Hermione Granger stared out the Hogwarts Express window- admiring the vast green meadows. Her heart ached with memories of how she ended up on the train:

"Ron I want to go back." Hermione stated, crossing her arms.

"Hermione, why would you want to go back there? We saved the wizarding world, you don't need to go back to school." Ron argued, placing his hands on her shoulders.

Hermione scoffed and shoved him away. "You don't understand Ronald. I want to finish my seventh year, it doesn't matter what we did, I want to go back."

Ron shrugged, "Harry isn't going back; I'm not going back, you're going to be alone."

Hermione looked up at him through her bangs. "I don't need you or Harry to babysit me- I can take care of myself."

Ron nodded, but shook his head. "But what about us?" He said as he pointed to Hermione and himself.

"Is that all you care about?" Hermione yelled, arms falling to her sides. "You don't care about my education or yours, you only care about snogging."

"So thats it then? You leave for Hogwarts tomorrow, alone, and without me?" Ron asked, this time, crossing his arms.


Hermione looked down at the badge she held in her hands. She didn't even get to mention that she made Head Girl.

She regretted her argument with Ron, she thought he would be proud of her, but instead he got upset and wished her not to go.

"Is this the Head compartment?"

Hermione turned to look at the compartment door, she gasped when she realized who the voice came from.

Draco Malfoy.

Hermione's face burned as she nodded- Malfoy gave a short nod, and sat down in front of her.

Draco Malfoy made Head Boy? Hermione thought, after everything he as done, HE made Head Boy?

Hermione stared at Malfoy as he tried to avoid the awkward moment by looking out the window.

His usual sleeked back hair, was now tousled and hung just right above his eyes, his usual cold grey eyes, were filled with a beautiful silver. And a gold badge that read Head Boy shined on the front of his school robes.

Malfoy cleared this throat. "So, you made Head Girl. I shouldn't be surprised."

Hermione nodded, her face burning again. "How did you make Head Boy?" She choked out, then mentally slapped herself for the rude wording of her question.

Malfoy cleared his throat again and shrugged. "The Headmistress gave me a visit during the summer. Said she never gave up on me and thought this might be good for me."

"McGonagall visited you?" Hermione asked, clutching her badge in her hand and feeling quite jealous that the Headmistress didn't give her a visit, but only a letter.

Malfoy nodded and continued to stare out the window. "Wheres Potter and Weasley? I would have assumed they would've been in here." He asked, still looking out the window that was now covered in rain droplets.

Hermione bit her lip. "They decided they didn't want to come back."

Malfoy looked at her and glanced down at her hands that were still clutching her Head Girl badge. "You should probably put that on, we're the ones that has to herd the first years."

Hermione nodded and tried attaching the gold badge on the front of her robes, but failed when she felt the pin stab her.

"Ouch." Hermione winced, swapping up the bit of blood that bubbled up.

Malfoy chuckled and reached out to help, it took him no time to attach the badge.

"Thanks." Hermione said looking down at her now empty hands, Malfoy gave a curt nod and continued to look out the window.

The two remained silent for the rest of the train ride to Hogwarts, the only time they talked was when the snack trolly came by offering delicious treats.

After what seemed like hours, the train finally came to a stop at Hogsmead Station, the sun slowly started to set- casting a beautiful rose color in the sky.

Hermione and Malfoy looked at each other and grabbed one of their bags- the rest were to be brought in later, and were the first to get off the train to help aid the first years.

After guiding the first years off the train and leading them into Hogsmead Station, Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid took over. "Al' righ' there Hermione?"

"Doing great Hagrid." Hermione smiled as she gave the half-giant a warm hug.

"Hear' yer made Head Girl."

"I did, yes."

"An' er, Malfoy is Head Boy?" Hagrid asked as he finally noticed Malfoy standing off to the side with the shiny gold badge.

"Yes, he did."

Hagrid raised his eyebrows, "tell me if he ever gives yer any trouble."

Hermione chuckled, "sure Hagrid."

"Al' right', al' firs' years follow me!" Hagrid's voice boomed over the constant chattering of excited first years.

"Guess we better go find a carriage then?" Malfoy suggested as he noticed all the older years were already on the journey to the great castle.

By the time Hermione and Malfoy got to the carriages, only one remained.

"Bloody hell, you would think there was a war going on by how quickly they left." Malfoy scoffed as he helped Hermione onto the black carriage that drove itself.

The ride to the castle was once again quiet and awkward. Hermione clutched her bag to her chest as she felt tiny rain drops fall onto her.

Malfoy was about to say something when he was interrupted by the faint sound of singing.

"Great, we're missing the Hogwarts song." Hermione said sarcastically.

Malfoy looked up at her and started to laugh. That was the first time Hermione ever heard Malfoy really laugh, it wasn't his signature cruel howl either, but a nice simple laugh that made Hermione join in.

When they finally entered the castle and joined in the Great Hall, the first year students were brought in by Headmistress McGonagall.

Many students were sorted into Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Each name called and sorted was answered with applause and cheers.

Before the feast started, the Headmistress gave a speech.

"Welcome, welcome to all first years and to all of our returning students and staff. I hope the journey here was comfortable. Before we start our delicious feast, I would like to acknowledge some of our past rules: the Forbidden Forest is off limits to all students- no exceptions. And a new rule- room labeled DADA on floor 4 is off limits to everyone. And last but not least, I would like to recognize our Head Boy and Head Girl. Our Head Boy this year is Draco Malfoy-"

Everyone went completely silent, they all knew who Draco Malfoy was- the son of Lord Voldemort's right hand man, and a death eater himself.

"-And our Head Girl is Hermione Granger!"

This time, everyone cheered and clapped. Hermione felt her cheeks heat up as she glanced over to Malfoy at the Slytherin table.

He wore a disappointed look but gave Hermione a small smile.

The Headmistress finished her speech with a wave of her wand. And before them, the plates started to fill up with the most delicious foods. Hermione tucked in some hot kidney pie, but only ate a bite or two.

Her appetite went away as fast as she got it. She didn't realize how bad she felt about Malfoy's Head Boy announcement. No one clapped. At all. Hermione glanced up and saw Malfoy quickly look down.

You caught him staring at you. Hermione thought and blushed. No, this isn't right. She shouldn't be blushing. They're sworn enemies.

Dinner ended and it was Hermione and Malfoy's job to show their house to their common room along with giving them the new password.

Hermione led the Gryffindors to their common room while Malfoy led the Slytherins to theirs.

"Butterscotch." Hermione said and the portrait door swung open. After everyone else was inside, Hermione was just about to follow them, but a hand stopped her.

"Oh Miss. Granger, I forgot to mention that you and Mr. Malfoy have your own common room. Follow me." Professor McGonagall said as she led Hermione to their own common room.

Malfoy was already by the large portrait of a knight and his horse.

"I see Mr. Malfoy found it already. Your password for now is Head, but you may change it to whatever you two agree on. You each have your own room, and a shared bathroom and common room. Now, I must get back to my office, I have a parcel waiting for me."

McGonagall then left the two standing in the middle of the hall.

"Head." Hermione said.

The Knight lifted up his helmet. "Great Scott! Its Hermione Granger! Oh what a pleasure it is, what a pleasure!"

Hermione smiled sheepishly, and glanced over to Malfoy who had a stern look on his face.

"Hm, we want to change our password." Hermione said nudging Malfoy in the arm.

"Oh right, of course! And what would your new password be, new friends?" The Knight asked, taking out a roll of parchment and a quill.

Hermione looked at Malfoy again and raised her eyebrows. "Any ideas?" She asked.

Malfoy shrugged. "Amice?"

"What does that mean?" Hermione asked.

"It means 'friend' in Latin."

Hermione made an 'o' shape with her mouth, "Amice." She told the Knight.

The Knight scribbled down the word and slammed his helmet back onto his head. "But of course! Enter fellow friends!"

The portrait swung open- Malfoy gestured for Hermione to enter first. "Thanks."

When the two were in the room, the fire instantly came alive with orange dancing flames.

The room looked like the Gryffindor common room, but the colors were brown, green , and maroon. There was a door on both sides of the fireplace. The door on the left was a dark brown and said DRACO MALFOY, the door on the right was also dark brown and said HERMIONE GRANGER.

"Guess we know which rooms ours." Hermione said, giving Malfoy a small smile.

Except Malfoy didn't return the smile, but instead walked straight into his room, shutting his door.

"Ok then." Hermione snapped, walking to her own room.

When she walked in, it reminded her of her old Gryffindor room. Instead of there being several beds, there was only one large one with red drapes and dark gold bedding. Her luggage was already unpacked and her suitcases sat neatly at the end of her bed. Hermione threw herself on her bed and groaned.

This year is going to be great.

So here is the first chapter! Im so sorry about the summary, its not very good, but if you got over that and gave my

story a try, THANK YOU!

Please leave me a review of your thoughts

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-Unrulybananas 3