Hi folks, here SHIELD PRODUCTIONS, and i am with another small writing project. In Spanish and English, such as "after credits scene".

This is an idea of small series, that as the main theme, a bridge between the stories of MARVEL and the new animated version of BH6. This is because, since a few months ago, I started to follow some guys on the internet, who narrate and outline in a very good way; Comics. I fell in love with their chanels and I must say, I'm glad to see how what was once considered "very nerd" is now part of pop culture, fashion, best view, ever, THANKS MCU and C. Nolan (just you man, cuz, is was your thing).

Now, what is this "bridge" between the stories of MARVEL and BH6? Well, it turns out that MARVEL always throws awesomes crossover sagas, which tend to have references and relationships with the "solitary" numbers of their superheroes. Some are great, others are acceptable, and others definitely do not matter much (this may be the second or thirth option HEHEH). The point is, that with this, i pretend to show the roots of this beautiful Team known as BH6. . . WHY? you know, because. . . .MARVEL (&#$#&)!

And now this will link this small fanatical history. . .well, because as BH6 appeared just a few months ago in theaters, we should link it with one of the most recent crossover MARVEL events: Axsis (which we will play further in the process of this little fic, if posible, at less the firts part of that saga). So please enjoy, and have an open mind, view this as. . .panel by panel of a comic.


BH6xAXIS 1 #


Act One: World War Hate


Darkness, everything starts with complete darkness. In this hole of dark, there was a lying and trapped person, in the cold and deep nothing was; Hiro Hamada, the heroic leader of the group known as Big Hero 6. But he was fighting, fighting against big head discomforts and a incessant sensation of burning, invading his right hand. The young man was unconscious, but still, uncomfortable in dreams. So then, some mysterious voices began to speak.

-How is him?-

-He'll be fine, there is no severe wounds or dangerous complications, that endanger his life-

A sheet was placed on him by two delicate hands, in order to cover the young super her,o from the refreshing but still cold atmosphere of the room.

-You rest, my friend- said one of the mysterious voices

The two figures who stood by him, and took care of him, left the room and immediately start walking through a large corridor that connected to other rooms. While they were walking, the problem at hand was discussed analytically. Both of them had a lot on their shoulders, and reduced options of any plan of action.

One recommended go out there and do their best to not let any one, absolutely any one in the city, to annihilate each other.

However, the second figure replied with a simple and easy; "No".

He then explained why -The Odds are not on our side. So an act of us will not be seen quickly. More time to figure out, what is causing this pandemic of aggressiveness outside, is required. Exit now will only provoke another team member, to fall, today-

So one of them approached to the wall. A "click" sounded and the lights were turn on.

From the dark, three other members of BH6 were discover. These were Gogo, Honey and Wasabi, resting on beds. The three covered in medical bandages, and some parts of their bodies were hurt, but nothing serious or of big gravity. They had been lucky.

Fred and Baymax, were the two figures that were hidden under the lack of light moments ago. Now, they seemed to be extremely concerned by their fellow heroes, or at least, that was more noticeable in Fred face.

And to think that, everything seemed to be normal that day.

(. . . .SOME HOURS AGO. . .)

Several hours ago. The day began as usual for the five university students. The sun came out, the city woke up, the birds sang their songs, and it was another day to give thanks for all the good in the world. Each of the heroes had a good morning start in their own homes with their own families. Nothing was early to be concider a problem, so nothing they could have think, of what that day prepared for them.

With out problems or disturbances, everyone said their goodbye and then went to school on their own.

(. . .out. . .)

Out, was paceful. But the calm, the tranquility, and monotony, all of those things Changed on the way to college "SFTI".

It came as a great shock notice.

What was the matter? What happened, was that a large crowd of protesters came out of nowhere.

Individually, the five young heroes were taken by surprise in half of their personal journeys, without armor, equipment or understanding of what was happening to that people at the time.

-what is happening?- were the exact words of the five heros

The events not only managed to attract the attention of young heroes, but the attention of the media in San Fran-Sokio. The Helicopters of traffic, were reporting in the top of the sky, the great and sudden mobilization of citizens. This because the event was taking great forcé by minute. The movement manage to expand into a large and wide radius of miles around the city center.

(. . .Else where. . .)

Aunt Cass inclusive, was also catching up, thanks to the news on the TV screen that was available for customers at the Café.

"Now with Amanda Jones, who is present at the scene, to inform us about this event from the helicopter number five. Amanda?"

"Hi, Amanda here at the scene. And this is it San Fran-Sokio, the new of the day is what you can now see on your screens"

Images were show, of the large crowds, taking over all the roads of the city center.

"People keep marching as you can see on the screens, and it seems that even more people still coming and joining this movement. We have no idea"why?" of This. Because whenever someone tries to ask the reasons of the marching, the response of the protesters are always threatening to those who ask and are not part of the movement. But what we do know is that while the time still runing, people keep joining. They all are ending up, marching together with their neighbors, family, friends and countrymen.. . and look, even more people seem to be coming to the mobilization!"

By that moment, the five young héroes, were also catching up through their cell phones with the current event that was taking place in the city center.

"My theory, my friends, is that this manifestation may be due the recent information leakage and intervention against the private industry of many companies, by Super and Meta individuals all around the globe. If, we all remember what happened just four months ago."

The transmission had to stop abruptly. A brick was thrown to the helicopter. Taking all the crew on it, like the viewers, by surprise. But as soon as that event occurred, the reporter and his team immediately worket out the fear, of the sudden attack.

"Heavens, I can not believe someone down there we just throw a brick, and...! AAH!"

The helicopter was hit again, this time with piles of trash and aluminum cans. Continuously.

"Let'S Go!"

Unable to believe what their eyes had seen in their electronics.

The Heroes soon realized that not only chaos was unfolding in the downtown area.

In their respective locations, protesters began to be more aggressive, interestingly, against each other.

Hiro Hamada turned off the television broadcast of his cell, to better immediately contact his team with a text massage.

The other four members of the super team received his message instantly. Then the four nodded in agrement.

-you got it friend- said Wasabi

-Lets go- Honey nodded

-Time to act- said Gogo

-WOOUHOO!- Fred raised his fist in celebration -Hero time-

So, everyone decided to turn back to their respective homes, but not before answering their leader and friend; Hiro. That his message had been received, and everyone was willing to enlist them self for action.

-Well!- said the young boy -¡Lets go!-

He ran. But as soon Hiro turned to go back home. The brain of the young hero was the victim of a terrible, terrible pain that invaded his head. But he was not alone, cuz, just like him, his teammates felt the same terrible pain as well. They five, alone on their own road home, screamed in pain.

(Continued in, BH6-AXIS # 2...)

So, this was BH6-Axis Tie in. . . . Sorta. . . . like i sayed, some are a Side storys. Well, just to get thing clear. The events before this, like you can recall, from the chick on the News, WELL. . . . . .The Watcher was killed, and his seacrets, were exposed to the heros. Later on, i will tell you whats going on out side San Fran-Sokio. cuz, BH6 here will be more on their own, with the problema at hand. so, see ya´ll