A/N : this is a bit of a sad chap... I got inspired by a terrifying korean movie that I kind of incorporated it here, I don't know if this happens in Japan but situations like this sometimes happen I guess, also check out the mivie 'Bad Genius' it inspired me very well hahaha

"Ayuzawa Satomi-san, please come to the principal's office immediately, Thank you." Ayuzawa was about to be on her way to the home economics room when she heard her name called. Having an idea why so, she followed and made her way to the office.

As soon as she enters, she was greeted by the principal and as she expected, her math teacher was there, he was standing, arms crossed, foot tapping on the floor and his eyes looking with disdain at her.

"Hello, Ayuzawa-san." the principal started, "I presume you know why Kakuzu-sensei's here." the silver haired girl bowed her head to the principal and then looks up to him again.

"You have quite an attitude, young lady." her math teacher said.

"I'm sorry, sensei." Nope, she's not really sorry, but she knows her position in this case, no matter how right she is, she got no choice but to bow her head.

"Ayuzawa-san, you know why you can study free in this school, that kind of attitude is not tolerated here, I might remove your scholarship if this ever happens again. Do you understand?" she nods. "Kakuzu-senpai is a valued faculty here, he is also an honor student during his time in this school, so he doesn't deserve that kind of humiliation."

Honor student...heh...I wonder who did his papers for him...

"You are lucky I am a patient person, Ayuzawa-san, I can act like nothing happened this time, but next time, that won't be the case." Her teacher said.

"Yes, sensei." life was never fair for her anyway.

"Anyway, another reason I called you here is because I want to remind you of next week's examination. You remember the deal, right?"

"Yes, Sir Principal." she answers, bowing her head slightly.

"Good. You need to get 15 mistakes. Remember, that you should consider the six students ahead of you." It's because he knows Ayuzawa can easily get a perfect mark but she needs to stay as number seven, because the six other students have very charitable parents.


"Ok, you are dismissed." the principal said and motioned Ayuzawa to go out, she bowed her head again and went straight to the exit. She passed down the hallway and decided to peek at the midterm examinations ranking. She stared at her name and then at the six students ahead of her.

"That's not right...it will never be..." she muttered and then glanced at the whole list, however, she stopped when she reached 100. "What?"

Her eyes passed on a certain blue haired boy's name. She moved closer and traced the name and she thought for a minute if her eyes were playing with her. "Oh...he passed all his exams?" she's pretty sure only seven students, including her, of this school are aware of its monkey business. "Well...that's not bad, after all, he's always skipping classes and sleeping and he can still pass." She noticed that Momoi, has nice grades too, so she have deduced that maybe she's teaching him, since she's the girlfriend.

She doesn't care anyway, she shouldn't, so she just brushed off this new found information and decided to go at the dojo and release some of her frustrations.

Aomine was again pretending to read some notes on his chair, Ayuzawa passed by and decided to quietly peek since the tall guy's not aware of her presence behind him, she sighed as she sees that again he's checking out a gravure model magazine. She ignored him and went to her own seat, when she was about to sit, two students approached her.

"So Ayuzawa, we heard you were called in the principal's office yesterday." it was one of the nerds.

"Yes, so what? Such matters have nothing to do with you." Ayuzawa said as she sits.

"We heard from sensei that you got scolded because you were so full of yourself." after they said that, some of their classmates glanced at them.

"Yes...because I have a reason to be that confident." she answered, not caring about the people staring at her. "I may have been a bit disrespectful when I answered the question but still I came up with an answer."

"I'm sure you did that because Aomine-kun's going to remain standing. You probably have a crush on him."

Ayuzawa sighed, she's lucky the boy's not paying attention or else he'll think of something again. "Yes...probably...don't worry I learned my lesson well, rest assured that if that ever happened to anyone in the class, I will not answer the question again. Even in your case." Ayuzawa said out loud, before she stood up and decided to go in the rest room.

"What are you doing? why'd you say that to Ayuzawa-san...what if that happened to us, we're sure you won't be able to save us like what she did." Yuki said, some of their classmates also talked.

"What...you should all study and answer your own problems." The nerd huffed and rushed to her seat.

Unbeknownst, to them and Ayuzawa, Aomine was listening to the whole story. He actually watched as she walks out of the room.

"It seems that the scope for english is longer this time." Ayuzawa said as she scans the notes she got a while ago, she was walking with her eyes on the paper until her side lightly bumps on to someone. "Oh sorry..." she said not glancing up to the person.

"Right." That voice had her looking up, it was Aomine actually.

"Oh...it's you." She said monotonously, she noticed that he was holding a notebook. "So you actually prepare for it. That's good, you can actually pass your exams. Maybe you're just half the idiot I thought you to be."

"Or maybe I'm not an idiot. " He rolled his eyes at her. "Listen, I heard you were called in the principal's office. Is that because of math?"

Ayuzawa was silent for a moment but she stared at him as he waits for an answer, she gave out a meek smile. "I was called for a reason that does not concern you."

Right...Aomine, knowing how she'll just give him some annoying answers, rubbed his forehead due to annoyance. "I'm serious."

"I am too." She said.

"Whatever, if you say so. I just got worried." he was surprised with himself and he sees her astonished expression as well. "I mean, worried that they'll call me too." He cleared his throat.

"Ahhh.." He was fortunate she bought that. "Why do you think so?"

"Because...I am caught sleeping?"

"I don't think so, you know...almost all our teachers know you slack off, but they just let you be because you're a lot more of a nuisance when you're awake." then she crossed her arms. "Though I think you should improve that behavior now."

"Can't help it if everything is boring." Aomine said as he yawned. "But, you know...are you really alright? Got some bad ass scolding or something from the principal?"

"I'm used to those kind of things."

"So you got scolded?" somehow Aomine's tone softened. "That's - "

"I'm fine." she brushed off the idea. Thanks for caring...No...he doesn't, he's just afraid to be called too...

"Ok, I guess you are." He started walking towards her, going opposite her direction

"Wait...where are you going? Our teacher will be there after a few minutes." Ayuzawa said as she checked her watch.

"I guess I'll be doing my own lessons." He looked at her and smirked before he proceeded, but she followed.

"Really? What lessons?" she glanced at the notebook he's holding. "Are those..." cheats?

"This?" Ayuzawa reached for the notebook and scanned inside.

"It's empty?"

"Yeah...Satsuki's gonna lend me hers anyway." Aomine scratched the back of his head. "Now that I think about it, she's not lending hers this time."

"Tch...You are so fortunate to have such a responsible girlfriend and yet you pick a fight with her." Ayuzawa said before she slammed the notebook back to his hand.


"Why doesn't she want to?"

"She wants me to go to practice before she lends it."

"Then why don't you? She has a simple request." Ayuzawa realized she's beginning to butt in his problems. "Never mind."

"Wanna lend me yours?" Aomine smirked at her.

"No...why would I?"

"I dunno, I just thought you're the type who don't need notes to pass."

"I do need my notes, everyone does, it's just a matter of how fast, how many and how well you remember those notes."

"Fine then. I'm gonna head to my own library and do some nice studying. See yah." Aomine's the first to give up with their conversation.

"Seriously, he thinks that kind of psychology works on me." Ayuzawa went on her way back to class.

As soon as she enters she saw most of her classmates huddled up and were having some kind of a meeting.


"Oh, Sakurai-san what is it? Why are they having a meeting?"

"Ahh...Sensei said our PE activity for finals will be about group sports, volleyball, soccer and basketball. I think they were talking about how the class should be divided."

"I guess you and doofus chose basketball, right?"

"Ahhh! Yeah, sorry about that." Sakurai looked down.

"You know that's nothing to apologize for." Ayuzawa sighed and Sakurai bowed down and apologized all over again. "Why are all the choices ball games?"

"Ayuzawa-san!" Yuki walked towards her. "Hey, I think the class have voted to have basketball, are you alright with that?"

"To be honest I hate ball games, so whatever get chosen I don't think I'll be fine but since it is a requirement, I do not think I have a choice regarding the matter."

"Ehhhh...Ayuzawa-san hates basketball?" Sakurai said.

"To be specific...I hate balls." Ayuzawa sighed. "Does that mean our teacher won't be around today?" Sometimes, Ayuzawa wants to complain about PE, it keeps on hogging attention, when in fact theoretical exams should be prioritized, then again, that subject (or their teacher) doesn't want to be left behind or ignored due to other subjects. "Alright. I guess, I'll head on the library." Ayuzawa said as she retrieves her bag.

About an hour later after studying, Ayuzawa went up the rooftop and searched for a certain blockhead who loves sleeping in the rooftop, a few walking and she saw him lying near the fence.

"I wish I'm as lucky as you are." she muttered before she bent down and placed a notebook beside him.

She went down from the rooftop and was about to head home until she decided to check if she left something under her desk, while on her way she passed by the faculty and was stopped on her tracks.

"Thank you, sensei." that was the rank two student as Ayuzawa can remember, she was given an envelope by her math teacher. Probably the leakage... Ayuzawa bowed her head as she passed by.

"Ayuzawa-san...fancy seeing you here." Her math teacher called.

"Oh, Hello, sensei."

"Ahhh...You are that Ayuzawa?" the other student spoke, somehow sounding a bit sarcastic. "I'm Mia, though I think you know who I am."

"Yes, I do. Hello." And I don't want to do anything with you...

"I hope you do your best in the exams."

"Yes, you too." Ayuzawa clenched her fist. "I'll go ahead, sensei." and the silver head hurriedly walked out of the scene, she rushed to her classroom and as she sees that nothing's left behind, she was bound to go home. However, she felt a bit overwhelmed by her emotions that she decided to stop by her favorite pass time room, the Home economics room.

She sat on the floor, and leaned near the counter, her eyes closed as she tries to calm herself. She stopped crying the moment she realized she'll be alone in this world, like her mom always say, she should stay strong.

Suddenly, she heard the door opened and some footsteps approaching but she's too preoccupied to care.

"So you are here." that was Aomine, she still had her eyes closed despite feeling the guy sit beside her.

"Go away."

"Tch. What are you doing? Some kind of meditation?" He nudged her in the shoulder but she didn't budge.

"I'm trying to practice my psychokinetic ability."

"The fuck? You can do that?" she smirked as she felt him jolt in surprise.

"Of course I can't, they say that up to now there's still no convincing evidence that psychokinesis is a real phenomenon, and the topic is regarded as pseudoscience."

"So what...are you meditating because you're nervous for next week's examination?"

Ayuzawa opened her eyes but she stared in front of her. "I don't get nervous in written examinations. I think you know that exams were always easy for me like how basketball is so effortless for you."

"Right...So what are you doing here?"

"Contemplating." She said as she crossed her arms. "They say, Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone had a different set of questions, I'm not copying anyone's but still I have it hard."


"Nevermind." she glanced at him. "Why are you here?"

"Oh yeah." he picked her notebook and showed it to her. "This yours?"

"Yes it's mine. Why? You decided Satsuki's notes are better?"

"Sheesh...like a jealous girlfriend, aren't we?"

"Whatever..." Ayuzawa sighed. "It's funny how I said that we shouldn't be bothered with each other and yet here we are, still talking."

"Well...Does it bother you?" Aomine said as he leaned on the counter. "Seems like you really don't like to be involved with me."

"At first, I'll be honest, I don't and I never wanted to have anything to do with you, but hey...it happened so I don't have a choice at least that ended up well." she smiled as she remembered and Aomine just looked at her. "Anyway...I lend that to you because I want to know how far you'll score in the exams. I thought that if you were able to pass with just Momoi-san's notes, I want to know how you'll do using my notebook."

"So I'm your experiment now?" Aomine sighed before the two of them stood up.

"No...You're my friend." Ayuzawa said before she left him in the room.

"Ok." Aomine glanced at the notebook, a smirk on his face.

A week after the exams, Ayuzawa checked the rankings and saw her name on the top seven list, she sighed, and decided she should just accept reality, but then she remembered something and decided to check out his name too.

"Rank 90? Not bad." she said a smile on her face.

"Yep...Not bad, told you I'm not an idiot." She felt a figure hover behind her, she knows it's him because of his voice and height.

"Yes, that is not bad. It just shows how superior my notes are." Ayuzawa smirked as she looked behind. "Where are my notes?"

"Nah...exams are over, who needs the fucking notes?" Aomine said, smirking like crazy.

"What are you talking about? Those are mine, I need those back."

"I think you should forget about them." Aomine said as he crossed arms. "I did well anyway."

"I'm serious, Aomine, where are my notes?"

"Well, something happened...I think I fell asleep reading halfway and kinda used them as a pillow, your notes are fucking long that it made me sleepy so you know, I got no pillow and used it and somehow..."

"I will kill you, Aomine!"

A/N (1): I worked as a college instructor before and I know cheating happens, sorry for putting such a sensitive topic here, and I'm not saying bribery happens a lot but just for the story's sake...

A/N (2): I just read KnBpedia regarding the character's intellectual abilities, it says that Kise, Kagami and Aomine are well~ stupid (Which is harsh...and which is why I chose Satomi's character) but there's nothing mentioned about Aomine regarding his proficiency exams, unlike, Kise, Seirin and Midorima, so I think he didn't have a problem...also in the replace, Midorima said that Aomine can still pass even if he sleeps at all his lectures (due to Momoi's notes, which is why he borrowed her notes). In my mind I thought, if he can pass with Momoi's he can probably pass with a genius's notes (as long as he studies)

Next chap will be funny, swear like, it's gonna involve basketball and teacher Mine hahaha

R/R :)