Welcome to my brand new story! I've been wanting to write something like this for a while now, and I was finally like just do it already! So I did. But a couple things first, the wind is not mine, but I gave her my own character and persona. Also, the Avengers and Rise of the Guardians do not belong to me in any way shape or form. That's all :)



Jack Frost laughed as he watched children running around hucking snow at each other, squealing and laughing. He gripped his staff and made another snowball, throwing it with deadly accuracy at the unfortunate child he had targeted. The wind laughed around him, finding joy in the setting, and Jack stood up.

"Ok wind, my job here is done. Let's go home!" he called to the wind, and right on cue the wind started racing excitedly around him, taking him to Burgess. The wind guided him through different towns and cities, frost following them wherever they went. About halfway through the journey, Jack looked down and noticed something that sent chills down his spine.

"Wind, did you see that?" he asked, and the wind chilled in response. "Let's check it out." The wind lowered Jack gently to the ground and he walked up to a spot of black against the snow. Jack kneeled down and studied the mysterious substance, his face getting grim. "It's definitely nightmare sand. We need to tell the guardians of this." he said, standing back up and gripping his staff. "So soon after we got rid of Pitch as well. What the heck is he doing up and about already?" he questioned.

'Jack, nightmares!' the wind warned Jack, and Jack spun around just in time to freeze a nightmare horse and the wind blew it over to shatter it.

"We're surrounded!" Jack yelled as he watched the nightmares circle him, pawing their feet and snorting. The wind roared around him, warning them to not come any closer, but the nightmares whinnied and charged. For the next several minutes, Jack fought the monsters with the winds help, but for every one nightmare they destroyed it seemed like two took it's place.

'Something else it coming! I do not know what it is!' the wind whispered fearfully around Jack, and he soon heard a whirring sound coming closer, then a beam of blue light crashed into a nightmare and killed it instantly. Jack spun around and saw a big metal man floating in the sky, and his jaw dropped.

"Kid, get out of here!" the metal man said, and Jack looked around expecting another child to be near, but saw none.

"Woah, wait, are you talking to me?" Jack asked, more than a little confused.

"Who else would I talk to! Now get away before you get hurt!" the metal man answered before resuming the fight against the nightmares. Jack blinked, lowering his guard, and was about to get run over by a nightmare when a shield came out of nowhere and smashed the horse. Jack turned and saw a man dressed all in red, white, and blue coming up to him.

"Kid, you have to leave!" he ordered, and Jack saw kind blue eyes from beneath a helmet he had on that had both confidence and worry in them. "You will get hurt if you don't."

"You can see me." Jack said, still shell shocked that not one, but two grown men could obviously see him, the spirit of snowballs and fun times.

'Focus!' the wind stormed around him, reminding Jack of the current predicament. He needed no other warning before he started fighting alongside the two men, destroying the last of the nightmares. The metal man landed and flipped his face guard up, walking towards Jack with a confused expression on his face.

"What the hell? Can you explain what that was?" he said, gesturing at a patch of frozen nightmare sand nearby. The other man seemed curious as well, quickly retrieving his shield before joining the other man.

"Oh, hey, um look at that! I gotta go, nice meeting you ok see ya bye!" Jack said with a smile plastered on his face before the wind picked him up to take him away from the battle sight. Jack looked behind him to see the metal man flying after him, and he groaned. "I forgot he could do that. Wind, faster!" he commanded, frowning. The wind did as she was told, and then swerved him out of the way of a light blue beam of energy that the metal man fired off. "What the heck! Wind, get me out of here!" he shouted with a new urgency, before getting hit directly in the back with another beam of energy and going limp.

'Jack, no!' the wind howled as she watched as the mysterious man who could see Jack caught him then flew away in the opposite direction.

(Tony's POV)

Tony Stark looked down at the young unconscious boy he was carrying and felt a twinge of guilt. He had only meant to fire off another warning shot, but had accidentally hit the boy square in the back. Tony landed by Steve and gently laid the boy on the ground before flipping his face guard up.

"So what's the diagnosis, capsicle." he asked lightly, covering up any concern he had for the boy. The captain knelt down and felt for a pulse, frowning as he did so.

"He's freezing! We have to warm him up immediately before he dies." he said seriously. "I can feel a pulse though, so that's good. Call shield and have them expect us, this boy needs medical attention." Tony nodded and picked the boy up again while having Jarvis dial shield, and informing them of their predicament and telling them to send a helicraft to their quardiants. He looked down at the sleeping boy again and wondered at him bright white hair and unhealthily pale skin, and thought back to the fight where the boy was using a staff like thing to freeze the black horse things.

"Hey captain, where's his staff thing?" he asked, and Steve turned around frowning.

"Let's look around for a bit before the helicraft arrives." he suggested, and the pair spent the next fifteen minutes looking around before they found their target. It looked and felt like a normal chunk of wood, but after what Tony had seen earlier he knew better than to think that.

"You carry that, I've got the kid." he said to Steve, who nodded and picked it up, examining it.

"Look's like a normal stick to me." he murmured almost to himself, before hearing a familiar sound and looking up to see the helicraft closing in. "There's our ride. Come on, let's get this kid some help then find Fury." the captain said, and Tony nodded.


That's all for the prologue! Please let me know how you like it! I accept constructive criticism :) But seriously please leave reviews!