Twilight Fan fiction


Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever own Twilight. I have used some sentences directly from the book, I don't own them. They were originally and forever owned by Stephenie Meyer.

This outtake is part two of the Collection of Outtakes from Charlie's POV based around the Hunters.

This Chapter is dedicated to all the people who asked their questions about the Hunters.

Outtake: Things don't add up.

Charlie's POV

The phone rang, startling me out of my concentration. Bella and the girls had left for Chicago a few hours ago and wouldn't be back for the rest of the weekend. They were probably still in the air so whoever was calling most likely wasn't them.

I got up from the couch groaning slightly. It was most likely Billy or Harry.



I recognized Blaize voice immediately.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, despite the fact that I was home alone.

Blaize's voice was tight with worry when he answered. "The Hunters that used the van to try to hurt Bella…"

"Yeah," I encouraged him to continue when he paused.

"They're dead Charlie. Someone took them out. I don't know why, but they did."

That didn't make any sense, especially since I know that from Blaize's tone, it wasn't just anyone who took them out. Another Hunter had killed them.

"It wasn't anyone from our group?" I asked wondering if maybe another spy had heard something; that it was the only way to protect themselves.

"It wasn't one of us Charlie. This was an execution." Blaize's words sent a chill through me.

"Charlie, it's time you get out; while you still can. Think of Bella, and Toby's girls. They need you more than anything."

Everything he said was true. I needed to be around for Bella, but I was so close. I had been working so hard for the last few years to get where I was. I almost had what the Rebellion needed to finally stop the hunters. I was so close to finding the Den. The Hunters secret headquarters."

"Charlie," Blaize hissed. "Take this out, while you still have the chance. There are other people who don't have a family that they'll be risking leaving behind."

I slammed my fist into the wall, punching through the plaster. Great, I would need to fix that before my girls got back.

"Think of Renee, what would she ask you to do? What would she want you to do?"

Closing my eyes I could see her. It was like she was right next to me, and I knew what she wanted me to do.

"Alright, but you have to keep me updated. Everything you hear, I need to know about it." Otherwise everything I had given up for Bella and Renee would be wasted. But I couldn't tell him that.

"I will, Charlie, you have my word."

He hung up and fixed the wall, my thoughts on everything I knew about the hunters and their plans.

I fixed the wall, using it as a reminder that I couldn't let my temper get the best of me. I needed to work on it now so I could help Bella with her own. Sadly she was a hot head just like me and my family. It would have been a lot easier if Bella had gotten her temperament form her mother. Renee was always a happy person.

I wasn't expecting to get another call from Blaize so soon. It wasn't long because the Cullens had called to let me know the same thing.

A very weak and talentless group of Hunters had managed to corner Bella. They were easy enough to defeat though.

The Cullens couldn't have known this, but Blaize told me that the group had been hired by another Hunter to keep an eye on Bella.

It wasn't until the following Saturday that Blaize learned that whoever had hired them, had punished them for engaging her and the Cullens. They were only supposed to observe.

I didn't like to think what this meant for Bella. Only the most experienced Hunters, the ones who had the best control over the urge to Hunt could stay back in the shadows like this one was.

My fist clenched with fury as I thought about one such Hunter who would have enough control.

Author's Note

That was the second Outtake in this group, I really hoped you like it.

What do you think Charlie's been doing? Is he hiding something else?

The next outtake is going to be longer than the 1000 words that I said most of them would be. But there's going to be a confrontation.

See you next week,
