Twilight Fan fiction


Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever own Twilight.


Isabella Swan average teenager, I think not. Tragedy has ripped Bella from the life she knows, and now she is forced to move in with her dad. It's bad enough that she has to leave everything she knows, she now has responsibilities that may just be too overwhelming for this seventeen-year-old. To make it worse she has caught the attention of every one of the members of the Cullen family, people she immediately recognizes as vampires. Will, she let them into her life? Will she even have a choice? Normal pairings.

This is my first fanfiction, I really hope you like it. I plan to upload the first five chapters of this story, so you all can have a good size, 'teaser' so you can get a better feel for the story and how it is going to go.

After each chapter I am going to have another author's note that will have some of my interesting thoughts, and some questions. So don't forget to take a look at the end note after each chapter; I would really like to hear your thoughts about some things in the story.

So without further ado, here is the first chapter in Transitionals.

Chapter 1

I sat silently, facing Carlos' desk; just staring at the stack of folders on top of it. Each folder held the last will and testament of one of my family members. I knew I was causing myself unnecessary pain by counting each folder; counting how many people I had lost.

Anna shifted on the floor beside my feet. The poor little thing hadn't said a word since that violent night. I ran my hand through her gorgeous curls. Her thick mahogany hair looked so much like her dad's.

Pain literally ripped through my chest thinking about my older cousin Toby. His two little girls, Anna and Cissy were all I had left of my mom's side of the family, and of course, only my dad was left on his side.

Thanks to me, there was just the four of us left. If that wasn't enough to tear a girl apart, I don't know what would be. Just the thought of the family I lost threatens to shred the remainder of my heart; and if I'm being honest, there's not much left. Everyone I lost took a part of my heart with them. Toby took the largest part with him though, with the part my mom took with her just hardly smaller.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Cissy woke up. She cried loudly; she didn't like staying in her car seat all the time. I took her in my arms and gently bounced her, trying my best to soothe her. I felt so self-conscious taking care of the two-month-old. Sure I could care for my scattered brain mother but, there was always the possibility that she could take care of herself to a point if I wasn't around. This little one in my arms couldn't.

The door to the office opened and Carlos walked in holding a thin stack of papers. He smiled kindly at me but his eyes held a measure of my pain. Carlos couldn't feel the same amount of sorrow as I was since I lost family, flesh, and blood, but nonetheless, everyone who I had lost had been his friend.

"I've got the papers Charlie faxed over with his signatures. He has temporary custody of little Belle and Cissy until you turn eighteen." Even his voice was filled with pain.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I knew even though Charlie would have custody over the girls, I would still be the one taking care of them. It was my job.

Carlos put the papers in the top folder, then started packing the folders away in a box. "These are your copies, I'll put them in the car once we finish this up."

Little hands on my knees made me turn away from Carlos. I gave Anna my undivided attention. "What do you need, Anna?"

Anna pressed her cheek against my knee. She pierced me with a heartbreaking gaze, and I knew what she wanted.

I sat the now calm Cissy back in her seat and lifted Anna onto my lap. She wrapped her little arms around my neck and pressed her forehead against my cheek. She sighed in relief once her skin was against mine.

I felt her powers and the energy that radiated off of them. The energy was welcomed, I was exhausted, but I could have done without her powers. Anna's strange powers unsettled me; whenever she touched my skin I couldn't get rid of her sixth sense. I would never tell Anna this though. Her powers were extremely well-controlled thanks to the training her dad gave her, but she was still young. Her control over her powers made them strong, they definitely shouldn't be as strong as they are. I know this because of the amount of energy that radiates off of her powers. With her being so young and her powers that strong, it builds up way too much energy inside her; she was too little to store it all. And poor little Anna could only get rid of the extra energy by touching someone else's skin, giving it to them.

Carlos brought me back from my thoughts. "Bella, I have all the stuff you need to take over Toby's job."

I grimaced through the pain in my chest.

Toby had taken a business class in his sophomore year of high school; the following year he had his very own business. By his senior year, he had made his first million. He now had three companies, and I was now supposed to run them.

I halfheartedly listened as Carlos explained everything. I already knew everything I was supposed to know, Toby had already trained me, telling me that one day I would take over for him; I just didn't know it would be so soon.

Carlos packed up his briefcase and stood from his seat. "Alright, that's everything we needed to take care of here. Now it's time for me to take the three of you to Forks."

I closed my eyes and kissed the top of Anna's head. It was an understatement to say I was dreading moving to Forks. I was used to the sun, and the heat, and my mom. I wasn't looking forward to the rain or the cold. At least I was somewhat prepared to live with Charlie, my dad.

We pulled in front of Charlie's house. Carlos' rental car that he would use to get back to the airport was sitting beside Charlie's cruiser.

Charlie was the chief of police for the town of Forks. It was one of the things that I loved about my dad. I knew that I would feel safe in my house. Secretly though I knew it wasn't just his police training that made me feel safe. Anna, Cissy, and I would be perfectly safe in Charlie's house. No, this wasn't just Charlie's house anymore; it was all of ours.

The front door opened and Charlie walked towards us. I opened the door and the instant I was out of the car he wrapped me in his tight embrace. "I love you," he whispered in my ear.

It's amazing how those three words released the flood of tears I had been trying to keep back throughout the entire trip from Phoenix to Forks.

Charlie led me into the house and sat down with me on the couch. He murmured words of comfort, surprising me, Charlie and I both struggled with expressing our emotions out loud. I was surprised at how well he was handling my breakdown.

By the time I had gotten a hold of myself Anna had joined me on my lap and Carlos had set Cissy's car seat on the coffee table. He had even unloaded the car for us. He had the custody papers for the girls sitting beside Cissy.

"There's everything you'll need Charlie." He spared Charlie a glance before turning to me. "If you ever need someone to talk to, you can call me. You know very well you can call me day or night, any hour of the day."

I gave him a small smile and nodded once. One final tear rolled down my cheek.

I watched Carlos say goodbye to the girls. I knew if Anna would speak she'd be saying goodbye to her uncle Carlos.

Carlos, of course, wasn't her real uncle; he was merely one of Toby's best friends. Anna had grown up calling him Uncle Carlos. He may not be related but he would always be her uncle.

Anna had learned to call her parents' friends uncle or aunt by her mom. It was how Tessa grew up, she passed that on to her daughter. After hearing what Tessa had taught Anna, Toby had taught her to call me Auntie Bella.

I'm an only child, despite that I always considered Toby to be my older brother; and I was always his baby sister. I'm worried about how I will react to Anna whenever she starts talking again. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm actually scared to hear her call me Auntie Bella again. I'm afraid that reminder will be too much for me.

"Would you like to go see what I did with your room?" Charlie asked gruffly. I'm almost positive I heard worry shake his voice slightly.

I nodded and followed him upstairs. He led the way to my old bedroom. His house only has two bedrooms so my room is now Anna's, Cissy's, and mine. The room was surprisingly different. It was far more crowded; what with Cissy's crib and changing table in the room. Besides that, there was a full sized bed-that Anna and I will be sharing-a dresser, and my rocking chair. The room was extremely crowded.

"There's not much room," Charlie mumbled.

I gave him a gentle smile. "It's okay dad, it won't be a problem."

"Well, I'll let you unpack." Charlie backed out of the room and headed downstairs, no doubt to watch some sort of game on the tv.

One thing that I love about Charlie is that he doesn't hover. I quickly unpacked my bag, hanging a few things, while the rest of my stuff fit in two of the dresser drawers easily. I then got started on Anna's and Cissy's clothes. Our lack of winter clothes made it where all three of our stuff could be put away easily.

I sighed, I was going to have to go shopping so all three of us have enough clothes. I was not looking forward to that.

With nothing else to do in my room I went downstairs to make dinner; only to find that Charlie has practically nothing in way of food.

Charlie walked in from the living room. "I didn't know if you would feel like cooking tonight. I figured we could just order a pizza."

I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."

Charlie glanced towards the living room before turning back to me. "What will little Belle eat?"


He grabbed the phone and called the pizza place.

Dinner was a silent and an uneventful meal. I cut Anna's pizza into bite-size pieces for her then ate my own. After dinner, Anna had a bath and we went to bed. I wasn't planning on sleeping much tonight; Cissy doesn't sleep through the night and since the incident neither does Anna.

Just like every night since I started caring for the girls, I sang Anna to sleep. I silently hoped that she wouldn't have any nightmares tonight.

My first night in Forks was exactly as I had expected. Cissy woke in the early morning and just as I was falling back to sleep after getting her back in her crib, Anna woke up with a cry of fear, sitting up with a jerk. A long hour of whispering comfort and singing her back to sleep, I was finally able to go back to sleep myself.

I sat down at the table while Cissy drank from her bottle. Charlie gave me a sympathetic smile, I knew he hadn't planned for me to see, so I politely ignored it.

"So, what are your plans for today?" He asked after he set his breakfast dishes in the sink.

I glanced around the room and made my decision. "I was thinking about going grocery shopping."

Charlie nodded but I didn't pay him any attention. The minute I had said shopping Anna's head came up. She ignored her cereal and grinned excitedly at me. She was so much like her mother. She didn't care what type of shopping we were doing as long as we were shopping.

"Yes you, Cissy, and I are going shopping, but today we are only going to get food."

She grinned wildly at me, understanding that we would be shopping again some other day.

I grabbed a leftover slice of pizza and hurriedly ate my breakfast. Once I had the dishes washed, the diaper bag packed and Cissy in her car seat we headed out the door.

Anna, though still silent, was overjoyed to be shopping.

At the store, I waited patiently for Anna to pick out the perfect cart. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Anna was adorable.

With the perfect cart selected I put Cissy's seat in the front of the cart and made perfectly sure it was safe and secure. Anna walked between the cart and me, helping me push it down different aisles. We started with the produce, filling most of the cart with it. Toby and Tessa had promoted healthy eating with Anna and thanks to that, I could give her practically any fruit and most vegetables, without complaint.

I stopped at the bananas and looked for the biggest group with the best looking bananas. I found two groups each with eight bananas and put them in the cart. I looked down when a felt a tug on my shirt. Anna smiled up at me holding a very green group of bananas. She gave me her puppy dog eyes before I could even refuse. At least by the time we were done with the others, these ones would be ripe. Bananas will never go uneaten at our house.

We continued through the produce section grabbing vegetables Anna would like steamed, and stuff for salads. We finished in the produce after I grabbed a ten-pound bag of potatoes.

I sighed, now off to the rest of the store.

I'm not one who likes shopping; I prefer grocery shopping to other types, though. Of course, my favorite shopping though would be for books. I tried to hurry this trip along, without Anna knowing.

I had just placed a box of Anna's favorite cereal in the cart and I waited for the pull on my shirt; waiting for her to ask for a second box, something she always did with her mom. I looked down to where she should be when it didn't come. She wasn't there. I hurriedly looked down the aisle but she wasn't there. I panicked.

I tried to keep calm as I started looking for her. I passed aisle after aisle glancing down each one only to find Anna wasn't there. I turned around at the last aisle and headed back the way I had come, checking every aisle again. With a desperate hope, I headed to the produce again.

I turned around the corner and stopped. Anna was by the bananas. A woman with inhuman beauty was kneeling in front of her; talking to her. Anna had some green bananas clutched to her chest, while she stared at the woman then up at a man who was standing behind their cart. The man had to be the most handsome man I had ever seen, and that was saying something.

I didn't think, I hurried over to Anna, while she shook her head, answering whatever the woman had asked her. I stopped our cart in front of theirs and quickly pulled Anna into my arms; supporting myself against our cart.

"You scared me, Annabelle." She knew if I used her full name she was in trouble. "I didn't know where you had gone." I pulled back so I was looking in her eyes. "You know you're supposed to stay with me when we're at a store."

Annabelle lowered her head and held up the bananas.

"Do you think we need more bananas?" I asked with a sigh. I noticed that the man and woman glanced at our basket. They no doubt saw all our bananas.

Annabelle nodded her head, making her curls bounce.

I put the bananas into the cart then hugged Anna tightly to me. "No more running off okay?"

Anna nodded her head before pressing her cheek against mine.

"Your daughter looks just like you," the woman spoke up.

My eyes widened and I could feel my face heat with a blush. The man and woman seemed surprised by my reaction. "I'm not her mom," I finally managed to choke out.

The woman looked embarrassed. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry."

"That's alright," I stopped her before she could say anything else. "We'll leave you to your shopping." I knew the woman's look, she wanted to talk more but I didn't want to talk with her. I tried to turn so we could leave, but Anna rested her hand on my cheek. Whenever she did that I knew she wanted me to pay attention to her powers.

I focused on the strange sensation that was her powers, focusing on what she was feeling. I was surprised to find that there wasn't a sense of danger around. I glanced at Anna and she shook her head.

The man and woman's faces held curiosity for a quick second before they wiped it away.

The woman spoke before I was able to turn away. "My name is Esme Cullen, this is my husband Carlisle." He gave me a kind smile and nodded toward us.

I nodded towards the two of them. Feeling obligated now to introduce the girls and myself. "Nice to meet you; I'm Isabella, but I prefer Bella, and this is Annabelle, and that's Cissiley."

Esme and Carlisle glanced at the baby carrier. Completely against my better judgment, I turned the cart around so they could look at Cissy. The two of them smiled at the sleeping baby.

"She's so small. How old is she?" Esme asked me.

"Two months. She and Anna are my older cousin's kids," I added before they could ask if Cissy was mine. I didn't bother telling them that they were now in my care.

Anna poked my cheek to get my attention.

I couldn't help smiling at her. "What do you need Anna?" She pointed to the water bottle in the diaper bag. I handed it to her, pulling it open; I didn't dare give her one with a twist off cap. I learned that lesson the hard way.

Once the water bottle was put away I turned to Esme and Carlisle. "It was nice to meet you."

"And you as well," Esme said with a smile.

"Enjoy your time with your cousins," Carlisle added.

I nodded and headed back to shopping. I pushed Esme and Carlisle from my mind, so I could focus on the task at hand.

It wasn't until I had settled into bed before I allowed myself to think about them. Something was different about Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. Anna's powers were never wrong, but I don't understand why she wasn't getting a dangerous feeling from the two of them. Surely Mr. and Mrs. Cullen are dangerous. They're vampires after all.

Author's note

I hope you like this chapter. I'd love to hear what you thought about it. If you have any guesses about what happened to Bella's family, or how Bella knows about Vampires, I'd love to hear them.

