Mark tossed the empty box to the otherside of his room before he picked out a new package. He had decided to do a special livestream where he let fans send him fan mail. It had been such a long time since he had done one of these Markiplier mail streams so when he had tweeted about it people really took advantage of it. He plopped back down in his chair picked up his box knife. "Okay, this is the last one. I'm sorry if I couldn't get to your package or letter but I'm gonna spend the rest of the day opening each one, so don't worry." He'd already been streaming for over an hour now & if he kept the stream going for the whole thing it would very easily be a 24 hour stream. Not that he minded, but he doubted that everyone else would be able to stick around for all of that.

Mark cut into the tape of the box & opened it up. He peered inside & saw something bright pink through the plastic bags keeping it safe. He reached in & scooped it up, he let out a somewhat disturbed noise when he discovered it wasn't solid. Whatever it was kept trying to slip out of his grip. It was some kind of liquid or something. "Eh! What is this?" he tried to get a better look at it by pulling the bags off of it. The next thing he knew this mass of pink slipped out of the bags & right onto his lap which caused him to nearly jump out of his seat. "Ah! Ew ew gross!" it seemed to be some kind of jelly, but pretty soon after it splashed onto his lap & chest & legs it seemed to liquify like water. It made his clothes stick to his skin. "Ugh, it's everywhere. I need a shower." he tried not to touch anything as he sent as grossed out look to the camera. "Who sent that?!" he looked all over the box, but there was no name or indication to who would send him something like this. He was just hoping it wasn't poisonous or harmful in any way. However he was surprised by the rather sweet smell that it started to give off. It reminded him of flowers.

Unfortunately he had to end the stream there, otherwise it would have been an even bigger mess. And who knows what this stuff would do if left on his skin for too long. So he went to the bathroom & showered doing his best to get the stuff off of himself. Once he was done & got dressed in clean clothes he couldn't smell the flowery scent anymore so he deemed himself clean. With that done he returned to opening fan mail as he had promised. A couple hours later there was a knock at his door. Mark looked up rather confused, he wasn't expecting anyone over today. He got up & went to the door finding Ken standing on the otherside. "Hey, Ken."

"Hey, Mark. Listen, can I come in?"

Mark blinked, but let the other man inside. Something about how he was acting told Mark he some how. His hair was a bit messy & there was a pink hue to his face. Maybe he was sick. "Are you feeling okay?"

Ken looked up like he'd been startled out of a daze, he quickly nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Mark didn't really believe him but he decided not to push it. But Ken obviously came over for something. " want something to drink?"

Ken nodded, "Sure."

Mark nodded & went to the kitchen & got a glass down. He turned to look back at Ken, "What would you li-" But it turns out Ken was just a little closer than he had thought. He wasn't able to finish his sentence because of the bearded man's lips connecting with his own. For a moment Mark was stunned, on the list of things he expected from Ken this wasn't it. It took him a little while to even react. But once he came to his senses he put a hand on Ken's shoulder nudging him back

Ken complied & looked at Mark like he was the juiciest steak in the world. "Say your livestream today..."

"Ken, what the hell?!" Mark couldn't say he was mad, just extremely confused. Why would Ken do something like that out of the blue?

"What?" Ken stood a few steps toward Mark backing him into the corner of the kitchen counter. He put a hand on either side of Mark on the counter to ensure that he couldn't go anywhere.

Mark froze realizing he was cornered. He felt a lump form in his throat seeing the hungry look in the taller male's eyes. He wanted to say something, but anything he could attempt to say would likely come out as a squeak. He could feel a blush forming on his cheeks.

"You smell really good there Marky." Ken whispered huskily & leaned in to pressed a warm kiss to Mark's jaw before he kissed him full on the mouth again.

Mark furrowed his eyebrows leaning back a bit till Ken kissed him. He couldn't help his heart flipping at the sensation of Ken's lips against his, as well as his beard brushing against his face. In no time he felt Ken's tongue against his lips. He hesitated trying to be rational since Ken didn't seem to be capable of that right now. But with Ken's persistence he couldn't help it. He let Ken into his mouth. The question of what the hell was going on & why the hell was he letting this happen crossed his mind, but was quickly drown out by Ken pressing his hips against his. Mark made a muffled sound & his body jerked slightly.

Ken smiled against his lips & moved hand to Mark's hair coaxing him to tilt his head back so he could take full advantage of his mouth. His other hand went to the small of Mark's back while he began to grind his hips against Mark's.

Mark felt his heart beating quite fast. He put his hands on the edge of the counter top to stabilize himself. Something else he felt was a spark go off in his stomach caused by Ken's grinding. He let out another muffled 'ah'.

Ken only seemed to be encouraged by Mark's noises. The hand he placed on the smaller male's back slipped down into his jeans. He groped at Mark's ass & used his other hand to unbuckle his belt sliding his jeans down.

Mark jolted slightly at the groping, but he ended up arching a bit anyway. He heard Ken unbuckling his belt & his heart jumped. He was caught off guard by realizing he was excited, not scared. Something else that caught him off guard was that his excitement was showing in the form of a semi-hard dick.

Ken pulled away from kissing Mark just enough to observe his arousal. He smirked & slipped a hand into Mark's boxers to stroke him.

Mark involuntarily jerked his hips at the touch & yelped. He kept opening & closing his mouth in an attempt to speak. He actually felt himself melt into Ken's stroking. In a minute or two he was so distracted by it that he didn't notice Ken slip his boxers off, he didn't even heard the soft pop of a cap opening. What did wake him up was some warm & wet rub against his entrance. He gasped & tensed for a moment in surprise.

Ken chuckled deeply hearing the rather cute sound & continued to work his finger around & against Mark's hole. Pretty soon he pushed his finger into the ring of muscles.

Mark tilted his head back letting out a somewhat strangled moan. He gripped the counter breathing rather heavily. He found that it didn't take very long for him to get use to the foreign feeling. He started moaning in response to Ken working the finger around inside of him.

Ken was very pleased with how sensitive Mark seemed to be. He was able to work another finger into the other man & watched his face. It was probably one of the sexiest things he'd ever seen. Not to mention the sounds he was making. But he knew he could coax even better sounds from Mark.

Mark couldn't help but whine when he felt Ken pull his fingers out & stop touching him. He opened his eyes in time to see Ken turn him around so he was facing the counter. Actually he was half resting on top of the counter. He took that short moment to try to catch his breath not hearing Ken take his pants off. Pretty soon he felt something different press again his entrance. He knew exactly what it was, that's why his heart jumped to his throat. He tried to brace himself as he Ken pushed into him, but he was surprised to find that his body was completely accepting of the man. Instead of pain he felt heat, the sort of heat that he was pretty sure could've melted his pelvis. He wasn't sure what kind of sounds he was letting slip past his lips, but he didn't care.

Ken groaned once he was fully inside Mark, he felt even better than he had imagined. He leaned over Mark & nipped at his ear. "You feel so good, Marky." he kept one hand on Mark's hips while the other pushed Mark's shirt up to expose his back & chest.

Mark panted rested his forehead against the cool counter. He bit his lips feeling ken bite at his ear. A shiver ran through his body hearing that husky tone. The next thing he knew Ken pulled out almost completely before he thrust right back into him. "Ah!" it was like there was a fire in his abdomen that only grew with each of Ken's thrusts.

Ken moved his hips at a steady & deep pace while his free hand worked on Mark's nipples.

Mark pressed his hands against the wall to give himself just a little bit of stability. He whimpered & arched feeling his dick start to leak. He was reaching his limit pretty quick. "K-Ken!"

Ken aimed his thrusts deeper & moved the hand on Mark's hip to his dick. He could tell Mark was very close by how tight he was getting around him, which meant he wasn't far behind. He groaned more as he licked & sucked at Mark's neck.

Mark's breath was coming in gasps now. Stars were starting to appear in his vision as his stomach tightened. "S-Shit!" he let out a strangled & rather loud moan as he felt himself go over the edge.

Ken felt Mark tense up & bit down on his shoulder as he followed suit. He rumbled out a long groan & stayed there in that position with Mark letting them both come off their high. They'd made a mess, but it was certainly worth it.

Mark tried to catch his breath while he waited for his body to stop trembling. He felt Ken slowly pull out after a while. He wanted to say something, but his mind couldn't even form words right now. He actually felt Ken pick him up & carry him to his room. But he was too damn tired to be able to stay conscious after he was laid in bed.