Hey guys I'm back! Hope you enjoy this chapter of the story! This part is going to be from Ezra's POV.
I'm going to need some help coming up for how Kanan is captured, where he is being held and how they rescue them. Think you guys can do that for me? I can write it into a later chapter.
I was going to write for Ezra last of all but I couldn't think of what to say. Can you help me with what I should do? Please use Kanan's point of view of Hera for help. I just feel in a major writer's block for the other characters.
But please if you feel something is out of place or want to give me a suggestion on how to do something, please feel free to let me know! I love getting writing feedback from you guys as you always seem to think about something I don't. But anyway let's get to the story, hope you enjoy it and if you do please review to tell me what you think.
Ezra's POV
I couldn't believe what I was feeling. There in my consciousness, I felt an empty hole where Kanan's presence usually resided. It felt like the force that I was so attuned to was gone, wisped away like leaves in the wind.
I sat in the room that Zeb and I shared. I couldn't force myself to move from the small ledge that lined the wall perpendicular from the beds as I rested my head in my hands.
Why was it that everyone I cared about was ripped away from me? Kanan was like the father figure that I hadn't had in over eight years. I had lived without the guidance of my father since I was seven and he was taken by the empire. Now Kanan had been taken by the very same people and was never to return.
It was then that I felt warm tears flowing down my face as the realization hit me that my master, mentor and friend wasn't coming back. Just like my parents, he was snuffed out like a candle that had run out of the wick to keep it going.
What was I going to do? How was I going to be able to overcome this and move on? I was tired of the Empire trampling over every family that I made whether blood related or not. The emotional scarring of the last time that happened still haunted me to this very day. I still hadn't figured out how to let go of the hurt and everything that goes with it.
I stood up and walked over to the bunks, wanting very much to end the suffering I was feeling then. But as I walked, I felt the light bump of my lightsaber against my leg as it hung loose from its place on my belt. It was a reminder of the most exciting time of my life. It was a reminder of the day that I not only shared with myself, but with Kanan.
I threw it at the wall behind my bed in frustration. It was the frustration that I couldn't save Kanan from being captured that day at the communications tower. That I did nothing after I hopped aboard the Phantom to convince Hera from going after him.
"How do I trust in the force, if all it does is take the things most precious to me away?" I thought as I threw my hands in the air and melted to the floor finally letting loose the pain I was feeling inside. The bond that Kanan and I shared had shattered sometime in the midst of his tenure in the hands of the so called governing force of the galaxy. From what he told me was that when the master/padawan bond broke, it meant that either the master or the padawan had died. I remember falling to the floor with a massive headache when it happened and then the feeling of emptiness slowly seeped in.
I then heard a soft rap on my door as someone on the other side knocked. I used the force to press the button on the control panel to open the door.
In walked Hera. She didn't wear a look of sadness as I turned my tear streaked face towards her. In fact, it surprised me to see that she seemed happy, no elated about something.
"Ezra, there is someone that wants to see you," She replied staying as close to the doorway as possible. I stared at her as I questioned in my mind who it was that would want to see me. Many names flew through my head as I tried to figure out who it was.
Hera then slowly walked out glancing between me and whoever it was standing outside of the door. At this, I felt compelled to follow her outside of room.
When I walked around the corner, following the green skinned Twi-lek outside for the first time since the bond had broken, I was greeted by Zeb and a man whom Zeb was holding up as if he was injured. It was then that I noticed the bi-colored green shirt, the green armor, his slicked back brown hair and the blue green eyes looked so familiar. It was then that I recognized him as…
"Kanan!" I shouted as ran over to my master and gave him the biggest hug I'd given anybody other than my parents. I then felt him kneeling down as I must have knocked him out of Zeb's grasp. I then buried my head in his shoulder and let my emotions show its true colors. I then felt Kanan return the gesture as his strong arms wrapped around me and my tiny frame.
"I thought they killed you!" I exclaimed through the fabric that adorned the shoulder I was crying on. I had never felt this relieved in my life as we both squeezed the hug tighter.
"No, not by a long shot, kiddo," he replied to me as we sat there in silence.
I then felt a quick movement come from my master that broke our hug. I saw Sabine had her arms wrapped around Kanan's neck as if he was giving her a piggy back ride. I then slowly felt a pair of hands do the same to me. But I never once took my eyes off of Kanan.
"Kanan, you should be proud of Ezra," Hera broke the silence that hung between all of us, "If it wasn't for his heroics, I don't think we would have found you in time."
I felt myself blushing so hard that I felt the need to turn my head to hide it.
"No way, you?" Kanan teased me. I gave him the 'stop it' look but then finally cracked a smile. One that I felt was the most genuine smile I had given anyone in years.
I locked eyes with my master for what seemed like minutes. For the first time since I met the crew of the Ghost, I felt relieved and it was a kind of relief that was strange to me.
As to assure myself that my master was indeed truly in front of me, I flung myself back on him intending to give him another hug. I instead knocked him onto his back.
"Oops sorry, master," I replied struggling to sit back up and get off of my master who was no doubt injured in some form or fashion from his encounter with the Empire. Kanan then tried to help me get off of him, pressing hard on my stomach. I then felt a rush of this ticklish energy running from that spot throughout my entire body causing me to collapse beside Kanan in a fit of girlish giggles.
"No," I said through the laughter, "Don't do that!"
"Oh your ticklish huh?" Kanan questioned me. I immediately knew what his plan was a scooted on my hands and knees trying to get away from him. But I didn't get far until I felt two massive hands clasp around my arms preventing me from escaping.
"I'll hold him there for you Kanan!" Zeb exclaimed. I could tell that he wanted to see this since I could feel amusement rolling off of him in waves.
I then saw Kanan push himself off of the floor and began the tickling process. He tickled me from my midsection to where he found out I was ticklish in the first place. Laughter rolled out of me like waves on still water.
I then managed to free myself from Zeb's grasp and ran further down the hall from Kanan and Zeb. I never took my eyes off of the pair as I threw my hands up in mock surrender, laughing the whole way. Kanan made a gesture as if he was going to pursue me, which sent me flying down the corridor even more.
I then realized he wasn't following me and found a spot to just sit down and relish the moment as the realization that my master wasn't dead finally soaked in. I then let my head rest in my hands again and began to cry. But this time it wasn't tears of sadness, but ones of joy.
Kanan was my light and without him I was in complete darkness as I was countless years before I met him. Not only was he my mentor and my friend, but he was also so much like a father to me that I didn't want that to be taken away.
I was determined this time to guard the light for not only myself, but for the whole crew. Guard the light that had become Spector 1 so that he could train others beyond myself. So that he could become that father figure for countless others like me. So that he could be the light to a darken world as he had for me and for the crew of the Ghost.
Thank you guys for reading and if you like what you see or have any suggestions please review and let me know! I hope to get these POVs of the other characters out before Monday since the season finale of Rebels will be airing on Monday for US viewers. So keep an eye for those! And if you have any suggestions regarding the parts I need help on please either PM me or review to let me know! Anyway THANKS so much for reading and following this story! Hope this part meets your expectations!