Hey :). Welcome to Promises! Weird title I know... But once you read the story you'll understand. Not even sure how long this story will be or how it's gonna end but I hope it will succeed in being AWESOME. Because I'm awesome and you're awesome too! If you ever doubt that just remember YOU ARE AWESOME. Even if you hate this story because everyone has an opinion.

Okay sorry I may be rambling but I needed to let that out. So here it goes... I own nothing :)

Beautiful brown eyes fled open when the alarm went off, interrupting Ally's peaceful sleep. The brunette lazily leaned down and shut the annoying alarm clock up. Seriously, it seemed like it was going to explode. Alright, I'm up! she sat up properly With a rub of her eyes and a long, tired yawn. Sleepily unlocking her phone (of coarse having to squint her eyes because she didn't have her glasses on), it read 6:30.

This would give her plenty of time to get ready. There was no need to worry about taking a shower because she had done that last night. But that didn't mean her hair would cooperate. No matter what, she would always wake up with bedhead. That probably will never change.

Walking into the hall with a slanted back, Ally made her way into the bathroom. Putting her hand on the bathroom door, it wouldn't open. Ally tried opening it forcefully. Stopping to think, she realized exactly what was going on.

"Alright, Patrick! Let me in!" she called her little brother through the door. Patrick was Ally's 7-year-old brother. In her opinion, he was a spoiled little brat that got everything he wanted. But if she were to tell her parents, they would be right on her throat about it. According to them, he was a perfect angel.

"No!" he argued. Ally leaned on the door, her eyes filled with annoyance more than anger.

"Mom! Pat-" before she could finish, her little brother came flashing out of the bathroom into his room. Ally nodded, clearly satisfied. Works every time, she thought grimly as she opened the door leading into the bathroom.

Ally looked in the mirror. "Unwanted" and "Useless nerd" were the words she was use to. Frowning, she looked away from the mirror, not even wanting to look at herself. She knew it was true, all of it. She couldn't escape the truth. If everyone else said it, it must be true. Ally let out a sigh.

Looking back up at the mirror, she tried to gain more confidence. Come on Ally, you're beautiful no matter what anyone says. It doesn't matter, it's their loss, she tried to convince herself. But it didn't stick.

Finally getting the courage to put on makeup, Ally only added a little blush and maskara; that was it. Unlike other girls at her school who covered themselves in makeup. But that wasn't her. Now time for her hair.

Ally braced herself for the pain to come as she put the brush to her hair. Swallowing, she started to brush it. She let out sharp squeaks of pain and "ows" in between. Ally was about ready to cry when she finished. But was interrupted by her mothers voice.

"Ally, Patrick, breakfast is ready!" she heard her call. Patrick raced down the stairs while Ally quickly went into her room to grab her glasses and put them on. It felt good to see. Ally made her way down the stairs. She could now smell her moms famous pancakes and dads delicious bacon.

Ally went into the kitchen. She saw Patrick stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Uh, make sure you swallow," she reminded him, amusement in her eyes. As much as Ally hated her brother, she still loved him no matter what. And she knew the house wouldn't be the same without that kid around.

This was a normal morning for Ally. Her parents making dinner, Patrick eating like crazy, and Ally not eating much but just enough to keep her going.

"Ally, sweetheart, you should really eat more. It's not healthy for you to go on like this," her mom scolded gently.

"Mom, it's enough to keep me alive. At least I eat," look at Patrick, he eats way to much, she added to herself silently.

"I know, but I just worry about you," she gave her daughter a stroke on the hair. "Just eat something, will you?"


Once Ally arrived at school, she spotted her best- and only- friend Trish. The brunette padded happily to her Latino friend. She had missed her over the long weekend which felt like forever for two best friends not being able to see each other.

"Hi Trish," she greeted with a wave of her hand.

"Hey Ally-gator, how was your weekend?"

"It was fine, nothing really went on. What about you?" Trish shook her head.

"Nothing either," she announced. There was now a silence between the two of them. Ally awkwardly made her way to her locker and got her math book; hugging it close to her chest. "Oh I forgot to tell you," Trish broke the silence. "Did you hear about the new boy?"

Ally shivered. Not because of the cold, but the thought. Oh no, one more person to pick on me. Call me a nerd and tell me how horrible I look. One more person to make me feel more weak then I already am.

"N-new boy?" she echoed.

"Yeah, his name is Austin. I heard he's really cute," Trish informed her. Ally nodded. Austin, she studied the name silently. Another shiver ran through her spine. But this one was different. It was like a spark of electricity. Ally tried to shake the thought off but she couldn't. She the urge to get to know this boy.

Oh, snap out of it Ally! He probably doesn't want anything to do with you, she thought helplessly. You don't even know him. Ally gave her friend a small nod of goodbye when she heard the bell ring. She shook her head. Why was she feeling this way?

Ally made her way to Math class, trying to force the feeling out, but it stuck. She took her seat. This is where she belonged- in school. Not with anyone else. Boys were the last thing on her mind.

But today, well... that's a different story because what Ally saw was a sight she could never get out of her mind.

A blond boy had just entered the math room with a not-to-convincing smile. Ally guessed he didn't like school by his smile. She wondered what a real smile from that boy would look like. But got the girls drooling over him; trying with all there mite not to jump out of there chairs and meet this boy.

"Austin Moon, is it?" the teacher confirmed. That's Austin? Woah, Trish was right, he is cute. The blond nodded politely.

"Yes mam," he said. Ally stared in surprise. By the looks of Austin, she assumed he was the "bad boy" type. But hearing his kind voice melted her heart like snowman when the snow-days were over. Even the teacher looked surprised by his politeness.

"Okay, take a seat next to Ally over there with the glasses. She could use some company." Ally stared in shock. He was going to sit next to her! She had not sat with anyone in a while. Ally had been in the corner of the room by herself with a seat next to hers; but no one ever sat there before. Stay calm Ally, it's just the new boy. Like anythings ever gonna happen, Ally reminded herself with a sigh.

Austin approached her and took a seat next to her. Emotions were going crazy in her stomach with their closeness. It was full of butterflies. Stop it! she made an attempt to punch her stomach but it was no use. Oh Ally Dawson, always fighting with your feelings; if you only knew how much this boy is gong to change your life.

"Hi," he whispered to her with a small smile; by the looks of it, it was a real one. Ally couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi," she whispered back. That was the first of many words she would say to him.


Ally went home with the thought of the boy still in the back of her mind. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get him off her mind. He just kept coming back like a lost puppy. She had a lot of classes with him. Austin had even had one of her electives- choir. She guessed her and Austin both had the dream of one day singing their hearts out.

She was still shocked about what happened in math class. What Austin did. What he said. What he promised. And it wasn't bad.


The teacher had stepped out for a few moments to get paperwork. Of coarse, no one did what they they were supposed to. Ally being Ally, she of coarse sat there quietly doing her work. She forced herself not to meet Austin's gaze; for some reason feeling it was on her.

She pretended she didn't notice, but it was hard not to. That's when he spoke to her.

"You're very beautiful," he said. Ally forced herself to finally met his gaze. Beautiful? She wasn't used to that.

"R-really? M-me?" she let out. He just nodded.

"You are," he tried to convince.

"That's not something I get a lot," she muttered, playing with her hair in nervousness.

"Really? What do you get?"

Ally opened her mouth to answer but was hit by a crumbled piece of paper. She assumed it was from the boys in the middle of the room that always picked on her. But this was from someone else. The handwriting was different and a girl- her name was Kira she believed- was mouthing, "Open it."

She knew it was stupid to open it, because she knew what it was going to say. Something she was used to. Loser, it read. Ally tried to pretend it didn't hurt, but it did. She wondered what she ever did to be bullied and treated so unfairly; she often wondered what it was like for someone to treat her with some respect.

"This is what I get," she answered, holding up the crumbled piece of paper that reveled the hurtful comment. Austin frowned. She assumed he had nothing to say now, but she was wrong. All he did was snatch the paper away from her and approach the girl who threw it.

What is he doing? Was he standing up to her? No one has ever done that for her except Trish.

"Did you throw this?" Austin's voice was protective and sounded nothing like the way he spoke to her. The girl looked shocked- and more than anything- happy that he was actually talking to her.

"Why would you think that?" she sounded innocent as a baby, but Austin didn't believe that smile, it was a guilty one more that anything.

"Because I saw you," he reminded her. Kira sighed.

"Okay it was me," she confessed and defended herself. "But it's only true! Don't waste your time with Ally. She is nothing. A useless nerd. Why would you wanna get to know her or even look at her?"

That stung. Ally closed her eyes trying not to cry; she wouldn't want Austin to see her cry anyway. That would be even worse. He turned to her in defense but then looked back at Kira.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I just thought-" before she could say anything else, Austin cut her off.

"I can't believe you can call this girl"- he pointed at her -"a loser. Yes, I know, I don't know her. I don't know any of you. But I can tell you this: do any of you think... maybe this girl wants some friends? Maybe I should treat her better. She may just surprise me. You can't judge a girl if you don't even know her. So next time you think about judging someone by the way they look, actually think for a moment." He finished and sat back down next to Ally.

Kira was speechless. So was everyone else. Ally gave him a grateful look.

"Thanks for standing up for me and giving me a chance. No one does that." Austin shrugged and shook his head.

"No problem."

"No, you don't understand. I'm really grateful for that."

"Hey," he comforted in a soft voice. "Me and you, we're friends now. I'm here to protect you, always. I promise."

End of Flashback

Ally continued to think about how special that made her feel; the thought of that boy that she barley even knew, would protect her; defined her.

She walked into her house with a skip in her step, for once not feeling terrible about herself. Austin had swept her off her feet; and as long as he kept that promise, they would be friends- or maybe more- forever.

What do you think? Kinda longer than what I usually do and I want it to stay that way. I've been working on that. Please review on your thoughts! I would love to hear them.