Hey guys! We're back! Sorry it sort of took long because exams and one of my co author friend got depressed about stuff like not having the same birthday as Hatori (her birthday is June 6 and Hatori's is June 5..close enough) Anyway without further ado here is chapter two! (hahaha i just rhymed ((no one cares)) /shot) by the way thoughts will be in italics.

Darn I forgot the disclaimer at chapter 1..

Disclaimer: My friends and I own nothing except the plot and uhhh Midori, Ao and Ki and Kuro and Aka and other possible fairies in the future..although they resemble some people...

Chapter 2


In Hatori's bathroom…

'Why am I in Yoshino-san's body?' Kisa wondered. 'But if I'm in Yoshino-san's body, who's inside mine right now?'

'I know! I just need to go to Marukawa and find myself.' He thought. With that in mind, he finally stepped out of the bathroom.

As soon as he stepped out, he caught scent of something delicious coming from the kitchen. He tiptoed closer and peeked through the corner of the room. There he saw Hatori cooking breakfast.

Hatori noticed his presence and told him to come and eat. Kisa, feeling his hunger rising, decided to go along with it. They thanked for the food and started eating.

"Hey Yoshino..." Hatori started.

"Mmm?" Kisa mumbled with his mouth full.

"A while ago, you were mumbling something in your sleep…" Hatori trailed off. "Uh-huh." Kisa agreed absentmindedly while gobbling up more food.

"It was a name…"

"A name…?" Kisa asked.

Hatori put down his chopsticks. "Yoshino…who the hell is Yukina?" he asked with a hint of jealousy. Kisa choked on his food and wiped his mouth. "Yu-Yukina? What are you talking about, wh-who's that?" Kisa stuttered remembering that he was still in Yoshino's body.

Hatori stared into him with his poker face. The air was tense, Kisa could hear his heart pounding loudly. 'Crap.. He is SO onto me... Why is he so concerned about it anyway? In any case, i don't really feel comfortable talking about Yukina to Hatori after all I am in Yosino-san's body...so please don't ask anymore about it, please don't ask anymore about, please don't ask-'

Hatori suddenly stood up and got his coat and he started to stood up and pulled his coat. "W-where are you going?" Kisa asked. "Marukawa. Where else?"

"Can-can I come with you?"

"Why?" Hatori asked.

There was something about Hatori's poker face that made, Kisa feel a chill run down his spine. "W-well-" he tried to think of an excuse to say. 'Come on Kisa, think of something…genius…'

"Erm…" Kisa rubbed the back of his head. "Well…I just want to be with you today." Kisa looked away. 'Craaap, what the hell was with that weird excuse?!' Kisa mentally scolded himself. 'Come to think of it…I wonder why they're together in the same apartment…and before he said that we - i mean they did that...wait don't tell me...'

Kisa was cut off his thoughts when Hatori suddenly pulled him into his arms. "Since it's your day off today, you can come with me."

Kisa blushed at the sudden contact which confirmed the apparent relationship between the two (if the that didn't summarize it already). Hatori lets go of him. "Go on, hurry up and get ready. We'll be late."

With Ritsu…

"Kisa-san! Kisa-san! Please open the door." Yukina pounded at the door furiously. Ritsu opened the door slowly. Suddenly he felt the cold wind against his bare skin. He glanced down and saw that he was naked. He looked up and he saw that Yukina was also naked with only a blanket wrapped around his lower region.

He screamed, getting behind the bathroom door. "Why are you naked?!" he exclaimed at Yukina. Another shiver shot up through his body. "Why is Kis- I mean, am I naked?!"

Yukina gave a puzzled look. "What do you mean, Kisa-san? Don't you remember us doing 'it' last night?"

"We did?" Ritsu asked, staring at Yukina while the letter waited expectantly for him. 'My god! I can't believe Kisa-san's also like…me – wait no, not like me, just…in a way…I guess…' he thought. He didn't want to ruin Kisa's love life so he just went along with it. "Yeah, of course we did! Now I remember."

"Really? I'm glad. You were really hot and bothered last night, asking for more." He joked.

Ritsu blushed. 'I never Kisa-san's love life was so ..umm...colorful.' He thought. "Ahem…yeah, right…" Ritsu awkwardly said.

"And then, and then, you asked me if we can take a bath, and we had another round in the bath tub." Yukina continued to explain. "Ahh~ Yukina, you moaned when I started to thrus-"

"I get it, I get it, so stop it already. I'm just going to take a bath." Ritsu interrupted Yukina with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Then let me join you!" Yukina suggested happily.


"Why not? Don't you want to continue where we left off last night?" Yukina whined.

"No, just no." Ritsu said plainly.

"E-eh? But yesterday when we were in the bath tub you said 'Yu-Yukina let's do this again tomorrow.' Then you asked me to go faster, and then suddenly you started to move your hips to meet my thru-"

"Yeah, yeah, but if we're going to do it again, I'll be late for work!" Ritsu reasoned out, awkwardly. "Okay, I understand." Yukina finally agreed. Ritsu closed the door and started showering himself.

'Kisa-san, your boyfriend is giving me a big trouble.' Ritsu said in his mind.

Now to Yoshino's case…

"Stop sulking. Hurry up and change already." Takano ordered. "I'm just going to your apartment to get your change of clothes." Takano added then went out of the bathroom.

Yoshino started taking a shower. "Uwaahh…Takano-san is so scary. Why am I in Onodera-san's body? What did I do to deserve this punishment? Toriiii, save me.'" Yoshino cried.

After a few minutes, Takano came back to the bathroom. "Onodera! Are you done showering yet?" No response from Yoshino. "Oi, Onodera!" Takano opened the door to the shower room seeing a completely naked Yoshino, more like Ritsu's body.

"Uwaah! Takano-san, why did you enter?!" Yoshino screamed then threw everything he can throw at Takano. "I-it hurts, stop it, you idiot!" Takano protected himself from shampoo bottles, soap, conditioner, scrubs, the toilet brush and many more.

"Get out!" Yoshino yelled , pointing at the door.

"Alright, alright! Jeez, you're such a sissy, Onodera." Takano said, stepping out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. "It's not like I haven't seen anything a lot of times already." He added loudly for Yoshino to hear.

'Wha-what? So that means Onodera-san and Takano-san are…in a relationship like me and Tori…' Yoshino realized.

He dried himself and wore his clothes. "Hurry up, Onodera!" Takano shouted. "Yeah, yeah." Yoshino answered.

In the Marukawa Publishing Company….

'…what is this?" Yoshino stared at Ritsu's laptop screen that contains a lot of words then he looked at his right and saw more paper. He picked up one and stared at it. "What am I supposed to do with this?" he mumbled which Takano heard.

"What else? You edit it of course." Takano answered with sarcasm evident in his voice.

Youshino pouted. 'Wow, I never knew Takano-san was so jerky."

Ritsu in the form of Kisa entered the room and saw his body, looking at it with wide eyes. A few seconds after that, Hatori entered which Yoshino noticed. "T-Tori-" Yoshino was ready to hug Hatori and rant about horrible dilemma but was cut off when he saw his body following behind Tori.

"My body!" the three exclaimed in unison. The two semes stared at them like they were some kind of retards. "What's wrong with you guys out bursting like that?" Takano asked. "U-uh…we just need to go to the bathroom…" Ritsu reasoned and signaled the two ukes to ride on with it.

So the three ukes dashed towards the bathroom. When they were inside the bathroom, they all received a text message at the same time.

'Dear Ukes-cchi, ssu~

We are the fairies responsible for your body switch nanodayo. Your b*tches are not allowed to know that the three of you changed bodies. Wait for more fudging information. Sorry for the inconvenience ssu~"


Midori, Ao & Ki – nanodayo'

A few hours ago in the Miracle Kingdom….

"Aka-samacchii, you called ssu~?" Ki asked as they entered the throne room.

There they saw Aka holding a pair of small red scissors with a dark and deadly aura surrounding him.

"Yo! Glad to see you're okay now, Aka-sama." Ao said, nervously while already sweating bullets.

"I think he noticed nanodayo" Midori murmured to his companions.

"We know/ssu~" they replied, gulping.

"You good-for-nothing, mortals!" Aka's voice echoed across the whole throne room. Ki was already cowering in fear while Midori and Ao were trying so hard not to show it, but failed.

"We're so sorry Aka-samacchii ssu~! We didn't mean to mess up, please spare us ssu~" Ki wailed, begging on his knees.

"Damn right, you messed up!" Aka glared down.

"Yes, we didn't mean to make a switching spell and send it off to somewhere." Ao added.

"Wait, what?" Aka uttered, his glare became that of confusion.

"We did a switching spell ssu~!" Ki repeated.

"Wait a minute, how did you know that was a switching spell nanodayo?" Midori asked. He didn't even know if the spell that they did was already invented.

"Kuro told me." Ao answered.

"You imbeciles did a switching spell?!" Aka exclaimed, clearly surprised with the new revelation.

"Eh? You didn't know ssu~/nanodayo?" The three fairies asked.

"Of course not!"

"Then why'd you call us here nanodayo?"

"And why are you PMSing like a girl on her period?" Ao added. Midori elbowed him on the gut. "Shut up nanodayo." He hissed.

Aka pinched the bridge of his nose, expecting a headache coming along this time. "I called you here because I heard that you guys have been ransacking our supply of Kitkats again, and I'm angry because we almost ran out…again, you peasants." He explained. "And now, thank you for sharing another one of your idiocy to me. So, go now and fix it or else…" Aka said slowly, snipping his scissors and the three seemed to get the picture.

"How the heck are we supposed to do that nanodayo?" Midori questioned their emperor.

Aka snapped his fingers and Kuro immediately went out , and when he came back, he was holding a scroll. He gave it to them and the three opened it to see what's written inside.

Aka cleared his throat and explained what they needed to do. "In that scroll are ingredients for reversing the spell. Find the ones in there and make the people who got hit with the spell drink it."

"Okay, but where are we supposed to find these people?" Ao asked.

"That's your problem, not mine. Now get going!" Aka ordered. "Oh and by the way, tell the people who got hit by the spell to NOT tell anyone about it lest they stay switched for good , got it? And don't come back until you fix everything, am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, sir ssu~/nanodayo!" They saluted, and quickly ran for it. It was a good thing they easily discovered the ones who got hit by the spell with the help of the magical crystal ball, and they texted the ukes (fighting over the phone so the text was a mix of Ao, Ki and Midori) and finally began their journey through the fairy kingdom in search of the ingredients, but not before taking the last stash of Kitkat left in the kingdom.


And there you have it! Hope you guys liked it! Sorry for possible errors in grammar and etc. I edited this late at night so I'm apparently high right now. And thanks for the reviews! Please review more for motivation and Chapter 3 will be coming soon! See you next time~