Well heres a romance story for you guys. I was bored and this came to me. Hope you like it. Make suggestions and please review!
I don't own Five nights at freddys. Scott cawthon does.
Jeremy just turned sixteen. He got a car for his birthday, and a very nice one infact. His dad owns a nearby dealership, so his family is fairly wealthy. Anyway, it was summer vacation and jeremy was bored of just sitting around the house and decided he'd go and work for something for once in his comfortable life.
His car was a hyndai hybrid, so it didn't need as much gas, but he was bored and thought he'd go make some money instead of borrowing it from his old man.
His mother died giving birth to him, so he never knew her. Her picture was hanging in the hallway, but it never caught his attention because he never knew her to miss her.
He looked in the local paper for any fun job listings. He saw one for Freddy Fazbears Pizza. They were hiring a nightguard.
"That could be fun." Jeremy said to himself. "One hundred bucks isn't bad money either, 'let me make some money myself."
The "What could go wrong" kinda got to him but he brushed it off.
"Really, what COULD go wrong?" He chuckled to himself.
The next day around 6:00, Jeremy drove downtown to Freddy Fazbears Pizza. He got out of his car. The building looked like it was in pretty good condition. That'd make his job easier. It was pretty good sized too.
He walked up to the double glass doors and pushed them open. Today Freddy Fazbears was closed for Maintinence. Jeremy looked around. The place was pretty much empty except for a few technicians working on this and that. He saw the guy who looked like the manager standing next to a technician who was working on the lights, reading a clipboard.
"Come on guys, we got a schedual to keep. We gotta open again tomorrow and we gotta get out of here by midnight!" The manager yelled
"I'm going as fast as I can!" The Technician yelled back.
The Manager started looking at his clipboard again nervously. I walked up annd introduced myself.
"Hello, I'm Jeremy Fitzgerald. I saw your ad in the paper. I'm here for the Nightwatch job."
"What, Excuse me? You're here for the NIGHTWATCH job?"
"Thats right" I replied.
"Ok. You probably read that this job requires almost no previous experience."
"I did."
He put his hand up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose."Alright...We'll try a test run for tonight. Tomorrow, IF... I see you again. You'll get half salary in advance."
"Thats great!"
"Yeah...Great..."He replied uneasily.
He handed me a card. "This is my number. Call me if you need anything. My name is William. Our head of security, Fritz Smith will give you a tutorial over the phone when your shift starts. Be here at midnight, thats when your shift starts."
"Yes, sir."
I started to walk out but william stopped me. "Wait, I've got one last thing to tell you."
"Whats that?"
"I have to introduce you to the animatronics" William said.
"The what?"
"The robots that entertain the children."
"Yeah, well follow me."
As I followed him down a long hallway from the entrance. I looked on my right and saw an arcade. On my left, the was a small party room.
We reached a bigger room with a stage with wierd Robot rosy cheeked animals on it. William turned to me and said "These are the toys. They are the main band during the day. That ones Freddy." He pointed to the bear looking one. "That ones Chica." He pointed to the Chicken looking one... It seemed to have pink...Panties on.
"May I as a question sir?"
"Why does Chica have panties on? That seems a little adult, doesn't it?"
"I didn't design 'em, I just watch 'em and advertise 'em. Anyway, The commite for child entertainment was OK with it, so i'm OK with it."
"And theres Bonnie." He pionted to Rabbit looking thing, I could'nt tell if it was a boy or a girl.
"Another question sir."
"Is Bonnie a boy or a girl?"
"Ahh, we get that question a lot, right next to "Whys the pizza so bad" and "Wheres the Bathroom". Its a girl."
"Thank you for clearing that up sir"
"Don't mention it. But theres still three more that you need to know about."
I followed him again but this time we stopped in front of a different room.
"This is... Parts and services..." He said anxiously. "Don't ever go into parts and services...alone...".
"May I ask why?" I asked
"Listen, There are some things in this world we're better off NOT knowing... This is one of them."
"Alright." now I was getting anxious around this room.
I was glad when he said: "Alright, lets keep moving." I followed him into a bigger room.
"This is the Party room. Its the biggest room in the building." His voice echoed off the walls and cieling.
I saw a carosell, a bouncy house, and a stage. He walked over to this creepy child looking thing and patted it on the head and turned to me.
"This adorable little fellow is only refered to as "The Balloon Boy" but we on staff just call him "BB" for short. He gives out balloons to the kids and plays with them.
He walked away from BB and led me onto the stage with the curtains drawn.
He turned to me. "Do you think that you are ready for whats behind this curtain?"
"I'm ready for anything, sir."
"Sure..." He replied.
He walked over to a gold rope and pulled the curtains back. I wasn't ready for what I saw.
I saw a Mangled up piece if metal and costume mixed up horrifyingly together
"This is Foxy, but we on staff just call her Mangle. We really need to get her fixed but the designer won't come in and do it."
"How'd she get like that sir?" I asked shakily
"Some damn teenagers snuck in one night around 11:45 about a month ago. One reason why we need a nightgaurd. They tore her apart in the 15 minutes they took... Lets just say that after their experience...They won't be coming back...Probably ever."
"One left..." He said as I followed him into a smaller room called "the prize room". There was a big present box next to the counter.
"Its in there..." He pointed shakily to the box. He walked over and nudged the box with his foot then he jumped back about 7 feet. The lid to the box opened slowly and what I saw rising out of it, I almost could'nt comprehend.
It was a wierd puppet thing that being near terrified me. It had a white mask with rosy cheeks and purple tears coming down.
"That one is Marionette... We don't use him very much..." The thing was looking at me. "He seems to scare the kids for some reason but it'd be a waste to get rid of him." The Marionette sunk down into the box again, as if never disturbed.
"And thats all of them." He shook my hand and said:"Be here by midnight and we can begin. Now go home and get some rest, you'll need it..."
"Thank you sir!"
"You won't be thanking me if i see you again tomorrow". he said under his breath.
I walked out (Figurativly) patting myself on the back. I had a summer job now and I was excited. I got in my car and drove home to get ready for tonight, My clock that it was 9:30. I was ready for tonight!
And that's it for chapter 1! Please review and tell me how you like it. Chapter 2 coming soon!