(A/N My favorite television show Twisted was canceled by ABC Family due to low ratings. I was deeply disappointed it was canceled and left fans with a cliffhanger when Gun shots were fired and if you didn't see the show I suggest you watch it because this is giving out a lot of spoiler alerts. There is a petition on several websites to help bring back the show on Netflix, or other related websites to keep the shows going, and so far as i heard when other television shows were cancelled, Netflix saved the show. I don't have a doubt about it, and go check it out and now this is my version on what happened after the gun shots. Rated K+ for minor violence, and enjoy. Just an Fyi before you read, I will be busy this week and it could take me three or four days to update due to school and work. Enough of me now on with Twisted.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted.

Season 2 Episode 1 Gun Down!

Charlie is in shock. His knife aimed at Jo's neck, and threatens to cut her if Chief Masterson does not leave her and him alone. Lacey and Danny arrive at the scene trying to convince him to put the gun down. Tess arrives in time, and explains to Kyle that he cannot shoot Charlie. because he is her son. Kyle is flabbergasted, and turns out all this time Charlie is Jo's half-brother and the cousin to Danny.

"You can't hurt him, he's my son!" Tess informs Kyle before shooting Charlie.


Charlie points the knife at Tess, then at Jo. His mind is haywire. Tess is his biological mother, and how can this be? Jo is disgusted she made out with her brother but all in all, this is not the time to think about that.

Charlie having not knowing what to do points the knife to his throat while still hand locking Jo.

"Charlie! No! We can talk this out." Danny informs Charlie.

"I am so confused!" still pointing the knife to his throat.

That was Kyle."Charlie its all right, I'm putting my gun down. (puts his gun down) Give me the knife, and we can sort this out." Gives out his hand to retrieve the knife In Charlie's.

Charlie stabs himself.

Everyone shouts,"NO DON'T!"

Charlie pulled the trigger and went down, he goes down along with Jo. Jo undos her self and runs to her Mother's arms. Jo cries in despair as Kyle checks for a pulse on Charlie. Lacey rubs Jo's back in comfort as she hugs Jo. Danny heads to Charlie to see if he is alive. Kyle tries to look for a pulse. his pupils are not dilated. Charlie is alive but needs medical attention immediately.

Kyle calls for back up. Danny, Lacey, Jo and Tess exit.



Kyle and Tess decided not to send Jo to school today. Friday was exam day but she can make it up on Monday. They want time to think and explain to Jo everything Tess has kept over the last few years. Secrets were spilled, and Tess has to let the cat out of the bag.

Jo sleeps in her bed with a pillow to her chest with comfort. The room is quiet and the sound of footsteps coming from the outside of her room awakens her. She slowly opens her eyes and looks around. She is comforted she is home but the incident last night is running in flashbacks, and how well her Mother gave out Charlie is her half-brother.

Tess enters.

Jo sits up in bed and her Mother brings in eggs, toast and orange juice on a little table for breakfast in bed. Jo takes it and puts it aside. Having no appetite, she wants to confess her Mother.

"Hey Sweetie. How are you feeling?" Tess said in a quiet tone. Jo gives her a look that wasn't the right thing to say having to wake up she was almost killed and surprised she came out alive.

"Mom, we need to talk about this. And I don't want excuses that I am too young to understand. I am not that scared little girl I was last night. How could you do this to me? (Her voice is rising in anger) You kept secrets from your own daughter, first i have a sister then i have a brother, what more are you hiding?" she bursts out.

Tess knew she had every right to be angry but having to keep secrets from not only her own daughter but her husband Kyle too. Vikram had done so much for her, this was the way to repay him, and how he repaid her. There were so many secrets she kept from everyone, including his wife Karen. It's time her and Jo have a talk.

"I was trying to protect you, your dad, and everyone. Vikram did a favor for me and i had to find a way to repay him. If you were in my footsteps you understand." Tess informs.

"Vikram is gone now, and the secrets are buried in his grave. I worked my ass off trying to clear Danny's name. And what in Pete's sakes did Vikram had anything to do with Regina's murder. I'm in on this too, the whole town is. Secrets are tearing up apart." Said Jo.

Tess clearing her thoughts is now ready to spill the beans." Before you were born, I had another baby.



"I was at bar, and I hooked up with a man, and it was only a one-night stand. Your Father and I had broken up for a brief while, and the only way to relieve the pain is if I have a few drinks and figure how to move on.

After I hooked up, a few days later my period was late and that's when I knew I was pregnant. Your dad and I got back together already, but i didn't want him to know that I wasn't carrying his child.

That's when I turned to Vikram for help, I wanted to get an abortion but my mind has changed. Vikram talked me into giving up the baby for adoption, and we went along with that. I hid the pregnancy for nine months from your dad.

On the night the baby was going to be born, I kept having contractions every ten minutes. We couldn't go to hospital because the word would get back to your Dad.

I delivered her naturally, and the pain was so unbearable. Vikram told me i delivered a beautiful baby girl. I only saw her once. But I never got a glimpse of her face. She was wrapped in a baby blanket, and was taken away by one of his friends to the CPS. (Child Protective Services) She was born in a barn, and everything was fine after that.

"When your Father found I had the information on Vikram, I told him he did everything for me. Thats how he found out about the baby. I never knew where she went because Vikram and I agreed never to talk about it.


Flashback Over

"Karen and I were going through his stuff, and i found the papers on the baby. I tracked her down and I peeked through the window and I wanted to knock on the door and say hello just once. But it turns out, it wasn't her. Her Mother gave me pictures, but then I saw a baby bracelet on one of her photos. I tracked the mom down and i told her she was born in a barn.

The man I tracked down whom works with CPS, Vikram never delivered a baby girl, turns out it was a boy. The boy was adopted by Tara. I had nothing to do with Vikram murdering Tara. That's how I found Charlie is my son."

"This is quite a twisted mix up, Mom, if Charlie is Tara's adoptive Mother, then I wonder why did Vikram murder Tara!?" said Jo.

"We'll go visit Charlie later, just try to relax and we'll get through this." Tess gets up and exits her room leaving a confused and conflicted Jo behind.


School bell rings.

Lacey walks into biology and sits down next to Rico whom has no idea what happened the other night while he out with Andie. Rico goes over the study guide, his phone vibrates, a text from Andie. Telling him to meet her by their favorite table at shuts off his phone and goes back to study. Rico looks up and greets Lacey.

"Hey Lacey, where's Jo? This morning i couldn't find her during study hall." said Rico.

"She's staying home from school, I'll tell you everything." informs Lacey.

Rico gives her a confused look."Why? What happened?"

"Its a long -she hesitates- story, I'll tell you at lunch." Class begins and everyone takes out a pencil to start the test.


Karen enters.

She pours herself a cup of coffee while watching the news in her kitchen. The weather is 85ยบ, a rapid fire caught on tape at a local group home. Things couldn't much worse. Suddenly, the news turns to about Vikram, Karen hesitates for a moment to turn the T'V. off but this news is nothing she heard before.

"That's right Jeff, we got another nation report that the body of Vikram Desai has been moved, and DNA is found but from my reports it remains anonymous who this person is. We will have more news coming up after the break."

Karen changes the channel.

Jack enters.

"Good Morning, you sure have natural glow." said jack teasing Karen.

"Oh please, my hair is a mess, I don't have makeup on and i haven't even brushed my teeth. You want to smell morning breath." Karen laughs while sipping her coffee.

"I'll take morning breath any day. Anyways, I have to go to an appointment before i pick up Whitney from school. You need anything while I'm gone?

"No thanks, I think I got everything. besides i have much to do today."

"You need a ride? Its no problem."

"No, I have to run some errands, you go on, I'll catch up." she gives him a warm smile.

She wondered if Jack saw the news before she changed it but she kept her best face not to show it besides Vikram was found in his car dead, as she recalls what stories she has heard from Danny, but believes the body was moved from someone. Some news can be making it up sometimes but all in all the secrets are buried in his grave. If only she could go back in time, confess Vikram, and act like it never happened. What with Danny went through, she feels like she might jump off a cliff.

Jack exits. Karen goes upstairs to shower.


Cut to the scene at school. Lacey finishes her incident story, and Rico is in complete shock.

"I can't imagine what went through his head but Charlie is the son to Jo's mom?" asked Rico.

"Yeah, that's all I know in the matter and Mrs. Masterson is currently trying to work things out with Jo."

"What about Danny, whats going on between you guys?"

We sort of had a fight, all he kept think talking and thinking about was Jo. I told him "it's always been Jo". Danny and I are currently not talking, there are some many secrets Vikram has in stock in the afterlife wherever he is."

That was Danny. "You mean having a discussion in hell. Whats up Rico?" said Danny sitting down next to Lacey and across from Rico.

Andie shows up and kisses Rico on the lips. Rico is in shock and a strike of jealousy hits his heart. Even though he is dating Andie, he never got over the whole Jo thing. She was his first crush and wanted so badly for her to date him, he even admitted they be perfect for each other but Jo's feelings aren't exactly the same as he hoped for but was breaking his heart every time. Rico made a special note to visit Jo after school. Even though he has been busy with Andie, he felt like he threw away a special bond they shared when they needed comfort to talk to. he blew it, and he completely ignored Jo.

"Nothing much, just enjoying lunch with my best friends and my girlfriend." said Rico.

"Hows the couple getting along, her parents don't hate you yet?" asks Danny with a grin.

"They love him, but it'll take time for them to know how happy he makes me." said Andie while placing a kiss on his cheek.

"So Rico, i was thinking you come with after school to see Jo to deliver her homework." Danny motions while trying to tell Rico they really need to see Jo, and hows she's handling this incident.

"Yeah, I have her homework in my bag, i need to discuss this weekend's project with her."

"But you already have plans with me today." said Andie.

"I know, but I need to discuss things with Jo. Its a friend thing." hesitates Rico.

"Can't you do it another time, my parents are going out of town this weekend, and we get the whole house to ourselves, we can watch a movie, eat dinner and some dessert." she giggles in exaggeration.

'Let us talk later on this shall we?"


Cut to the police station. Karen enters.


Karen walks towards to Chief Masterson's office. Chief Masterson sits on his desk going over cases. He looks up and sees Karen enter his office. he closes the window, clears his throat and greets Karen for having not seeing her for a good while.

"Karen, nice to see you. Been awhile." Chief Masterson greets while shaking her hand.

"Hey Kyle, I'm just running around town doing errands. I just wanted to stop by and I wanted you to see this file I found on Vikram."

She takes the file from her bag and hands it to Kyle. Kyle opens the file and finds records of the child of Tess.

"Someone was working with Vikram after Tess gave birth to her little girl. I found it in the back of an old cupboard in his workspace. Someone who was working with him that night could of moved his body. "

'This is highly classified evidence, and we got DNA back from the investigators yesterday this morning but so far its identified anonymous, I will inform you. Thank you Karen." said Kyle.


Rico, Danny and Lacey walk home from school to Jo's house. Jo wouldn't be much in the mood for visitors but she needs friends to support her. After ll, after what happened changes everything and Rico is a little disgusted Jo made out with her brother. But she didn't know, he was a complete stranger in town after getting out Juvie after Danny. In other countries as he read in books from the library, in other countries siblings do fall in love and eventually get married but Jo's case is not the issue, there are many secrets hidden between the master sons, Regina's parents, and the Desai's.

Danny rings the doorbell and Jo opens to find her friends seeing her.

"Hey, can we come in? asked Danny.

"Sure come on in." She greets everyone in.

"Jo, is everything all right. How's Charlie?" asked Lacey while the group sits on the couch drinking water.

"He's fine!" she remarks. "He just got out surgery a few hours ago, he'll be fine." She looks away.

""Jo? Please we are in on this, and if I had a time machine, I wish i could of told the cops my dad killed my Aunt Tara. None of this would be happening, its my fault everything went downhill because of me." said Danny while sitting up with his hands in his pocket.

"The past is the past, there is nothing we can do about that. My mom told me everything, but there's still one clue we are missing on this case." said Jo.

"Whats that?" asks Rico.

"Charlie may have the key to Regina's murder and how Vikram became involved. I plan to confront him after he recovers. My Dad set up a liar-detector test at the station. Charlie is the key to solving this case."

They node. Regina's case could be solved, or is it.


Charlie came out of surgery, he lays on his hospital bed recovering from his stabbed wound. The nurse checks his blood pressure, his IV, and the wires connecting to the heart transmitter to keep is heart gong. Even though they saved him, he still needs the transmitter on to monitor every sound going on. Charlie knows a lot more to Regina's case, and the incident with moving Vikram's body.

The nurse leaves the room to go put the results. Jack enters. He sneaks in to Charlie's room and locks the door with the desk.

he looks over at Charlie, his plan will not go on down. He looks over a sleeping Charlie. Charlie wakes up, sees Jack, he tries to say something but Jack cuts him off.

"My plan will not go down hill. If you tell them what we did. I will end your life right here or later. Understand?"

He nodds.

"Good! Now remember this is only temporary till I get the money and get rid of the Desai's. Now you go on and recover, and remember our plan."

He walks out of the room.

Charlie lays there motionless. He's not part of the plan anymore. Ever since he moved the body, all he wanted was Danny's life and be together with Jo. But on his mind, he wants to depart of a family he never had while his adoptive mother Tara was alive. He went through rougher times after Tara died. If there's anything he can do for Jo, he will do it. He may be her half-brother but he wants to start over and be a part of them.

But first he needs to recover and start reconciling his relationship with his birth mom, and Jo.

(A/N So how was that, this is the first episode. I had a lot of fun writing this, and I got so many more episodes to write. Even though Charlie was part of the plan with Jack, his heart has changed and wants to be part of the family with Jo, and his birth mom. There are many things to handle and how will Jo react to the news after he recovers. There are many questions to be answered. I hope you enjoyed reading, and see you next episode. Leave me reviews.)