AN: sorry for the long hiatus. I started work as a Kindergarten teacher back in August. The little buggers are great, but they sap all the creative energy from me. I'm going to try to get back in the flow, but make no promises.
Chapter 73: Epilogue
It's been a few years since we overthrew the Volturi. Luckily everyone seemed to take our warning to heart and were quick to pass along the message to leave us alone. Of course, it helped that part of our family became tied to the Michaelson's. After his memory was restored Stephan was quick to hunt down Rebecca. They fell back into old habits and she now lived at the Salvatore boarding house with Stephan. The two were going strong. Even when they fought it seemed more like foreplay. Mikael was still not found of them as a couple, but I think it was slowly growing on him.
Damon, not wanting to be beholden to anyone, even his best friend and brother, rebuilt the old plantation house. We lived there off and on, but really enjoyed our travels as well. We had grown into a strong family, a strong community. The wolves of La Push, now lead by Klaus came around visiting often. There were many new additions to their pack family as there seemed to be a baby boom among the imprints.
One thing we were missing out on was having children of our own. We had both said we were fine not having children, and for the most part we were, but there were moments when not having little ones of our own would make the both of us sad. When this happened we would leave to travel to different places or visit the pack children; quickly getting our feel of the screaming, pooping and feeding. Our days were filled with family and our nights with love and I wouldn't have it any other way.