James Potter shifted in his chair and mentally sulked at the realisation that Lily wasn't battering an eyelid. Across a wide desk Albus Dumbledore gave them a sad look of betrayal.

'I told you not to go.'

Lily shifted in her seat, and James couldn't help but notice the small bump that had begun showing itself over the last few weeks.

'But we did.'

James straightened his posture and finally met the old mans gaze.

Underneath the table a small soft hand found his own and squeezed.

'The use of unforgivables are named so for a reason.'

Lily glared across the room at Dumbledore as he preached at them, her hand hadn't released the death grip on James' since the battle.

'Evans wouldn't be here to hear your moaning if Potter hadn't reacted!'

James was proud when Moody jumped to his defence, but even more so when Lily turned her glare on the scarred man and said 'It's Potter now!' With hissed annoyance.

'That wouldn't have been an issue if Lily had just listened to my advice and stayed home.' Dumbledore chided with a disappointed look.

'I'm pregnant, not incapable.' Lily's chin stayed up.

James sided with Dumbledore on that part in his head, but wasn't stupid enough to think he could win that argument in public.

Dumbledore sighed heavily and ran his hand over his face.

'No one will ever see it coming!'

'I don't know Padfoot, Dumbledore probably had good-'

'Dumbledore's child isn't the one being chased by a Dark Lord.' Lily hissed, speaking up for the first time.

'Yes, but this is our lives we are risking-'

James was interrupted again.

'And the life of Dumbledore's Prophecy child.' Lily's glare was defiant. James felt the argument leak out of him and even a spike of anger flare up. Perhaps they were right. He hadn't liked that last meeting where Dumbledore had spoken of Harry (for James was sure that the baby due in only a few days would be a boy) as if he were nothing more than a tool.

'Fineā€¦ Fine. We go with our plan.'

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches, born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...