Last Will

Reborn was just there to meet the supposedly next heir of Vongola and his student when he was met with unexpected things. Now, instead of training him, his job now was to help him rest peacefully. AU

Prologue: Chance Encounter

Reborn had finally arrived at Namimori, Japan. He had a mission of training the next heir of Vongola and he promised the ninth that he would do it dutifully. While he walked around town, he's also checking the documents given to him to make sure he was on the right place.

'Sawada Tsunayoshi. Born on October 14, 19xx. He's a 15 year old boy with brown spiky hair and brown eyes. He attends to Namimori Middle School and he lives with his mother, Sawada Nana.'

After looking at it, Reborn nodded and neatly folded the paper to keep it. Although, the information about his future student was really limited, and curse Sawada Iemitsu for it, all he could do now was investigate further.

He was now around the school his student was supposed to be attending. He could get some information here, he thought as he passed by two students who happened to be talking about the person he was searching for.

"I still can't believe Dame-Tsuna did that."

"Yeah. It's over a year now, no? I kind of pity him now especially his friends."

Reborn quirked an eyebrow. So he was called 'Dame-Tsuna' at his school. That was new, but what intrigued him was the act he did over a year ago. He now wonders what it could be and the only way to find out was to go to his last destination.

The house was a really a simple two-story kind and the name 'Sawada' was printed on the metal plate in front. He was sure he was in the right place but why can't he shake the feeling of something wrong going on. After he put his fake flyer into their mail box, he began observing the place. The gates are already rusty, and the front lawn already have tall grasses on them. Maybe they hadn't time to clean but the most unusual thing he notice was that the house feels empty.

The lights are all turned off and the door was shut tight. The only thing Reborn could think of was that they went out for a bit but still, that doesn't explain those glowing orange things he managed to glance at the window upstairs. He was about to ask the neighborhood about them. Fortunately for him, there was a teen who was jogging towards his way.

"How can I help you, kid?" The raven-haired teen asked cheerfully but Reborn could easily see his mask and strained smile eventhough he ignored it.

"Do you perhaps know where the residents of this house went?" Reborn inquired. He wanted to ask a lot of questions but first things first, he had to know where his student is. Though he didn't fail to miss how narrow the eyes of the teen went.

"If you're looking for Sawada-san, she already moved to another town. Though, I really don't know where." The teen replied carefully not shouting at the baby.

Reborn, on the other hand, knitted his eyebrows. He can't believe that, that damn bastard didn't even know where his family are. "And I presume his son is also with her?" He questioned further.

This time, the teen twitched and began covering his eyes with his bangs. "Tsuna's already gone." He spat bitterly.

Reborn widen his eyes for a millimeter when he heard the news. Seriously, how long ago did that man returned to Japan. "Explain." He demanded.

The teen looked at him with an unknowing face. He was deciding whether he would tell him or not about what happened but he did nonetheless. "He died in an accident a year ago. Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have something to do." And he left without even turning back.

Reborn stayed still on his position as he watched the leaving figure. That explains the abandoned house. He then removed his fedora to pay respect as his pet chameleon, Leon, crawled down to his hand and shape-shifted into a cellphone. What Reborn needs to do now is to call that bastard.

*Ring... ring...*

After a few more rings, someone finally picked up on the other line. "Hello?"

"Fuck you, Iemitsu. Fuck you." Was the only thing Reborn had managed to say before he ended the call. No one could even explain how furious he was for the man but he couldn't blame him. The only problem he had now was how would he explain the current situation to them; the Ninth and Iemitsu. It's going to be hard especially to the latter. And for the first time in his life, Reborn failed his mission.

He was about to leave the place when the door that was closed, suddenly opened, as if inviting him in. And Reborn had guessed that he should take a look while he can.

A/N: Yo.. hehe :) Sorry for making another story. I just can't help but post this. This plot bunny was really nagging at me last night that I can't even sleep. So now, there it is... I already have written halfway of the plot and this prologue and you can guess what had happened. It has a similar story to a vocaloid's song called Reboot. Check it out, it's really good. I got inspired to it. Do not worry though, I would still be updating my other stories just after my exams. So, I hope you enjoy this story (It's a little bit experimental) and leave your thoughts in the review, or even follow.
