"I hated you so much. You're a douchebag, you're rude to almost everyone. You talk like you're the fucking boss, but guess what? You're not! You like fire, but you were never as hot as flames like you said you were. You keep saying that you're cool since your dad owns a motorcycle company, but the truth is that you can't even handle riding one since you puke every time you see or even think about any form of transportation. You're not smart, you copy. Almost every single nerd in this school is now afraid to sit next to you in class. You make a lot of girls cry, about two to ten every day. You eat like a pig that hasn't eaten for decades, you could go on and on all night. Your hair is pink, and you keep saying it's salmon when it clearly isn't. You're so stubborn. And you're an idiot, but I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?" Lucy finished.

Natsu just snapped out of his stupor after a few minutes and grinned. "If you can handle my antics despite how stupid they are then yeah, I'll be your boyfriend."

A/N: YO! It's Sho!

I dunno, just bored, writer's block is a bitch and it won't let me spend my weekend in peace.

Check out my other stories though! At the same time, also don't! Because they are really messed up!

Ja ne!
