Chapter 12- And Thus the Story Begins with Death

A week was left until the finals of the Chunin exams when I got the message. I had just gotten back from checking on Naruto as Jiraiya had let him sign the Frog summon contract as put him in the hospital. Talk about a heart attack and a half.

"You did what!" I growled at the Sanin. He put his hands in defence and he slowly backed away.

"Hey! He's still alive! I didn't kill him."

That was when an eagle flew down from the sky and perched itself on the railing of my patio.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw it was one of Tatsuya's, and not just any. It was one of his summons.

No. I really did not want to read it. I knew what it was going to say. At least I thought I knew. But I never would have guessed.

But I still I popped open the cap of the tube. As soon as to took out the scroll. The eagle popped out of existence and in its place was another scroll.

I grabbed the new scroll and unravelled it. Image my surprise when I saw it was a summoning contract.

But I had a contract already, why give me his? I knew that it was possible to have two summons, one from each hand, but I can't do that. It was specified in my own contract that I am restricted to only one contract in my lifetime. That is, if I ever tried, I would be killed instantly. And he knew that.

I rolled it back up before going inside the house. It was dead silent.

I made my way to my room and put the contract on my desk. I then sat on my chair and leaned onto my knees. I checked over the original scroll.

There wasn't any seals.

I pulled it open and the end of the scroll hit the floor.

It was written in his language.

Then I started to read.


If you get this, it can only mean one thing. I'm dead. Don't worry, I've already sent other messages to Kaname, Miku, and Lydia. I've already gave Rasa instructions on my burial, so don't worry about. If you have gotten this scroll that means I haven't been able to give you your rite to pass through the sixth gate, and if Rasa does what he's supposed to, you won't ever have to. That's quite sad. I was looking forward to it. I would have finally paid for my sins.

So now that you're free from me, I wonder what you're going to end up doing. Are you going to celebrate? I know you aren't going to cry. I wasn't that important to you. Anyway, whether you read the rest of this is up to you, it doesn't matter to me much anymore. I am dead after all.

Now if you do read it. Listen closely because I will never repeat what is written here to anyone, I will not even admit it to you when it is your time to come down to the realm of the dead.

I know I had burdened you with a lot all over these years but I would like to burden you with one more thing. I'm leaving my eagle scroll to you. Give it to my child once he or she becomes a Chunin. I'm kind of hoping it is a girl. Someone like Lydia, not like me. I would also like it if you taught the kid. I would only want the best to teach the kid. And I know you will protect him or her. Because you are loyal. You have been the best student that I ever had. I'm kind of disappointed that I won't see you grow any more.

You're probably can't believe that I'm asking this of you, nor that I'm giving you compliments. Hey, I'm dying, I'm fucking allowed to be off my rocker. But I am, kinda of hope that you will miss me. Maybe just a bit. Meh, that's probably impossible. Wishful thinking.

Now that the important things are over with, I'm going to give you some advice.

First. I'm leaving you to deal with my biggest problem yet this relates to number four.

Second. Listen to your gut.

Third. At this moment, don't trust Sand.

Fourth. Check my desk. I know you know how to get in it.

Five. Find out the truth. That night was too suspicious. As much as I joke about your traitorous boyfriend, I know something is wrong when I see it.

Six. Keep your promises.

Seven. Keep your precious people safe.

Eight. Have fun.

Nine. Life is short. You have a special position in this world. Don't waste it.

You have made me proud Kaida. More proud then I ever have been. Your life is your own path now and I know you will make me even more proud.

The very last thing that wanted to write to you was this.

I'm Sorry for everything I put you through.


I stared at the sheet.

As if I couldn't believe it. I looked up at the ceiling as if it was leaking.

I placed the scroll on my lap and covered my face with my hands. Sobbing, I thought back on what he wrote.

I'm Sorry

How was he supposed to die, he was supposed to wait for after the Chunin exams and I was supposed to pass the sixth level.

Why was I crying? I hated that man's guts. I would kill him myself for what he had done to us.

I got up, letting the scroll drop before walking over to the patio. It had started to rain. I walked out and stood there looking at the sky.

Had he really warmed up to me despite all he's done? Am I really that soft?

I'm Sorry

I heard squishing sounds of footsteps in the mud as someone approached.

Kaname stood straight looking down at the ground with her loose hair veiling her face. I could feel her body shake with anger.

Miku sat on the patio. But unlike us, she seemed to be alright.

"We knew he was sick." She commented.

"IT DOSEN'T MATTER!" Kaname cried. She fell to the mud and dug her fingers into the wet earth. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO SUFFER FOR EVERYTHNG! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE KILLED!"

"You might not be so far off." I whispered. Both looked over at me. I was still looking up at the rain.

A raven, despite being wet, sored over to me and landed on my left shoulder. It cocked its head and trilled loudly in the air. Slowly it turned its head towards my ear as the whispers started.

Someone is going to be murdered I heard it chuckle.

"Yes, I'm sure."

All of a sudden we heard a scream from inside the house. Miku and Kaname ran to Lydia's room. She was crying, I could hear her from my place.

It seems she got the message too.


"Where are you going?" Kakashi asked me as he came for his weekly visit.

"The Sand." I replied. I positioned all my scrolls and shrugged on a black kimono on top my regular clothes. I was still in black for morning. But Kakashi didn't need to know that.

"But the Chunin exams are in six days!" he protested. I turned around towards him and looked into his eye.

"Wish the ducklings luck for me." I disappeared from my spot and hurried out of the village. I stopped at the outpost to inform Kotetsu and Isumo that I was leaving the village so they could add it to their daily report.

Something wasn't right in Tatsuya's death. So at the moment that was my priority.


I got there the day before Rasa left.

I waltzed up to his office and knocked.

"Come in." I opened the door and saw him hunched over in his chair drinking from a sake cup, looking at a picture of Tatsuya and the kids he had taken the first time I was in Suna.

"Kaida?" he looked up at me in question.

"Yes, Lord Kazekage." I said giving a light bow. He smiled lightly but his face was white.

"How did you know?" he asked quietly.

"Automatic summons. He was prepared for this." I said. He smiled softly once again.

"Is he buried yet?" I asked. Rasa nodded but looked away sharply.

"I burnt his body and buried it in a secret place like he asked."

"Where is it?" I asked. He got up and touched the necklace that hung from his neck. It was a small sealed box with kanji on the side. Ignored that too and followed him out of his office, down the stairs and towards the street.

Now thinking back there was two things that struck me as odd at that day, and that would affect me greatly. The first was the fact that Suna seemed to be arming up. For what? I had assumed it was a squabble between Iwa, who was known for causing ruckus. I had totally ignored Tatsuya's warning, concentrating more on his murder than anything else. The second thing was the necklace. Why? Continue to read my tale.

I followed him through the city, to the graveyard, and up the stairs that was embedded into the cliff. It was the city's catacombs. It seemed like we walked for hours before going up another set of stairs. The stairs led to a domed room with a glass roof. The glass had been stained with the Suna insignia in gold. It was quite beautiful.

The back wall had a total of three statues in front of each door.

"The Kazekage's catacombs." I whispered. Rasa nodded.

"All the bodies of the Kazekage's are sealed into their respective sarcophagi then put behind the doors with their statue in front of them." He paused. "Well, all except for the third's body. We still haven't found him."

He walked to the fourth door, one without a statue and opened the door. There was a raised platform in the middle but nothing else. I looked over at Rasa.

"I never told anyone this," Rasa started. "but the Third, originally wanted Tatsuya to be Kazekage." he said. He bent down under the platform and poured his chakra into the stone. With a small creaking noise, the slab moved and a crematory urn was presented. I swallowed my nerves before reaching out to touch Tatsuya's remains. I closed my eyes before saying a prayer. "But then he left."

"Tatsuya…" I growled. He smirked before coming up on the side of my bed where I was injured and sat on it. The Hokage looked up at him and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Aren't you supposed to add a –sensei in there kid?" Tatsuya said. Yeah, same as always. "I heard what happened to my precious student, so I came over to check it out."

"Rest in peace," I whispered before getting up. "Sensei."

"I mixed his ashes with my gold dust so that his body will never be revived." He said. I nodded.

"Thank you Rasa." I said as he followed me out of his own eventual resting place.

"I should be the one to say thank you, Kaida." He breathed out an emotional sigh before looking up at the glass insignia. "You gave him something he always wanted." He touched the top of my head.

"A student, an heir, a little sister. A friend." I looked to the side.

"He had a tough time showing that." I snorted as we made our way back to civilization.

Rasa laughed.

"That he did."


I walked into Tatsuya's house to see it was the same as ever.

"He left everything to you." Rasa told me. I brushed my fingers across the walls.

"Everything right?" I smirked. It wasn't funny, but it was. Because I always thought that Tatsuya was an entity, not even a human that was bigger than life, that where ever I went he would always be there to haunt me. It's fairly ironic, that the very things that where his, that haunted me, were now mine.

This was what I was trained to take over. I was to become him.

"Yes." He told him. He ignored my snicker. He opened the door and turned to leave.

"I leave for the Leaf Village tomorrow morning." He said. "I'll see you when I get back."

I barely comprehended the trill of the raven as it swooped in and perched on my shoulder.

"No, you won't be seeing me." I told him. He narrowed his eyes and closed the door, but didn't question me. "I won't be seeing you ever again."

If I had any brains at that moment I would have realised why, but I didn't. Tatsuya's death was still a shock. For someone known for their adaptability, this would have been a shock for everyone. I came to grips that the man I loved murdered his own family, tried to kill me and betrayed the village. But the idea that Tatsuya, my sadistic teacher, died was impossible to comprehend.

I didn't look behind me as I walked further into the house and up the stairs.

My hand touched the dusty rail as I climbed.

He died from his illness.

I stepped into my old room.

It was the same as when I left it.

I put my bags on the floor and closed the door.

I got undressed and slide under the sheets.

He died from his illness.



I spend the next day in his office, what I was looking for, I had no idea. I went through papers. There wasn't much left, I guess he had sent it to me already in Kohona.

I hummed before packing what was left. A few missions that he had forgotten to hand over, his trusty eagle pen and his cane sword. It was night time and time to sleep. I would go over the rest the next day. I locked the door and climbed back up the stairs and up towards my room. I opened the door before placing the things just inside. I walked back out before moving towards Tatsuya's room. I hadn't been in there yet. I sighed before grabbing a hold of the door knob. Rasa was the one who found him.

He was face down on the floor with his hand outstretched towards his desk. He had a grin on his face with blood around his lips and on both hands.

I opened the door.

I swallowed my nerves and I walked into the room. I could see some traces of dried blood on the floor. The raven that had come with me flew onto my shoulder and nuzzled my ear. His whispers made me start to hallucinate my teacher's death.

"No." I brushed the bird aside and stopped the hallucination. I didn't want to see that, not yet.

I left soon after. I walked back out and closed the door. This was something I would handle the next day. I made my way back to my room and sat down on my bed. I controlled my breathing and tried to calm my nerves. Once I got a hold of myself, I thought back to the letter. I checked your desk, Tatsuya. Nothing of importance is there. The mischievous bird somehow got into my room and landed on my leg. A second later, he tried to show me the illusion again.

"Stop it you stupid bird!" I growled before turning off the light and turning away from it. I pulled the blankets over my head and curled into myself. I may be 19, and I may be the student of the world best assassin who was known for his brutality, and his heir. But I was still upset over his death. I would never tell anyone this, but that night I cried.

And more than ever, I wished that Itachi hadn't done what he did so that I could be crying, not alone, but in his warm arms.


"Do you really think he was murdered?" Miku asked Kaname. They just got Lydia to go to sleep. She had been up mourning for the father of her unborn child.

"I don't know. I'd like to think so, but then again, I find it hard to believe that someone could have killed that man like that." She replied. She rubbed her face before looking out. The Chunin exams where in a day. The Kazekage should be arriving in half a day. They were both part of the party that was supposed to escort them to his quarters, then from that to the stadium the next day.

"You never know." Miku let silence take over before her stomach growled.

"Let's get something to eat, I'm starving."


I woke up with a headache and an empty stomach, I had not ate anything in over a day. I eased the pain with medical ninjutsu before getting up. I stretched before getting dressed. My stomach was growling the whole time.

"Shut up, I'll feed you in a moment."

I hurried down the stairs before moving towards the kitchen.

Tatsuya is dead, I didn't think he would mind if I ate his food.

I opened his fridge and looked around. I grabbed the milk and looked in his cupboards for cereal. I took some rice crackles and poured them into my bowl that stood next to it. I pour in some milk and sat at his table. Out of all the places in his house, his kitchen seemed to be the most touched.

Let's get this straight… I love my food.

I smiled and took a mouthful.

I started to chew and thought of the day ahead of me. I would have to go check out his room again.

I stopped chewing as a familiar and awkward taste filled my mouth. I got up and shot to the sink. I spat out the cereal and rinsed out my mouth. I gargled and spat it out before rolling up my sleeve. I witnessed a black mark show up on my forearm.

This jutsu will let you know if you have ingested poison.

"Poison." I whispered. I went back to the table and looked closely at the bowl. No signs. I then got out the milk and the cereal. I check out the milk first. Taking a glass I poured out some milk and took a sip. No, that was fine.

I poured some cereal out on the counter before looking at it more closely. It looked fine. I took a bit of the powder and tasted it. It was there in the cereal. I leaned back against the chair and sighed.

I think this is the first time I was very grateful that Tatsuya had us trained in poison. Having us ingest it every day in such small doses to make our body immune. And immune I was.

I then waked around his kitchen taking in all the food and trying it. Over all about three quarters of his food was poisoned.

"Why is the food poisoned?" I had thought. If he know of it why didn't he throw it out? I scratched my chin. But he was already on medication which lowered his immune system. I stopped. He didn't die because of his illness, it was because of the poison.

I ran upstairs to Tatsuya's room and threw open the door.

I looked at the place where he died and watched the raven peck at a blood stain. I sat on the floor with my back to his bed.

"Show me." I told the raven. "I'm ready."

I watched the head tilt before he started to whisper of sweet nothings.


I sat at my desk twirling around on my chair. My day was coming soon. I stopped spinning as a new chakra entered my house. That was different.

I never had someone enter my house when they knew I was there. I twirled it again, and span trying to think.

Is there anything else I needed to prepare for Kaida? I shook my head. I prepared everything. All that was left was for me to summon her. My heart fluttered in bliss.

Finally I'll be able to rest in peace. I'll have no regrets. Kadia can go through with the 6th gate and …

My thoughts were cut off as my door opened. I stopped the chair with my feet, my back to the door. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was.

"Why the fuck are you in my house." I said. He looked at me smugly.

I turned towards him and crossed my arms.

"I wanted to watch you die." He said I looked him confused, then started to laugh.

"The day I die. Is the day.."

"Cerberus kills you. Right?" he asked. I frowned not liking his attitude.

"What do you want …." I said sighing.

"I win." He sneered. I stood up and waked over to him.

"You win nothing you vile piece of shit."

"And that is where you are wrong." He shoved me back. My biggest mistake had been getting close to him. I fell to the floor coughing.

"I know about your little illness, mixed with my poison, you should be dead within the hour." Blood poured out of my mouth and onto the floor.

"This is all according to my plan, this way Kohona will be mine." He laughed as I coughed and coughed. He left soon after. As much as I hated it he was right. I was stupid enough not to realize that my antibiotics cancel out my immune system. I wasn't immune to poison anymore. I crawled to the hidden compartment of my desk. I was much too confident still eating my food even though I knew it was poisonous.

"Fucking shity Snake." I cursed around choking on my blood. But was I surprised? No. "ooh well, I knew he was probably going try to kill me anyway."

I reached over with my bloody hands and opened the secret drawer. I then touched the surface of the wood.

"I'm going to leave this right here Kaida, along with what I wanted you to have." He smirked. "I know you are going to be reading into this memory." He closed his eyes "Just remember, I like the number 6 as well."


I scrambled towards the drawer, not even realizing that I was crying. Ipushed it open and looked inside. A file and a symbol. It took me all of a second to realize what was at miss. And who killed my teacher.

"Orochimaru." I hissed in hatred. I sat back with the file in my hands and tried to calm down. Then everything fell into place

Orochimaru killed Tatsuya. Thus Orochimaru was in Suna.

Tatsuya seemed to know that Orochimaru was in Suna. For the trap to be effective, he probably had to come into Tatsuya's house more than once to poison his food, for a long period of time.

Thus Orochimaru was in Suna for a long time. There is no way that Rasa wouldn't have known about him. Tatsuya probably opposed him being there. To stop him from interfering, Orochimaru killed him.

But why? Orochimaru has a grudge against the Third Hokage. And he said that Kohona was going to be his. Thus he is taking actions against Kohona.

What's happening in Kohona? Chunin exams, he was part of the Chunin exams. Then I stopped his actions there. But then again he was in Suna. The Kazekage is going to Kohona for the Chunin exams.

Wait. Rasa is supposed to die. And I'm here. I flew from the room with the file and rushed into my room. I gathered my things and ran out of the house. I ran to the market threw money at a vendor and took a few fruit before leaving the village. I needed the energy.

I stopped out of view from the village and opened my mind. I need to conform Rasa's death, and there is no way I'll be able to get to Kohona in a day.


As if on cue it took only a few minutes for a range of twenty ravens to fly out from nowhere.

I heard their whispers and searched for one.

"Auburn haired white and blue man" one whispered told me. "Dead." I looked towards the raven.


I dismissed the others before following the raven.

It took less than three minutes of running to reach the body.

It was him. It was less than two days old and he was decaying, rapidly.

Killua? I whispered, I had to get to Kohona within the day. It would be impossible by myself. The being chuckled inside me.

Do it.


"Kai!" Miku released the genjutsu on herself as feathers started to rain down from the sky. It was just in time as everyone else feel asleep.

"Is it an attack? Kakashi-san?" she asked the copy ninja. He stood not two rows ahead of her. As if he and Gai just realized that, they looked up at the Kage stand. Almost on cue, smoke appeared.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THESE SNAKES!" Kaname yelled as she pushed off the head of one and bombarded it with kunai tagged with explosives. As if on cue, they blew up. She landed back onto the unbroken part of the wall next to a fellow Jonin.

"It's an attack."



Miku watched closely as the fake ANBU and sound-nin surrounded them. She hummed and looked at the situation trying to find out where the best place for her to be was. From what she was hearing there was action at the gates, probably getting ambushed. Preventing reinforcements.

The sand siblings just took off with the Jinchuriki. The Hokage is under attack.

Two of the sound shinobi came at her, assuming she was inexperienced, in shock, and stupid. She was none. She was one of three apprentices of the greatest assassin in history, very well prepared for a situation like this, and on basis she was a Nara. She was NOT stupid.

Sasuke disappeared from the stadium on Genma's command. And Miku hummed once again.

"MIKU!" she looked up towards Gai's voice before crouching at the right moment as two ninja tried to stab her. She coated her hands in chakra scalpels and twisted her body in a full circle, cutting off one leg from each sound-nin.

"Yes?" she asked, blood pouring off her hands. Gai stopped fighting and stared at her in mock horror.

"Gai." Kakashi reminded. He landed beside Miku just as she finished both of her attackers.

"I'm going to make sure the city gets evacuated." She told him. He nodded before she disappeared from spot. She made her way onto the roof before crossing over to where the Kages were.

"What's the situation?" She asked the ANBU guards that were there. She studied the barrier at the same time. It was a four point barrier created by four people.

"Sound four?" she said crossing her arms and putting her finger to her chin. "These must be the people that Kaida was telling Kaname-chan and I about the other day." She thought out loud.

"Are they strong?" the ANBU asked.

"Hmmm," Miku shrugged. "Depending on whose strength you judge them to ANBU-san." She teased. She walked up to the barrier and touched it. Gathering chakra in her right hand she punched the barrier, trying to crush it. The barrier shook and curses came from the mouth of a few of the sound four.

"Nope, I can't break it." She declared. The ANBU glared at her for giving up so fast.

She turned around and bounced out of the area. She first went to the school but no one was there. She then check a few other places, defeating sound-nin as she went. She caught up with the evacuation squad and help out there.

"Iruka-chan." She said. He looked over from the cave of the evacuation houses and nodded to her.

"Is it bad?" he whispered pulling her aside. One of the other teacher replaced him and started to guide people.

"Yes, Orochimaru-teme-san has attacked, is there anyone left to be evacuated." He shook his head.

A chill crawled up her back as she clamped her hands together in the rat seal. After all she was a Nara. Her shadow extended from under her and trapped the sand-nin who had found the hide out. Iruka acted fast he shot forward killing the enemy ninja. The civilians continued, never noticing a thing.

"Where are you heading now?" Iruka asked.

"To get, Kaname. There's a barrier that needs to be taken down."


"Is the summoning scrolls ready yet? If so. Release the snakes, they should give us entry to the village via the walls." A sand nin narrowed his eyes from the tree above. He had gotten no answer.

"Guys?" he yelled. He jumped down before walking back towards where his comrades were located. As he rounded the bush, he looked in before gasping. All three of his comrades laid on their side, throats slit. All of their faces where frozen in concentration like they had been attacked without realizing it.

"What the fuck!" he was their sensor, he should have known if someone came inside his distance. He gargled on his blood before falling to the floor, his throat also cut.

I pulled back my arm and listened to the trill of another raven. Another summoner was to the east. I walked towards the summoning scroll and preformed the tiger seal.

I exhaled a few fire bullets before watching the scroll burn.

Then I ran for the next.


"He's a monster." The ANBU whispered. "Orochimaru really wants Immortality?!"


"KANAME-CHAN!" Miku yelled. She dodged a kunai before slamming her hands onto the body of a sound nin. It stopped his heart killing him instantly.

"WHAT!" the angry voice yelled out. A large axe shot out from the crowd and hit another sand nin just behind the medical nin.

"They need you at the Chunin stadium. Orochimaru-teme-san put up some type of barrier, and is holding the Hokage hostage." She told her. She hopped down to her teammate before starting to fight by her side.

"I can't leave right now! I'm kind of in a pinch!" Kaname grown as a series of eight ninja appeared in front of her. Miku sighed, before moving her hands.

Tiger, Hare, Boar, Dog.

A large earth wall rose up in front of her.

"Why did you do that for?" Kaname yelled.

A second later Miku smashed the wall with all her strength, sending the rocks, boulders, barreling at the ninja.

"Done, now you get your butt over there!" Miku said. "I have to go see Lydia."

Kaname grinned, right before she left she looked back.

"I've been seeing ravens all over the place." She mentioned. "I think the Shinigami has let the Bitch out of her cage."


I stood next to Kohona's spy master on his toad. I was never so happy to have known the tree walking technique in my life as it flew into the air and stomped on the snake.

"Long time no see, eh Ibiki." The toad sage called down to the T&I Commander. "Geez, is your body the only thing that grew up?! I just can't stand to watch you!" I rolled my eyes as he continued to talk. I jumped down next to Ibiki.

"I killed all the summoners, and destroyed the summoning scrolls. We only need to take down what is inside the city." I told him. He grinned, while Jiraiya jumped.

"Nice work, Kaida." He told me.

"Where did you come from?" The Sage asked me. I gave a soft laugh.

"I was beside you the whole time." I told him. He looked at me as if I grew another head.

Rolling my eyes I looked out towards the city as snakes and ninja fought.

"What's the situation?" I said. Ibiki shot up beside Jiraiya and I followed him.

"The Hokage is fighting Orochimaru in the arena, they are trapped in a barrier held by four ninja. The east wall is destroyed, all villagers are evacuated. The enemy has entered the city in large numbers." I listened to Ibiki as I felt out my range.

Kaname took off from the southern gate, going towards the arena.

I knew she would take care of the barrier.

Miku was on her way to Lydia.

Naruto was in conflict with Garaa. I froze, wanting to go, noticing the monstrous chakra that was being emitted but I stopped myself. Naruto could handle it. Better than any of us. After all, he knows what Garaa is going through.

"So let's get started," I told the men. They both looked towards me, but I already had one hand through a sound-nin's chest.


"Lydia?" Miku asked as she rushed into Lydia's house.

"Yes?" she asked. Miku look at her in shock as she took a sip of her tea. She was kneeling on the mats in front of her coffee table. What was shocking was the three bodies that laid around her.

Miku pointed to the bodies.

"Just because I'm not a shinobi and pregnant, it does not mean that I am useless."

Miku's hand hit her face. Lydia was Tatsuya's beloved.

"Why am I surprised?"


Kaname got to the barrier in record time, but it was too late. She didn't know what was happening inside of the barrier due to the dense forest that covered the view, but she did know the stench of blood.

She took a deep breath before placing her hands on the barrier. She let it out.

"What are you doing?" the ANBU asked her.

"Shut up and watch."

She breathed in once before starting to produce an electrical charge. In a split second it covered the large surface of the barrier. Inside the sound four became nervous. Lightning is said to be 27 000 times hotter than the surface of the sun. So when I tell you that the barrier got hot, believe it.

"Lightning Release, Barrier Break!" she cried as the intense heat of the electricity heating the barrier began to cook the chakra and harden it. Not even a second later it cracked and broke. All four sealers hissed in pain as the heat causes their hands to blister. Since they retracted their hands, their concentration destabilized and the inner barrier fell as well.

"Shit!" the female cursed. The big man thought the fastest, and rushed forward.
"Lord Orochimaru." He cried. He grabbed the injured Sanin and all four took off, even with their hands fat with burns.

Kaname smirked as she caught Orochimaru's golden eyes. As she shot forward, intending to fight and capture them. The ninja with six arms slammed his hands together and hissed. He had to mold his chakra. His hands moved slowly because of the blisters.

Kaname and the Kohona ANBU jumped to attack.

Out of the corner of their eyes they saw kunai directed towards them. Blocking them, the distraction gave them just enough time to for the spider-nin to cast a web.

"ARGG, I fucking hate spiders." Kaname yelled, trapped with the other Leaf ninja in the web.

And thus they got away.

Hello everyone!

I hope that was fast enough for you ZabuzasGirl.

Anyway. thank you for your favorites and follows. And thank you for reading.

Have an amazing week and hopefully i'll be able to get the next one up in a couple of weeks.

I do not own Naruto just my own characters.

Have an amazing day.