This is a rewrite and fixed vision of my other story.

Full summary

Set after Sasuke had successfully killed Itachi and now joined the Akatsuki. It was that one day he meet her again and it was that day she joined his life and he hated it, or did he? He doesn't know who to get the answer from. He is certainly not sharing her even if he hated her, no reason period.
When the time comes between love and hate, he had already made the decision long ago and it would not change. Certainly it did not.

something you need to know

1. grammar problems, English is not my first language so hope you understand.

is OCC different personality(innocent, short-temper,a bit same, no inner-self)

didn't fall in love with Sasuke, they were just very good friends.

parents were killed when she was 6, she meet Naruto and Sasuke at age 8.

was and is strong but got looked down because Team 7 members always protect her.

Rated T with some M(I will warn you beforehand).

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


Chapter 1(Sorry this is short, is more like a intro, It will be longer)

After running for more than 10 hours, the pink hair girl finally decided to rest on a tree where there were leaves blocking the rain. She could have ran for 15 hours without stopping but the lack of training recently made her muscles stiff to no end. With the amount of patients in the hospital rushing in this whole month, she barely has any time to sleep.

The kunoichi sat down and lean against the tree for a brief break. She was a bit exhausted from overusing her chakra and hungry since she hasn't eaten any meal since last afternoon. Her life was always a rush for some reason and she promised herself for a rest after this. Running her hand through her sac, she took out a onigiri and started to unwrap it. This mission was suppose to heal an allay's leader and it should be done as soon as possible, there should only be a minute break in between. Sakura doesn't want to waste time risking his life considering he plays a important role in their alley chain.

She has crossed the border of Konoha long ago and she should be there if she continue for about 7 more hours. Opening her map and as she was about to take the first bite, a rustle nearby made her paused.


Then there was a complete silence, the rustle came again, then followed by a scream, an eerie painful scream. The back of her hair rose up then she slowly turned from her position to see where the source came from.

Beyond the trees she was hiding, there was someone standing there, she could felt from her spot his killing intent towards the person in front of him. It was dark and heavy, intention was clear. At first all she could see was a pool of fainted blood mixed with the rain, but slowly someone came to view as she focused through the blurry rain. It was evident that there was a fight with the destroyed surroundings and though it was one against five, the remaining last one of the five was losing.

Sakura knew it was none was her business and she does not want to interfere in others' mission, but her soft heart wouldn't allow her to ignore and hide from this when she heard the dying man started to plea and cry for help.

When the dark hair man shifted his sword and swing down at the immobilized nin on the ground, Sakura enhanced the chakra on her legs so she could reach the injured man on time.

The forest rang with a loud metal clashing sound.

She had blocked the sword in time but barely able to resist the strength on it. It surprised her that someone could propose such strength on their sword. She glared at the man in front of her, but couldn't see his face with the hood blocking his front.

He, she assumed is a he, was wearing a black coat with a hood over his head, so Sakura couldn't make up which village he's from. There were some red spots on his coat that caught her attention. Blood? After staring at them for a moment, she realized they are not blood but red clouds.

Akatsuki. She mentally kick herself for not realizing it earlier.

The Akatsuki member lowered his sword as he looked down at the girl. There was a long pause before the wounded konoha-nin broke it with a heavy cough. Blood spilled out from his mouth and he reached his throat with his hands as if he couldn't breathe. Sakura's medic mode kicked in and she quickly turned around to look at him but well aware the enemy is still here.

Her hands started to glow in green as she tried to find the injuries that made him coughed out so much blood. When she found out where the wound was from, her brows narrow realizing it was a very important part of the lungs the sword had pierced. There was no way to save him.

Sakura held onto the man's hand for a few more second before his last breath ran out. Her chest twisted in pain as she watched a life slowly faded away. It made her felt helpless knowing she couldn't do anything.

Putting down his hand slowly, the girl turned and glared at the Akatsuki in front of her. "Why did you kill him." She demanded before standing up. Burning villages, taking away jinchuuriki, and hurting Naruto aren't enough? How much people they want to kill until they are satisfied?

The attacker stood there for a moment before slowly pulling his hood down revealing his familiar face.

Her eyes widen at the sight of him.

"Sa-Sasuke?" It wouldn't be him, it shouldn't be him… She wanted to deny.

He wouldn't do this, would he?

The rain gotten harder and harder. All Sakura could hear were thunders and a faint calling of her name.



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