Season 2: Episode 14

Spencer felt his head throbbing in pain. He could feel a sticky substance on the side of his forehead and knew immediately that it was blood. He remembered driving to Tobias Hankle's house with JJ and seeing all of the monitors through his window and finding out he was actually the unsub. He remembered him and JJ splitting up, a stupid idea on his part, and how he heard the unsubs talking in the corn field… well, now Spencer was thinking there was only one.

"Shoot him, he's a Satist." Tobias said in a deeper voice than he had used previously at the door. Then with another voice he'd try to refuse, sounding afraid. So they were dealing with one unsub split into at least two personalities. More to the point, Spencer was dealing with one unsub split into at least two personalities. And he was sadly losing.

At this point, Reid was bathed in darkness, an acute ringing in his ears. No matter how hard he tried, his eyes wouldn't open. He couldn't move at all. The only other sounds were distant mumbling that sounded as if someone was talking underwater. It sounded like Tobias's personalities were arguing with each other.

"Now look what you've done, boy. Now you have to kill him." The deep voice was saying.

"He didn't do anything!"

"Only getting the job down halfway. You've always been a sissy."

"I'll- I'll take him with us."

The more and more they argued, the clearer and louder their speech was sounding. Spencer heard the last sentence and had a renewed vigor to wake up out of this partial unconscious state. He willed his arms to move, his legs, his eyes, anything. The most he got was fluttering his eyelids, the dark skies and corn stalks towering above him. Spencer groaned and shut his eyes again, not having the strength to do anything else.

"They're coming. Don't just stand there!"

They're coming? Who was coming? His team? Spencer prayed that they found him in time, but his hope started slowly diminishing as he felt rough arms slide under his own and yank him up. A sharp pain erupted in his skull, dizziness taking over and all of his senses fading away. He could just barely feel his body be pulled over the rough ground of mounts of dry grass and fallen corn stalks. His legs dragged behind him and his head lolled back, but no matter how much he willed himself to get out of this situation, his strength decreased more and more with every passing second. He was getting dragged further away from his team and safety, going who knew where. What if he never returned? What if this was it? He was going to die at 23 and never live the rest of his life.

Panic set in, but he had never felt so helpless. All Spencer could do was just lie limp and let himself be dragged off with the sound of his friends shouting his name some ways off.

"Spencer! Reid, where are you, kid?" he heard Morgan's voice. He was too far off though, and sounded to be moving in a different direction.

Not that way! Morgan…

He thought as he felt himself being roughly yanked up further. They were on different terrain now, a gravel road. It must have been the same one him and JJ drove on to get to this hellish place. Once Spencer felt only gravel and could sense no more corn field around him, he was dropped harshly on the ground. He moaned and tried to blink his eyes open. He got a little movement, but not enough to fully open his eyes.

The sound of a car door opening filled the air around them.

No, no, no, no… Spencer thought.

He couldn't do anything however, as he felt himself being hoisted up, one of his arms hitting the frame of the car and sending more pain throughout him. Tobias threw him onto the floor of what seemed to by the front seat, but before Spencer could figure it out, his head hit a hard surface, knocking him out for good.