Thank you for your awesome reviews, guys!

Chapter 8

Ted Lupin had never felt more awful in his short life than at the moment when he discovered the lifeless form of his mother on the ground by the pond. Within minutes he thought a thousand thoughts: was she very hurt? Was she even dead? Was it all his fault for accidentally tripping back through time and not telling his parents who he really was?

"Mum!" Ted cried out and moved away from Sirius towards the woman.

"You!" Ron roared at that moment and approached him with fury all over his face.

"You're the one who told us we could trust Black!" Ron exclaimed. "I bet you were in on this. It's all your fault!"

Hermione was right next to him, looking about as livid as her older counterpart had the day someone had dared to call Hugo a mudblood. "Yes, for once I agree with Ron. What is your idea anyway?" she said in a very low voice.

"Please don't fight now, children," Remus said, bending over Tonks, thinking in quite dark paradigms. In that minute the young witch sat up and their foreheads collided painfully. "Ouch!" she exclaimed and raised a hand towards her head. Disorientated she looked around and rasped: "Are they gone?" Her hair was no longer a vivid pink, but a deadly ashbrown.

"You're alright, you're alright," Ted chanted, throwing himself into her arms.

"Woah there, young man, I'm hurting all over," Tonks said, patting his back. Ted took a step back right away and whispered: "I'm sorry. I didn't expect this to happen …"

"Is it true then?" Remus said. "You told Black where we are?" He was looking at Ted in a tired and very disappointed way, his wand pointing straight at the heart of his son. Ted felt as if he was dying the second time this night. Or maybe even the third.

"But Sirius is one of the good guys!" Ted cried out.

"At least that is what Scorpius who says he's Ted told us. And Harry believed him. Harry even believed him that he is a time traveller from the future," Hermione piped up.

Remus let out a deep sigh. This was getting better and better! "Ted? A time traveller from the future?" he repeated.

"Yes, and Ted told us that he's Harry's godson," Ron explained.

"And you just believed that?" Tonks asked, slowly getting onto her shaky feet and scrutinizing the young metamorphmagus from head to toe, a strong hand on his shoulder.

"Harry believed him," Hermione whispered, looking to shame-faced to the ground. "Harry said that Ted knows things he could only possibly know as his godson. And Ted quoted Tolkien …" She trailed off.

"And Harry had been hanging out with him for a while, so we thought it could be true," Ron added.

"Shouldn't we go free Harry?" Ted asked, letting his head hang low.

"For that," Remus said, "we will at first have to question Black and his accomplice." He pointed towards the unconscious heap of Sirius Black.

"His accomplice?" Ted asked.

"Yes, YOU, young man, obviously." Remus said. With a flash of his wand a silvery figure sprang across the grass and disappeared in the distance. "I'm calling Dumbledore," he explained to the children. Then he walked over and let ropes come out of his wand that slung themselves around the figure of his old friend. Tonks, meanwhile, had a hand on Ted's shoulder, her wand in hand.

"Alright, so now I'm under arrest?" Ted snapped. "Don't you see you've got the wrong guy?" One minute he had been elated about his mother getting up from the floor, the next he got arrested by her.

As soon as Sirius was tied fast, Remus turned towards Ted and Tonks. "Well," he said. "While we wait for the headmaster, you might as well start to explain your role in this catastrophic night, Scorpius. If Scorpius even is your name …"

"Ted," Ted said, looking defiantly from his mother to his father, "the name's Ted Remus Lupin and I am Harry's godson from the future."

Ron snorted, his arms crossed. Hermione narrowed her eyes.

Remus took a step back in surprise. Soon, however, he caught himself again, looking quite pale underneath the moonlight. He asked coolly: "Do you want to imply a relation with me?"

"Yes, I'm your son," Ted answered, meeting his eyes bravely.

Suddenly, Tonks started laughing in a quite uncontrolled manner. Everyone stared at her in astonishment. "It's…" she gasped, "it's just completely ridiculous … I mean … Remus' son and Harry and Sirius…" Obviously she was incapable of forming a proper sentence.

"What's so funny?" someone asked and for a moment everyone was confused as to who had spoken until they turned towards Black who had sat up, still bound in the magical ropes.

He was looking from one person to the next and finally said: "Ah, they're gone … but… Where's Harry gone off to?" Frantically, the escapee turned his head in every direction.

"We thought that you might be able to tell us that," Remus said with such a cold expression that let everybody's insides freeze. Tonks had stopped laughing hysterically and was wiping away tears from her eyes. Ted tried to move over to Sirius, but her grip on his shoulder was quite strong.

"It wasn't Sirius!" Ted cried out full of desperation. "Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper!"

Remus whirled around and stared at the boy.

Sirius was gaping at him. "How do you know that?" he whispered, his face pale.

"I'm Remus' son from the future," Ted said, shrugging his shoulders.

Sirius opened his mouth and shut it again. For once even the old marauder was stunned to silence.

"And even if you were Remus' son from the future…" Tonks said. "Why would you keep that a secret from us? Why are you here? How did you end up in this time?"

"I wanted to take a portkey to Harry – but it was malfunctioning and suddenly I was in the room of the thirteen year old Harry and then his mad uncle came in and threw us out and then we didn't know where to go so I thought maybe grandma could help …" Ted was gesticulating wildly.

"What did you just say?" Tonks snapped.

"I thought that grandma could help?" Ted answered uncertainly.

"Apparently he's your son as well," Hermione threw in.

Tonks was gripping Ted's shoulder so hard it hurt. She was staring at Remus and he was staring right back.

"Well," Ted tentatively went on. "And then we came here and grandma was on holiday, but instead you were here, mum," man, it felt strange to say that word, "and then at first we lied so we wouldn't change the timeline but then we lied so you wouldn't send me home… because …" He trailed off.

"What's so bad about home?" Tonks said, furrowing her brows.

"Apparently, you are both dead," Hermione, who was starting to believe Teddy again, said bluntly. "And that touched Harry's soft side so that the two boys decided to deceive you into thinking that Ted is actually Scorpius."