The Fault in Our Stars

Chapter Four.

It was freezing in Gondor, no sun was shining and the clouds made the entire city glow silver on this clouded day. It had been raining for the past two days, most of Gondor residents had bordered up their windows expecting the worst of the weather still to come.

Kili still waited by Tauriel's side, her fever had broken. But she still had not regained consciousness or any colour back into her beautiful features. She just remained sleeping, almost as still as a statue. Kili had barely left the room, only leaving to relieve himself and when the healers were about to force him to bath. Apparently he still smelt of Troll and it was offending others in the House of Healing, Kili felt bad after a while and took a long hot bath in their famed Healing waters. Which made him feel like the water had stripped him to the bare bone and possibly kill of anything offending left on his own skin.

He was not going to do that again any time soon, next time he was just going to strip naked and run down the streets of Gondor while it was pouring to cleanse himself, least then he wouldn't have the faint smell of sulphur on his skin.

He may be arrested for public indecency, but it would be worth it.

Kili had become to be a bit irritable for the past day or two, staying in one spot for hours on end brought up aches in muscles that he had forgotten he had.

He occasionally got to harass a healer or two if they were game enough to come in. He hadn't meant to be such ill-mannered but his cheekiness had become sourer and he had come quite the bastard to deal with.

A under lying trait from his uncle perhaps?

Kili out of his boredom had braided Tauriel's hair over and over again, he noted she has had it cut. Which he was a bit displeased with. It was a bit safer for sure, not being able to get it tangled or caught on things like she had done many times on their adventures.

His thoughts lingered to their daughter who was still locked away from him. Would she have hair like her mother's? A mess of colours that would even make fire jealous or would she have hair like him? Course and curly and as dark as his?

Anger rose up in the back of his mentality, he wanted to see his daughter so badly he could scream and probably punch thing. He needed to see her, to see that she actually exists and is a living breathing person just to prove that he has a daughter that was his and his alone.

The only thing that had made him miss Erebor was the Raven that had come nearly every day with letters from Fili, Sigrid and Thorin… None from his mother, which he thought may be a little bit odd. But then again, as Fili put it in one of his letters that he had announced to their mother that he was to wed Sigrid…. Kili presumed that his mother either died of shock horror or she was hiding herself away in mourning that her sons would produce a full bodied dwarf line to carry on the line.

Thorin had written something a little strange involving Dis, he was to move her quarters from the Royal part of their home to the much less desired upper class dwellings which was a fair bit of a walk from the Royal family households.

Kili had a feeling that his mother may not have taken kindly to the news that Tauriel had been found and then to be discovered with the current fourth in line for the throne their daughter Rose. But he had no idea why his mother may be angered by this? He thought she might be a bit disheartened by the fact her grandchild was part elf but not enough to move her to the other side of Erebor.

Surely family came before blood?

Then something astounding happened while Kili was not paying attention, he was too busy watch the clumsy butcher's boy out the window. Now that boy was a walking disaster, could not even catch a little chicken the other day. Kili laughed to himself at the memory of watching the boy run around the street below trying to catch one simple brown chicken.

"Kili?" Someone said his name.

He turned around to see the same blue eyes he fell in love with. She had awoken, Kili rushed to her bedside. Colour had returned to her face and she looked just as beautiful as he remembered. Tauriel and him just were there smiling so much he was sure his smile was never going away.

Tauriel weakly moved over in her bed to be closer to him, she reached out and pulled that stupid stubborn dwarf into a much needed embrace. The familiar scent of Kili, brought tears to her eyes Tauriel was beyond happiness when the familiar scent of him surrounded her. She had thought nothing but this moment since the moment she left him.

Kili too was crying, he was blubbering like a fool that she was awake. His own heart swelled when she pulled him into her. By the gods did he miss this, he buried his head into the crook of her neck and just breathed deeply. He missed the smell of Jasmine that she had, it was a sedative to him calming any bad thought he had within the past week he had been waiting for her to wake up.

Both breathed in deeply taking in this moment, a moment that was a beautiful reunion between them. Nothing was said, but they both needed not say a word. They had both dearly missed each other and joy had overwhelmed them into silence.

"I thought I had lost you" Kili whispered into her ear as he gently embraced her tighter just to reaffirm that she was there and this was reality and not a part of some cruel dream.

"Never, I could never truly leave you Kili. We made a promise, remember? I will always return to you" Tauriel said as she allowed Kili's embrace to bring her further heartfelt enjoyment and again further proof that this was not a mean trick of her dreams.

"When I first arrived, you were so sick. I thought… I thought I had lost you all over again" Kili sat back up in the chair and looked at with such proudness that she had fought her sickness and come back to him.

"Never" Tauriel reached out and grabbed Kili's hand "We will die old together now, we will grow old and grey and surrounded by our family" She smiled at him as she gently wiped a tear that was falling down his face with her finger. It was an extremely tender moment, it caused Kili so let out an involuntary sob.

"We shall grow old together, I will love you until the end of time and beyond" He said as he barely managed to gather his normal disposition back and kissed her hand in sheer adoration for her.

A few hours later once Kili had helped Tauriel take a bath in the horrid baths again, which he was very glad to help her with as she too was hating the sulphur in the water and that he got to admire her lean beautiful body.

Though a lot thinner, she was still as beautiful as the first day he saw her. He already had a plan though that once they had returned back to Erebor he would easily be able to fatten her up a bit to gain her usual proportions back

Then as he helped her getting dressed back in her room he heard a noise he had never heard of before.

A baby cooed just outside the door. Tauriel knew that was Rose, so she quickly faced Kili who had frozen in place.

"Kili, sit down. I'll bring her to you"

Kili just nodded and sat down on the more plushed chair in the corner, he watched as Tauriel seemed to not even touch the ground but glide over to her daughter and take her in her arms.

Tauriel was extremely happy that she had her child back, she had grown just a little since she last saw her. Still as gorgeous and beautiful as she remembered. She looked to see Kili staring at them in utter disbelief.

She smiled and walked over to him carefully carrying Rose who was all cuddled up in a white linin blanket. She gently gave Rose over to Kili carefully watching him just in case he did not know how to hold her.

But to her sheer surprise he was a natural, he had such a large smiled on his face as he began to cry again. Tauriel brought her hand to her mouth in a way to stop herself gasp in happiness as the moment for Kili to hold Rose for the first time was something beyond words

"What do you think of our daughter Kili?" Tauriel asked him.

Kili was overrun with all sorts of emotions, then he said something Tauriel would never let him forget.

Kili smiled to himself and tried to withstand laughing at his own hilariousness

"She looks like.." Kili paused for a moment "She looks like a carrot"

Completely caught off guard by his humour, Tauriel smacked him on the back of the head.

"Ow! I was kidding! She is… absolutely perfect in every way of course!"

I must admit, I did not thoroughly proof read this. Hope you all like it, I know its a bit mushy and short! But further drama will unfold soon! (Dun Dun Dun)