AN: Sorry for making you wait a lot longer then usually but here's the next chapter! Please review and let me know what you think! Sorry for my really bad grammar!

Get Away

Denmark's POV:

It had been a month since the last world meeting and the Dane had embraced himself in his work trying to run his country the best he could. Since he couldn't take his mind off of his "family" he just needed to keep his mind busy.

"Mathias!" Yelled his boss.

"Ja Boss?" he asked.

"Why are you here still you have finished all of your work there's nothing else you can do here go have fun or visit someone take a vacation you have been looking gloomy for a long while now!" He said concern.

"Really there's nothing more I can do I didn't even notice haha silly me." He said with a fake laugh.

"How about seeing someone go have fun like you always do?" His boss said.

"Ok only because you said so ok." he replied.

"Good so off with you then." His boss said before he left the Danes office.

The Dane let out a long sigh before he got up from his seat and went over to the big globe he had in his office and looked at the different places he could go to. He knew it would be best to avoid other countries obviously so he wouldn't bump into the other Nordics. He honestly didn't know where he should go then he thought about going on an outing with Lars and Gilbert on a camping trip. The Dane went home and called up his friends to go out.

A week later

"How much longer do we have to hike Mathias?!" The Prussian yelled.

"What your not that old are you I mean I'm way older then you are and you still can;t catch you to me." He smiled as Lars laughed.

"YEAH RIGHT LET ME SHOW YOU HOW FAST I AM OLD MAN!" He said as he began to pick up the pace and pasted both the blonds. "HAHA SEE I AM THE AWESOME PRUSSIA!."

"Ja your very awesome." He said and laugh.

"At least he's not complaining anymore." the Dutch man laughed.

"Ja. Well were almost there so don't worry just on the other side of the of that boulder and will be there." He said.

"Why the hell is it always cold here isn't it summer?!" Gilbert said.

"It's not that cold not like winter man and it's to hot in the summer where your at but I don't complain like you do." He said back.

"Ja ja whatever I'm still the most awesome country ever." He pouted.

"Just shut up." Lars said annoyed.

"Hey no fighting we are here." He said.

Behind the Dane was a vast lake surrounded by tree's and green lands and wildflowers. It looked as though the sky touched the land spreading life all along it.

"Beautiful." Both the Dutch man and the Prussian said at once.

Iceland POV:

It had been a month a week since the meeting Norway had decided to stay with his younger brother for awhile. The Icelandic boy had never seen his big brother so down since the break up between the Kalmar Union. Emil knew that Lukas was upset about the Danes odd behavior lately he honestly didn't know why he would act like that he had always been at their side annoyingly. He couldn't help but to feel sad for his big brother that's was always attached to him but is now distant from him.

The Icelandic boy then decided to take things into his own hands to track the Danish man down for his brothers sake. Denmark had always been like a father to the boy and he is even slightly confused of the change of behavior. Throughout all their lives the Dane had been there every step of the way weather it was being a family or going to war he was always there. Something was not right and he was going to get to the bottom of this the only one who didn't care was Sve that was because he still had beef against the Dane.

"Hey Lukas I'm going to see Finn and ask him about something so take care of your self or have your "Troll" take care of you ok." He said before grabbing his coat and left.

Before he knew it he was on a plane to Finland's house to ask him to help him fine the Dane to talk at least. The plane had landed and he went to the Finn's house and knocked on the door and not long afterwards the Finn opened the door.

"Ohhh Icyyy moi moi!" The Finn said.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" He said with a half smile.

"Sure come in what's up?" H asked leading the boy to the table and asking if he wanted something to drink.

"No that's fine, to more important matters I want to know is there anywhere you know the Mathias would be I want to talk to him. Lukas is being all gloomy and not the normal gloomy like super gloomy." He said.

"I tried talking to the Dane Icy it didn't end well we got in an argument in a restaurant he just wouldn't talk to me at all. Every time I asked what's wrong or what happen he wouldn't say anything he wouldn't tell me a word and I just got madder and madder until I yelled and he just walked away silently he look mad and hurt and I don't understand why honestly." He said upset.

"He is acting every differently then what he's used to be he's always there for us why would he behave like this it's not him you know he always told us what was wrong with him it's not fair for him to do this. Don't you think?" He asked.

"I have no idea what is going through his head we haven't officially seen him since before the "Family get together" you know." He answer.

"You know I don't really remember that night to well." The Icelandic boy said trying to think back,

"Me either I was to drunk hehe." He giggled.

"You don't thinkwe did something bad to him do you?" he asked.

"I doubt that Icy." H said back.

"I guess you're right." He replied but still tried to think back.

Norway's POV:

The Nor didn't say anything after his little brother left he stood up from the bed he was laying on and went to the kitchen to grab a drink. He couldn't help but to think of the missing Dane he couldn't fine him anywhere evening when he tried using a tracking spell but all the Nordics knew magic except the Icelandic boy for some reason. In the Norwegian's belief he bet the Dane put a barrier around himself from being tracked by any magic spells.

"Where could he had gone?" He asked his troll who was there beside him petting him gently. "He couldn't have gotten far could he? I mean he has a nation to run so he must still be in Denmark somewhere but he only has the one house right?" He asked the Troll but the Troll just shrugged.

Norway sighed and tried to think if there was anywhere else he could be but nothing came to mind. The man began to tear up.

"Dose this mean I lost him forever?" He asked as he just stood there as the tears flowed down his face in silent.

Denmark POV:

They had finally set up the camp the tents were up and a fire was going with a Prussian man trying to keep warm since the sun was soon to set.

"Hey why did you leave so early after the last world meeting Mathias Lukas was looking for you?" Gilbert asked

"Because I wanted to leave as soon as I could to get away from them it hurt to be with them none of them want me with them anyway they said it themselves even if they don't remember." He responded.

"Ouch, that must have stung but I'm sure they didn't mean it I mean I;m called stuff a lot and I mean A LOT." He said.

"Ja I know I've been called a lot of things to for a lot longer but I'm just doing hat they want they said they don't want me in their life then I won't it's just that simple so they should just be happy." He said a bit sadly.

"I think they just don't know how much they want you to be there." He said back.

"I doesn't matter I just want to get away." He said seriously.

AN: Hoped you enjoyed! Please leave a review thank you! Sorry once again for the really late chapter been really busy but I'll try to be more regularly!