For anyone returning to Dynasty Girl after the hiatus! This story has been revised and edited to provide more polish to the finished product. More importantly, it has been extended to include new material not in the original version! So if you read this story before January of 2019, I highly recommend you go back to the beginning and reread the story. Or, at the very least, check my notes at the start of each chapter to see what has been added.

Otherwise, if you keep reading, you'll find some things are not as you remember them, and the new content, characters, and plotlines will not make sense. This story now includes characters such as Iba Hachiro, Souma Kazue, Sakamoto Ryouma and more, so again, it's strongly advised that you start over from the beginning.

Important information: The protagonist of this story is versatile in the sense that she can be an OC/you, if you choose to save this story and replace the name with whatever you want, or if you are a Chizuru fan, you can leave her as she is and still get your OkiChi fix.

If you're like me and enjoy role playing or projecting yourself onto the protagonist of stories, then feel free to save the story and replace Yukimura Chizuru with your choice of a name. Also, the Protagonist takes on a male disguise. I've used the name Mafuyu as a placeholder, but if you copy/paste/keep the story, you can change it to whatever you like.

Because of this, the Protagonist is never physically described. If you're a Chizuru purist, that's cool too. Either way, thanks for giving this story a shot.

Note from TK: I've combined the prologue and first chapter as one entry, simply because I dislike posting chapters under 2000 words. The Protagonist's situation (young woman dressing up as a man and joining the Shinsengumi) is a borrowed concept from Kaze Hikaru, a manga by Watanabe Taeko. It's fantastic, and my main source of inspiration for the first part of this story (though later, it will deter drastically for the sake of originality). And, as you can tell from the summary, I also got a little creative mojo from Mulan.

Background information on this Alternate Universe: You can probably figure it out as you read, but here's the general concept behind this AU. It is Japan, but there is no power struggle between the Imperial Court and the Shogunate. The Choshu are a rebel faction trying to overthrow the government and assume control. The Emperor is actually an Empress (Sen) and the Shogun is Kazama Chikage. The Shinsengumi functions basically the same and serves as a police force in Kyoto.

[Okita x Protagonist – AU. "You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty."]

2019 UPDATE: This chapter has been revised, edited, and extended to include new content from the protagonist's life at home before joining the Shinsengumi, as well as a cameo from Iba Hachiro, who will reappear later in the story (along with other characters from the new version of the game).

Dynasty Girl

TK Grimm


"Shogun-sama! A moment of your time!"

Tokugawa Chikage (or Kazama Chikage, his secret, preferred alias known only to a select few), the sixteenth Shogun of the Tokugawa Dynasty, was lying leisurely against velvet cushions with no less than three courtesans feeding him sweets and rubbing his shoulders and feet. He didn't even look up to address the samurai general who'd approached him.

"What is it, Amagiri?" he asked.

"The Choshu army has allied itself with foreign forces!" announced Kyuju Amagiri, the shogun's right hand man. He was a tall man with mahogany red hair kept in a low ponytail that traveled down his back. His blue eyes were pale like the sky, and despite his stern expression, he was known for his gentle, pacifistic demeanor. "They have declared war against all of Japan. As we speak, Her Imperial Highness has ordered a draft."

Kazama finally raised his head to look Amagiri in the eyes. His brow was furrowed, his cheeks slightly pink from sake, but he still bore his usual impatience. "A draft? What about my army?"

"The Shogun's forces will be the primary vanguard," Amagiri confirmed. "But Shogun-sama, we have received… disturbing reports."


Amagiri sat down on his knees in front of Kazama's lounging area. He addressed his superior officer with a grim expression on his face. "These foreigners fighting with the Choshu… they don't seem to be human. They have white hair and red eyes. No matter how many times they are stabbed, they don't die. They just keep coming."

Kazama raised an eyebrow. "And that information already made it to the Empress, didn't it? No wonder she's issued a draft. She's a scared little girl in the face of an army of monsters."

"If I may, Shogun-sama… you don't seem surprised."

A curious sort of smile spread over Kazama's youthful face. As a man of twenty-seven years, he hadn't seen much of warfare. Despite that, he was praised as a genius. He had little formal training in swordsmanship and yet managed to defeat anyone who ever challenged him. It was that kind of power and reputation that helped him rise through the ranks of his clan and claim the title of Shogun.

"Don't I?" Kazama asked. "I am surprised. But these… undead. They sound interesting. I'd like to fight one. Maybe I'll get the chance."

Amagiri looked concerned. "…Shogun-sama, if these—"

"Relax, Amagiri," said Kazama with confidence. "My forces will be mobilized for the vanguard. As for the draft… send word to the Aizu Clan in Kyoto. That Shinsengumi group has always been blindly loyal. Start there."

Dynasty Girl

TK Grimm

Chapter One:

Daughter's Duty

"What do you think, Souji?" asked Hijikata Toshizo as he eyed the young Captain of the First Division. The Vice-Commander's arms were folded across his chest, and his face betrayed none of his feelings beyond his mask of cold indifference. "Any likely prospects among the new recruits?"

First Division Captain Okita Souji glanced back at Hijikata over his shoulder. The corner of his lips twisted upward in a wry smirk, and there was a certain mischievous attitude written in his countenance. "Hmm~? Hijikata-san is asking me?"

It took visible effort for Hijikata to refrain from rolling his eyes. "Don't get smart. Just answer the question."

Souji made an amused sound in the back of his throat and turned his attention back to the cluster of green recruits. They were going all out in a battle royale with wooden swords. The Shinsengumi may have had trouble recruiting in the past, but those days were clearly no more. The Empress's draft brought in a tidal wave of fresh soldiers.

"There's that big one there," Souji pointed out, gesturing to the tall young man with a nod. "And that one managed to knock out his opponent in one hit earlier. The one next to him isn't bad, either."

Hijikata looked at each one with scrutiny before offering a single nod. "Those three then."

"And don't forget the little guy," Souji commented. Hijikata furrowed his brow and turned his attention back to the recruits to see where Souji was pointing. "He's untrained, but watch the way he moves. He's got good instincts, like he already knows what to do but not how to do it. He's quick, too. Watch."

So he did. The Vice-Commander stared at the recruit and watched his movements with keen eyes. The boy wore a protective mask like the others, so Hijikata couldn't see his face. Nonetheless, Souji was right—he had exceptional footwork. The instincts were clearly there, and with the right instruction, he could go far.

"He's yet to give up a single point," Souji added with a sly grin.

Hijikata watched as the recruit twisted to the side to dodge a thrust and then leapt into the air to avoid a horizontal sweep. The boy then dove in for a sloppy yet effective strike to his opponent's chest, which knocked the other kid over onto his back.

"Very well." Hijikata raised his whistle to his lips and blew into it. The loud, piercing shriek scared most of the recruits out of their minds, but it also stopped the fighting, which was the main purpose. "You, you, you, and you," said Hijikata, pointing to each one as he addressed them, "I want you four to follow me. The rest of you, keep at it." He turned toward the young captain and added, "Souji, get Kondou-san."

Souji gave Hijikata a playful salute before turning on his heel and leaving the dojo. Kondou was easy to find. When Souji informed the Commander of the Shinsengumi that they'd found a few promising recruits, Kondou was all too eager to accompany Souji to check them out.

While the majority of the recruits were being tested in the dojo, Hijikata and the core group of captains were observing the more promising new soldiers in the inner courtyard of the compound main building.

When Souji and Kondou emerged from the hall, Hijikata addressed them immediately. "Kondou-san," he said. "You're just in time."

"How's our little beansprout doing?" Souji asked, grinning at the short, masked recruit.

"Not bad," Hijikata admitted. He stood on Kondou's other side while the three of them watched the sparring match. "He gives up some points, but he refuses to surrender. Heisuke's having a hard time with him."

The one fighting the recruit was the youngest captain among the Shinsengumi. His name was Toudou Heisuke, and he was captain of the Eighth Division. Unlike the recruit, he wasn't wearing a protective mask. His long brown hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, and he kept his teal blue eyes focused on his opponent.

At long last, there was a decisive strike, and Heisuke knocked the boy off his feet. He fell to the ground, and his mask fell off of his head. All of the spectators stared in obvious shock. The boy was young and baby-faced. He had rather feminine features like soft eyes with long lashes. His short hair was pulled into a topknot at the back of his head like was common among young samurai who didn't shave their heads.

"Damn," he said, rubbing the top of his head in pain. Even his voice was untouched by puberty. It didn't crack and made his youth all the more apparent. "That hurt…"

Heisuke lowered his bokken, but before he could drop his guard completely, the recruit shot back onto his feet.

"Wait!" he pleaded. "I'm not done yet!" His face was flushed from exertion, and it made him look like he was blushing. His hair was wild and unkempt despite the hair tie, but the way he was panting and sweating just made him look so alive. "Come at me again, please!"

Souji furrowed his brow and tilted his head slightly to the side. There was something distinctly off about this boy, but he couldn't quite place it. The others seemed even more flabbergasted than he was. Heisuke's face was bright red with an embarrassed blush.

"Good-looking kid, huh?" said Harada Sanosuke, the Captain of the Tenth Division. He was standing nearby with his back leaned against the temple wall. His long red hair was pulled into a low ponytail behind his head. Amber eyes like gold were locked onto the new recruit.

"It's as you say, though," Hijikata pointed out once he'd recovered from his shock. "He's just a kid."

"He's got spirit though, doesn't he?" That was Nagakura Shinpachi, the Captain of the Second Division. He had a mess of short, unruly brown hair that he kept out of his eyes with a green headband. He watched the sparring match with an excited gleam in his bright blue eyes.

"Indeed he does," Kondou agreed. Kondou Isami was a man nearing his thirtieth year. He had broad shoulders and an angled jaw, heavily muscled from years of training with swords. As the master of the Tennen Rishin-ryu style of swordsmanship, Kondou was something of a genius with swordplay. What he was most known for, however, was his pureness of heart and generous spirit.

The baby-faced recruit went on the offensive and managed to push Heisuke back with several powerful attacks until Heisuke stumbled backward and had to catch his balance by bracing his arm against a nearby pillar.

Souji leaned over him and looked down with a snarky smile. "Heh~? Is the new guy giving you a hard time, Heisuke?"

As expected, Heisuke's blush darkened, and he scrambled away from Souji so he could stand up straight. "You try hitting a face like that, Souji!"

In that moment, the recruit yelled out a battle cry and lunged for Heisuke once again, but this time, Souji drew his sword and used the hilt to deflect the bokken and then point the tip of his katana at the recruit's throat. They both stopped in their tracks, frozen in time like a photograph as their eyes met.

Souji raised his eyebrows, his green eyes locked onto the boy's while his lips twisted into his all-knowing smirk. The boy gaped at the captain in shock, breaking the silence only with his tired breathing.

"You can stop a person without hitting them, Heisuke," Souji commented idly. He didn't take his eyes off of the recruit. With their bodies locked in their combative stance, their faces so close to each other, he could see all the details of the boy's face.

"I—I yield," the recruit stammered. Despite this, Souji didn't lower his sword from the boy's throat.

That is, until Kondou expressed his approval. "Excellent work! You've got a lot of spirit, kid. What's your name?"


Two Days Earlier…

The heat of summer was particularly uncomfortable that year, especially in the extravagant kimono Chizuru was enduring. She sat through the meeting while her legs burned beneath her and her knees threatened to give out, but she did not protest. She stayed silent while her father discussed her future nuptials with the head of the Iba Family as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

And it was.

At some point in the discussion, her eyes wandered to the open window, a perfect circle of freedom just a short distance away. She could see the edge of the tall boulder in the gardens with shimenawa sacred rope tied around its girth. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine the arrangement of trees just beyond that.

Anything was better than being in this room, useless as a hanging wall scroll—simply an aesthetic sitting perfectly in place while the real discussions were carried on by the men.

She could feel Hachiro trying to catch her eyes, but she did not look. Chizuru knew what she would see in those gentle green depths. Comfort, support, and assurance. Like always.

It wasn't that she didn't appreciate him. Hachiro was the best part about her life. He was her secret-keeper, her confidante, her friend who did not judge her despite her controversial opinions or unconventional ambitions.

That's how she knew he would not begrudge her this moment.

Taking a slow, somewhat shaky breath in an attempt to calm her battling nerves, Chizuru braced herself and faced forward once again, this time locking eyes with Hachiro's father, Iba Gunbei. "Pardon me," she squeaked, then quickly lowered her head. "I thank you for the honor, but I do not wish to marry at this time."

Her father's rumbling voice came as a careful warning. "Chizuru."

She kept her head bowed to Iba Gunbei, who had gasped in astonishment at her sudden protest to the arrangement, but Chizuru chanced a glance at her father from the corner of her eyes. "You only said I needed to attend this meeting, Father. You promised it would be my choice…"

Gunbei sputtered indignantly to the point of retrieving his fan to rapidly wave in front of his face. Among his unfinished complaints were, "How dare—the indignity—!"

Musashi's eyes lingered on Chizuru until the girl could no longer keep hers raised, and she dropped them to the floor, lowering her bow even more. She heard him speak, "This is a respectable match. You are close to the boy, are you not?"

Chizuru dropped her forehead to the tatami mat. "Please do not force me to marry yet, Father."

"You should teach your daughter silent obedience, Yukimura-dono!" Gunbei burst out. "To allow her to behave in such a dishonorable matter! The nerve!"

Chizuru squeezed her eyes shut tight. She could ignore the harsh words of Hachiro's father. With effort, she could ignore the sadness in Hachiro's eyes. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not ignore the slight to her father's pride. She'd sat through that meeting for as long as she could, a caged animal, pretty on the outside but screaming within. But in that moment, she could take it no longer.

She fled.

Chizuru flung the door open and hurried outside, tossing away hairpins and rubbing off makeup with every frantic step. She didn't listen to the protests behind her back, the frantic muttering of the servants, the startled gasp of the gardener. She ran, and she did not look back, not until she made it past the great boulder and to the trees on the edge of the property grounds just before the wall that surrounded her home.

There, she collapsed, throwing her weight against the trunk of the red maple. Her hands came to rest upon the bark, and she closed her eyes to block out the rest of the world. Tears stung at her eyes, but with the faintest spark of strength, she kept them at bay.

She was not meant for this. She must be a fake, an imitation, a walking joke of a woman designed by the heavens to provide Kyoto with a good laugh. She would never be a perfect bride. She'd failed in the one duty all daughters have to their families. And now, she had tarnished the name of the Yukimura Clan.

She heard Hachiro's footsteps, recognized the hem of his kimono in her blurry vision, but she did not acknowledge his presence, nor did he break the silence right away. Instead, Hachiro stood near her, all quiet, calm strength.

"I've always liked this tree," he said quietly, as if admitting a secret. Hachiro had such a soothing voice. Chizuru always enjoyed listening to him speak, regardless of the subject matter. "We always used to use it as the safe base when we would play tag."

"You can't tag me, Hachiro-kun! My hand is touching the safe tree!"

The memory came unbidden, and Chizuru squeezed her eyes shut tight to stop the tears in their tracks. She turned her face away, but Hachiro put his hand on her shoulder and gently turned her back toward him.

"Don't hide from me. Remember what I told you? You never have to apologize for crying. I accept you, all of you, and this will never change. Whether it's as my wife, or as my friend."

The dam was released, and Chizuru sobbed. Not for herself, but for Hachiro. If anyone deserved a perfect bride, it was him. If only she could fit herself into that tiny little box, make herself the perfect woman for him, one who wanted to take care of the household, to bear children, to be that feminine support for her husband…

But that wasn't her.

"Ha-Hachiro-kun…" She wished she could convey to him all of those things and more.

He turned to pull her into his arms, and he held her while she cried. He rubbed her back and whispered soothing words, promises, and all the little things he always told her to make her feel better. She doubted none of them, because it was Hachiro telling her.

Then, he chuckled. Light and airy, as if the entire situation was no big deal at all. "You know, I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did. I could just imagine the torrential storm going through you during that meeting. All I was thinking was, If only I could get her out of there. I wanted to rescue you, but you went and rescued yourself."

"I think you mean I fled the battlefield," Chizuru said weakly.

"Let's call it a tactical retreat," he diplomatically corrected. Hachiro pulled back enough to hold the side of Chizuru's face in his hand. "Chizuru-chan, I know you're not ready, and that's fine. I'm not in any hurry to rush this."

"But your father—"

Hachiro waved a dismissal with his free hand. "He's not part of this. This is between you and I. If you need more time, then I will give it to you. Time, I have."

Chizuru closed her eyes when he started drying her tears. She let him, once again marveling at how good he was. "You shouldn't have to wait forever. You could have any woman you want as your bride. I…"

"I don't want 'any woman'," he informed her, prompting her to open her eyes and meet his. "I want you." Chizuru bit her lip and looked away, but he redirected her gaze back to him. "But I would never force you into something. I know how fiercely independent you are, and that's one of the things I admire most in you. If we went through with the marriage now, I would be taking that away from you, and I could never live with myself."

Furrowing her brow, Chizuru contemplated where he was going with this. "But… Hachiro-kun—"

Hachiro took her hand and looked up at the canopy of the red maple. "Listen… things are about to change here. Not just in Kyoto, but I'm afraid all of Japan will be affected. I'll be leaving soon, and I don't think we'll see each other again for some time."

"Is it because… you're a hatamoto?" Rather than focus on the tree, Chizuru looked at Hachiro, admiring his profile with his gaze turned upward toward the sky. To her, he was like the red maple. The tree she returned to that provided her strength and support.

"In part," he said. "I've been made an okuzume, so when I leave here, I will be returning to Edo to protect the shogun."

Chizuru's eyes widened. "You're part of the shogun's guard?"

He glanced at her with a wry smile. "I wanted to surprise you, but it seems I've been rejected."

She dropped her gaze away. "I am so sorry—"

"No, don't," he gently cut in, turning to face her again. "Don't apologize for being who you are. You've never been a delicate wallflower, meant to live as some lord's silent bride. You're wild and untamable. I hope you know I would never try to change that about you."

"I know…"

Hachiro was quiet for a moment. "After I'm gone, think on what I've said. Your father will need to arrange a match for you eventually, but if it's with me, I will never break your spirit. That's one of the things I want to preserve in you, Chizuru-chan." He reached up and pulled one of the branches of the red maple to him so he could pluck a single, perfect leaf from the tree before releasing it. "I'll come back before the last leaf falls from this tree. If you still can't give me an answer, then I'll return again in the spring. I'll keep returning to you, whenever my duties permit, because I know that you are worth it."

"And what if… I can never give you what you ask for?" Chizuru asked him. "What if I never want to be someone's bride, but a warrior?"

He chuckled at the familiarity of those words. "You've always said that, ever since we were kids. And what did I tell you?"

"To change my stars. But Hachiro-kun, if it was that easy—"

"I never said it was easy," he said. "But if you were with me, if you let me help you, we could change them together." Hachiro looked up and spotted something over Chizuru's shoulder. It changed his tone to one of finality. "Please consider what I've said, Chizuru-chan. I will never stop waiting for you."

Hachiro turned away from her then and began to walk away. Chizuru tilted her head to follow him with her eyes, but when she did, she caught sight of her father approaching. Then it made sense, that Hachiro was giving the pair of them some privacy to talk things through.

"Chizuru." Her father's tone was gentle, and she could tell from his voice that he was not angry with her.

Chizuru didn't dare turn to face him. She turned back toward the red maple and tried to get a hold of her emotions. Despite Hachiro's assurances, she knew what she'd done. She'd failed her father, her ancestors, and even herself.

"Come and sit with me, Chizuru." Though his tone was still soft, it was clear that there was no room for argument or protest.

Chizuru stood and followed him. Her father was Yukimura Musashi, the head of the clan. He was a living legend among samurai, though he had retired years ago. Now he walked with a slight limp in his left leg, and his hair had turned gray on the sides. He served the previous Shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, and it was always thought that his son would serve the current one, Tokugawa Chikage.

However, Yukimura Musashi never had a son. He only had a daughter and no other children. There was talk of adoption, but Musashi and her mother agreed that it would be better to have a man marry into their prestigious family and carry on the bloodline through Chizuru. For a long time, Hachiro was expected to be that man, for the two of them had been friends since childhood. But Chizuru always refused marriage.

Because marriage meant the end of her freedom. Regardless of the man she tied herself down to, she would still be tying herself down. Chizuru couldn't handle that.

Musashi sat down on a stone bench beneath another tree in the garden. He patted the spot next to him, and Chizuru joined him. She kept her gaze on the ground at their feet.

"You have never been quite like the other girls," said her father. He kept his voice light, as if he were making simple conversation. "You played rough with the boys. You tried on my armor and begged me to teach your swordplay. You were always so dirty!" he added, chuckling.

Chizuru's face darkened with her blush, but she still did not speak.

"In a way, you were the son I never had," said Musashi. "And I fear it is because of that that you never got the chance to become a woman. I let you do as you pleased, and you are suffering now because of my poor judgment."

He was blaming himself? Chizuru finally looked at him, a protest ready on her tongue, but he raised his hand in motion of silence, likely already aware of what she was going to say. She closed her mouth.

"You don't have to tell me what happened today," he said. "I don't need to know. What I want you to know, is that whatever may come of this, you will always be my treasured daughter. If the arrangement between you and the Iba boy never comes to pass, then so be it. It will never change how much I love you."

His words were sweet and comforting, but they weren't enough. Chizuru could never make him proud of her, not like a son could. Still, her father's heart was in the right place. Even though she was struggling with her own pain, she managed to smile at him through teary eyes.

"Thank you, Father."


The district of Kyoto in which the Yukimura house resided was the location of quite the commotion. From outside the estate, Chizuru could hear people shouting in disbelief at the proclamation issued forth.

From her vantage point on the ramparts around her estate, she could see a squad of men in asagi-iro jackets—the Shinsengumi. The leader rode atop a cinnamon-colored horse. He had an imposing figure with black hair pulled back into a topknot and hazel-gold eyes.

"That's the Commander of the Shinsengumi," one of the villagers whispered. "Kondou Isami!"

"Citizens of Kyoto!" announced Kondou in a booming, authoritative voice. "I bring a proclamation from the Imperial Castle! The Choshu have mobilized an army and declared war on the empire!" At this announcement, several people gasped and started murmuring among themselves.

Chizuru caught sight of her father and mother standing in front of the gates to their home. They would not want her eavesdropping, but she had to listen to this.

Commander Kondou continued, "By order of Her Majesty the Empress and our Lord Shogun, one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army. Here in Kyoto, all conscriptions are to report to the Shinsengumi's Fudodo headquarters."

Some of the Shinsengumi soldiers carried scrolls with them. They were the conscription notices. As Kondou read from a list of family names, one man from each family stepped up to claim their letter of conscription.

To Chizuru's horror, when the Yukimura name was called, her father accepted his letter. She knew there was no choice, but as she looked down from her vantage point on the high wall, she watched her father proudly walk toward the Shinsengumi, even with his limp. He was given a scroll, he bowed to Kondou, and he turned and limped back into the estate.

Had Yukimura Musashi been blessed with a son, that son would be joining the Shinsengumi right now, not Chizuru's father. Instead, the old samurai war veteran was going to have to take up his sword and armor once more. He would fight in a war that would undoubtedly end in his death.


Chizuru watched her father train. Even though he was getting up there in the years, he was an amazing swordsman. He held his hand to the hilt of his sword and drew it in an impressive display of iai quick draw. With his katana raised over his head, Musashi brought it down in a powerful swing.

He could cut through wind itself with that blade. It was made by the legendary swordsmith Arai Shakku. His dragon crest was inscribed in the guard of the sword and the kashira end cap. It was a beautiful katana and a true work of art.

Musashi's samurai armor was on display in the dojo of the Yukimura estate, where Chizuru's father currently was training. She stood in the doorway, mostly hidden, observing her father's movements and technique. The armor was dark red like blood with two horns coming out of the helmet like an oni demon of legend. It was cleaned daily and still looked like it was in pristine condition.

A cry of pain drew Chizuru's attention away from the armor. She watched in horror as her father dropped his sword and clutched his right wrist in horrible agony. Chizuru realized that Musashi didn't just suffer from his limp in his leg—he also had the beginnings of arthritis in fingers and carpal tunnel in his wrists.

With pain like that, it would be difficult to even draw his sword, much less wield it. If Yukimura Musashi joined the Shinsengumi… he would surely die.

It would have been disgraceful to interrupt her father during his training, even if he was injured. His pride would not allow her to interfere. Chizuru left the dojo and walked out the back to the inner courtyard. It was a closed in garden area in the middle of the house. It was technically outdoors, surrounded on all sides by the walls of the house and a wooden veranda that bordered it like an outdoor corridor.

In the center of the courtyard was a tall stone boulder wrapped with a length of sacred rope. It was a special place, said to house the warrior's spirit of the Yukimura Clan, so powerful that it must be kept suppressed lest the killing intent of ages past spoils the air of the present. Before these times of peace, when the clan was full of samurai fighting to carve out their place in the world, it was a place of blood vows.

Chizuru sat at the base of the rock with her back against its surface. "How does one decide… between doing one's duty and doing what must be done?"

It was a slow and painful process, the transformation from female to male. Hair is a woman's life, or so the saying went. The simple fact was that, culturally, Japanese women did not cut their hair except for a healthy trim now and then. And yet… Chizuru held strong and sliced the blade through her locks, severing them to a length just above her shoulders. She pulled her hair tightly behind her head and tied it into a boyish knot akin to a bun.

Chizuru lifted up a long linen bandage and began the arduous task of binding her chest. Despite having modest breasts, the task was still a challenge. Layer after layer of linen wound her torso, siphoning off every breath of air from her lungs. She did not stop until her breasts were completely hidden.

She slipped into some of her father's old clothing. The first piece was a white loincloth commonly used as men's underwear in the era. Next, she slid her arms through the sleeves of a white montsuki. Once it was secure, she pulled up a pair of dark gray hakama pants and tied them tightly around her waist.

Next came a pair of tabi socks. They were tall socks with the big toe separate from the little ones to make way for zori sandals, which she tied as tightly as her hakama. The last piece was a formal black haori jacket that she wore over the kimono.

Even without any makeup on, Chizuru still believed she looked feminine. She had a delicate face and womanly features. It was not unheard of for some Japanese men to appear feminine, though. She would just have to pass for a younger boy.

Chizuru left her room and headed to the dojo. At the entrance, she bowed and slipped off her sandals. She opened the double doors and was greeted with the sight of her father's armor and swords on display on the opposite wall. With soft footsteps, she padded over to them and looked at them in awe.

If the hair was the life of a woman, the sword was the soul of the warrior. The more Chizuru stared at her father's Arai Shakku blades, the more she realized she could not take them. They belonged with her father. Instead, she picked up a different katana and paired it up with its matching kodachi. After slipping both of them into the sash around her waist, she deemed herself ready.

Well, as ready as she could ever be. The swords weighed heavily on her left side. For a moment, she rested her hand on the hilt of the katana. When wielded by a swordsman, it was a weapon that could end a person's life.

Would she become someone like that? Would Hachiro be upset?

She returned to the sacred stone in the courtyard and placed her palm against the smooth surface. Closing her eyes, she tried to focus and feel the warrior's spirit contained within.

She felt nothing.

Drawing the kodachi from its sheath, Chizuru sliced open her palm. Just a little—just enough to draw blood. She smeared it on the rock, and then, she did the unthinkable.

She cut the sacred rope.

Whether this unleashed the killing intent and pent-up bloodlust of generations of Yukimura Clan samurai or not, Chizuru felt her resolve harden with the gesture.

There was no going back anymore. She looked down at her father's conscription notice in her hand, taken from his bedroom shortly after he fell asleep. Would he ever forgive her? Maybe if she died in the war in his place, her family would rid itself of the stigma her existence had brought upon it. Or maybe she would just cause even more dishonor.

She wanted to cry, but there were no more tears. No one to mourn the loss of the girl named Chizuru.


Present Day

When the Commander of the Shinsengumi, Kondou Isami, asked that Chizuru introduce herself, she dropped down to her knees in the most respectful bow she could manage. "Yukimura Mafuyu of Kyoto, sir!"

Hijikata raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Yukimura? Are you related to Yukimura Musashi?"

"He's my father, sir," Chizuru replied.

"I didn't know Musashi-dono had a son," Kondou said as he scratched his chin in thought.

"He doesn't… talk about me… much," she said weakly. Of course Yukimura Musashi didn't have a son. If he did, he'd be here instead of Chizuru. But that was neither here nor there. Wishing and 'what ifs' weren't going to change the fact that she was born a girl.

Nagakura leaned over toward Harada and loudly whispered, "I can see why. The kid's not exactly the manliest guy you've ever met, is he?"

Chizuru's face turned scarlet. "Shut up! I'm just young! What I lack in age I more than make up for in determination!" She turned toward Kondou and looked him right in the eyes, willing him to believe her. "I was told the Shinsengumi didn't discriminate against age or social class! I was given the draft same as everybody else! I'm here to fight for Japan!"

Kondou blinked once in mild surprise before his face relaxed into an easy smile. "For Japan, huh? Very well, Yukimura-kun. I can see your resolve. I'll approve your entry. Souji, will you look after him in your division?"

Okita raised an eyebrow. "You want him in the First?"

"He's fast and spirited, but untrained," Kondou said. "I believe you to be the most suited to bringing out his potential."

Okita gave a helpless shrug with the same lazy smile. "If Kondou-san insists…"

Kondou walked over to Chizuru and knelt down in front of her. He placed his hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to meet his gaze. His hazel-colored eyes showed a kindness she hadn't expected in the Leader of the Shinsengumi.

"You're one of us now, Yukimura-kun," he said. "I know it may seem daunting, but we of the Shinsengumi look out for our own, whether they're drafted or here by choice. When you put on our uniform, you become one of us. I expect you to uphold our values and standards, to represent us properly. And in return, we will be your second family."

Kondou Isami was an inspiration to all. Chizuru was no exception. When he said those words to her, she felt her spirits soar with the urgent desire to prove him right about her.

"Yes, sir!" she said. "I won't let you down, Commander Kondou!"

He beamed at her and patted her affectionately on the shoulder. "That's what I like to hear. Go with Souji while I inspect the other three recruits."


When Kondou turned his attention to the next recruit, a tall spearman named Murasaki who was going to spar against Harada, Chizuru stood up off the ground. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and reached down to pick up her practice mask. When she came up again, she saw Okita standing in front of her with an amused expression.

"Kondou-san's already won you over, hasn't he?" he asked with a knowing look.

Chizuru blushed and lowered her gaze. "I didn't expect him to be so… awe-inspiring."

"He has that effect," Okita agreed. He looked over at Kondou then, and Chizuru saw pure admiration written on his features.

Okita Souji was a young, attractive male in his early twenties. He was tall and had shoulder-length straight brown hair that he kept half pulled back in a topknot at the back of his head with some bangs parted on the side that framed his face. His eyes were a vibrant shade of emerald green, brighter than any Chizuru had ever seen before. He wore his Shinsengumi uniform, the blue haori with the white triangle pattern on the sleeves, well—it definitely suited him.

When he caught her staring, he tilted his head back and to the side to smirk at her from over his shoulder. "Something on your mind, Yukimura?"

Chizuru immediately lowered her gaze. "No, sir."

He looked doubtful for a moment, but then his face slipped back into its easy confidence. "I suppose I should introduce myself if I'm gonna be your commanding officer. Okita Souji, Captain of the First Division. You can call me Okita-sensei."

"Yes, sir, Okita-sensei."

"…How old are you?"

Chizuru's eyes widened. "Sixteen, sir." Actually, she was eighteen, but the younger the better to keep her disguise believable.

"Hmm…," Okita mused. "If you say so, kid."

She had to be careful. If he figured out she was a girl, she was as good as dead.

"Well, I'll show you to the First Division's barracks," he said as he began what looked like a leisurely stroll. "Keep up, or I'll kill you."

She didn't have time to think about whether or not he meant that threat. Chizuru scurried after her new boss and made sure to follow close behind. He showed her were a few things were in the Fudodo compound, from the dining hall to the baths, all the while giving her random, passive-aggressive comments that led her to realize he was probably the biggest asshole in the Shinsengumi. Sarcasm seemed to be Okita's weapon of choice, and it was all Chizuru could do to bite her tongue and not dish it back at him. It wouldn't do well to piss off her commanding officer on the first day.

The First Division barracks was a large, long room with space for several Japanese futons. The captains all had their own rooms, which was to be expected, but Chizuru would have to share with the rest of her teammates.

Dinner was held in the mess hall. Most of the divisions seemed to stick to each other in clusters, but what Chizuru noticed seemed to be the 'core group' of captains all stayed together near Commander Kondou. She'd heard they'd all come from Edo together, from some dojo or something, but they all seemed to be as tight knit as brothers.

She ate her food in peace, unable to find the courage to socialize with any of her new teammates. The First Division, like most of the Shinsengumi, was made up of Kyoto's youth. The draft had called in a lot of sons who'd never seen combat before. If the captains had to teach all of their new recruits, they would have their hands full, Chizuru realized.


Chizuru waited until the barracks were completely silent before she snuck out of her futon. The Shinsengumi did technically have a curfew, but as long as you were within the temple grounds, you were allowed to roam at night.

That being said, most people were sleeping. Even though she wasn't technically breaking any rules, she was still missing out on valuable sleeping time, especially since the military rose early in the day for training.

Still, just because she was going to be masquerading as a man didn't mean she had to smell like one. Chizuru was a firm believer in good hygiene, and that meant bathing at least every other day. Since she was a woman in disguise, the only time she'd be able to do that would be the middle of the night.

As such, her first escapade to the baths began.

It was thankfully empty, for everyone else at the temple headquarters seemed to be asleep. Chizuru took her time scrubbing her body and rinsing her hair. Once satisfied, she rose up from the stool to dry herself off. Then began the painful process of binding her breasts down. It was time-consuming and made it hard to breathe, but she supposed (and hoped) that it would get easier with practice, both the binding process and the breathing.

She'd just finished up when the door suddenly opened without warning. A scream rose up in her throat, but Chizuru was in too much shock to even let it out, so her mouth just hung open in frozen horror…

…as she came face to face with Okita Souji.

"Oh, fuck," he said in his initial shock as he jerked his head away. Even though Chizuru's breasts were bound, the rest of her body was not covered, so the fact that she was a woman was painfully obvious.

Chizuru grabbed her sleeping kimono and covered herself immediately. "It's not what it looks like!"

"I knew it," Okita said, despite the lingering disbelief on his face. "I knew there was something off about you. You're a girl."

With a furious, humiliated blush, Chizuru tied the sash around her kimono. She pulled the kimono tightly against her breasts as if to will them to vanish. But the damage was done—she'd been discovered. And now she was going to die.

"I am the child of Yukimura Musashi… but I'm his daughter," she said, her gaze lowered to the ground. She was on her knees before him, awaiting his judgment. "My true name is Yukimura Chizuru."

"Why would a girl dress like a man and join the Shinsengumi?" Okita asked. He eyed her with suspicion. "You even cut your hair like a boy. I thought hair was the pride of a woman."

He was asking her why? Well, he wasn't killing her outright. At this point, she'd tell him anything. "I did it to save my father! He is old now and still suffers from injuries he obtained the last time he served the Shogun! If he were to have come here himself like he planned, he would be dead in the first battle! My father is my hero—he means everything to me! I couldn't let him march off to his death!"

Before she knew it, tears had welled up in her eyes, and she looked up at Okita with her earnest plea. "Okita-sensei, please have mercy! The purpose of the Shinsengumi is to gather soldiers to fight for the Shogun! I beg you, forget my true identity and allow me to serve you! Let me be a sword for the Shinsengumi, and I swear you won't regret it!"

Okita listened as she said her piece, and when she was finished, he crossed his arms over his chest and gave a weary sigh. "Unfortunately, what we have to do can't be done by a little girl. I'll admit you have talent, but you'd never be able to hide your identity from the rest of the Shinsengumi. Even if I kept quiet, are you honestly telling me you're prepared to kill? To die?"

"I am!" Chizuru insisted. "I have made my resolve! I vowed to become a sword for the Shinsengumi in place of my father, even if it means giving up my name and life as a woman! I want to fight for Kondou-san and the Shinsengumi!"

"For Kondou-san, huh?" he echoed. He had a strange look on his face, as if he could see right through her, or even to several possible scenarios that this decision might lead to in the future. In the end, he sighed and returned to his previous, joking demeanor. "Well, that's enough excitement for one night. I'm beat. G'night, Yukimura."

Chizuru's jaw dropped. "O-Okita-sensei?"

He turned away from her and began to walk toward the captain's quarters. With obvious impatience, he snapped, "I said good night, Yukimura!"

She realized what he was doing. He was going to let her keep her secret, for now. She had no idea what convinced him, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Chizuru bowed lowly to Okita's retreating form and said, "G-good night, sir!"

Wherever their choices may lead, Chizuru was officially part of the Shinsengumi now, for better or for worse.


TK: The sword smith 'Arai Shakku' comes from Rurouni Kenshin, the man who forged the reverse-blade sword (as well as other interesting weapons).

Next Chapter: "Kyoto Killers" – In which our heroine struggles to keep her identity a secret in the face of brutal training methods, bathing men, and perverted comrades.