Hi everyone, I realize that I've left this story for over 2 years without an update and without an explanation. I stumbled across an old chapter on my computer and felt like checking up on the old forum. I was so surprised to see all of this support for this little series I started when I was 16. I figured, what the hell? I might as well finish it. Let me apologize for not only the hiatus but also for how out of date this chapter is going to be. I haven't kept up with the Smosh Games channel since 2016 so I really don't know if any changes have occurred. My goal with this chapter is to just finish off this mini series as if I were still writing in 2015-2016. Think of it as a time capsule. Thank you all for the support and I hope you enjoy this EXTREMELY late final chapter.

It's been five months since that meeting in the café with Peter. Mari has done a lot of growing up since then. She packed her things, said goodbye to her home, and found an apartment on the other side of town.

It hasn't been easy.

At first, Mari struggled a lot with her decision to move on from Peter. It was a quick choice, almost irrationally quick, and it left her with doubts. Did she make the right call? Did she leave the guy she was supposed to marry? Was she making an enormous mistake?

As she began her new life, these doubts faded, as did the feelings of pain and guilt from leaving Peter so heartbroken. She knew she did what was right for both of them.

Her new apartment is small but warm and cozy. The sunlight illuminates the entire space, and the addition of her new dog, Obsidian, has been a life saver. He's somewhat small, but adorable with soft, black curly hair.

Sohinki lives down the street from Mari, and he has also been a huge help to her during this life change. He has been the constant in her life, the one person she can always rely on, a best friend when all else fails.

"Hey, Mari?" Sohinki called from the kitchen. "Blueberry or chocolate in the pancakes?"

Mari laughed, "Is that even a question?" She answered, walking towards him.

"You're right," he grinned, "definitely both." He flipped over the pancake in the pan before sliding it onto a plate with oh-so-much style. He presented the plate to her and she smiled, taking it over to the table.

"Thank you," she said, turning around and enveloping him in a bear hug.

"Anytime." He answered, planting a kiss on her forehead. Obsidian noticed the interaction and quickly jumped to their feet, barking and pawing at them for attention. They both laughed and leaned down to pet Mari's cute but needy puppy.

They sat down to eat their breakfast for dinner, discussing the newest episode of Game Bang coming that week. Mari reached out to hold Sohinki's hand and smiled.

She couldn't help but think of all that had changed within the last few months, but with Sohinki sitting across from her and Obsidian at her feet, she couldn't be happier.

And that is the end! I hope this chapter reaches some of the people who were so devoted to this series. Thank you again for your support.
