This is the end. Thank you to everyone who has supported this and I love you all! Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I own nothing. The characters belong to DreamWorks. The AU belongs to an artist called Chinto, as best I can find. I just played around and made a new plot.

Warning: This is the unhappy ending. If that doesn't float your boat then feel free to click away.

Epilogue / The Funeral

It was three days after the accident. Three days since Jack had felt his heart break into pieces so tiny that he was sure he'd never reassemble it properly. It would always have a piece or two missing that belonged solely to the slip of a boy that had unknowingly stolen them.

Jack sat on a tree branch watching Hiccup's funeral. His mind would occasionally wander back to when the search parties finally found Hiccup's body and the distraught Toothless. To the looks of horror and sadness that crossed the adult's faces as they saw the scene of the accident. Then to the blur of these last three days. And back to the somber event in front of him. Jack looked up at the sky with an almost disgusted look. It was too perfect a day for such a sad event. It was warm with a light breeze and a sky of clear, brilliant periwinkle blue. But to Jack the blue seemed cold for some reason, the sun help no warmth. He turned back to the funeral.

It was simple. The casket, flowers, and even the headstone, were all simple. Jack thought that Hiccup would have appreciated that, and that he would have also been surprised at the number of people in attendance. His father and his father's best friend, Hiccup had called him Gobber the one time Jack had seen him before. Astrid was there with Toothless on a leash. There were four other teens that were probably from Hic's school. A tall Australian man with tattoos that was apparently Hiccup's art teacher and a short woman with brightly colored feathers in her hair that had been his history teacher. Jack stopped listening to what was said after a while and instead took a while to reminisce over his own two weeks with the boy.

He actually spent so long in his memories that he missed the final part of the burial and looked up in time to see the people surrounding the grave leaving a few at a time. He watched until Astrid was alone with Toothless in front of Hiccup's grave. Jack slowly approached to stand near the two. Near enough to tell that Astrid had been crying. Toothless whined at him but Astrid just laid a hand on his head. Jack was about to turn away to give the two some privacy when Astrid's voice caught his attention.

"Jack? Are you there? I don't know how to tell if you're here or not, heck I don't even know if you're real. So… I'm going to speak as if you are." Astrid took a deep breath before continuing. "Hiccup left me a note addressed to me on his desk. Stoick gave it to me yesterday." She held up a folded letter. "It was dated the day before Hiccup died. He wrote me a letter telling me about you. If it was anyone else I would have thought it was a prank. But I know Hiccup's writing and I can tell by how he wrote this that he was completely serious. He told me about how he met you, about his mixed up feelings for you, the pendant you gave him, and what he figured out about his feelings." Astrid's other hand clenched tighter.

"He loved you. I don't know your feelings or if you can even feel. I don't know if he got to confess. But he did love you and I hope that love was returned." She looked to the sky. Tears slowly traced their way down her face. "Whatever you feel, you made him really happy in the end. I have the pendant you gave him." She held up the pendent in the hand that she had been clenching. "I'm going to leave it here, on the grave. If you did return Hiccup's love, then take it. I'm leaving on a trip for a few weeks so I'll probably never know the answer." With that Astrid laid the dragon pendent among the flowers on Hiccup's grave. She turned and led a reluctant Toothless away from the graveyard.

Jack stood still in shock. He smiled even as his eyes filled with tears. That sounded like something Hiccup would do alright. Slowly, Jack took the few steps to the fresh grave. He picked up the shining pendent and placed it around his own neck.

"I love you." he whispered gently as he gently touched the headstone. For a second a soft breeze blew on Jack's cheek. Then it disappeared along with the young, heartbroken, grim reaper.

A/N: And that is the end! Please tell me what you thought. TTFN!