ABC Avengers: Clint and Natasha

Author's Note: Hey Y'all. So here is a new story from me. I'm going to work on my other stories and hopefully have them updated soon. I've hit writers block on most of them so any ideas would be great.

This is going to be an ABC story involving different letters of the alphabet and how Clint and/or Natasha get hurt and how the other comes along side and helps. If you have any suggestions go ahead and send them to me. Reviews also help me figure out how to make my stories better so don't be afraid to review.

Chapter 1: A-Ankle

Clint and Natasha were currently out on a mission. It was supposed to be all of the avengers but Tony was out with a shoulder injury, Banner was on shift in Medical, Thor was visiting Jane and no one had the heart to call him as he never saw her often, and Steve was busy keeping Tony occupied while Pepper was in DC as he was the only one to have enough patience to be with Tony without attempting to kill him as Natasha and Clint normally would by now. Clint and Natasha were none too glad to get away from a whiney Tony and a sick Banner. They were currently working undercover trying to infiltrate a group of Russian Spies. They were supposed to be a brother/sister duo who came from a dangerous past and wanted revenge on who had killed their parents when they were 3 years old and captured them and forced them to become spies. They had almost gathered enough information to take down the gang. Natasha and Clint had gotten a phone call saying that the group had found a leak and wanted them to meet up with them at the docks in New York City. Clint drives them and they both bring their weapons of choice. They get there right on time.

"So who is the leak?" Clint asks.

The ring leader moves to stand behind Natasha. "Here is our leak." He says as he pushes Natasha forward. "My source in Russia says she did come from Russia and that she was a spy but only up until 2000 when a man from S.H.I.E.L.D came in and saved her life. Her name is actually Natasha Romanoff and she is one of the world's top assassins. She has been informing S.H.I.E.L.D about out whereabouts."

"So what do you want to do with her?" Clint asked.

"We're going to do what we always do when we find leaks. We're gonna kill her." He said pulling out a gun. "To show you're who you are you get to kill her or I'm going to kill you and her. We either walk out of her with one or two bodies. What is it going to be?"

Clint and Natasha look at each other. Clint pulls out an arrow and knocks it, pointing it at her. Natasha nods her head that it is okay. "I can't do that. I just can't kill her but I have no problem killing you he says as he pulls back the arrow and launches it hitting the ring leader in the chest. In just under a minute everyone is fighting. Natasha pulling knives out of nowhere and throwing them at the gang. Clint had his bow thrown away from him and is taking on three guys at once. It isn't going very well for him. They have him pinned to the ground. He feels one of the guys step on his ankle and hears an extremely painful crack which causes him to scream out in pain. Natasha runs over and jumps on one of the guys and breaks his next. Then takes out two knives and hit the other two guys in the chest. She runs to Clint and helps him sit up.

"Hey Tasha." He says quietly while holding one hand on his ribs.

"We should get you back to S.H.I.E.L.D Medical and have them check you out." She says as she rubs the back of his head.

He just nods his head. She knows he must be feeling pretty bad if he didn't even fight her on it. It could also be the fact that they both knew that Bruce would be there and wouldn't try to make him stay.

Natasha helps him stand up and walks him over to the passenger side of the car. She gets him into the seat and takes the keys from him before walking around to the driver's side of the car. She starts up the car and starts to drive.

"Hey Clint, what bothering you so that I can tell Banner when we get there?" Natasha asks.

"My head, my ribs, but my ankle is what hurts the most." He said quietly.

"Alright, why don't you try to go to sleep? It will take a while for us to get back to S.H.I.E.L.D. I'll make sure to wake you up when we get there." He nods his head and leans it up against the window closing his eyes and letting the coolness of the glass lull him to sleep.

They arrive back at S.H.I.E.L.D in about 20 minutes. Natasha as promised woke Clint up and they shuffled slowly onto the Helicarrier. When they got there they ran into Hill who ran to help Natasha support Clint. Maria didn't ask any questions about what happened which they were both thankful for. They got down to Medical and Maria lent Clint up against a wall and told a nurse to go find Dr. Bruce Banner. The nurse came back and said that Dr. Banner was finishing up with another patient and that he would be about ten to fifteen minutes. Natasha moved Clint over to a set of chairs and made him sit down. She sat down next to him and he leaned his head on her shoulder and promptly fell asleep again holding her hand. She just waited fifteen minutes before she saw Bruce come out. He came over immediately when he saw them.

"What happened?" He asked as he knelt down next to the Natasha.

"We were working undercover and I got compromised and they made Clint kill me but he couldn't do it so he turned and hit the leader with the arrow instead. Next thing I know there is this big fight going on three guys attacked Clint at once beating him. I fought back trying to get to him. I took down all of the guys trying to beat me and then I jumped on one guy's back and then threw knives at the other two. I ran over to him and said we should get him here and he didn't even argue one bit. On the way here I asked him what was bothering him so that I could tell you and he said his head, his ribs, and his ankle hurt. He said that his ankle hurt the most. He doesn't have a concussion I already checked when I first got to him."

"Well, why don't we wake him up and I can see what is wrong with him." Bruce said as he stood up.

"Hey Clint, it's time to wake up. Bruce is here." Natasha says quietly as she strokes his face.

"Is he green again?" Clint asks as he wakes up slowly making Natasha and Bruce chuckle.

"Not this time. You can see for yourself if you open your eyes." Natasha says.

Clint wakes up and Bruce and Natasha help him stand up and walk back to an exam room.

"So Natasha tells me that you said your ribs, head, and ankle hurt." Bruce says as they get him settled on the exam table. Natasha stands near the door incase Clint decides to escape. Bruce made sure to put him in the room without a ceiling air vent she notices looking around the room.

Clint nods his head. "Alright, Clint, you know that I have to go through the usual vital signs: blood pressure, pulse, respirations, and temperature." Bruce says as he moves about the room laying objects out.

Clint nods his head again. Bruce goes about taking Clint's vitals and writing them down on the chart. "Alright, shirt off. I need to be able to see what the bruising looks like on your ribs."

Clint slowly lifts up his shirt but not without hissing in pain. Natasha turned away when she saw the bruises on Clint's chest. Bruce was surprised at the extension of the bruising but didn't let it show on his face. He gently ran his hands on each side of Clint's chest. He made mental notes in his head every time Clint would hiss or tense in pain. Bruce walked over and wrote down on his chart.

"Alright, Clint, I'm gonna check out your ankle, then wrap your ribs, and see what I can do for your ankle, give you some pain meds, and then you, Natasha, and I can go home."

"Why are you coming with us? Steve can take care of Clint as well as Tony."

"By the time I finish I will be getting off of shift and I might as well catch a ride home with you since I got a ride here with Steve. I also can check on Tony and maybe relieve Steve for a little while."

"Alright, just make it fast because I think we are losing him again." Natasha said as she looked at Clint. Bruce looked up at Clint and saw that he was quickly falling asleep again.

Bruce looks at Clint and sees that he is fighting to stay awake. "Clint, why don't you lay back? It will make it easier for me to look at your ankle anyways."

Clint must be too far gone because he didn't even seem to hear what Bruce said. Natasha walked over and sat at the head of the bed and pulled Clint back so that his head was resting on her lap. Natasha combed her fingers through his hair slowly to calm him. When they were situated she nodded a Bruce letting him know that he could start on Clint's ankle. Bruce quickly did the exam, finding out the Clint sprained his ankle pretty badly, and decided that the best thing for Clint was to put him in a walking cast and tell him that he should stay off of it for a couple of days and then he should be fine to walk on it. Bruce wrote a prescription and said that he would get it filled for Clint while he was signing out. Bruce walked out of the room to sign out and to get the prescription. He came back about five minutes later. Natasha and Bruce managed to wake Clint up enough to wrap his ribs and to put his foot in a boot and to walk out to the car before Clint fell asleep again. When they got back to Stark Tower, they called Steve down to carry Clint up to the apartment because they knew he wouldn't make the trip up and he was too far gone in his dreams to wake up again. Natasha was starting to feel the effects of the night and had to lean on Bruce until he dropped her off at her apartment.

Within a week Clint was back to full duty and was back to pulling pranks with Tony.