A/N: Hi guys! So... hum... this is a new story of mine! Welcome aboard! (I guess...?) Well, either way, I plan on moving a little slower with this one than I' doing with 'Arrow' (even though I still love it to death! Stay tuned, a new chapter will come out soon). I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoy writing it! Thank you for reading :D

Anna takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she walks to the stage with shaky legs, her white dress flowing freely behind her in a wavy motion of silk and cotton. The crowd applauds her presence with fervent excitement, cheers echoing throughout the whole theatre. But, to be honest, it goes completely unnoticed by the redhead. Her mind never forgets its purpose, her eyes targeting the object of such intention. The piano, sitting in the middle of the stage, seems to call out to her, trying to get the attention it deserves. She's itching to fulfill its silent request just as much, but she knows better than to let that sentiment show off.

She eventually has to take her eyes off of it for a moment, so that she can turn to the crowd and offer them a simple bow, in a way of thanking their presence. The theatre is especially full that evening, groups of people joined just to watch her performance. She tries to contain the nervous twist of her stomach, but to no avail. Even though she should've already been used to this kind of treatment, it still makes her nervous every single time.

This is the worst part, she reminds herself, as she keeps nodding in greeting and appreciation to everyone present. After this, it'll all just flow naturally.

Slowly but steadily, the crowd starts to calm down, the only sound remaining being whispers here and there. Anna nods one last time before turning around and walking towards her longtime friend, with a kind of giddy excitement, knowing that it's sitting there, waiting just for her. With a swift motion of her dress as she rearranges it, she sits down in front of it, a small smile starting to spread on her rosy lips. Her hands start tracing its keys, feeling each and every one of them, a habit of hers before putting them to good use. After being certain that there's no key missing –she tends to think that there'll be one or even two out- , she closes her eyes and hits the first key. The sound it makes echoes throughout the space, and resonates on her heart, causing goose bumps to show up on her skin. With a contented sigh, she hits the other note after that and the other after that one and it keeps going on like that. As always, after she hits the first key, the whole world around her seems to evaporate, staying only herself and her beloved piano. The music courses through her body, transferring its energy out of her fingertips onto the keys, both herself and the piano working together in beautiful coordination. She can feel her body moving along with the melody, her arms and neck moving in ways that only she can explain, whether the tune quickens up or slows down. Her fingers move in a rapid motion, jumping from key to key, as her heart tells her what way her fingers have to move, what's the exact melody she's playing. Playing has always been a passion of hers, and she sees herself as one with the piano. Her love for it showed itself early in her life, since she was raised among music and love.

Her parents are well known musicians, her father being a pianist and her mother a cellist. It was through music that the both of them met each other. They decided to form a duet that's been known for years for their amazing melodies and fantastic coordination. Some people say that they were born to play together. Eventually, they had two daughters that showed just as much love for music and willingness to try everything. But, while Anna showed more love for the piano, her sister had always been considered a prodigy with a cell ever since young age. That had always been one of their parents' goals: to teach their daughters the importance music had, has and will have in their lives and that they should never turn their back on it or underestimate its power. They didn't, however, pressure their daughters in any way to follow a music career. Anna had always felt liberty to choose whichever career she preferred to follow, so, her decision to follow music had been entirely hers. Elsa followed music too, but, being a little closed off, she doesn't play for everyone, leaving that little pleasure only for family and close friends. Sometimes, however, Anna managed to convince her to give a concert with her, but it was only two or three times. Nevertheless, the people who saw both sister's concerts and are aware of Elsa's talent always make a point in saying that both sisters will be 'the next amazing Arende duet'. Anna still doesn't know why they keep saying that, the current Arende duet fits her just fine and she wouldn't dream of using her parents' title to achieve her dreams nor does she want to be known only because of her parents. It's an amazing honor to be compared to them, but she wants to walk with her own legs.

Unfortunately for her, just as quickly as she hit the first note, she hits the last, putting an end to the concert. She feels breathless, her chest heaving up and down rapidly, a very thin layer of sweat dusting her forehead. All of the audience stands up, cheering even louder than before, some throwing roses to the stage. She stands up as well, a wide grin showing off her happiness for everyone to see. It's such a pleasure when people enjoy her music just as much as she does, and she considers it a victory on her part. She picks up a rose from the ground and waves it at them while leaving the stage, all the time smiling and giggling softly.


"Anna!" a brunette calls out to her, running towards the redhead with her arms wide open. Upon reaching the blushing girl, she crushes her in a hug "You did great! It was amazing!" she says ecstatically, not letting go of her. Anna laughs good-naturally, hugging the girl back.

"Thank you, Kate" she says, a new wave of giddiness spreading throughout her whole body. The other girl merely nods, continuing to praise her on her good work.

"I confess that I let slip a few tears during a certain part" she says, laughing a little "You know, I've always loved hearing you play the piano. You do it with such passion, a love that I've never seen in anybody else. It's hard to explain, but I know that you get my point"; and Anna does. She knows what passion Kate is talking about and she's happy that somebody else notices it other than herself and her family. The two girls keep talking as Kate accompanies Anna to her dressing-room, so that she can pick up her things.

"Aren't you excited for the party? I heard there'll be a lot of journalists there, all hoping to speak with you" Kate asks, letting out a dreamy sigh. Anna catches a soft mutter, something along the lines of 'I wish it was me'.

But… Is she excited for the party? That's a good question… she doesn't even know it. She's kind of already used to them, so… she guesses not as much as she would've been some time ago. But, of course parties are always nice and fun…

"…Not so much… It's not that I'm not excited, you know. It's just that… I used to enjoy them more, per say" she answers slowly, choosing her words thoroughly "Well, it doesn't matter either way" she says, shrugging it off "I'll go pick up my things and… hopefully, I'll see you in the saloon?" Anna asks, reaching her key to its respective lock and turning it, opening the door to her dressing room, before turning around to face Kate. The face of said girl changes suddenly, a sad frown adorning her features, as she shuffles uncomfortably on her feet.

"I… no, not really. You know I'm not allowed to go to the parties" she says, sighing sadly "But, oh well, you just gotta keep living, right?" she lets out a little laugh that sounds fake, even for her own ears. Anna feels bad for her and wishes she could actually do something to help the girl go, but she can't. So, she stands there, looking at her feet and thinking of something to say.

"Well… bye Anna. I hope you have fun there" Kate says, breaking the awkward silence. She turns around on her heel and stalks off, ready to keep working. Anna watches her go off, muttering a silent "Goodbye Kate" as she finally enters her dressing room, closing the door behind her and pressing her back against it.

The party will take place in the theatre's saloon, where all the people who were present at the concert will join to eat some food, drink and talk. Anna will be the main 'attraction' as she so puts it, and in the beginning, she knows that a lot of photographers and journalists will want to interview her.

She sighs, picking up her purse from a chair and walking once again out of the room, locking it afterwards. She insisted that she didn't need a dressing-room to begin with, but the theatre owners almost locked her in one, saying that 'a star deserves the utmost comfort' and 'we couldn't leave such a lovely, talented person out here to put her things anywhere! Someone might steal them'. She really didn't feel like putting up a fight, so she didn't argue further. Anna didn't talk with them much, only to schedule her concerts and some other things. Other than that, she tries to avoid them as much as she can, and she knows that they try to avoid her as well. That's fine by her, it's not as if she likes to pretend they have an amazing relationship. Not after she heard them having a conversation in which they offended her sister and herself the year before. She merely supports them.

A few time later, she finds herself in front of the big doors that lead inside of the saloon. She starts wringing her hands nervously without realizing it, as she waits for the doorman to open them up and let her in. When he finally does open them, the first thing that meets her is a big round of applause, everybody inside clapping and smiling at her. She grins too, thanking everybody for being there. A quick glance around the room and she spots her parents and sister in a corner, clapping as well and with the biggest smiles on their faces. She starts walking towards them, having to stop a few times to greet someone or to accept their praises. Once she's close enough, she runs to them, hugging them all tightly in a group hug.

"Honey, you were incredible" her mother says to her, kissing her in the cheek and looking at her with eyes filled of pride and joy. That's the same look all of them share and Anna feels her chest heave with happiness, for the people who matter most enjoyed her performance.

"Thank you, mama. But, I think there was a part where I actually failed a note, in the-" she starts saying, pointing out her flaws during the performance. Her dad approaches her and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Anna, there were no flaws. It was perfect. I am so proud of you, princess" he says, squeezing her shoulder in a comforting gesture. Anna can feel tears starting to gather in the corners of her eyes and she hugs her dad closely, muttering a soft 'thank you, papa' while keeping him close. He rubs her back soothingly, his own eyes starting to water up.

"Well, it's my turn" Anna hears her sister say from beside them, calling for her attention. She let's go of her dad to hug her sister, whose own arms wrap around her.

"Elsa" Anna whispers softly, sniffing a little to keep her tears in.

"You were amazing, Anna. I can't even tell you how much your performance touched me. I loved every minute of it" Elsa says, looking straight into her sister's watery eyes. Anna smiles softly, thanking her sister for the support. Elsa simply nods, returning the smile, before reaching her thumbs under Anna's eyes "Now wipe up those tears. There's a lot of people wanting to speak with you"

After one last hug, Anna wipes the remnant of her tears and walks to the bunch of people calling out her name, who she recognizes as the journalists.

"Miss Arende, Miss Arende, can you give us a little word please!" some of them call out to her. She smiles and approaches them, the intensity of the cameras' flashes increasing with every step she takes.

"Would you mind answering some questions for 'Arendelle's News', please?" they ask her, readying their notebooks and their microphones for her.

With a little shake of her head and yet another smile, she answers "No, not at all"

"Well, thank you very much. That was quite the performance you had tonight, if I may say. Do you point out any flaws?"

Anna bites her tongue before answering, her eyes travelling to her dad, who, upon meeting her gaze, gives her a small nod and a smile. Anna's heartbeat calms down. She knows her family supports her, no matter what, so she doesn't have a reason to stay nervous.

"Of course there's always some flaws in a performance, but nothing too damaging. All in itself, it went out pretty good, actually" she finally answers, a pleased smile on her features.

"Miss Arende, here's Connor Johnson, for 'Summer' magazine. Can you tell us if you have any preference from the songs you played today?"

"Well… it's not a secret that I'm an enormous fan of Beethoven, and that I love Für Elise and Moonlight Sonata, which I played today. But… I think I'll have to go with my new piece, which I wrote along with my sister and parents: Do You Want To Build a Snowman?"

"And other than that one, do you have any new ones that you're planning on releasing sometime soon?" a voice more to the back of the group asks.

"Yes, actually. I've been helping my sister with one of her pieces lately, which she predicts to go out sometime next month. Me and my fiancé are working together on a new piece too, Love Is An Open Door, which will go out soon enough" she answers, playing with the ring on her ring finger, an habit of hers when she thinks about her fiancé. She wonders where he is… it's quite odd he didn't show up yet…

"Speaking of your sister, do you have a prevision of when the next concert of you two will be?" a reporter asks, while a cameraman focuses on her face.

"I can't really predict that" she answers, truthfully "Elsa and I don't plan concerts all that often… so I can't really answer your question"

The questions go on and on for some time, until all of the reporters, photographers, cameramen and journalists finally say their goodbyes, pack their things and leave. Anna's exhausted when that time finally comes, sighing tiredly while walking to her parents and sister once again and sitting at the table with them.

"They did a lot of questions?" Elsa asks, feeling sorry for her little sister. That is exactly why she avoids fame at all costs; she doesn't think she'd be able to stand all of the attention focused on her and all of the questions they ask and… everything!

"You have no idea… my head's about to explooode!" Anna moans, placing her head on the table in front of her and rubbing her temples softly. She just feels like getting home, lighting up some candles, listening to some Mozart or Beethoven and taking a warm, relaxing bath in her tub! She sometimes forgets how tiring her concerts can be, but she enjoys them nonetheless.

"Maybe I can put an end to all of that stress" a voice whispers in her ear, making her head shoot straight up. Their heads end up colliding, adding to the pain her head was already feeling.

"Oww… I'm so sorry Hans! I didn't mean to hit you! I just heard your voice and I was happy because of it, so I got up quickly and I ended up hitting you, and you-" he places a finger on her lips to silence her, which makes a quick blush start showing up.

"Sorry" she whispers softly.

"Nonsense, my dear" he says, before bringing his hand, that'd been resting behind his back, in front of her, showing her a beautiful bouquet of roses, tulips and lilies.

Anna gasps softly, bringing one hand to her chest and the other to pick up the flowers "Hans… these are beautiful. Thank you so much!" she says, while gazing lovingly at the flowers.

"You know what they say, beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl" he stops for a while, as if thinking what to say next. He finally decides to add "My girl". He wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her close, kissing her forehead, then both of her cheeks and then finally her lips. The kiss lasts for a while, Anna enjoying every moment of it as butterflies roam in her stomach. She finds it amazing that he can still have this effect on her after so many times of them kissing, but she puts those thoughts to the back of her mind as she decides to focus on the present.

They finally break apart, and Anna thinks that she might have let out a small, dreamy sigh.

"Now, I think I should apologize" he begins once again, rubbing the back of his neck nervously "I was here at the beginning of the concert and stayed until, more or less the middle. But then my father called me and said he needed me right away to take care of some… business. I guess this is not a good enough apology, but it's the truth, so I hope you can forgive me for my behavior, my sweet Anna" he finishes, looking at the floor with a frown. Anna stares at him for a while, before hugging him once again and kissing his neck softly.

"There's no need to apologize, Hans. I understand that you have your own businesses to take care of and your own things to do. I wouldn't expect you to attend all of my concerts; I know you have a pretty busy and complicated life already. So, don't worry about it. Besides" she decides to add with a playful smile on her face "you brought me beautiful flowers. That should be enough of an apology"

He sighs, relieved, before kissing her again and spinning her around. This kiss leaves her breathless and, to be honest, wanting more.

"Well, how about I take you home? Maybe we could spend some quality time together?" he asks, winking at her, as if reading her mind. Anna blushes a little but nods rapidly, before saying goodbye to her parents and sister and taking off with Hans.

As she walks happily away, she doesn't notice the look of disapproval on every of her family member's face, all of them turned directly to Hans.