The first time he ever laid eyes on Bethany Anne Greene, Daryl couldn't stop himself from crackin' a smile and chuckling quietly to himself. He was inside a gas station convenience store, on his way home from work, picking up a six pack of Budweiser and a couple packs of Marlboros. As he was pulling his wallet out of his back pocket, he glanced out the dirty glass windows and saw a girl throwing a fit, screaming up a storm. He was actually surprised he couldn't hear her inside the store. She was a little thing, all blonde hair blowing in the wind and long pale legs, wearing daisy duke cut offs and cowboy shorts. The cashier cleared his throat, reminding Daryl he still needed to pay. Pulling out a twenty, he threw it on the counter and grabbed his things, not bothering to wait for change as he exited out the front doors.

Even in that summer Georgia heat, Daryl was in no hurry to get to his car. He walked slowly, eyes drifting to the side to continue watching the girl kick up dirt in frustration. He could hear the curse words coming out of her mouth like they were going out of style. By the time he reached his beat to hell and back pick up truck, he had figured out she wasn't even yelling at another person. No, instead she was hollerin' at her damn car. He opened the door and hopped inside of the cab, watching in his rear view mirror as the blonde kicked her tire, an action which she would immediately regret as she grabbed at her foot and started hopping up and down on one leg. Daryl snorted, actually snorted with a real smile on his face at the entire scene he had witnessed. If Daryl were a different man, he probably would have offered his help, being a mechanic and all, but he wasn't a different man. So instead of getting back out of the truck, and helping the girl out, he cranked the engine and pulled out of the parking spot. When he pulled back out onto the main road, he passed her right on by as she rested her back up against the car and slid down to the dirt. It probably wasn't the best position to be in, as Daryl's rusted blue truck was driving by, picking up the dust right into her face. "Asshole!" His window was down so he heard her insult loud and clear, but since he was pickin' up speed he wasn't able to hear the other choice words that followed the insult.

The first time Daryl actually met Beth Greene was a little bit different. Daryl had forgotten all about the angry girl from the gas station by the time Saturday rolled around. Gathering up his crossbow and buck knife, Daryl headed out to try and bag some meat for the following week, hoping he would kill something big enough to try and sell some of it off.

His day had been pretty uneventful. He was trying to track a deer but couldn't be sure exactly how far behind he was, but he thought he was getting pretty close, walking along the top edge of a ravine, following the animal tracks. His eyes were focused on the prints on the ground, his ears on alert for any sounds of moving brush. In the end he would realize that he was too focused on the task at hand, not paying close enough attention to his other surroundings when he stepped, his boot not able to grip the mud, causing his whole body to tumble over the edge all the way down where he was met with darkness.

When he came to, he quickly realized his head was throbbing and there was a stabbing pain in his stomach. Trying to sit up proved to be excruciating and when he looked down, he saw a bolt protruding from his abdomen. 'Fuck' was all Daryl thought to himself. He took a minute for himself before struggling to his feet. Each breath he took felt like fire and he knew he was going to have to bind his wound, remembering that it wouldn't be smart to just pull the bolt out. He ripped the sleeves off of his shirt, his vision spotting due to the exertion, and tied the fabric around his waist, hoping it would help even just a little bit.

After grabbing his crossbow and putting it across his back, he peered up the side of the ravine through squinted eyes, wishing he had just stayed home. On his first attempt, he made it about halfway when his grip on some roots slipped, causing him to fall right back down. When he landed, the bolt was pushed further out of the front of his stomach, and it was at that point that Daryl thought 'to hell with it' and gripped it between his hands, yanking it right out with a sickening slurp. He groaned and panted, trying to blink away the bright spots and push down the nausea.

On his second attempt, he did manage to make it to the top where he promptly puked up whatever he had in his stomach. He laid on his back, trying to catch his breath, and stared up at the sky. Knowing if he was there too long, he would pass out again, Daryl again managed to make it to his feet, stumbling a little bit, and made the slow trek back to his trailer.

When he was back inside, he threw the crossbow on his dining table, if you could call it that as it was more of a card table, and limped back to his bedroom, searching for his phone. It was a long five minutes later when he realized he had taken it with him on his hunt and that it must be on the forest floor. 'Shit. This day just keeps gettin' better and better.'

On normal occasions, Daryl was thankful for his isolated residence, but when shit hit the fan, it just sucked. Even he knew he needed to get checked out, and now he was going to have to drive himself to the hospital.

It was probably the equivalent to drunk driving because he was pretty sure, based on the nausea and dizziness that he had a concussion, but he made it to the hospital without further injuring himself or hurting anyone else. He parked, taking up at least two spaces, and got out of the truck, managing to slam the door behind him. Entering the ER, he was sure he must look like hell based on the looks he was receiving, but that was just a day in the life of a Dixon.

He didn't even need to alert the triage nurse of his arrival because when she looked up, all wide eyed and started yelling, he knew he had made a grand entrance. "Shi-BETH! Help!" The redheaded nurse screamed as she ran around her desk and started ushering Daryl towards an open gurney, asking him a million questions.

The blood loss was really getting to him, but he was still the same old Daryl when he answered. "Fell down, arrow broke my fucking fall."

"Must have been quite the fall." The new nurse spoke as she entered the room. Daryl looked up at her and felt the urge to laugh, but that quickly passed. It was the southern barbie from the gas station, the one with the temper.

"Ya think?" She rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. She came over to his bedside while the other nurse ran to get a doctor, and started strapping wires to his body. One on his arm that immediately started squeezing the shit out of it to get a blood pressure reading, one on his finger to see how much oxygen the smoker had in his body, and she had just started opening his shirt to put a few more wires on his chest when swatted her hands away. "Jesus girl, just get me some painkillers and I'll be on mah way, don't need any of this shit."

She fixed him a glare, cocked her leg and put a hand on her hip. "Lay back, shut up, and be agreeable for five seconds, it'll make this a lot easier." Just as feisty as he remembered.

"As agreeable as your car?" The words slipped out of his mouth, he would curse the concussion but he knew he really just was kind of a dick.

The blonde, Beth apparently, narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you talkin' about?" Daryl laid his head back down on the scratchy sorry excuse for a pillow and shut his eyes. Beth immediately snapped her fingers in front of his face, making him open his eyelids right back up. He looked personally offended by her actions. "No sleep, doctor's gotta look atcha."

He rolled his eyes, letting out a dramatic sigh, acting more like a toddler than he realized. "Saw ya at the gas station the other day, picking a fight with your car."

A pink tinge appeared on her cheeks, the no nonsense exterior fading just a little. "How'd you know about that?" She sounded suspicious, and a little bit confused.

"You called me an asshole." Her eyes widened at his words, the realization of who he was hitting her like a truck.

"Sorry about that. Bad day." She mumbled, cheeks still flushed.

"Nah, it's alright. Was actually pretty funny." She looked at him, and she smiled. It was the first time Daryl saw it, and he found he kind of liked it.

Letting out a chuckle, she nodded, ponytail bouncing on her head. "Yeah it was, wasn't it?"

Daryl nodded right back, finally being agreeable about something and from that point on, it didn't take Beth long to realize that Daryl Dixon was a lot of bark, no bite.

So there it is, the beginning to my sickeningly sweet, longer than originally planned Bethyl babies fic. Hope you guys like it so far! I have the whole thing planned out and if I don't add anything else, it will end up being 41 chapters, some long and some short. Let me know what you think and if there is anything you'd like to see me include!