Hello there, everyone! Yeah yeah, I know I said I wouldn't do another collection like this after I finished the Ike x Samus songfic collection. But since I've been reading MahNati's fanfic Self Support (which you NEED to start reading, in case you aren't already), I've wanted to write something- anything- with the M Robin x F Robin pairing. So I decided to do a collection of ten oneshot songfics because people seemed to like my songfic collections. Each chapter will be 500 words exactly (barring author's notes, of course). I already have a list of songs I'm going to use, and each one is by a different artist or band. The song for the first chapter is Take Care by Drake (feat. Rihanna).

In case you're wondering, the title of this fanfic is actually a quote by American poet T.S. Eliot.

I kind of made both of the Robins OOC for this entry; and for that, I apologize. Also, "Rob" is male Robin, while "Robin" refers to female Robin. That rule will stay the same throughout the collection.

I own absolutely nothing.

Anyways, please read & enjoy! :D

"I'm so sorry…"

"Shh... it's okay."

Robin sighed before wiping away the tears that slowly streaked her fair cheeks. She hated this: the crying, the apologizing… everything that she was doing right at that moment. But the worst was what she wasn't doing- it was what she was feeling. She hated feeling like an emotional basket case, like she couldn't control her actions at all. It made her feel like a large jagged rock was rolling around in her stomach, not wanting to go away.

If only Shulk hadn't broken her heart so viciously, she wouldn't be acting like this. But the other side of that coin was that she wouldn't be able to be a much better guy now.

Too bad for him, he was now subjected to her emotional outbursts.

Yet Rob took it all in stride. He never told Robin to get a hold of herself, or to get over Shulk right this instant. He simply listened to her rant on and on about how much of an idiot he was, and how badly Shulk had broken her heart. Hell, he even let Robin rant about how she wasn't sure if she could even trust him! That hurt Rob the most, but of course, he knew better than to say so. He just nodded and told her the same thing.

"I'm here for you, Robin. I love you so much, and that will never, ever change. I will help heal your broken heart back into place."

It wasn't an easy thing to do, and they both knew it. It also didn't help that Shulk's new girlfriend- a woman from his world named Fiora- was currently visiting the Smash Mansion. Seeing the couple act so in love had caused Robin to snap. She ran into her and Rob's room, where she proceed to have a crying fit- again.

"I thought I was over him," she wailed. "Why does this keep happening to me?"

Rob shrugged. "If I knew the answer, I'd tell you. But I don't."

"I know."

"Just ignore them, love. Shulk is your past, but I am your present."

"I feel horrible. I keep crying to you over another guy. Aren't you angry?"

"Yes," answered Rob. "I'm angry that Shulk was so disrespectful to a beautiful, kind woman that I'm so madly in love with, and I'm angry that he's the reason for all your tears. But am I angry at you? Gods, no! Anyone in your shoes would be just as upset as you, if not more. The fact that you've begun to date me proves that you're leaps and bounds ahead of others in your position."

Robin's sadness suddenly changed into happiness. She grinned and hugged her boyfriend tight.

"Gods, I love you," she mumbled into his chest.

"I love you, too," replied Rob before kissing her head.

Robin nodded in response. She still had a way's to go before feeling totally better, but at least Rob would be there to help her out.

There ya go! I hope you all enjoyed the beginning of this oneshot songfic collection. :)

Please review, and don't forget to stay tuned for chapter 2! :D

- Elizabeth