go shopping, I head back to Christina's apartment to get ready with her. Will went back to his apartment to get ready at his place. I walk into Christina's apartment and go in the bathroom to get changed. After I get changed Christina straightens my hair and does my makeup. I look in the mirror and for once I see an adult. I'm wearing a blue black dress thats knee length and has material underneath it to make it poof out. The top part of the dress is strapless and is a sweetheart neckline. My hair is straight and my makeup looks different. I definitely do not belong in abnegation anymore.
When me and Christina get ready, we walk out of her apartment ready for the party. Will stands outside wearing a black suit.
"You ready?" He asks us smiling. We both say yes and Christina and Will hold hands as we walk to the party. We walk until we reach an apartment door and walk inside.
The whole room was a dark dimmed room with tons of strobe lights and platters of food all over the table. We all walk in together and Will and Christina start to dance while I go towards the table to get a drink, as soon as I do I feel someone grab my shoulder. Al.
"What do you want?" I say in a pissed voice. I get a cup and start filling it with soda. He looks at me with pleadingly eyes.
"I just want to talk to you about something." He says. I drink out of my cup and look at him. "Fine." I spoke putting my cup down on the table. He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards another room.
Thats the end of chapter one! Please leave a nice review and don't worry it will get better so please keep reading and yeah. Xoxoxo Sweetposioncupcake