Hello! So I tried to get this update in like two weeks ago before my trip to Washington, but I never got around to finishing it so yeah. You guys should really know how much I love you, because my computer wasn't loading and then the site was acting weird and wouldn't let me do anything so i was trying to put this on her for you guys for like an hour before it finally cooperated.

Also, if you guessed right, your name is somewhere in this chapter, so look for it!

Anyways, I own nothing, all rights reserved for Cassandra Clare!


Clary's POV

We walk down the stairs together to the business party downstairs. Mayrse's business parties are always fun. People tend to be able to relax. Once we've arrived downstairs, a waiter stops in front of us with a tray full of flutes of champagne. We each grab a flute and start looking for the guys.

Ten minutes later we found them pigging out on the food in the kitchen.

"Why didn't we look here first?" Maia asks looking at me. At the sound of her voice the guys stop in their tracks and slowly turn and look at us with sheepish smiles. Jon has a piece of shrimp hanging out of his mouth.

"So," Trying not to laugh at their faces, I look at all of them. "Are you enjoying the food?" Jace looks at me, swallows his food, and walks over to me smiling.

"The food is delicious." He says wrapping his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck and raise up on my toes some to reach his lips. I lightly kiss his lips and pull back smiling.

"I can tell," Looking at the guys who are stuffing their faces along with Lilly and Carly, I laugh. "You all seem unable to stop eating. Just then a group of girls walk into the kitchen. They stop when they see the gang eating all of the food.

"Ah man, you guys beat us to the food." The girl in the front complains. Isabelle looks over at her and smiles widely.

"Kylie! I've missed you so much," Rushing over the girl named Kylie; she throws her arms around her. "Guys, this is my cousin Kylie." Suddenly noticing that there are more people behind Kylie, Iz lets out another squeal. She pushes Kylie out of the way and hugs the other two girls.

"This is Hannah and this is Silke. They're my cousins as well." We all wave to the three girls in the doorway. I walk over to the counter and pick up a piece of shrimp.

"Hi, I'm Clary. Isabelle's best friend since we were five." The girls smile in recognition.

"So you're the infamous Clary we hear about every summer." Silke says. Laughing I nod before speaking:

"That would be me. It's nice to meet you." I say smiling.

"So Jace," Hannah says smirking. "This is the girl you're hopelessly in love with?" Jace scowls at her before nodding.

"This is the girl I'm hopelessly in love with." Wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, he plants a kiss on the top of my head. Soon the kitchen is filled with talking and eating 18 year olds.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Jace asks looking at me. I smile and nod. "Guys, Clary and I are going to go dance." Shooting everyone a pointed look he walks me out into the large group of dancing and socializing adults. Spinning me around, Jae wraps his arms around my back and I loosely wrap mine around his neck. The next hour we spend dancing and talking.

"Jace darling, is that you?" An older smiling woman asks from behind us. I unwrap my arms from around his neck and turn to look at the woman. "Clary! You look so gorgeous!"

"Thank you Lucy." She wraps me in a tight hug and continues to tell me how gorgeous I look tonight.

"I'll be right back, I have to ask mom something," Looking down at me he smiles nervously. "Stay here." I smile and nod before looking back at Lucy.

"So how have you and Jarred been recently?" I ask Jace's aunt, well she's really Alec and Isabelle's aunt, but she tells us to call her Jace's aunt too.

"Oh we've been marvelous. We've just come back from the Bahamas when Mayrse called us telling us she was having a party."

"I've always wanted to go The Bahamas." I say thoughtfully.

"Oh you really should." Lucy says and continues to tell me all about it. "Oh I think there's about to be an announcement!" I turn and look at the little makeshift stage in one corner of the room. Atop the stage is Jace, looking nervous and directly at me.

"Clary, from the moment I first saw you, I knew I had to get to know you. You were filled with so much joy and life. You made and still make me, so happy," Smiling, he starts walking towards me. "Last night, when Sebastian showed up asking you to go on a date with him, and you told him that we were engaged and you couldn't, I was so happy, because you told him that you couldn't because you were engaged to me, me of all people. I've known from the very beginning that you were it for me, and I hope that I'm it for you. I don't want to grow old or wake up next to anyone besides you for the rest of my life," Getting down on one knee he pulls a box out of his pocket and opens it. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands trying not to cry. "So Clary, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I nod my head enthusiastically because I can't seem to form any words. He smiles the widest smile I've ever seen before standing up and slipping the ring on my finger.

I look up at him smiling before slamming my lips against his.

"I love you so much." I say breathlessly.

"I love you so much more." He says back just as breathlessly. We break apart when everyone starts cheering. We look at everyone before looking back at each other before smiling.

"Thank you for saying yes, I don't know what I would have done if you would have said no." I scoff and look at him like he's crazy.

"Like I would ever say no to you." He smiles and kisses me again, but this time lightly. Before he can say anything again, people start walking up to us and congratulating us on our engagement.

"My baby girl is getting married." My mom says while trying to hold back tears and hugging me. "I love you so much baby girl."

"I love you so much too mom." She hugs me one last time before going in search of some food.

"Oh my gosh," Izzy squeals while launching herself at me. "You're engaged. Let me see the ring." She grabs my hand and gasps at it. She looks at Jace and smiles.

"You did good bro, oh, and congratulations, but if you hurt her I'll cut your balls off, put them in the blender, and make you eat them." Jace whimpers quietly and moves my body in front of his to protect his precious balls.

"Hey, I want kids so, please, refrain from doing that." I say looking at her making her gasp in excitement.

"Yes, I want little nieces and nephews running around soon too, so get to work." She says making Jace choke on air and me laugh.

"Um, I don't want his junk anywhere near my baby sister," Jon says coming up from behind Isabelle with his arm wrapped around a pretty girl I remember being Sarah. "But congrats baby sis, I'm happy for you and the egg head behind you." I giggle and Jace scoffs.

"I am not an egg head." Jace says wrapping his arms around me. I lean into him and giggle.

"When am I going to get to see some mini Clary and Jace's around soon?" Magnus asks walking up to us dragging Alec behind him. I turn bright red and choke on the drink Jace gave me while Jace just smirks.

"Oh, it could be real soon," Jace says while winking down at me while I plan his death. "I mean considering how impatient she gets we might just forget something very important one day.

At what Jace is implying, Magnus squeals, attracting the attention of everyone in the room while Alec takes his turn choking on a drink.

"Guys," Magnus yells at our friends who are at the other side of the room. "Clary's not our innocent little flower anymore!"

This causes all of them to look at me and Jace with wide eyes. Breaking out of her shock, Izzy screams and rushes towards me. She grabs my arm and drags me upstairs with the girls and Magnus following close behind. She drags me into her room and plops us down on the bed. Looking at me expectantly, she talks:

"You have to tell us everything Clary." Isabelle practically demands.

"Why don't you ask questions one at a time and I'll answer them?" They all nod and Izzy asks the first question.

"So, when did this happen?"

"The day we went shopping and all of you went back to your house but us…"

"How did it happen?" Carly asks from the floor.

"Well, we were cooking and then cooking led to a food fight and then a shower together and I told Jace he should punish me before getting in the shower with him joining shortly after," This causes them the gasp in surprise. "And then after we got out he slammed me against the wall and asked me if I wanted my punishment now and I asked him if he wanted to punish me now and then yeah… I was no longer innocent."

"How much did it hurt?" Lilly asks from beside me.

"Well, once he was all the way inside me it hurt a lot, but after a few minutes it didn't hurt anymore, but Jace did everything he could to lessen the pain so that helped."

"Is he big?" Magnus asks with a sly smirk. I just look at him, but I answer the question anyways.

"Let's just say that it's a miracle that I could walk the next day. Especially after how many times we did it that night."

"You dirty girl." Magnus says shaking his head but smiling. I blush and look down.

"Do you want kids Clary?" Carly asks after a minute or two of silence.

"Yeah, I've always wanted like four to five kids."

"How long have you loved Jace?" Lilly asks curiously.

"I think I've always loved him, I just didn't always know what the feeling was." That gets an 'aww' out of all of them.

"Well, can I get back to my fiancé now?"

"Yup, and we'll come with." Izzy says standing up and linking arms with me. We walk down the stairs together where the boys, my mom and Mayrse are cleaning up. We help them finish up and then I walk towards Jace.

"I love you." He says into my neck once I get to him and he pulls me against him.

"I love you too," I say back. "Always have and always will."

"Come on, I want to show you something." He grabs my hand and pulls me out to his truck. He opens the door for me and closes it once I'm in.

"Where are we going?" I ask once we're driving.

"Well, I found this cute little house about a half hour from campus, and I know that freshman are supposed to stay in the dorms, but since I'm such a valued player, and I told them I was engaged, they agreed to let us live off campus. We just have to promise to be on time every day." I sit there staring at him in shock.

"You bought us a house?" I whisper.

"No, I bought us THE house." He says pulling up in front of the house. THE house, was a house we discovered together when we were sixteen. It was a rundown dump when we found it, but with the permission of the city council, we were able to rebuild it and design the interior. We designed it the way I've always wanted.

Leading up to the big porch were brick steps with a wrought iron railing. The porch wrapped around the house with a porch swing and chairs along with a table and plants. On either side of the door were tall windows. Inside it had two stories and lots of beautiful rooms. The kitchen was huge with stainless steel appliances and a bar with stools along one side.

"Are you ready to move into our new house shortcake?" Jace asked smiling at me. I nodded eagerly and he got out the car quickly and opened my door helping me out. I looked up at the house and then slowly walked up the steps. Jace grabbed my hand with one hand and the key with the other. He quickly unlocked the door and pushed the door open.

"After you, milady." Jace gestured to the door. Walking in, I couldn't help but smile. The house Jace and I helped rebuild was now our house. Jace wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. I turned my head and lightly pecked his lips.

"I love you so much, Jace." I mumble against his lips.

"I love you so much too, Clary." He mumbles back while turning me around and smashing his lips against mine. I tangle my fingers in his hair and lightly tug causing him to let out a moan. He lifts me up by the backs of my thighs and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me up the stairs and walks down to the master bedroom. He kicks the door open and kicks it shut with his foot before slamming me against it. I gasp in surprise and he uses this as an advantage and explores my mouth with his tongue while massaging my thighs. I moan into his mouth and tug on his hair harder causing him to moan too. We pull away gasping and looking at each other.

"Make love to me Jace." I pant. He nods and walks me over to the bed before gently laying me down and making love to me.

Soo, what did you think? Are you excited? If your name was in this chapter I hope you found it! Also, all these sex scenes that keep happening with be put in their own chapters when this story is over!

Love it? Hate it?
