So, this is the first fanfic I've done in a while to be honest, so if it's not too good, then you know why, but hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things! Anyway, this is an Aiden x OC because I'm a fucking nerd and I needed to write some of my feelings down so if there's just one person out there who also enjoys this then it's a win win situation. (Also, this story will be in 3rd person or, at least me trying to do it in 3rd person… If I forget or accidentally change half way through, just let me know!)

This is set after the events of the game and after the DLC so, spoilers!

I don't know if you actually have to do this anymore but I'll do it anyway: I don't own watch dogs and all characters (apart from my OC obvs) are all owned by Ubisoft Ect Ect

Anyways, erm enjoy I suppose


Aiden felt the vibrations of his phone in the back of his pocket as he raced along a busy main road. Behind him he could hear the annoying sounds of police sirens that where not too far away. It seems he couldn't even go out to get coffee and food without someone spotting him and calling the cops. His phone went off again and, with all the other noises currently around him, it annoyed him to no end, so he answered it, laying it on the dash board and putting speaker phone on.

"Now you answer your damn phone" a gruff voice on the other end of the phone said.

"T-bone, this really isn't a good time" Aiden said as he sharply turned a corner and another so he could shake of the police, but to no avail, one car was still hot on his tail.

"Brother, we need to talk. And soon." He said. They hadn't seen each other in a few months, so what ever he needs Aiden for

must be important.

"Okay, give me half an hour, we'll meet in the bunker." Aiden says as he turns one more time.

"Okay brother, I'll see you there" and with that he hung up. Aiden could now fully concentrate on the task ahead: getting that police car away from him. Up ahead on the road he sees a set of traffic lights that where currently red for him. 'We'll soon change that' he thought to himself as he hacked the lights so each light would change at the same time, which meant all the cars crashed, including the cop car that had been following him. He heard the search for him called off over his hacked radio in the car and sighed in relief. Aiden looked at his watch, he wasn't too sure when he had told T-bone to meet with him, but he was sure it was over half an hour ago, or it would be when he arrived at the bunker. Oh well, better to be late to a meeting than not actually turning up. He turned the car around and started driving towards the bunker.

Once he arrived at the bunker he wasted no time in getting into the building that housed the massive array of computers and monitors. He hadn't been here in a while and an over whelming sense of nostalgia over took him. His trip down memory lane was soon halted when he saw two figures sitting in the wheely chairs that sat in front of the computer monitors. One of them turned around as he heard footsteps walking down the stairs. In the dim light of the bunker Aiden could make out the shape and face of T-bone.

"You said half an hour, I'm certain you said half an hour" T-bone said, annoyance clear on his voice.

"Yeah yeah, sorry I was busy" Aiden said, not intending on elaborating on it.

"I'm sure you where. Listen, I didn't call you here for a mothers meeting, I need your help or more, we need your help" he said, motioning to the other figure who had now stood up. Aiden saw now the face of Tobias Frewer. He hadn't realised the two knew each other, but it was kind of obvious as they had both worked on the CtOS together. Aiden looked to Tobias and saw a scared look on his face. T-bone saw this and said:

"Oh yeah, Frewer ain't happy to see you seeing as the last time you two talked you hit him with your tactical baton"

"People don't do that" Tobias muttered under his breath, which made Aiden smirk slightly.

"So, back to the problem at hand" Aiden said, getting back to the point

"Oh right" T-bone sighed "well, you know how Blume are releasing there new CtOS 2.0? Well, to keep our system hacks, we need to put a code into the new program before it goes online"

"And you need that code?" Aiden butted in

"No, we have that. Well, no we don't have it yet. No, what we need from you is you to go down to Blume and actually put in the code. I'd do it myself if I knew they wouldn't see me from a mile away"

"And they won't see me?"

"Well no, they don't know specifically who you are, but we bloomin' worked there" T-bone motioned to him and Tobias.

"Okay, that shouldn't be a problem. Where are we getting this code from then?"

"One of our old colleagues" Tobias said, and passed Aiden his phone which had a picture of a girl under the name 'Kat'. She had shoulder length hair which was a very dark brown. She had piercing blue eyes which seemed to jump out from the mobile screen. Something about her reminded Aiden of someone he's sure he met, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Who is she?" Aiden finally said after inspecting her profiler picture.

"She used to work with Frewer, Rose and I on the CtOS. She was a contract hacker, like I was, hired to work on the profiling system. She even helped build this god damn bunker. And if anyone can create a virus to get us back in, it's her" he finished, pointing at her picture once more for emphasis.

"Okay, how do we find her" Aiden asked.

"She's staying with some guy in the Loop" T-bone said, showing Aiden the location on the map on his phone.

"Okay, let's go" and with that Aiden turned to head out of the bunker. Tobias turned to look at T-bone, who just shrugged in response and both men started to follow Aiden out of the bunker.

Kat struggled to open the apartment door as she had 4 bags of groceries in one hand and the keys in the door. When she finally got into the flat she slumped the bags onto the floor and made her way to the kitchen that was a part of the living room.

"You could've helped!" Kay said exasperated.

Jordi looked at her from his seat at the table. He looked up, almost surprised.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. Being a fixer has a lot of paperwork" he said, motioning to the scattered papers on the table. "Did you get the-" before he could finish, Kat had pulled the brown bottle of whiskey out. "Perfect" he smiled as he got two glasses out and poured the alcohol into each one. Kat took one and they clinked glasses before taking a big gulp.

"Busy day then?" Kat asked Jordi as they went to sit on the sofa and turn on the TV.

"Yeah, you know how it is, people who want to hide bodies and people who want to create bodies… All very exhausting" Kat just mumbled in return, taking another sip of her drink. "You would make an excellent fixer" he said finally.

"I know, but it's just not my style" she said. He looked at her and shook his head.

"Whatever." Was all he said as they both brought there attention to the TV.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you" she said after a while.

"Anything for you" he said. She was about to say something else but there was knocking at the door. Kat looked at Jordi

"One of your clients?" Jordi shook his head "then who?"Kat sighed as she stood up to answer the door. When she did, the surprise she felt was overwhelming.

"Hey there girly" T-bone said quietly. The use her old nick name made her tear up as she hugged the older man tightly. She felt his hands wrap around her and she felt a feeling she hadn't felt in a long while. It was a feeling of home. When they parted she did the same with Tobias. She then noticed another person behind the two men and she was about to ask who he was but Jordi walked up behind her and squinted his eyes.

"Pearce?" He asked, a hint of surprise in his voice

"Jordi" was all he said. Then it clicked in Kat's head, Jordi had said he had worked with the vigilante earlier in the year and it only stopped because –

"Oh my god, you tried to kill him!" She blurted out. She sighed, sensing the tension in the room. "Erm, come in I suppose" she said, moving out of the way to lead them to the sofa. Jordi sat down at the lone arm chair, leaving Aiden and Kat standing.

"I'm guessing you aren't here for a catch up" Kat said, crossing her arms and leaning on the wall

"Can't I just come and visit to see you?" T-bone asked

"It's been 10 years, why now?" She argued

"You got me! Look, I know, just like us, you've hacked into the CtOS but that's all gonna be gone when they upgrade next week to CtOS 2.0" he explained

"Right… Is there anything you need, or is this just a heads up?" She said, the tension in the room making her extra irritated.

"We need you to help us create the code that will let is back into the system." Tobias started "We know you can do this because you created the code in the first place"

Kat thought about it for a moment. Even though she was still living with Jordi, she still had fixers after her and her current system hacks did help her fight the fixers if they actually decided to show their face and go after her, so it would be in her interest to help them out, plus how could she say no to Ray, the guy was practically the only father figure she had at the moment. She sighed, weighing out the options in her head. Not only will this help her in the long run, she'll be able to work with the bloody vigilante, I mean who hadn't heard of him?

"Okay, okay I'll help, but I don't have the equipment here to do it" she motioned to the laptop and monitor she had on a desk in the corner.

"That's ok because we've re-opened the bunker for business!" T-bone said. That surprised Kat, although a lot of today was becoming surprising to her, the effect seem to lessen off now.

"Woah. Okay, yeah I mean that'll do it!" She said clapping her hand in excitement. "I guess that means I'm out of your hair for a while" she said, turning to Jordi who just smiled at her.

"Okay, I suppose I'll get my things and I'll meet you there" she said, and the three visitors stood up

Once they had left, Jordi got a phone call and he said he had to go on 'business'

"Okay, I probably won't be here when you get back, so thanks for letting me stay here" Jordi put his hand on her shoulder and repeated what he said earlier

"Anything for you" and with that he walked to the door, before leaving though he said one more thing; "be careful, that Pearce character has a tendency to get people close to him killed" and with that he left, with a duffel bag in his left hand.

Kat didn't ponder his words for long because she was too excited to finally get back into hacking again. For the past couple of months she had just been making programs for some of Jordi's clients. So a big project like hacking back into the CtOS was right up her street. Of course, with something like this there where dangers attached to it. She couldn't let it get out of hand like last time. She felt her excitement dwindling as she remembered some terrible things. She pushed them back into her memory and started packing only the essentials. Some jeans and t shirts and the jean jacket she wore all the time and she was done, she just had to pack her toothbrush and make up. She was about to leave when she saw the picture of her and her sister on the shelf in her room. She picked it up and stuffed it into her back pack. And with that, she left closing the door softly as she made her way down to the bottom floor and to her beloved car. She could feel this was only the beginning of something big.

Okay, that's me done with this chapter, please tell me what you think of my OC. I promise you learn more about her soon!

So yeah, thanks for reading it means a lot!
