Dance For You

Chapter 1

I own nothing but my OCs! I know it's been a while since I've updated Unthinkable, but this idea popped into my head watching Burlesque and listening to 'Dance For you' by Beyonce. I might just make it a one-shot, maybe multiple chapters. I don't know yet. But this is another Jax Interracial Story for the heads up! Anyways, Here you go!

It was just another night in the 'Prancing Vixen'. Men and very little woman filing into to watch the dancers strut their stuff. Girls walking around taking drink orders for the guests.

Jax and a few members enter the medium sized club. His bright blue eyes scan the floor for a good ttable. All he wants is to sit and enjoy a beer along with a good tease. It had been a long day for the Sons, which brought him to the place of sin.

The group of 5 sat down at one of the long tables.

A petite fair skinned girl walked up to their table with a note pad ready. Her dark hair rested on her shoulders and a face covered in make up. "Welcome to the Prancing Vixen, What can I get you gentlemen." She asks.

"Whatever beer you have on tap." Jax answers for the group.

"Alright, that'll be right up." She said, before walking away from the table.

Backstage, in one of the vanity stations, sat a girl with her hair still untouched and her body covered in a satin kimono with 'BabyGirl' on the back. Her hazel/green eyes focused inside of a medium sized psychology book with a notebook beside it where she wrote her notes.

"Christina, you're still not dressed? We go on in less than 5 minutes." A woman of hispanic descent said applying her red lipstick.

"I'm almost done with my psychology homework." She answers, jotting a few notes down.

"Just do it later. You know Bernie is gonna walk in here, and see you not dressed. Then he's gonna threaten to fire you, and you end up putting it away for a little bit.

Christina chuckles then gives a sigh. "I won't have time to do it later, Marie. When I get home, I'm gonna have to study for my Calculus midterm before I attempt to go to sleep."

"It's almost showtime girls! We have some special guests tonight in the audience. The Sons have graced us with an appearance and I want you girls to give it your all tonight. Show the men a great time."

"So give them V.I.P treatment, Bernie?" Camryn, one the dancers, questions.

Bernie nods. "Yes, Miss Camryn." He answers. His eyes stop on one of the girls, and a frown appears. He makes his way over towards the studying Christina. "So that means no homework or studying, Baby girl." He closes her text book.

Christina looks up at the mid-aged man. "Bernie, I have to get this homework done or I won't have time to study for my exam tomorrow. "

"That's not my problem, Christina. You're at work, which means no studying."


"If you want to keep your job, I suggest you give up the textbook and we both know, you need this job." He said, with a smirk.

Christina rolls her eyes, and closes the book. She hands him the heavy textbook, and turns back towards her mirror.

"Anyways, Give a good show girls." With that Bernie leaves the room.

"Told you." Marie said.

"Whatever, I just can't wait until I get my degree so I can leave." Christina said, applying her make up.

"Like that's ever gonna happen."

Christina's body cringes at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Yo, back off Kiara." Marie threatens.

"Or what? You're gonna cuss me out in Spanish? We all know that Christina is gonna be stuck working here and her 10 other jobs. Face it, you might not even get your degree with your personal life. History might repeat itself."

Christina quickly gets up to be blocked by Marie.

"She's not even worth it," Marie said, holding back the young woman.

Kiara lets out a chuckle then walks away from the two.

"One of these days, I'm just gonna do it." Christina said, slowly sitting down in her seat.

Marie lets out a chuckle. "Any place but here, I'm down for you to kick her ass but not here. I don't want you to lose your job." She said.

Christina sighs and continues to get ready for the performance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Prancing Vixen. I'm your MC, Jordan and I'm proud to introduce you the vixens themselves. So sit back and relax, and enjoy the show."

Darkness took over, and the curtains open. The spotlight flashed on a brown-skinned beauty. Her hazel/green eyes being flashed with the bright light. She looked as if she could possibly be in her early to mid twenties.

Immediately Jax's eyes were drawn to the beauty.

"Underneath the city lights, There is a world few know about. Where rules dont apply, no and you cant keep a good girl down." The young woman sang.

The sound of the young woman's voice sent a tingle down his spine. A beautiful girl with a strong voice. Through out the number, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

The song fades out, while another fades in.

"I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you, yes. Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you, yes" The beauty sang, as she walked through the crowd. She was walking in Jax's direction as the other dancers spread out. She stops in front of Jax, and puts out her hand.

Jax glances at it, then grabs it. He looks at the petite woman, and the curves her body with the lingerie that covered her body. He's guided to a chair, and sits. He sat there and watched as her body moved with the beat. He was fighting everything in his body to contain himself. A beautiful woman with a beautiful body to match.

Tonight I'm gonna dance for you, oh-oh

Tonight I'm gonna dance for you, oh-oh

Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body

Boy I like it when you watch me, ah

Tonight it's going down

The beauty slowly sits on Jax's lap with her hips moving in a circular motion.

I'll be rocking on my babe, rocking, rocking on my babe,

Swirlin' on my babe, swirlin', swirlin' on my babe

Baby let me put my body on your body

Promise not to tell nobody

'Cause it's 'bout to go down!

Jax just wants to tackle her to the ground and give her the time of her life. She turns and faces him. She runs her fingers through Jax's hair as she looked into his eyes with a smirk. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. She grabbed his hands, and placed them on her but.

When the song finally ended, the two sat there. Jax has yet to let go of her firm ass. Chest to chest with full eye contact, seducing each other with their looks.

She finally pulled his hands off of her, and got up to leave the stage. Leaving him in the middle of the stage with a hard one.

"Baby girl, what was that?" Kiara asks.

"Dancing? Are you blind?" Christina answers, as she fixes her hair in the mirror.

"He wasn't suppose to touch you, and you weren't suppose to touch him like that."

Christina rolls her eyes. "Whatever, he's satisfied."

"Babygirl." Bernie called.

The sound of his voice causes everyone to stop what they're doing.

"Yes, Bernie?" Christina said, turning around to face her boss.

"What was that?"

"I did exactly what you told me to do. Give him the V.I.P treatment, which he looks very satisfied about." She said.

Bernie stares at the young girl for a while. "It was one of your best performances to date. Good job." He said, before leaving backstage.

The night ended, and the club was closed. The back door to the place opens, and there was Christina. She had a pair of sweatpants and tank top with a bun on her head. A backpack on her back and a set of car keys in her hand.

"Hey." A voice calls.

Christina turns to see the blue-eyed biker walking her way. "Not interested." She said, walking towards her car.

"You're not gonna hear what I have to say?" He asks.

"Nope, I have to get home. I'm also gonna looks past the boner that you got in the middle of the dance." She said, stopping at a caravan. She opened the side door, and placed her bag onto a pink car seat.

"At least give me a chance." He said, stopping at her car.

She looks up at him, and closes the side door. "I don't have time to date nor am I looking to date. So thanks but no thanks." She said, before climbing into the van.

Jax stood there, and watched as she drove away. He gave a small smirk, "She's gonna be a challenge." He thought to himself.