Hello everyone! Enjoy!

Chapter 11: Finally

When they got back to the castle, Puck could tell Rachel was nervous about what was about to happen. After retreating back into her old ways for five years, he knew it was difficult for her to do something like this and he couldn't help but be afraid that she would change her mind again.

He put his hand on top of hers. "You okay?"

She nodded. "Yes I'm just nervous about this. The last time I stood up to a prince he hurt me."

"That's not going to happen again. If he lays a hand on you, I'm breaking his jaw."

"Noah," she frowned.

Puck held up his hands in defense. "Hey I'm just saying, I'm not putting up with any other prince's crap."

She sighed. "I just do not want anyone to be disappointed in me."

"Look at me," he said. She looked at him. "I know it's important to you that people respect you as a leader but it's also important that you're happy with your life. Who wants to be miserable all the time?"

"I guess you have a point."

"Everything is going to be fine, I promise. Just please don't get cold feet and change your mind again because I don't think I'll be able to handle it if you do."

She smiled. "I told you that will not happen again. No matter what, I want to be with you. That is final."

Puck smiled back at her as they pulled up to the castle where there were a lot of people waiting outside for their princess to make her appearance as a married woman. The car went around to a secret entrance to the castle where Puck, Rachel and Ryder got out to go back to where everyone was. When they got to the part of the castle where the wedding was being held, Rachel grabbed Puck's hand.

He looked at her. "Ready?"

She hesitantly nodded. "As ready as I will ever be."

When they walked in, everyone stared and began whispering as soon as they walked through the door. Maria and Sara watched in amazement and confusion as they saw the couple approach Collin. When they reached him, he was red with anger.

"What is going on?" he asked.

Rachel took a deep breath and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. "Prince Collin I am not marrying you."

Everyone immediately started whispering in confusion as Collin stared at her in disbelief. "You cannot be serious. You are really choosing some peasant over me?"

She stood tall with her head held high, more confident than ever. "Noah is not a peasant. He is the man that I am in love with and frankly he is fit to run this country a lot more than you are. Thanks to him years ago, I have the right to choose who I want to marry and I choose him. I apologize that it took this long to realize it but I cannot in good conscience marry you when he is the one who has my heart."

Puck noticed Collin getting angrier by the second so he stepped in front of Rachel. "Sorry dude but once again, she chose me. You can go be king of your own country but I think Rachel's better off without you."

Collin laughed. "How desperate can you be? She forced you to go home, clearly saying she did not want you here. What makes you think she even loves you?" He stepped closer so only Puck could hear him. "She is just a little whore who goes to whomever gives her the time of day."

Ryder quickly caught Puck before he attacked Collin as Rachel stepped in. "Sending Noah home was the biggest mistake of my life and I can promise that it will not happen again. I am sorry Collin but there will not a wedding for us. Guards!"

Guards came over to apprehend Collin and take him out of the building. The minister looked at Puck and Rachel. "So will there be a wedding?"

Rachel looked at Puck. "I know we have only just reunited and were expecting to wait longer to wed but we do already have a wedding set up for us and-"

"Princess Rachel are you proposing to me? I thought that was my job?" Puck smirked before getting down on one knee. "Princess, will you make me the happiest man on earth and finally marry me?"

"Absolutely," she smiled. He smiled back before standing up and hugging her. When they pulled away, she looked into the audience and went over to Sara. "If you are not still angry with me, I would love a maid of honor."

Sara smiled and eagerly got up to join her at the alter as Puck turned to Ryder. "What do you say dude? Can you be my best man?"

"You got it," Ryder smiled. "But I think we should get you into something a little dressier."

Puck looked down at his T-shirt and jeans before nodding and following Ryder out of the room. A few minutes later Puck emerged in a black tux, ready to get married. He and Rachel stood in front of the minister and the ceremony began. When it came time to say their vows, Puck couldn't believe that after all these years and after everything that's happened, they were finally about to be together.

Once everything was all said and done, they were pronounced husband and wife and Puck didn't waste any time kissing her. As everyone cheered, Rachel looked up at him.

"Thank you for waiting for me all this time."

Puck smiled. "Thank you for making the wait worth it."

When they walked outside to the balcony to wave to the people of Mercier, the cheers became louder when they saw that their princess did not marry Collin but married Puck instead.

Rachel smiled at him. "They love you."

"That should ease your worries a little. Looks like everyone loves the fact that I'm going to be their king."

"I know I do," she replied before he leaned in and kissed her again, making the crowd go crazy.


A few days later, Rachel sat in the throne room thinking about what was about to happen. In a few hours she would finally be crowned queen of Mercier. All of her schooling her entire life has been preparing her for this but somehow, she still felt like she wasn't ready.

As she sat there, Puck walked in. "There you are. Your parents are looking for you." When he noticed her expression, he frowned. "Are you okay?"

"I do not know. It is silly, I have been preparing for this moment my entire life but now that it is finally here it just feels…"

"Overwhelming?" he asked. She nodded as he walked over to her. "It's natural to be nervous about something like this. I mean you're about to be in charge of an entire country. It'd be a lot for anyone to handle."

"How do I know that I can do it? How do I know I will not fail?"

Puck took her hand in his and looked at her. "You're not going to fail. You're going to be just as great of a leader as the past kings and queens and you're going to have the entire country respect you. But do you know what's even better?"

"What?" she asked.

He smiled. "You're going to have me right by your side, helping you every step of the way. And your parents too. We're not going to let you fail."

She smiled back before kissing his cheek. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Plus at least you have our honeymoon to look forward to after all this," he winked before holding out his hand. Rachel giggled before taking it and walking with him to her bedroom so that she could prepare.

An hour later, everyone gathered in the throne room for the coronation. Hiram and Shelby made their entrance before standing in the front of the room then Rachel made her entrance. As she stood in front of the throne and the minister began to recite the special vows that she repeated, Puck couldn't help but smile in pride. Rachel had come a long way from the scared princess that he met all those years ago. She had finally gotten her confidence back and he was so proud of her for that.

Finally, the minister put the crown on her head and Rachel stood tall and proud as she walked the through the saber arch.

"Presenting her majesty Rachel Maria Isabella Berry, queen of Mercier," the minister announced.

Everyone cheered as Rachel let out a breath of relief. She was finally queen of Mercier and she couldn't be happier. As she went to exit the room, she took Puck's hand so he could walk with her. While it was great to finally be queen, Rachel had to admit that having Puck back felt even better. She was more confident than ever that she would be able to handle being queen as long as he was there with her.


The next day, it was time for Maria and Sara to go home. They went to the runway where the private plane that was preparing to take off.

Maria hugged Puck. "I can't believe my baby boy is married and a king. A few months ago you were having random flings with different women and now you're a married man with all of this responsibility."

"I guess I just needed the right woman to turn me around," he said, smiling at Rachel who was talking to Sara. He looked back at his mother. "Tell that boyfriend of yours he better treat you right and I'd be glad to fly you guys out here anytime so I can properly meet him."

She gave a teary smile before kissing Puck on the cheek and hugging him tightly. "Please take care of yourself."

Puck smiled to himself. "I will I promise."

When they pulled away, Sara walked over to hug him. "Good luck big bro. You're going to make a great king."

"Thanks kid. Be good for Mom."

"I will," she promised before looking at Rachel. "Take care of him, Rachel. Don't let him get too crazy with all that power."

Rachel took Puck's hand and smiled. "I promise he is in good hands here. And anytime you two want to come we will fly you out as soon as possible."

"So can I come on weekends?" Sara asked eagerly.

"Let's not get crazy sweetheart," Maria laughed. "You have responsibilities at home just like they do. Let's just start with holidays okay?"

The young girl nodded as they gave their final goodbyes before boarding the plane. Puck and Rachel waved until the plane finally took off.

As it flew away, Puck looked at Rachel. "So what's first for our royal duties?"

"Well we still have a honeymoon to have. Daniel and Ryder are having our bags packed as we speak but our plane does not leave until tonight. Our schedule is clear so what would you like to do until then?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Do you really need to ask that question Rach?"

He leaned in and kissed her before pulling away. Rachel laughed. "I suppose we should get back to the castle then."

"Correct," he smirked.

As they got in the car to go back to the castle, Puck couldn't help but think about everything that's happened. He fell in love with Rachel when she was a secret princess staying with him to escape a dictator and now after he thought he lost her forever, he managed to finally get her back for good. He never imagined his life turning out like this but he was glad that it did. They were meant to be together and he would make sure to never forget that.

That's the end! It's been a great creative challenge writing both this and Secrets of My Heart but I loved every minute of it. Toxic will finally be getting updated so be on the lookout for that next. Bye for now :)